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Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
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Getting into the swing of things Empty Getting into the swing of things

Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:06 am
Finally, they had arrived. It was time for the three of them to see what this city was all about, or so he wanted to say but instead, he figured it was in his best interest to use all the resources given to him in order to strengthen himself and his mind. As much as he'd want to walk around and look for new prey, he knew he wasn't quite what he used to be back when he was younger. For now, he decided to start from scratch and get a bit of training done using Hoshigakure's training facilities. Today, he figured it was a good time to gather and attempt to have some kind of training session with the 'family'. He was hoping they would make it as not only did he need to brush up on his skills, he would also like to see what the other can do or if they were even useful when certain situations arise. 

After some training, maybe they could run some easy missions for money and get their hideout started in order to move on to the more important goals in their careers. For now, Daiki would get a head start on a little bit of that so called training he was talking about. Though he was in his early thirties and looks older than he seems, he was still quite agile and fit with his knowledge about fitness training. Heading over to where they kept their muscle training equipment, Daiki contemplated on what he wanted to do for his workout.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:12 am
Grey was meandering about with his two friends, well let’s call them that for now, and they were going to reap the full benefits of what a major village had to offer. First off, it seemed that they were going to rest a bit after all of their travels. After they had rested, the family of theirs would go ahead and start training. This was something that they really needed to do, as training was of vital importance. They had received permission from the administration building of the village to perform missions there, but some of the missions were pretty strict on what they had to do, so they were really going to want to train up first. Luckily, the major village did not disappoint in their facilities that they had on offer, as Grey looked around at the large building that had a massive amount of state of the art training e1quipment for anything one might want to get better at, and marveled at it.

This was it! Grey thought to himself, this was what a major village should look like. There was definitely something that he wanted to try, and he saw that there was a room called “Medical Training Facility” blocked off by a fairly large double set of doors. This intrigued him, and obviously he wanted to start his training there. He saw that his new partner went over to the basic body training equipment, and this caused him to raise an eyebrow. He wondered why someone called Doctor would want to go and train their body first thing when they got to a new village, but Grey simply shrugged. “Alright, guess we’ll reconvene in an hour or two, huh? Just to get some rest and chat a bit, yaknow?” Grey would suggest to his new family, before his excitement couldn’t contain itself anymore, and he found himself pushing through the double doors that said medical training.

WC: 321
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
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Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Mon Dec 13, 2021 4:53 am
Walking around the training facility as he waited for his 'brother' to show up, Daiki figured he'd get a little exercise done by simply getting two dumbbells of equal weight and carrying one in each his hands. He began to curl them in order to build strength in his biceps. Back when he was an active earth country shinobi, Daiki fancied himself a fairly good Taijutsu specialist and Military Medical specialist. He'd like to regain some of those qualities that he had in order to go back to doing the grunt work himself. He must say, he did enjoy fighting others and taking what he wanted with his own hands. His 'brother' had been nearby when he had told him that he would reconvene with him in an hour or so, which was perfectly fine with him as he would like to work on his own body first.

He couldn't be a good doctor if he didn't keep himself in shape and that's what he aimed to do. Continuing to pump the weights he had held, Daiki had been wondering what to do next after finishing his four sets here. He figured it would either be calisthenics or cardio after muscle training but he'd still have quick a bit of ways to go  before he could move on. He had noticed his brother went straight into the medical training facility and although he wanted to go in there as well, he figured it was best to brush up and polish what he had already knew.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:55 am
Grey quickly made his way into the room that held the medical training, and he noticed that it was a series of rooms, and they even had a sort of fake hospital there. It was a really small hospital, but it had a couple of patient rooms, a reception area complete with some of the training staff of the village, and a bunch of other doctors and nurses running around. It seemed like a perfect recreation of what you could expect from a normal hospital, and there were even signs pointing to a more hectic hospital reenactment towards the west. This training facility seemed to have it all, and it was great that doctors would be able to train in what appeared to be a more busy and hectic time, as if there was a current war or perhaps some sort of natural disaster. There would be plenty of stress to keep one on their toes if they had done that, and so it was absolutely fantastic in Grey’s eyes. He was a pretty accomplished doctor already, but that was when you didn’t factor in the use of chakra. He had never gotten any formal training on how to turn your chakra into a substance that could be used to heal, so there was not much that he could do at the moment when it came to certain types of wounds, so he wanted to remedy that immediately. First however, he felt the need to brush up on the books that were on offer, as he was very classically trained as a doctor, minus the experiments that were illegal, but he wanted to see if the larger villages had any other breakthroughs in the fields of medicine that he could leech off of, increasing his own expertise using the fancy new research.
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:51 am
As much as he would like to join Gray on deepening his knowledge of the medical field, it was in his best interest to regain most of the power he had when he was an active shinobi back in earth country and since he was a prominent close quarters specialist of hand to hand and with weaponry with a bit of medical knowledge on the side.  Shortly afterwards though, he had a craving for more medical knowledge and research into having the perfect body as well as things like eternal youth and immortality. Those would be long term goals he would work towards over time and would focus more on completing the short term goals. For now, that would be gaining strength. Lifting up and putting them down in a systematic rhythm, Daiki starts to think about what he should do as a hobby. He had recently discovered a certain curiosity within himself of using powers he would never come to know. By powers, he means to say he wondered what other people's bloodlines were like. He knew it was common nowadays for nations to extract large amounts of DNA and place it into their own bodies but Daiki wanted to go even further beyond that. He wanted to sample their powers before he decided if they were good enough to enter his body or not. He had this crazy ideas he could do once he had gained the medical knowledge he sought out from the medical research facility but for now, he'd continue to work himself out.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:07 am
Grey was immediately pleased with the amount of books that were there when he went into another small room off to the side. He was not quite ready to throw himself into the world of normal high stress hospital work, and he was going to settle on being more educated and informed. He was only taught normal techniques for healing others, and this did not involve chakra at all, so he was ecstatic when he saw a book that read “The nature of chakra and it’s uses on the human body” on one of the shelves, and quickly went over there to take the book. The training facility was making sure that they were watched every once in a while anyways, so there was no chance for people to steal the book, so him taking it with such ferocity was nothing much to the people that worked in the facility, and so they did nothing. This was the book that he wanted, as this was the book that allowed one to learn the best overall chakra technique for healing injuries, which was the Mystical Palm technique. The Mystical Palm technique was the most widely used medical technique among the ninja world, and there was definitely a reason for that. It was not easy to learn, but it would still form the basic fundamentals on the rest of your medical skills, so it was almost necessary. Grey quickly found one of the many comfy and secluded seating areas and grabbed what was a large study couch, dragging it a bit near a small fireplace, making it look like a proper study, while getting to reading the book.
WC: 276
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
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Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:54 am
After doing some muscle training with quite a few repetitions of it, Daiki had felt himself getting back into the swing of things faster than he anticipated. Sure it had only been a couple moments to do so but now that he had gotten back into this rhythm, he knew he'd have no trouble keeping up pace. Afterwards when he was done with his muscle training, he had been looking around the training facility to see what else he could possibly do to kill time, he found an area with a small punching bag and figured he could use the practice. He had a fairly unique fighting style that was only for him and his particular branch of clan. He had the ability to harden his body at will with just a thought and it proved useful for his Taijutsu and Weaponry techniques. He decided he would try and relearn the basics while he was here. Getting into a familiar stance, he'd begin to strike the punching bag with his fists a couple of times, testing its durability. He wasn't trying to break it, only attempting to use the basics of his family's fighting style. Giving the bag a few strikes, Daiki wasn't feeling it at first. He doesn't think this would make too much of a difference unless it was a living opponent. His fighting style was mainly meant for killing and executions rather than just harmlessly sparring with people or inanimate objects. Still this was the best he could do and he would instead just work on the basics.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:35 am
The book that Grey was reading was really interesting, and he enjoyed learning how you could potentially utilize chakra to do a massive amount of things with the human body. He was just starting out with using the chakra to manipulate things like that, but he already had a large number of ideas in his head for how he was going to go about it. First, he wanted to learn this Mystical Palm technique so that he could heal himself and others if he had to, but it was mostly so that he could perform surgeries a lot better and with less risks. The second thing he wanted to learn had something to do with poison, as that was one of the best ways that medical users could defend themselves on the battlefield. He assumed he was going to have to fight quite a lot as a missing ninja, at least when he eventually left this village and started doing his own thing, or perhaps with his new family, so he wanted to learn ways to attack. There were perfectly good specimens out there waiting for him to take them and experiment on them, he just needed to get the tools to do so. As he continued reading the book, he decided to practice the technique a bit, making sure that he understood what the various chapters in the book were trying to teach him. The start of the chapter was simply learning how to coat your hand with chakra so that you could change the properties of it, and so he decided to start there, as it was the simplest way. He was treating himself as an absolute beginner when it came to chakra and chakra control.
WC: 288
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
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Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:50 am
Continuously striking at the bag, Daiki continued to improve further and further. he had almost forgotten how fun it was to break a man with his own two, bare hands despite not actually hitting a live target but just imagining and reminiscing of the previous times he shattered and took the lives of people in the past, what a rush it was. The smirk on his face had only grown wider, revealing his pearly whites as he continued to strike at the bag with glee until he realized there was a tear in it. He paused briefly for a moment, not wanting to continue to make a mess as he knew it would give out sooner or later. Daiki clearly didn't have the money to replace broken equipment should the facilities require compensation to damaged equipment so he had to be extra careful how much of his bloodlust seeped through when it comes to hitting these machines. The first thing he was going to get when he had enough money for his hideout was to get a 'danger room' more durable than the stuff he had here. He couldn't unleash all of his built up lust for violence on these things even if it had been years for him. of not seeing any action. Moving on from this sandbag, Daiki would move on to the next one in hopes it would fare better than the last as he continued to practice basic strikes on this one instead of the family techniques for reasons he had already stated beforehand. Still would be nice to go a little harder though.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:57 am
Grey was coating his hand in chakra and it felt pretty nice, even though there was no effect of the chakra quite yet. It was a strange feeling, as if there was some other force that you could control, but it was like a glove that went over your hand and you couldn’t feel it like you could feel all the other parts of your body. The strange feeling was a bit of a strange sensation at first, but as he played with the chakra glove, Grey got quite used to it really quickly. He was having a good time for a bit, when he noticed he was getting slightly tired from how much chakra it was costing him just to cloak his hand in the chakra, and so he stopped and rested for a bit, deciding to read a little further into the book to see what he was supposed to do next to start stimulating the cells of the human body for healing. The next part of the book was a bit complex, especially if one did not have the fairly advanced knowledge of how the human body worked, which was pretty rare in this day and age, but Grey was trained fairly well. As he was looking at it, there was a method in the book to cause your chakra to go into the cells of living organisms and kick start the healing process. The energy needed for the body to heal was given by the chakra of the user, so there were no side effects to the person that was being healed.
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