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Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 100675

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Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:36 am
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Standing in the alleyway, Ryō sighed and wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. It had been a long day of tireless work, but he had gathered enough favors and rewards for some food and water. As much as he wanted it to be, he knew it wasn't enough to help everyone; the village, even reduced as it was, simply had more mouths to feed than it had food. Or perhaps it was more people than could afford the food that was left. Regardless, there was suffering within the village, and Ryō was determined to do what he could to end it. 

Fortunately, he had help from several citizens who were moved by his guileless drive to help make things better and he managed to roll a borrowed up with numerous small packs of food and water. Already he noticed several sets of eyes poking out from shadows to scan the cart; a few of the eyes belonged to those entirely too young to be suffering like they were without food and water. Ryō smiled and held out a bundle of food towards a young boy barely old enough to be off his mother's apron strings. "It's alright. This one's for you."

Perhaps a touch quicker than what some might consider polite, the boy snatched the bundle and quickly scurried back to the alleyway to dig in. The sight of him enjoying a simple bowl of rice with some vegetables and water was enough to bring a tear to Ryō's eye; it wasn't enough, not by a long shot... but it was a start. Things were going to get better, he was sure of it. If no one else would make them better, then he was resolved to make them better himself. Already his efforts bore fruit as others came forth, each disenfranchised in some way but all equally suffering and looking for a reprieve. 

In no time at all, Ryō had burned through the bundles of prepared food and water from the cart. He felt fortunate for himself that he hadn't needed to turn anyone away empty-handed as there had just barely been enough. Some had been misers, quick to take and slow to thank, but many were extremely grateful to have been given a meal, even a meager one as it was. Some promised payment at a later date, others offered services if need be. The Senju waved them all down, happy to let them have a small moment of peace and contentment from their tribulation. A few he made notes of, intending to follow up on their progress or find other ways to help. The young boy, in particular, was a special case that Ryō intended to follow and find something more permanent to help him. 

Leaving such thoughts for later, Ryō turned and walked the borrowed cart back and made a few more rounds through the city to make note of things. Slowly, in his mind, a future for the village was taking shape; one Ryō was hungry to see brought to reality and was willing to do whatever he could or needed to to see it happen. 


WC: 524

Claiming mission rewards [500 ryo after Kiri tax, 5 AP], plus 5 stats to Vigor. As well, spending 500 WC on learning Water Sealing Technique
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

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Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:47 pm
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