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Kizmaru Senju
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Getting into the swing of things Empty Getting into the swing of things

Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:55 am
It was time, time for Kizmaru's break to be over. He felt something in the winds of change that he didn't exactly like to feel good about. Like a bad omen or something telling him he should prepare himself and possibly his companion. Ram was currently in a strange state on his back as he was sleeping and yet, firmly clinging onto his back. It was truly a wonder to behold as he didn't really know how this was even taking place. Maybe he was just used to clinging onto his back for so long he could literally do it in his sleep. Well, that's no matter. As long as Ram was secure, he had no problems with this as he was just going to enter the gates of Kiri in order to go about his usual business. He wanted to do something about his uneasy feeling so it was best for him to head to the advanced training facility located on military training grounds. Letting out an irritated sigh, he'd have to be subjected to the checks of Kirigakure's gates. He'd like to be able to skip them and claim he was the second Mizukage but with how he hid his identity, it would be no surprise if nobody believed him. Finally, it was his turn to pass through the gates and get checked properly. 

[Attempting to enter Kriigakure.]

W.C: 226

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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:35 am
gate duty gate duty gate duty gate duty! It was that time of the week again! Honestly pino wasn't a huge fan, but what can you do? It's an important part of being a ninja. The day had gone pretty easily so far. There were a few cheeky smugglers trying to sneak this or that in, of course, but one swift punch had sent them packing back to their dens of inequity. And then a specific figure showed up. He was so unnoticable in his hidden identity that Pino recognized him immediately.... Sort of. This was that one guy right? The one he met at the docks with Mister Keita? Was that even a good title to call him? Anbu....keita....Sir... Teach...It didn't matter.

"Good morn! How's the armor treating ya?" He really hoped this wasn't like the last time he was sure that he recognized someone and it just turned out that not everyone who wore a blue shirt was the same person. That was embaracing. Even as he made small talk, assuming he was correct in his assumption, he'd wave the man through easily. Given confirmation, he would need to check little else. THis was a ninja of the village hidden in the mist.

(TWC 205)
Kizmaru Senju
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Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:58 pm
Walking up to the gates of Kirigakure to have his identification checked, Kizmaru had noticed this was the craftsman who had repaired his armor before. It seems they were able to recognize him too, somewhat, as he approached the gates. No longer feeling the need to hide, Kizmaru decided to respond in kind. "Hello, the armor is treating me well, good as new thanks to your handy work. Now then, are you one guard for today, I'd like to get in as soon as I possibly could. Have a bad feeling about what the recent future might hold and I would like to get back into the swing of things, literally," Kizmaru had said, shifting into a rather dark tone near the end of his sentence. As he reached for his identification, it seemed there was no need for it as the guard had decided to wave him inside anyway. Well that was convenient but Kizmaru thought it wasn't very good to ignore security protocol. Ah well, whatever the case may be, he'd head inside of his village in order to go straight to the advanced training facility where he could get back into the hang of things, in one way or the other. 

W.C: 204

[Exit into Kirigakure.]

Ability Claims
Using 400 words into Hiding like a Mole
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:02 pm
"Ah! great great. If you need any more prepairs or tweaks you know who to come to! Pinochio Pinochio's blacksmithing supplies is always open to my loyal client base! Also please feel free yo visit the Pinochio Pinochio school for the anything goes style of martial arts if you need any taijutsu or weaponry practice! Welcome back to the Village good sir. " He would move asside, allowing the man to pass with a bright grin on his face. This was one of the few ninja he'd met in the early days who recognized his worth both in crafting and otherwise--or who recognized he did work cheaply. He was going to assume the former.

(TWC 318 allowing kiz inside and exiting myself! making no claims on this one topic closed)

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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:19 am
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