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Wujing Senju
Wujing Senju
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:02 am
What did it mean to be a shinobi? In the stories and plays that Wujing's father performed of the Gallant Jiraiya and his slaying of the 8 headed beast Orochimaru it meant to be brave in the face of danger, in the case of the great stories of Sasuke Sarutobi to be cunning and vigilant in any situation, In the plays of the great seven swordsmen to be strong and heroic and yet here he sat at the local Yamcha spot looking down into his bowl of gyoza with dead eyes. He had discovered what it meant to be a shinobi and what this meant was to take the life of another to secure what it is one wanted out of life. Letting out a deepened sigh as he sat upon the marbled bench looking deep into his dish he contemplated what it meant now that he had that burned head band tied to his shoulder.

Perhaps he would train, perhaps he would simply await somebody to relax with, he couldn't make up his mind really.
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:18 am
It said open my bad


Last edited by TrillaTunka on Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Haru Glory
Haru Glory
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:28 am
Uh this is void. Trilla you are a Konoha nin, this means that you must first get permission IC to even leave the village.

Also you never even made a travel topic so that means you are still in Konoha and thus cannot be here in this topic.
Wujing Senju
Wujing Senju
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:39 am
Wujing Senju
Wujing Senju
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:08 am
[Learning: Sexy No Jutsu, Kirigakure No Jutsu and

Unknowing what to do the young shinobi clasped his hands together around the bowl looking deep into it. So this was what it was to be a shinobi not only to have blood on ones hands but so too to feel alone in the feeling of this loneliness, isolated from all around him and instead locked out from all thought and feeling the young shinobi knew that he would be thrown to the dogs just as that Genin was if he was to avoid his duty but how would one actually gain a duty or rather a purpose in the mission? The young shinobi did not know and so he stirred the bowl deciding instead to go and seek out the Mizukage himself. It was a bold and risky move but certainly it may allow him to move forward as a shinobi but before he did so he knew what had to be done and so giving a deep sigh he looked around the bar. He needed to train like never before and so stepping outside with a lowered head he prepared to head to the roof tops ready to train as a shinobi.

He wondered, was there any other genin but him? Was he alone in this world or might he find an ally that may help him along his way? Such things always clouded the mind of the young tree-bearing Senju. Unsure of what to do with not only himself but with the world around him and thus he existed not as only a shinobi of the water cloth but more so, walking along the streets that were cobbled and dark he began to scamper up atop the roof of the old eateries and the like and found his place on the roof. A place well enough to train and hone his abilities than any other. He knew in his heart what he wished to achieve and that was simply the ability to do all he could but as a shinobi who had just achieved genin what did this mean? He knew in his heart he was a hero but could one truly be heroic in a world where one would simply cast out another of a rank to achieve their placement? This he did not know.

What he did know was that he was a shinobi and to be a shinobi meant to truly push your abilities and thus he strived to learn a new technique, a technique that was so intregal to Kirigakure No Sato that it's very name held the samd. Hiz mivhf bsson mivhg.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Sun May 08, 2016 5:02 am
It kind of occurred to her that there are others like her. Where contributions to the village are considered minor and hence the rank. To most it would seems that they were lazy, having no ambitions in their path to be embarked. The most direct way for them to prove themselves was through the risk losing limps in a fight with those like her or those even stronger. Nevertheless, Yuri walked to an open area with the grey skies consisting of clouds that were truly high up and those that blocked a naked view of the sky. She looked up to the incomplete sky, a unique feature that formed the second word that made Kirigakure a scary place in the past. There, she found someone unfamiliar. Someone that might have gained the rank that she held from ever since before it was the current Kirigakure. Maybe she could do a small test to assess his time and origin in Kirigakure. Seven o'clock from him, she ran straight at him to cover the 100 meters distance to get him off balance. She wasn't expecting anything. Its been a while since she practiced her skills with someone else.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Mon May 09, 2016 12:49 am
Ren sat atop the rooftop of his apartment, staring up at the nights moon as he practised swinging a young sapling as if it was a sword; it was rare that one could see the sky so clearly in the village, more often than not the moonlight scarcely penetrated the thick fog and torrential rains that came with living on an island, but tonight the light was bright enough to see the stars as they Illuminated Ren’s long flowing hair and effeminate form. As Ren was sitting there observing the scope of the village he thought to himself, One day I will be strong enough to protect my friends, one day the hidden mist village will be feared once more, one day I will stand with the Mizukage and protect the people who have come to accept me, but to do that I must be stronger, to do that I need friends, I need Allies. It was as he thought this to himself that he saw a small figure scampering up the wall of a nearby building, his eyes were sharp and he recognized the child as one of the Academy students, No wait that's not right, the graduation was a few days ago, well then if he’s not dead then I guess he must be a genin now he thought to himself. Ren smirked, a playful smile coming across his face Well then, I guess it's about time he got a proper greeting into the ranks of the village. It was with this that Ren performed the clone technique, creating an illusory copy of himself, the clone would then head off towards the genin, before rushing towards him as if to attack him. At the same time the real Ren would loop back behind the young boy and attempt to stealthily hit him over the head with the sapling whilst he was distracted by the clone; There was no malicious intent there of course all Ren wanted to do was test the young man before he introduced himself.


Wujing Senju
Wujing Senju
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Wed May 11, 2016 3:53 am

It was then he heard the pattering of feet heading towards him, he wasn't entirely sure what it was but rather he felt his shinobi instincts sink in. What was he to do his mind flashed for a moment as he began to think rapidly, was he under attack this early? Was this what it meant to be a shinobi of the mist under constant attack and struggle? He was unsure but he did know that he would give his body over to his body in a way allowing it to react without him. Making a quick tiger seal a puff of white smoke would- Oh! It was far too late for that, in a moment he collided with the young genin rolling on the floor in the dust.

"Wh-What the hell!?" he called out in a brief moment before looking up to the young shinobi "Oh...Uh...Hi there. S-Sorry, did I run into you? or...did you run into me? Either way be careful, y'know!" he stated in a typical stutter before rubbing the dust from his eyes looking at the girl. His eyes gazed over her to which he would blink, he never really interacted with others that much of his own age group mostly dealing with acting troupes and the like as he gazed upon her "S-So're a genin?" he stated wiping his nose with his thumb, a physical tick he had developped to cope with his awkward demeanor never truly knowing what to do with his hands.

As this went on a clone rushed towards him causing Wujing to throw his hands up "THE HELL IS THIS, PICK ON THE NEW GUY DAY!?" he called out as the clone rushed forward, in an effort he reached his hand out to strike it only to miss completely due to his poor footing from the prior encounter and proceeded to fall over and roll on the floor before being bopped on the head by a sapling by yet another Kirigakure shinobi "Uhhh, Hey, guys...aren't trying to kill me right?" he chuckled nervously
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Thu May 12, 2016 5:22 am

Feeling contact of the targeted ninja, Yuri could feel her impact overpowering him as she was able to use his body as a cushion to prevent herself from falling to the ground with the help of her right hand. She had the time to share the impact with additional area using her hand to keep her balance. Her recent training focused a lot on basic balance and so it was almost as if she applied it immediately. Given his reaction to her move, if he was reacting honestly, it would imply that he either only graduated recently from the academy or was preparing for the exam for most cases. She wanted to answer his question but was distracted by the sight of a clone not from her chakra. It was not of her priority as she backed off to see the ninja going to get hit again. Yuri wanted to judge the speed of the attack. However, upon thinking about how both shinobi moved, she decided to watch further. When he shouted, Yuri could further confirm his ability that he still have a long way to go. Not many would be that devious to make such an act. He went on the floor on fours again after the hit on his head. Yuri looked at him, at least it seems that he wasn't mad. Her focus started shifting to the other shinobi around the area while walking towards the boy on the ground and reach out her hand to him when her feet was right beside him.

Count me out for the kill.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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What it means to be a shinobi [Open] Empty Re: What it means to be a shinobi [Open]

Mon May 16, 2016 12:31 am

As Ren snuck up behind boy from behind his clone did its job, running towards him from the front, Ren could feel the adrenaline flood through his system, excitement is what he felt, but all that excitement was wasted, as the boy continued along the rooftop Ren saw a figure burst up through a gap inbetween houses, almost faster than her eyes could see, the figure collided with the boy before tackling him to the ground, the two rolled a little until the figure, now coming into focus as a young girl, perhaps only slightly older than the boy. Ren was impressed with the girl, few genin could move that fast, or with that much stealth, but he was also a little disappointed to see his ‘prey’ taken by another. All the same he walked up to the pair, no longer trying to mask his presence as he dismissed  his clone and half heartedly tap the boy on the head with the sapling. “A ninja should always be aware of his surroundings” Ren said in a sagely voice, attempting to keep a straight face, but then he heard the boy proclaim “what the hell is this pick on the new guy day?” and couldn't help but burst into cheerful laughter, “sorry, I couldn't resist, but I guess me and uhh” Ren paused looking at the girl across him “I'm sorry, but I don't actually know your name” he said waiting for a response as he reached out he reached out his hand, offering it to the boy to help him up.

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