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Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville Empty Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville

Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:47 am

Ita awoke in a strange place, but this time unlike the others, it was not completely dark outside. The feeling in the air felt familiar, it was cold and despite the absence of night, there was still no visible Sun overhead due to a dense overcast of gray clouds which blanked the sky. “Again?” The Uchiha thought to himself, standing to his feet. Besides him was a dirt path that was a shade of dark brown and tightly packed. Just up ahead was the entrance to what appeared to be a village. The grass in this area was a pale green and the trees barren of leaves. It appeared that this location was always in a state of transitioning between the seasons of Fall and Winter. “What a dreadful place.” Ita would say under his breath, wondering what he had done to deserve this gloomy fate.
Between himself and the entrance to the village was a horse drawn carriage heading slowly inbound. Ita proceeded to travel down the path and into the village, making his way past several farms on the way. During his walk he had been approached by a small pig which uncharacteristically growled on Ita as he passed. Ita neared the center of the village where a large cobblestone well with wooden fixtures resided at the middle. Around the well was more packed dirt and on the perimeter of the dirt were several wooden buildings with signs depicting imagery that Ita was unfamiliar with. Ita was beginning to draw strange looks and upon observing the villagers that resided in this dreary town, Ita would deduce that none of them were shinobi, or none appeared to be- that is. The commoners here wore old fashioned clothing and their skinned were a light shade of green, as if they were sick or the life had been drained from them.
Ita became aware of one of woman who had become more interested in the Uchiha than the rest of the villagers who had exchanged glares with him. “M-Mister! Please help!” She ran towards Ita. There was dried blood on her hands and her blouse. “M-My daughter! Please help! My daughter! She was attacked by a… by some kind of monster!” The woman fell to her knees in agony, tears rolling down her face. In a grief-stricken shrill voice, “She’s dead! My girl is dead!” Ita was stunned by the sudden out-burst. He did not know what to say and instead staired blanky at the girl. A gentleman noticed the commotion and came to the woman’s side, placing an arm around her and gathering her to her feet. “Sorry about that stranger… she is-“he paused for a moment, “Not well. Sorry for any trouble she may have caused you. I will bring her home.” This gentleman wore a tight brown burlap vest over a dark green collared shirt. He had dark brown hair that was tied in a ponytail and a medium length, well-groomed beard. This male appeared kind, and Ita was grateful he had saved him from the awkward encounter. As Ita finished this assumption, the male’s attitude and tone shifted. “You really should leave at once; your kind is not welcome here.” His kind expression turned to one of disgust. With that, the male wandered off with the still shrieking woman, leaving Ita alone once more.
“What is up with this place…?” For a moment, Ita believed the man, but upon reflecting on what had just happened, Ita couldn’t help but feel as if something was off. Not wanting to stand out in the open as a spectacle to the common folk any longer, Ita made his way towards what appeared to be some sort of ale house. Ita read the small crude wooden sign which hung by iron chain links just above the doorway. The sign read, “The Commoner’s Inn”. Ita pushed through the swinging wooden doors and entered the establishment. Immediately it would call forth the attention of every person in the room, all noise ceasing for a moment, then resuming as the patrons returned to what they were doing prior. Ita spotted a spot at the end of the bar that was not near anyone else and made his way over to the bar stool, taking a seat. The bartender behind the bar was polishing a glass when he noticed a new customer. “Welcome to the Commoner’s Inn!" He said, seeming more pleased than anyone else to see him. “We don’t get many of your kind around here, what can I get you?”
“A drink, please.” Ita said, causing the bartender to laugh. “Well of course, but we have many different drinks here, which will it be?” Ita didn’t know how to respond and there was a brief awkward silence which was broken by the bartender. “Alright- how about one of our special cocktails. I invented them myself you know!” The bartender scurried off to the other side of the bar. In his absence, Ita could focus on the different conversations happening throughout the room, that was until a specific conversation caught his attention.
“Did you hear about Gertude?” “Terrible… seems like the beast has struck again.” “Second time this week, aren’t you worried?” “Not at all, It is probably a coyote or a wolf, I’ve been hunting since a child, if it tries to go after my livestock I’ll have a new coat just in time for Winter!” “I don’t know… I saw the Stockholm’s boy’s body; those wounds don’t look like anything I’ve ever seen...” “Oh- stop worrying so much, you always get like this when your wife’s not around. Worried she’ll find out about you and the neighbor?” “Oh shut up- it’s your turn to buy the next round!” 

From that point the conversation shifted to more mundane casual chatter and the bartender had returned and was beckoning for Ita’s attention. “My special concoction! I call it Dead Man Walking!” The bartender appeared proud of his creation, but upon examination of the glass presented, Ita knew he would not be touching it. The liquid inside was dark green and appeared to be bubbling. “Is he trying to poison me…?” “Well come on! Try it!” Not wanting to be disrespectful and draw anymore unwanted attention, the Uchiha lifted the glass to his lips and pretending to take a sip. “Good stuff, right?” The bartender laughed, “It’s the pig blood, gives it that extra kick! Harvested just before you arrived, my farm is just on the outside of the town.” Ita’s memory flashed back to the strange pig that had growled at him while on his way in. Ita did his best not to throw up his breakfast and clenched his lips tight. “Alright! Can’t hang around and chat all day, I do have other customers you know. Let me know when you’re ready for another!” With that, the bartender left Ita alone and went to tend to the other guests.
“What the actual fuck…” Ita thought.

WC: 1162

Last edited by Ita on Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:24 am; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Zaibatsu
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Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville Empty Re: Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville

Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:53 am
Zaibatsu jutted awake in something akin to a cold sweat, but he had no idea where he was. He had just woken up from what appeared to be a nightmare, back in his mercenary days, when he was about to die. He often dreamed about this, but for some reason, maybe it was his own twisted personality, but he never woke up afraid, he woke up exhilarated, and with a huge smile on his face. He slowly got up, looking at the bed that was under him as he sat up from it, and his knees almost touched his chest. This was definitely not his bed, as it was about the size of a normal bed, meant for someone of average height, maybe around five feet nine inches. Zaibatsu being eight foot eleven inches essentially made him sit up on a child’s bed and stretch, multiple muscles and bones cracking in response. “Ugh, where am I? I don’t remember drinking last night.” Zaibatsu said out loud but to himself, looking around even more. 

Zaibatsu was above some sort of building where he could barely hear anything under him, and the floor was pretty creaky. He looked outside, and it was completely dark outside, and so he walked outside to figure out what the hell was going on right now. As he walked downstairs, one of his feet went through the staircase and he sunk down a couple of feet, and he heard hurried footsteps coming towards the staircase. “Ahh, you big buffoon! What are you doing! That’s going to cost you!.” The man said, looking to be some middle aged commoner that was the owner of this place. Zaibatsu lifted himself out of the staircase, and a sinister grin crept on his face as he looked down at the average sized man. “Ohh? Well, I don’t remember coming here, and suddenly the staircase falls out. Are you trying to injure me? Scam me? There’s no way these stairs are that weak right?” Zaibatsu walked slowly closer to the man, dwarfing him completely. 

The man slightly stepped back in fear, and Zaibatsu took a single step forward, completely closing the distance he made with several steps back. “I feel like I need some compensation for your shoddy work, don’t you think?” Zaibatsu would easily beat this man to death if he knew where he was, but he would have to get the information out of him somehow. The man was terrified, not really judging the scale of Zaibatsu from simply looking at him descending the stairs. Soon, the man swallowed hard, and had a bit of a cold sweat going on, and then simply looked at Zaibatsu. “W-what do you want?” the middle aged man said, as he had backed up into the front counter. “I want concise answers… and some money. Compensation, you see?” Zaibatsu said, the middle aged man sinking down a bit before sighing, then nodding. “Where am I? What village or region is this?” after a bit of a confused face and a bit of a shake of his head, the man simply responded, Zaibatsu asking, and him responding as concisely as he could. “Yugakure.” “Where is Yugakure on a map?" “Uhh, I don’t know we’re just… Yugakure.” The man said this and Zaibatsu thought about it for a bit, before continuing a different route of questioning. 

After a bit of this back and forth, Zaibatsu walked out of the building with a small sack of ryo and more knowledge about what was going on. Apparently they were in some sort of other dimension or something, as the man could not figure out how to describe where they were in the world, and had never heard of any of the other hidden villages, but said that people hated his kind. After he asked about that, the man said he did not know anything about that, just that he and a couple of others were different, and most people could tell and did not like them. There were also rumors about some sort of creature that was attacking the town and killing people, as well as some sort of disease that was turning people slightly bloodthirsty and cannibalistic. Zaibatsu walked towards the bar, as this was the simplest way of getting more information, people always gathered at the nearby tavern or bar. 

Plus, even though Zaibatsu was sure he did not have a single drop to drink the night prior, he wanted a drink anyways, as maybe there would be some sort of remembrance from the last night, as there was some sort of truth in that Zaibatsu got black out drunk a lot. He was a huge man, and walking through the streets drew eyes, and even though they all were giving him a fairly stern look, when his eyes met theirs, they got a bit scared and looked away. He did not really care about any of this, however, and just headed straight for the bar. As he was walking towards the bar, he saw some people in a nearby alley making some strange noises, and drew his attention. As he looked towards them, the people seemed to have bloodthirsty eyes, and were currently eating the corpse of a young woman. Now, the strange tribe of the Ajin people that Zaibatsu was originally from did not mind some ritualistic cannibalism every once in a while, but that was a deeply spiritual thing that needed the person to die in glorious combat first. 

This was simply some crazies that were eating a young woman, and Zaibatsu took a bit of offense to that. Zaibatsu walked into the alley and the small group of about three people looked towards him and made some noise before rushing towards him with strange yells. Zaibatsu simply grabbed the first one’s head, palming it in his hand like a basketball, before squeezing, popping it like a watermelon. The other ones weren’t much better, as a fist and a hand chop beheaded the other two. It seemed like they wanted to bite and eat him too, and as he was looking around the area, he saw the young woman’s body convulse a bit, before rising back from the ground with bloodthirsty eyes. Undead? Zaibatsu thought, before simply ripping her head from her shoulders as well, before shaking off his hands and finishing his walk to the bar. He did not really care about this if they did not bother him, as the people of this village seemed a bit like trash. 

He walked into the double doors of the bar, having to duck quite low before making his way in, his horns being a bit higher than the top of his head, making him have to go even further down. As he walked in, the people of the establishment all turned to look at him, as he drew a massive amount of attention. He tested a few of the stools in front of the bar, before finding one that could support his weight and sitting down. There was still a creak, before Zaibatsu placed the sack of money that he got down. “Barkeep! Drinks for everyone until this runs out!” Zaibatsu said boisterously, and even though the patrons of the bar were initially giving him some angry stares, they then gave a bit of a cheer, as free alcohol can bridge a lot of gaps between peoples. The barkeep’s eyes lit up, and he nodded. “Of course, here is a special drink for you, big man! It’s called Dead Man Walking, a very special concoction of mine, here.” The man put a strange looking poisonous muck in front of Zaibatsu, and Zaibatsu downed it instantly. He did not really care about much right now, completely missing the presence of a ninja. Zaibatsu was wearing his Kiri headband as a belt buckle right now, but other than that, it was hard to discern that he was a shinobi.
WC: 1324

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Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville Empty Re: Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville

Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:01 am
The next thing Ita knew, a large man entered the bar after him. His physique was much larger than his own and upon his head were horns which caused him to stoop when entering the bar. He was different, and now Ita had devolved into the other common folk in the room, as their, and his own attention, now fell upon the newcomer. It made the commoners forget about the outsider Ita and they were now focusing on him. He pulled up a barstool near Ita and produced a large sack of Ryo which now rested on the bar counter, drawing the overly eager to chat, bartender’s attention. The large man announced to the bar that he would fund free drinks for all the bar’s patrons which immediately turned the outcast into a fan favorite.
The bartender served up the giant the same grotesque drink that he had offered Ita and to the Uchiha’s surprise, the man downed the black liquid with no remorse. Ita was impressed as he could not bring himself to do the same. For the first time in ITa’s life, he felt emasculated. Ita snatched up a nearby napkin and drew a crude picture of a werewolf and before slipping out of the bar, he would place the napkin with the drawing next to the large man. If the large man recognized the painting, than maybe the two of them were in search of the same thing- if not, then no harm done.
Ita waited until nightfall, after the Sun that hid behind the gray overcast had set and the cold air of the night crept in. The forecast had dissipated and was replaced by a clear night sky with a large full moon which hung overhead. Ita found himself now by the farm which was said to be owned by the bartender he had met inside the bar earlier that day. The small pig that had growled at Ita on his initial journey into the village was out and about, posing as the perfect bate for Ita. The Uchiha waited out of site for any stir in the night. There was a howl in the distance, alerting Ita that the rumors of a beast killing the towns folk could be true.
The night was quiet for about 10 minutes after the initial howl had pierced the night, and there was a stirring in the tall grass not too far from the open land from where the small pig roamed. The Uchiha’s eyes cut through the night and examined the disturbance. Suddenly, when the pig least expected it, a beast emerged from the tall grass, in pursuit of the pig, ready to secure it’s next meal. “What is that thing?” The Uchiha thought to himself. The wolf snatched the pig in his jaws, and now that Ita knew that this was the beast that had been terrorizing the townsfolk, Ita emerged from where he was hiding and formulated several hand seals. The Uchiha raised his hand to his mouth and produced a bright burning ball of blazing fire which traveled just above the ground and torched the creature. Upon the creature dying, the world around him would begin to shimmer and the Uchiha would awake in the comfort of his bed.
WC: 545
TWC: 1707
Total Mission WC: 3031
[Exit/Mission Complete]

34 Bonus AP
60 Mission AP (30 x 2)
12000 Ryo (6000 x 2) 
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Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville Empty Re: Werewolf's/Zombies Terrorize Dreamville

Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:10 am
After Zaibatsu was having a good time with the other patrons, he noticed that a man had slipped him something like a napkin, and he looked down upon it, wondering what it was. The other guys in the pub had decided to get absolutely blasted on the free alcohol that Zaibatsu was treating them to, so he simply grabbed it and took a look, noticing that it was a picture of some humanoid wolf. A pretty good drawing for someone to do so quickly, the guy must have been a ninja with some good hand eye coordination, or maybe he just liked to draw in his off time. Zaibatsu did not admire the drawing for very long before he took off after the man, sending his salutations to the patrons of the bar. “When you gotta go, you go! Hahaha!” Zaibatsu would say, leading the bar goers into thunderous laughter before Zaibatsu stepped out of the bar and onto the cobblestone lined streets. He walked around for a bit, and although Zaibatsu did not think that it was a long time, it was actually a few hours that he just wandered around, as the napkin had no indication of where he should go, so he used pretty simple, and unrefined, tracking skills one would learn out in the wilderness to try and find this guy, but came up empty for a long time.

As the large full moon hung in the sky, illuminating the surrounding area so well that you could practically feel the moonlight touching you, Zaibatsu made his way to a farm. The farm was pretty quiet, but suddenly in the distance Zaibatsu heard the squeal of a pig that was being slaughtered, a piercing and harrowing sound to hear on a deathly quiet night with no one around, so he thought that the event was worthy enough to check out. Someone slaughtering their pig on a full moon was pretty far-fetched, and it was a pretty red flag even if it was a person and not an animal, or creature, doing so. These people all seemed to be whack jobs that were insane one way or another, so there was no telling what was normal around here. Still, Zaibatsu trudged on, heading towards where he heard the sound as swiftly as he could. He was not very fast, so it took him a bit, and soon he found himself face to face with a bit of hedge, a natural shrubbery wall that was preventing him from fully seeing what was beyond it. All he saw was a flash or orange and yellow light, and felt a bit of heat from where he was, now knowing that someone had used a fire jutsu in the area.

Zaibatsu crashed through the hedge, only to find the charred remains of some creature, along with a mostly charred body of a pig next to it. Zaibatsu caught a faint glimmer of what appeared to be sparkles, or fireflies or something, colored red, in the air before they dissipated. He really wondered what the hell happened here, and so he bent down to take a closer look at the charred body and the pig, knowing that someone roasted them with a fire jutsu, but had no idea what the creature was. It looked like a werewolf from folk tales, just like the humanoid wolf he was supposed to be taking out, and he wondered what had happened to the person that had killed it. He also wondered, now that his mission was complete, what should he do now? As the thought crossed his mind, he heard a strange guttural howl, like that of a large wolf, and suddenly a large humanoid wolf lunged through the trees from the east. Zaibatsu looked at the thing, and it looked back at him, them being almost the same size. To others, the hulking creature would be terrifying, but to Zaibatsu, the creature was still smaller than his younger brother, looking easy to bully. The creature looked down at the body under Zaibatsu, a strange human like emotion seemed to be in its eyes, and then they flashed in anger.

It screamed in rage before sprinting towards Zaibatsu. A wicked smile formed on Zaibatsu’s face, as he too rushed towards the monster. What transpired next could be seen as two large hulking creatures simply slugging it out with one another, not caring to dodge or move out of the way in the slightest. Zaibatsu simply kept swinging, getting swung at, slashed, and bled. The other creature’s bones were getting broken, eyes bruised, and teeth getting knocked out. This went on for a full four minutes before the large werewolf creature finally started running out of steam. Zaibatsu still felt pretty okay, if not a bit banged up, and decided to end it by grabbing the creature and putting it in a chokehold. Soon, the creature was scratching at Zaibatsu’s arms, and as soon as it slackened the muscles in its neck from oxygen deprivation, Zaibatsu twisted his arms in a strange way, cracking the neck of the beast in a horizontal break, ending it immediately. Zaibatsu was panting a bit heavier than usual, but dropped the creature on top of the charred remains of the other one. “At least you’re together in the beyond, eh? I’m such a good Samaritan.” Zaibatsu said, before he suddenly woke up in his bed at home.

WC: 906
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Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:40 pm
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