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Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Valuable Assets! Empty Valuable Assets!

Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:34 am
Mission Link: Valuable Assets
Stat Page: The World Tree

The sun moved steadily through the sky, beyond noon now and heading into the later afternoon. Yukio was close to completing his chores missions for the day as he was assigned them by his mother, with only one left to go. This one, luckily, was fairly straightforward. Pick up some food and water form the shelter and distribute it amongst some of the homeless around that are in and around the area. He moved on from the Inuzuka compound near the East Gate and headed west, towards the center of the village. As the day wound on there began to be fewer people in the street, although there was still plenty of bustle to be had.

Several minutes later and Yukio had reached the shelter in question. He walked inside, thankful to retreat from the heat of the day even for only a brief moment. Once inside, there were several people moving about accomplishing their duties. The young man managed to grab the attention of a worker for the shelter, a rather cute girl, perhaps around Yukio’s age, with shorter brown hair in a pixie cut and large, expressive eyes. Yukio put on his best smile and approached her for assistance.

”Good afternoon, would you be able to assist me? I’ve come to help distribute food and water to the local homeless population, per this request.” Yukio flashed another smile as he handed over the small slip of paper detailing this “mission.” The young woman smiled and handed Yukio a clipboard with a sheet of paper for him to fill out.

”Oh course, if you could fill this out for me, I’ll get the cart loaded with the supplies and meet you outside to the left of the entrance.” She walked away and Yukio hurried to fill out the simple form; it detailed what he was receiving and where it was authorized to be distributed. Once completed, he set the clipboard back onto the desk and brought the form outside with him. He walked around to the left side of the building to see the young woman loading up a cart with boxed supplies.

”Here, let me help with that!” Yukio quickened his steps and took the large box from her and placed it into the cart. He picked up 2 more boxes and placed them within the cart as well, and then handed the form to the girl.

”Thank you for that, and for filling out the form correctly. Your assigned area is marked here,” she handed Yukio a map, ”When you’ve finished, please return the cart here.” Once more a smile adorned Yukio’s face and he thought he witnessed a small blush dust her cheeks.

”Happy to help. When I come back, would you like to get a bite to eat with me miss…?” Yukio paused for her name, pulling the cart forwards to prepare to leave.

”Maki, and I would like that, yes. I’m off at 4:30pm today.” Maki smiled again and her blush returned, stronger this time. Yukio responded in kind and extended his hand for her to shake.

”Yukio, I’ll be here at 4:30 then.” He nodded to her as they shook hands and he moved to take the cart. He had one large box of water bottles and two boxes of what appeared to be ration meals similar to what shinobi might receive, although probably not as calorie dense. He quickly came upon the area necessary and already people were gathering to wait for him. The gamut of faces and clothing was a lot to take in at once. None of these folks in need were former shinobi, the village made sure to take care of its defenders, but most were civilians who had been either married to shinobi and lost their income or were just down on their luck. Yukio distributed the rations and water as evenly as he could, trying not to let his heart break at the misfortune he saw. He thought back to his time in the training ground, reading about the legendary Mokuton users of his clan. Perhaps there was a way he could help? If he could learn to use Mokuton, couldn’t he produce homes and shelters for free for these people? He pondered this as he broke open the second box of rations and was halfway through the box of water. He thanked the people in this area and moved towards the next. Once again, a group was waiting, and once again the range of characters he was seeing was nearly overwhelming. As he finished with this second group and returned to the shelter, he was grateful for the privilege he had.

He returned the cart and, as luck would have it, it was nearing 4:30 very soon. After just a brief wait, Yukio departed with Maki on his arm, and the faces of the desperate and despondent were, unfortunately, forgotten again.


WC: 815

+8 Stats to Vigor
141WC to finish Genjutsu Release Mastery (Handseals) – prior claim here
500/500 for Temporary Paralysis
174/3,000 for Clan Pureblood
Mission Rewards: 1000 Ryo / 5AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Valuable Assets! Empty Re: Valuable Assets!

Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:50 pm
Senju Yukio wrote:


WC: 815

+8 Stats to Vigor
141WC to finish Genjutsu Release Mastery (Handseals) – prior claim here
500/500 for Temporary Paralysis
174/3,000 for Clan Pureblood
Mission Rewards: 1000 Ryo / 5AP

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