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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Guiding the Villagers Empty Guiding the Villagers

Sun Oct 03, 2021 11:18 pm
Information Booth:

Another day, another E rank assignment for Emi. Not that it was terrible, she understands that she needs to gain experience through low ranking missions and prove that she can complete them before moving on to anything that has a real degree of difficulty. Today’s assignment was all about helping villagers and guest get around if they are lost. This mission really should be a breeze for Emi as she was fairly well acclimated with the village and where everything in it was.
Emi slipped into her shoes after getting ready for her day and rushed out of the house saying bye to her mother. She was as excited as ever to get over to the palace gates to help any incoming people for the day. It certainly helps when the day is as beautiful as today is. The wind with a cool breeze as the sun shines directly down on the village; Emi’s hair was flowing back as she dashed forward in a hurried… but elegant manner.
Of course there were every day people that were helping at the palace gates, but today Emi got requested due to someone being out sick. She figured this would be a great chance to show her people skills and how well she can work with others by guiding them in a direction. Which is a really great way to think about these lower ranked missions – how can you use this and apply it to what you will be doing in the future? It’s one of the qualities of Emi that make her such a really great learner, a great person, and an overall good shinobi.
As the young genin approached the palace gates, she was welcomed by some of the other workers that were currently already there. Apparently it has been a busy day so far and they expect it to continue to be that way. Emi appreciated the welcome and it was nice of them to ask if she needed any sort of help with anything – which they did provide her with a map of the village just to be sure she was steering folks in the correct way.
”I really appreciate it, I think I have everything I need and with this map… I should be able to get everyone where they need to be.”
About the time she finished her sentence, a little old lady had actually walked up to Emi. She was small in stature and you could tell she was the religious type based on the outfit that she was wearing. ”Excuse me young lady, but do you know where I might be able to find this temple here?” The older lady was pointing to a note she had written and Emi recognized it immediately. ”Absolutely, if you go straight here and then make a short right, you’ll walk right into the temple you’re speaking of.” Emi smiled politely as she pointed in the direction the lady should go. The young girl received an approval nod from the folks around and it did make her feel better about guiding folks to certain areas.
”Hello ma’am… I’m trying to get to this shop, can you help me find it?”
A tall older man had approached Emi after he noticed her helping the older lady with directions. It looks as if he was trying to get to a shop to buy his little girl something. It made Emi’s heart flutter knowing this fact. She had a big soft spot for dads who really treated their little girls like they were the best things in the world. ”Absolutely, sir. If you go left here and just head straight down, you will end up right in the shops area. It will be the third shop on the left, I believe.”
”Thank you so much. Have a blessed day!” The kind old man scurried off into the direction that she pointed and seemed to be just as happy as he could be. A little odd for a man going to buy his little girl a stuff animal. ”He couldn’t possibly be going to buy one for himself… could he?” She chuckled at the thought and then got herself refocused as someone else approached the gates from the direction where you can go sightseeing.
”Young lady, I have a bone to pick with you. I asked to go to a temple and pray, yet you sent me so far out… only to come an area of the village that HAD NO TEMPLES.” Emi looked extremely confused as she just got to this post and had yet to help this lady. She wasn’t sure exactly what the right thing to do was other than obviously figure out where she needed to go.
”Ma’am I apologize about that. I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about but if you let me know where you are trying to go.. I can help guide you in the right direction.” The young genin hoped that this was enough to calm the lady down and allow here to provide some assistance. Someone before Emi must have screwed up bad… because this lady has definitely ventured much further than she needed to if she was trying to get to a temple to pray.
”Aren’t you the lady that sent me all the way out there? Why the hell would I come back to you for directions? You incompetent genin.” The older lady began to turn away and walk to someone else that she felt was more competent, but Emi took a deep breath and responded the best way she knew how.
”Ma’am, I’m not the one that sent you all over the dang village to get to a temple. I am the one offering you help so you can get to where you are going. However, there’s absolutely zero need to speak to me like that when you clearly aren’t sure if I’m the one that directed you or not. Now, if you head straight this way and make a right INSTEAD of continuing straight, you will walk right into the temples.
Emi looked dead at the lady’s eyes and just hoped that this really wasn’t over doing it.. but she couldn’t stand people treating others bad… especially when there wasn’t a need to. The older lady looked at Emi and said a quick thank you and went on her little way.
”Thank goodness.
Emi would spend the rest of the day dealing with rather easy folks and just having a grand ol’ time. It really suited her to be out and about in the village helping civilians… after all, her family was part of that crowd for a long time, so she understands where a lot of these people are coming from. To keep it simple, Emi was as happy as she could be helping these people around the village.

WC - 1141 | Claiming 11 stats from wc | 1k Ryo | 5 AP | Claiming 1126 words towards Chidori

Last edited by Emi Ren on Mon Oct 04, 2021 11:39 am; edited 3 times in total
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Guiding the Villagers Empty Re: Guiding the Villagers

Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:53 am
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