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Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mitsu Hyuuga
Travin Iburi
Cosplay Queen Saya
Kikuko Hayashi
Sayaka Uchiha
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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:05 pm
Daiko..... left? Well that was certainly an odd occurrence. Her teammate was often prone to bouts of randomness, not that she could actually talk. She literally went with whatever came up in her head as things happened, but still it seemed weird that he wouldn't even answer her direct question to him. Maybe he was mad at her?! That would be the worst. After she'd given her little jutsu explaination, teaching the standard low rank jutsu package that every ninja should know(except for medical ninjutsu because somehow she'd managed to fail at every attempt of learning any medical aplication on ninjutsu) She was fully prepared to spend the rest of her time prodding the Anbu member's brain for any and all information he could give her. And then she heard it.

It started with a quiet clearing of the throat. THe pinochio puppet was trying to get her attention, but her mind was split so far that she had missed it. Then he cleared it a bit more loudly. She glanced up, seeing that each of her puppets was looking directly at her. With a motion to his wrist that had to be a suggestion of a watch, he had passed the clear and concise message he meant to convey. Unfortunately Saya had very little clue.

"Little sister. Remember that you had a mission to do later today... It is, in fact later today...." THE MISSION!!! She was supposed to be going on a mission with... who was it with again? Probably Kiku? Or maybe dana. It didn't matter. She needed to be getting ready for that! In an instant she went from quietly waiting for Keita to continue his teaching to out the door, not noticing the new entrant who decided to skip post rotation three separate times and take up an entire forum page without consideration for the rest of the people in the topic.

It was easily a minute after Saya had disappeared out the door before the puppets, in unison, shook their heads and turned to follow their controler, each moving at a higher speed than the girl herself. They would catch up pretty easily.

Ragnar was really getting into the second verse of his song when he realized that A. No one actually seemed hurt and b. His summoner had decided to up and leave without actually saying anything.

"Uh. I do hate to heal and run but it seems there are things to be done. Thank you for listening and I hope i've been of a help." He gave a thumbs up to the four who had sparred using the VR facilities before he was gone. There was a great puff of smoke that symbolized his shifting from the village hidden in the mist back to the land of the otterbrook clan. Just like that, the large team controled and working with Saya had made their exit. They'd come in with a colossal bang and intense musical interlude, but left quietly and without goodbyes.

(TWC 3585 putting 1k towards fuinjutsu as my 3rd spec with 75% reduction, 2500 towards nagashi chidori at s rank (2500/2500) with 50% discount tossing the 85. exit )
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:34 am
Mitsu/Travin/Saya approved
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Sep 04, 2021 6:11 pm
Hiroyuki’s ears perked up as he was finished with dispelling the genjutsu, and started listening to what Mr. Rentei was telling him and the others about what to do in fights and things of that nature. That was also when he noticed the jounin that organized this whole thing showed up and started talking to them about potential fixes and changes they could make. Hiroyuki listened and thought about what the man said about the other two, and it came down to them lacking options to deal with something like what had debilitated all three of them so much so that they could not even really fight back in the spar, especially not Hiroyuki. The jounin essentially said as much when he was evaluating him, and so Hiroyuki’s ears were down, as if he was being admonished about it. He did not feel good about trying to do things like this before he was ready, and realized this was the sort of thing that his mother was saying when she was teaching him that he needed to work on his foundation. He would definitely try harder in the future, especially with the slight words of encouragement from this jounin who told him to simply be more diligent in his training. 

“Yes, sensei!” Hiroyuki would put his little fist over his heart as he was saying this, making sure to make a vow to himself to practice over and over again, and if they ever did something like this again, he would love to show all of them his great progress. Until then, it was about time he fully focused on training his physical body. He was greatly interested in fuuinjutsu as well, as it seemed like it could shore up his weaknesses as a shinobi if he was to utilize it, especially the way that the jounin had described the seal of absorption that Hiroyuki saw on the board. Then came the bubbly girl that did the show’s turn to talk to them about their spar, and she seemed like she was a lot more knowledgeable and experienced, so Hiroyuki made sure to listen up intently. She added on to what the jounin said about their teamwork, and the fact that they did not have any because they did not discuss what they were good at or their general battle strategies before they actually started sparring, which was something that would definitely need to change in the future. 

Hiroyuki nodded along to her assessments, and made sure to take everything he had learned here to heart. He would still go and cry to his mother about losing the spar, but that seemed to be more of a reflex than anything, as he was still ticked off at himself about that and wanted his mother to pamper him when he got home. She would also ramp up his training, which was going to be an absolute nightmare, but he was going to be able to quickly toughen up his body and spirit, which was something completely essential when it came to being a ninja. Hee was also trying really hard to be calm, but he simply did not have the mature mentality for it, and was a bit jealous of the Hyuuga, as they seemed like a clan that were well built for being calm and graceful everywhere. He would definitely need to learn how to be calm from his father, as his mother was a bit… not that. Soon it seemed like people were finishing up and bidding their farewells, although others were still intensely training, which Hiroyuki thought was great, but it was time for him to go and practice, solidifying the things he learned here today and practicing the things he did not get a chance to, under the watchful eye of his mother. 

Hiroyuki would go up to the people still here and wish them a heartfelt goodbye. “Goodbye everyone! Thank you very much for helping me and teaching me.” would be said by him very enthusiastically, a big smile on his face. It seemed that all of the funk that he was in mere moments ago were gone, cleared up by the hope that he would one day be able to make them proud of him, such were the fickle ways of a ten year old’s mind. Hiroyuki would then rush home to tell his mother about all of the things that he had done today.
WC: 740
TWC: 5051
25% training facility discount
25 vigor
19 speed
474 words to complete Front Lotus, previous training HERE
using 2063 for Daytime Tiger 
750 words to complete Airwalker
1500 words to complete Divine Breathing Technique
187 to master Genjutsu release for half handseals

75% teacher discount
63 words to complete Genjutsu Release
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:31 am
While Keita remained quiet on the matter for a moment, Travin spoke up, taking an interest it seemed. Smiling and bowing his head respectfully to his senior, the genin introduced himself. “Iouchiryo, Koutaku, though just the latter will do,” that said he fell silent, his eyes watching the man intently as he continued. When Travin moved towards the dummies, Koutaku eagerly followed, curious what the man intended to show him. Tilting his head as Travin extracted two kunai, Koutaku couldn’t help but be even more curious as the Jounin promptly threw one, and then the other, into the air with the first striking the second and then flying in a wildly different direction. Almost immediately, as Travin began to explain, a wide grin spread across the genin’s features and he withdrew several shuriken of his own before thinking better of testing the technique himself.

Instead, Koutaku performed the Tiger, horse, ram, and clone handseals, creating two shadow clones. Immediately, as their creator gave Travin his full attention, the two clones turned, drew their own shuriken, and began practicing. After a few tries they were able to cause one shuriken to ricochet off another, but their aim needed work. Gradually, as Travin explained, and the clones practiced, Koutaku’s understanding of the technique crystallized. Eventually, satisfied, Koutaku dismissed his shadow clones--subsuming their experience--and then promptly performed the handseals again as Travin moved on to a second technique. Oddly, Travin might note--later on if he thought back to the interaction--that Koutaku hadn’t asked any questions. Strange.

Demonstrating Bullrush, Travin surged forth and Koutaku again smiled, his mind playing through the possible applications for something like that, especially given that one didn’t technically need to use it to approach their adversary. Intrigued, one of his clones went off on its own to practice the technique, using a kunai to attempt an attack at the end of the dash. The timing took some work, but quickly the clone grasped the jutsu and was able to reliably repeat it.

Koutaku on the other hand remained with the Jounin, his only response to his explanation being rather...contemplative as if he was almost talking to himself. “That’s incredibly useful, considering Body Flicker’s failings, though I do wonder, nevermind. Another time perhaps.” Falling silent, Koutaku was only stirred from his reverie as Travin mentioned genjutsu.

His eyes going wide, a shiver ran up Koutaku’s spine and before he could think, he had drawn a shuriken at 140 speed, the weapon seeming to just appear in his hand, its motion barely even a blur.  However, before he knew it his eyes had glazed over and the jounin’s technique had taken hold. Almost hypnotized, Koutaku could do little but panic, and try to listen to Travin Rentei’s instruction. Eventually, his clone seemed to notice its creator’s distress, at which point it promptly utilized genjutsu release.

The genin, let out a shuddering breath, but nodded his head at the Rentei clansman, unable to speak or otherwise explain his reaction. As time went on and the jounin tried again, Koutaku was able to brace himself and though the fear welled up, he eventually found that he noticed when the alterations to his chakra system occurred. Further, with the chakra sensory methodologies that he’d learned today he found that he could even denote the very moment that the shifts happened. Swallowing hard, Koutaku--over the minutes that Travin lectured and explained the fundamentals of his art--eventually became able to use Genjutsu Release with nothing more than a thought.

At some point--though he was only dimly aware of such--his clone dispersed and the knowledge of Bullrush flooded his mind. Even with that having occurred he still managed to release himself from the hold of Travin’s genjutsu mere moments after it took hold of his chakra. Proud of himself, but a bit exhausted, Koutaku bowed to the Jounin, and then pulled up a seat near Keita.

While he’d practiced it seemed that Saya and another shinobi he didn’t know had departed. Oh well, he’d probably see them again some other day. When he’d finally caught his breath and centered himself, Koutaku’s gaze turned up towards the fuinjutsu specialist and he spoke. There was a humbleness in his tone now, something about the exercise with Travin seemed to have changed the young shinobi.

“Well,” he said, laughing nervously for a moment, his eyes darting away before he met Keita’s gaze once more, “...that was rather bracing.” Without realizing it, Koutaku gritted his teeth, before forcing himself to relax again, breathing slowly and steadily. “Anyways, um Keita Uzumaki, I’m Iouchiryo, Koutaku, but Koutaku would be perfectly fine, if you’re comfortable with that...” the boy trailed off, seeming to stumble and it was suddenly incredibly clear how much the training of Genjutsu Release had unsettled him. Nonetheless, the young man pressed on.

“That aside, ah, I’d be very grateful if you could teach me about fuinjutsu. From what I’ve read--and the little I’ve seen--I find the craft fascinatingly technical.” As he went on a spark came into his eyes and some of the energy he’d displayed earlier returned. It seemed that despite his recent ordeal, that Koutaku was very much ready to learn, and learn as much as possible. One might take him for insatiably curious.

If so, they’d be entirely correct in their estimation.

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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:17 pm
Approved @ keita
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:47 pm
Keita noticed the fairly newcomer that was harshly training with himself and his shadow clones had spoken up and was currently training a bit with Travin, and soon it was the boy’s turn to ask him if he could teach him about fuuinjutsu. He was a bit late, but Keita had absolutely no problem with re-teaching fuuinjutsu. “Well, nice to meet you, Mister Koutaku.” Keita would respond to him once Keita had learned what the young man preferred to go by. The man had asked about fuuinjutsu, so Keita walked over to the white boards behind him, keeping the information about the Absorption seal on the board, as once someone knew the basics, they could start studying it. 

“So, Mister Koutaku, what is it that you would like to learn? The art of Fuuinjutsu itself? Or did you already know a bit and want some techniques to research?” Keita would ask the young man, while also noting how many people were now leaving the area. The time for training and discussion was coming to an end, as people finished what they had sought while coming here. There were still a few stragglers and people willing to learn, of course, and so Keita would be the last to leave. If the young man Koutaku wanted to learn any of his techniques that were not restricted or a secret, then Keita would definitely not mind teaching him, and would continue to do so until they were all satisfied with what they had learned here today.
WC: 253
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Village : Kirigakure
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:51 pm
Giving the elite shinobi a respectful nod in response to his returned greeting, Koutaku replied simply. “Likewise, Keita-san,” there was a note of both respect and admiration in his tone, implying that he’d perhaps heard quite a bit about the shinobi who was offering to teach him. As he listened, the young genin found himself growing more excited and once Keita had finished, he spoke up once more, his fingers white-knuckled as he gripped the chair he was sitting in.

“Well, my plate is a little full in regards to working on the two areas of focus I have now, but perhaps in the future you could teach me more about the principles of fuinjutsu. For now though...” and he trailed off for a moment, his eyes darting to several nearby whiteboards before they laid their gaze once more on the elder shinobi--a man he hoped would one consider him his peer. Speaking up, his mind recalling the various techniques that had been posted around the training area, certainly by Keita himself, Koutaku began to ramble, his excitement growing the longer that he went on.

“Honestly, there are a great many techniques I’d be delighted to learn from you. You know such a variety, though there are a few that aren’t fuinjutsu. I hope that’s alright,” he grinned mirthfully, then continued. “I know that the Mark Seal and the Mark Tracking technique must be endlessly useful. might need to explain the fundamentals of sensing chakra before I’ll really be able to properly grasp the latter of those two. I’ve been practicing, but clarification always helps greatly.”

After that he began listing techniques, apparently just from his memory of the whiteboards he’d--by all appearances--barely glimpsed earlier.

Zephyr Blade, the basic Summoning technique, Chakra Draining Seal, Chakra Anesthetic, Five Seal Barrier, Wind Release Vacuum Sphere.

It was strange how well he could remember them all, and furthermore what was more bizarre is how varied the techniques were, each vastly different from the others. It might leave Keita wondering why such a young shinobi was diversifying his skillset so early and so broadly. Nonetheless, he continued for a time.

Jikai Chifuin(Self Releasing Blood Seal), Damage Reduction Shield, Wind Release: Wind Rejuvenation, and Soul Expulsion.

Finally, out of techniques to list off he fell silent a moment, then spoke up one more time, remembering something else.

“Oh! I also figure it would be prudent to learn one handed seals and chakra suppression while I’m at it. Of course, I know I’m asking for a lot, so feel free to decline. Just, it would be incredibly helpful, and I’d be honored to be quite honest.” Then he stopped and waited, hoping that Keita was willing to teach him as much as he’d asked. There was a nervous excitement about him, and a hopeful look in his gaze as he looked up at the shinobi before him.

Of course, he seemed almost unable to handle the silence and so spoke one final time.

“I’m a quick study, if that helps any”

With a shrug he averted his gaze and fidgeted a bit, hoping for the best, though he could hardly expect it.

Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:40 pm
Keita watched the young man fidget around, mostly in excitement it seemed, as he asked Keita about the things that he wanted to learn. Keita was, of course, ecstatic to teach him everything he wanted to know… well almost everything. Keita of course had qualms about teaching people certain things, and would only do so if the Mizukage gave him permission or ordered him to. Still, there was nothing wrong with the things the young man had requested, Keita knew them all and would be glad to start teaching him. 

“There are no problems with wanting to learn a lot of different things, that was what this Salon was supposed to be about after all. Let’s get right into it, starting with a rudimentary way to sense chakra for the mark seal and tracking, since that was what you said first.” Keita would say, before starting to explain things to the young man. He would write things down on a nearby chalkboard, or simply go to the VR terminal that was near the wall that controlled the simulation they were all in, and mess with it, adding more of the chalk boards if needed. 

Keita was a good teacher, concise and to the point, making sure to check every now and then when the person was studying it, whether through practice or theories, to make sure that everything was understood using basic examples that anyone could understand. The mark tracking, for example, would be taught first, and it was fairly easy to sense your own chakra, the seal simply amplified this sense towards your own chakra that the mark left as a beacon. Keita would continue to train the young man in the next techniques as well, as long as the young man had the motivation to do so.
WC: 299

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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Tue Sep 07, 2021 9:27 pm
Unbelievably relieved by the jounin’s reply, Koutaku sagged slightly in his chair and swiftly his fidgeting ceased. Now far more relaxed, the genin followed Keita with his gaze as he set up a whiteboard and began to detail techniques. Unbelievably pleased with the ongoing proceedings, Koutaku nodded along and occasionally would extract a notebook with which to take notes. Whenever there was a chance to practice a particular technique he would do so, starting with tapping into his still limited sensory skills. Once he could sense his own chakra system, and then Keita, Koutaku drew a kunai and—with his eyes closed—drew a symbol with chakra onto the weapon. It was the Mark seal. With that done he marked several more of his weapons—shuriken this time—and then threw them. Employing a more chaotic version of the technique Travin had taught him, Koutaku sent the projectiles bouncing off of each other, never striking a person, but also totally unpredictable besides.

Nonetheless, when Koutaku did what Keita said, using Mark Tracking, he knew that each of his marks were active and unlike the weapons he hadn’t marked, he could easily tell the precise locations of the objects he had. Holding the technique for several moments, Koutaku whipped out his arm, sending a wire hurtling through the air—his eyes still closed—at which point it snagged the kunai he’d first marked out of the air, before pulling it back to his hand.

Opening his eyes, Koutaku beamed. He wasn’t sure how practical an application like this would be, but he knew that one day it might come in handy so he’d certainly keep it in mind. Nonetheless, they quickly moved on and Koutaku easily kept up despite the diverse nature of the spread of techniques he’d asked to be taught. It might be notable to Keita that the young man seemed to absorb principles and information at an incredible rate, seeming able to use each technique very soon after Keita had gone over the principles behind it—particularly if the elder shinobi demonstrated the technique as well. It seemed that Koutaku simply had an incredible knack for grasping and internalizing the principles and mechanics of techniques, no. matter how different or complex.

Granted, there were still limits and as Keita went on Koutaku did begin to tire slightly from taking notes and making sure he could replicate what the man described or showed him—though at no point did he seem bored or uninterested, mind you. After about ten or so minutes perhaps, Koutaku got to his feet and—since they were in VR—banished the chair to a point across the room. Satisfied, Koutaku began to run through techniques, focusing on seals first.

Carefully he’d place a seal on an object using his chakra, or on himself if it required a person, but he made a point never to activate them. Each time Koutaku manifested one of the sigils he went over them meticulously with both his chakra and regular vision, taking in every line, dot, curve and cross until he felt he’d sufficiently memorized the form. His expression was entirely serious throughout and though he had stopped taking notes, he still occasionally interrupted himself to perform a technique that Keita had described, ensuring that he’d understood it and could replicate the results the jounin had indicated would occur. One or twice he did mess up and found that the seals weren’t formed properly and as such became incompatible with chakra being flowed with them, often this just destroyed the seal. When such occurred, the genin would buckle down, focusing harder and referencing either the whiteboard, his notes, or sheer memory until he got the forms right more than once and the seals worked each time.

Really engrossing himself in the learning process, Koutaku would sometimes pipe up with specific questions to confirm suspicions regarding his own theories on why certain forms caused certain effects. He was right about 60% of the time and on the right track about 75% besides. It was clear he had the mind for this discipline, just not the time or expertise yet to call himself a proper practitioner of the art, likely that would change with time.

Looking up when Keita finished the last of the techniques, Koutaku gazed off into the distance—seemingly through a wall—as he pondered something, a look of contemplation on his features.

“You know, it seems like the forms that make up seals closely mirror—or maybe just represent—the patterns in which we can mould chakra with handseals and raw will.” He turned his gaze onto Keita, frowning slightly as he continued to consider his small realization.

“They’re like a physical manifestation of the techniques we use to make chakra behave a certain way, right?”

Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:37 am
Keita was having a bit of fun teaching the boy everything he wanted to learn about fuuinjutsu, and he was quite diligent, which pleased Keita quite a bit. After a while, he noticed the boy trying to make himself pay attention, and soon there was a bit of a break period to let him continue digesting what he had learned, so there a bit of time for him to ask his own questions as well. The young boy started thinking hard, it seemed, and said something that made Keita chuckle. He essentially got to the crux of the matter that most people did not realize, and that as that fuuinjutsu was essentially the way that ancient ninja learned to manipulate their chakra in more advanced ways, or at least that was the legend or rumor. The boy essentially said that the fuuinjutsu seals were mimicking what they did with their hand seals, and that was true, but you could also say it was the the other way around, and say that hand seals were created to mimic fuuinjutsu so that ninja could perform more advanced jutsu. 

"That is correct, which is why the hand motions that seem to mimic the seals, or vice versa, depending on your school of thought, are called hand 'seals'" Keita would begin to explain emphasizing the word seals at the end of his sentence. "Some people believe that when the sage introduced chakra to the greater public, that most people could only use rudimentary jutsu that did not require any hand seals, until someone figured out how to help guide the chakra through fuuinjutsu. Then the hand seals were developed from fuuinjutsu and ancient ninja could finally perform jutsu more complicated than sticking to solid surfaces. But, that is just a rumor or legend." Keita said, believing that there must have been different peoples from different locations around the world that developed differently, some developing hand seals first, while some relied more on fuuinjutsu. He was not some archaeologist hunting down ancient ruins to find the answers though, so he would have to leave it to the other chakra scientists for that.
WC: 357

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