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Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Ghosts From His Past Empty Ghosts From His Past

Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:22 pm
Mission Details:
Hiroki Shimada was taking a stroll down a surprisingly well paved road to the hotel in which he was staying. Why was he staying there you ask? Well, he was staying there because...because...well, to be completely honest, the ninjutsu specialist didn't exactly know the reason as to why he found himself heading there, but...he was! This could be considered a well deserved vacation. Certainly nothing could possibly go wrong. It was going to be great. The hour was drawing near twilight. The sun still briefly out, but the moon was also starting to become visible as well. There was just enough light setting upon the wooded region, to cast a golden tint over it; which was rapidly starting to fade away to a dim gray. Along the path, there were puddles here and there. Not everywhere though. Thinking it simply must have rained shortly before arrival at this dream like place, there wasn't much else to be said about them.

Footsteps pacing along the stone path, it finally had gotten to the building. It's exterior was rather extravagant. In it's entirety, one would think this was some sort of fancy, three story estate instead of a hotel, but who was he to be complaining. He was getting to stay there for free after all. The finely polished, light colored birch wood was engraved with all sorts of designs and artistry. These markings at a distance seemed fine, and well, but when the young lad drew closer to it, he realized it had looked like they were carved there after the place was already built. They were shaped rather oddly; geometric shapes, repeating numbers, and the most interesting being the kanji symbol for bind being placed upon the doorknobs. It was the first hint of what would be many, that something just wasn't quite as it seemed here. However Shimada just shrugged it off for now, having no current fear within himself.

Sliding open the door, nothing but darkness and dust greeted the hopeful youngster. No light shone from within, only that from the light given by what was left of the dying sun and peaking moon. It wasn't too much, however it was just enough to make the room dimly lit. Windows seemingly strewn throughout the walls of the main room accordingly to ensure one wouldn't need candles or the likes to actually see. Even still, this was rather shocking. Judging from the outside of the hotel, one would assume that the interior of it would be just as lavish; but said person would also be extremely mistaken. It looked as if no one was actually attending to the place, for it was old and decrepit. The years haven't been kind whatsoever. Floorboards which have begun to succumb to rot and decay in places where the roof had partially given way to rain water; to specify, these areas weren't fully exposed, creating a rift in the ceiling, they were simply starting to soak up too much from the looks of it. This in turn caused what was soaked inside to be leaking through, one drop at a time. The maddening, yet rhythmic and consistently paced sound was the only noise besides the creaking of the sliding door.

Now this was rather alarming. Stepping into the cobweb infested lounge, he managed to get a sense of how bad the place actually was. It was more than just a bit of dust and decay. An absolutely rotted smell, that of old cheese or milk mixed with mold and something very soggy. Not quite a natural scent like methane, but something possibly similar? There was another, very faint odor which was some sort of incense, used as if to make some form of attempt to cover up the rest of this stench which had permeated the cold, damp air. Clearly, it didn't work. On the bright side though, that means that someone must have been in this place recently. The smell of incense would fade after a few short hours, so that was putting Roki back to somewhat of an ease. A very, fragile ease though. One that could crack very easily, much like glass.

And just like that, it was broken. Shattered. Reduced to nothingness, as a single roach scurried across the dirty boards covering the floor, causing the Kumo shinobi to shriek like a wailing banshee roaming the night time upon seeing it. Luckily, it was seen scuttling away in the opposite direction, deeper into the musty building. Although a detail which had gone previously unnoticed was now visible once caught in the glare of the insects movements as it went into the building. Composing himself, the black and white haired teen made his way towards an texture within the wood planks, almost like a trail. Closer inspection revealed this line to be consisting of just one kanji symbol; the same one found outside. To bind. This symbol was marked into the very base of this hallowed ground, and snaked it's way like a serpent going in for the kill. It ebbed and flowed it's way towards the center of the room, slithering up towards something there.

It's intended target was now clear: a red, velveteen book, the corners of which adorned with black leather. The slick, sheen leather was so dark, it had almost seemed to suck in the lightness of the contrasting red around it. This leather also ran up the spine of the book, the kanji symbols seen then going on top of the leather. To make it visible, this was done in a white ink, starting to fade to an extremely light shade of gray due to the inherent darkness of what it's resting upon. It was closed, bound by only a lock and key, the latter still being in the actual mechanism. On the cover, a clear and visible title could be read due to the distinct black stitching. The way the stitching was inlaid into it, gave it a very spider-web like appearance, or as if the words were starting to glitch out of reality. It was almost as if it wanted to be seen, but at the same time wanted to hide.

Most ordinary people wouldn't even dare to open the book. Most ordinary people would have probably peaced out at the first sign this hotel was secretly in shambles. Thankfully, Hiroki Shimada wasn't an ordinary person in the slightest. That would be far to drab for his liking. Anything that didn't have some form of adrenaline rush simply didn't interest him. There was a certain thrill to the unknown in which he desired. Something so alluring which had drawn in the lad's fascination like a siren's song to a boat of sailors. Before he even knew it, this same wonder was already being enacted in the real world. Not even realizing it, he had twisted the key and took the lock off. The book, which was now open was underneath his right hand, in which he was seemingly jotting down his name absent mindedly. To add to the already ominous presence, only 5 other names were written on the page. The first page. Only 5 previous people had been here, which for such a beautifully structured outside perspective, was off. Something certainly wasn't quite adding up, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. After all these thoughts whispered in his ear, he couldn't help but to simply walk away and go towards any random room as it was apparently empty. He was doing so in a bit of a dazed confusion about what just occurred, leaving the book open in the process.

After about an hour, of sitting in his room reading a book in silence, footsteps were heard walking very slowly from upstairs. So he wasn't alone after all. Maybe this was the owner who was just eating or taking a nap of some sorts? They'd see Hiroki's name in the book, if they'd come down, so he didn't really see a reason as to getting up to check. Going back to his book, the sound of nothingness was broken once more when footsteps could be heard again, this time faster and a bit more forced. As if they wanted to be heard. Instead of getting up, the teen just called out "Hello?? I'm here, in room 1E!" Yet there was no response. Just silence once more. Oh well, back to my book I guess. Not even after finishing that thought, once again the footsteps now practically banging, rushing down the steps from to the ground floor. Then they vanished. This caused quite the stir within Hiroki, so he got up from the bed. Carefully, inching towards the door, he very slowly opened it. It quietly yawning as it opened, a cold draft could be feeled coming from the main room. Peering was as empty as it was that...that was certainly strange. Whoever made the noises seemingly disappeared? But how on earth was that even possible?

Closing the door shocked at this finding, he swiftly approached back towards the bed, only to find that his book which was laying there open on the pillow, was now moved all the way to where his feet were. Closed. Ok, something is seriously wrong here he thought to himself. Maybe it was best that he just left now. Extending a hand, he reached out and grabbed his book, intending to stick it in his bag to head out. Instead, upon retrieving it, blackness had engulfed him. All sight was blocked out as Hiroki was being sucked into this void of nothingness; reality seemed to collide within this space but it didn't seem harmful or malicious. The cracks here and there which would appear sharp to the touch, bended and folded gently whenever it would touch the skin. Some would mold with while others would shed, it was all a mix of weird chaos. It became apparent though, that this wasn't a genjutsu at all, he was sucked into a flashback.

The void was his mind unfolding before his eyes, taking him back to a day when he was even younger than now. It wasn't just any day. It was that day. The day his parents were murdered. The scene before him, was of himself. About 10 years old. He was playing down at the base of the mountain, gathering some flowers. It was one of the few days that his father had granted an off day from training, so he took advantage of it. Imagery which had been for the most part abandoned within a lockbox in the back of his brain, it was now all starting to be replayed. The only color to stand out against the grey scale of the background was the 3 red roses which had just been freshly plucked from the ground by the boy.

Now the light was beginning to fade, as the sun was starting to set into the far off distance. Young Hiroki seeing this change, began to run home. The perspective had begun to follow suit, but jumping up into the tree line. Was this the perspective of someone else that had been there that day? couldn't be...could this be what whoever killed him saw? There was no way. But it had to be. For a few moments of just running, jumping through the branches in quiet pursuit of the younger version of himself, the older Hiroki saw his old estate right there in front of him. The door sliding open, child Roki went inside. He knew this was the moment when he showed his mom the flowers he got. This would be the last moment that the two of them would share. Shortly after he would be going to bed.

Night fall was now fully arrived, and whoevers vision this was blurred directly to inside his house. Underneath a bloodied kunai, was his two parents laying there motionless on the ground. A mere shell without any semblance of remaining life, the deed was finished. Whoever killed them, killed them brutally and coldly. There was no remorse shown, as the red begun to drip off the blade, falling to the shadow like floor. A puddle of red had begun to wash over the wood now, it sent Hiroki into a rage. He could feel both the pain and agony of now actually seeing his parents die, but also just the coldness behind the eyes of whoever had done this. Feeling like there was a tight battle of wills going on, he pushed. Roki in anguish, outrage, disbelief, sorrow, grief, and overall rage; pure rage, he snapped the head of the perspective up, knowing that they were standing directly in front of a mirror. If he were to see this, he would at least see the face of that treacherous killer. Just as his eyes were about to come into contact with what this person looked like, they snapped open in the real world.

Instead of the visage of that ninja, his gaze was trusted upon one much more terrifying. It was gnarled, and twisted. Clear scars could be made out all along the face of this semi-transparent entity. The most unsettling thing about this creature was it's needle like fingers were weaving around the temple's of the Shimadan survivor. Feint, glowing red strings were seen tracing about in the air where the fingers moved. This thing looked to be female, with long, wirey hair which was as dark as his. Towards the bottom, it became matted and tangled in bunches of knots, twigs, and bugs. This site only became more ghastly from it's tattered clothes, seemingly drenched in mud and blood. A voice moaned out in shock and despair, with tinges of bitter mania "What!? How dare you! You think you can stop me, I will weave the unspeakable horrors within your mind until you fall prey to my web!" A pulsating, splitting pain was felt. Pounding at his head, like he was pricked numerous times. Over, and over, and over again.

Teeth clenching, he could only cry out, thinking it was all about to be over "'m...sorry..." The pain had now begun to intensify, adding a searing sensation which had begun to wash over his hair. It felt like it was on fire. Slowly burning towards him. Until, 5 blue lights all emerged surrounding this previous spirit. These formless fractals of glowing radiance dazzled upwards taking on the forms of 5 other shinobi, who looked downward upon the distressed Kumogakuren. Once this had happened, 4 of which grabbed onto the seemingly evil ghost which had begun to attack Hiroki. The other one speaking telepathically while their eyes had met each other. "Run. Close the book. Be free." Nodding, he grabbed all of his things and did as told. Fleeing the scene as quick as possible, he was now back out in the lobby.

The door leading outside was letting in a harsh breeze, as the wind howled into the place. Any candles which would have been lit would've been blown out. The door to room 1E slammed shut, with maniacal laughter roaring from within. Whatever was behind that door was now only angrier, hungrier, wanting the teen's fear only more and more. It begun to bang so hard that the whole building seemed to shake around him. But the door still remained closed. Roki was drawing close to the door, deciding it was best to just flee instead. But it had slammed shut before he could make it. Bang! The door of room 1E was now shaking, barely holding onto it's hinges. Shit! I've wasted precious time! The book In a panicked rush, his blue eyes moved towards the book, opened on the desk. Lunging forward, about a quarter of the way there, his old room's door now bursted open, completely flying off of it. One by one, until 8, long, spindly appendages emerged from within the now pitch blackness of that area. An even more twisted face had begun to appear, eyes glowing a fiery red. He was now there at the desk. The entity begun to creep out, it's true, spider like body being seen. As it was about to scurry towards Shimada in a fit of hateful hunger for fresh meat, Hiroki slammed the book shut and screamed at it "No one messes with my mind!" and turned the key within the look, sealing it shut. With it, the evil lurking inside this building, was once again bound.

Everything was back to normal...for now at least. The wind had died down, and the entity was no more. A much needed moment of reprieve was there, as Roki breathed deeply. Through this long winded whirlwind, all he could manage to do was slump down against the desk. Weery, tired eyes looking towards the door to the outside, he didn't even want to get up. He just wanted to sleep. And hopefully this nightmare of a day would come to an end. It was apparently day break after all, and he'd rather not go a full day without rest. So, his sky blue eyes softly came to a close. Briefly, the mischief maker was simply asleep peacefully. Then, he awoke. Back home? Had this all been...a dream...?

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Ghosts From His Past Empty Re: Ghosts From His Past

Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:16 pm
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