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Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mitsu Hyuuga
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Kikuko Hayashi
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:02 pm
“Huh,”Koutaku said in response as Keita mentioned the phonetics in handseals, suddenly realizing he’d never considered that. Just…taken it for granted, but honestly what the jounin said afterward made a lot of sense.

Fuinjutsu, while still possessing potential for insane degrees of complexity, required a fair amount of preparations and once a seal formula was made you couldn’t modify it unless you had the exact techniques and tools. Ninjutsu on the other hand was a different beast, it was far more freeform, and easier to experiment with—if not as safe to do so. Bringing a hand up to his mouth, Koutaku chewed lightly on the tip of one knuckle, his gaze far away despite the fact that he was taking in every word of Keita’s explanation.

Eventually, perhaps ten or twenty seconds after the man had finished, Koutaku spoke up. It was almost like he wasn’t really present or paying complete attention as he did.

“That does match up with my clan’s theories…” he said absently to himself, “…and it might explain the Origin of—” he trailed off, his eyes slowly widening and focusing on Keita, before his gaze darted from side to side, looking for others. Fortunately, no one else was in earshot. Koutaku cleared his throat.

“Uh…my family, rather. A fair amount of them are—or were—shinobi themselves.” Swallowing hard he met Keita’s eyes, and something in the young man’s gaze asked that the jounin not speak of what he’d heard. Clearing his throat again and turning his gaze away, Koutaku stood up and began pacing, clearly unsettled by his own inattention.

Trying to redirect the conversation, Koutaku began to think aloud, this time a bit more carefully, though it didn’t show in his tone or demeanor. “I wonder which truly came first, either way, it’s fascinating. Of course, it does make me wonder if perhaps someone could reunite the principles of both fuinjutsu and ninjutsu somehow to create techniques superior to either craft on their own.”

Glancing at Keita for a brief moment as he paused, Koutaku let a tiny smirk touch the edges of his lips. “Perhaps, for example, a living clone fashioned from principles tracing their origins back to both disciplines.” Looking away, Koutaku began—without even noticing he was doing it—throwing up several kunai, each of which seemed to appear in his hand almost as if from thin air. As he threw them they began to collide and ricochet, but despite that—and the fact that he couldn’t have been precisely watching them with his eyes—Koutaku always caught them without moving his hand more than a few inches in any direction.

“You could use ninjutsu, perhaps, for the parts of the clone that are required to be fluid and adaptable, while using fuinjutsu to lock in all the variables and create stability and structure.” He fell silent then, thinking, and also wondering what Keita had to say on the matter, her expressed as much.

“What do you think, Keita-sama?” He caught the jounin’s gaze as he side-eyed the man with a small smile and an inquisitive look in his eyes. It was beginning to become clear that this was a topic Koutaku had considered before, rather than something he’d come up with on the spot. However, the truth of it was twofold, while he’d had the idea previously it had been nebulous and vague, whereas now as he learned more of fuinjutsu’s principles it began to swiftly take on depth and detail perhaps even becoming more real by the moment.

Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:00 pm
Keita watched the young man fidgeting around when he was thinking, and it seemed that he had some sort of mental issue that made him think far too much about something, or he got in some sort of ‘zone’. This was not necessarily a bad thing, as long as the zone did not affect him in combat, as losing focus on a combat situation would easily kill you. Still, there was something to be said about his ideas, the young man seemed to be fighting with himself, absentmindedly talking while also trying to stop himself from just saying whatever was on his mind. It seemed that he had some sort of problem with his clan, or that his clan was rather infamous for something that he did not want to bring up. Keita was not part of the intelligence department, so he did not know every villager’s backstory by heart, so he was unsure about what the young man was worried about in the beginning of this small conversation that they were having about fuuinjutsu. 

The young man then switched the topics, changing the subject to see if Keita had any ideas about some sort of living clone. Living clones were always a topic of contention around him, as there were people that were utterly fascinated by them and others that were disgusted by their existence. Keita was of the camp somewhere in the middle, where he could potentially see their uses, but that would be devoting too many of your limited resources such as time and effort into something that did not add to your own personal power. Keita liked to be self-sufficient more than he liked to have some sort of outside help, at least recently. He was sort of relying on his friend the kage for a long while, but the kage had told him before that he needed to be able to handle himself by himself, as they were not going to be around each other all the time, even though that was his job. Circumstances changed all the time after all. 

Keita did not have any real opinions or thoughts on the matter, and he was not going to think about something that he was not going to dabble in, so he had to tell this young man that there was nothing that he could actually help him with. “Sadly, living clones are not a part of my area of expertise, so I can not help in that regard. I simply have no interest in them, so I have never actually learned anything about how they are formed. My apologies that I can not help you in this endeavor.” Keita said, hinting almost explicitly that this was something that the young man needed to dabble in and experiment with himself. Keita then went on to think about something similar. The only thing he could think of that was similar was something that was a bit of a taboo, which was a curse seal. 

A nasty seal that you could place on someone else that would give them power, but have a chance to kill them and give you some power over them in some way. Still, this was something that was a little too insidious, and although Keita would not care if someone learned it as long as they used it on Kiri’s enemies, he was not going to mention it to the young man, as he was wondering how to create some sort of artificial life instead of locking the notion of someone else. Keita would simply wait for him to think about what he was pondering for a bit, and if he had any other specific questions regarding things that Keita actually had knowledge on, he would be willing to assist.
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Sep 11, 2021 8:55 pm
Koutaku’s grin fell away, replaced by a serious expression as he nodded in response to Keita’s words. Thinking it over a moment, he figured that it made its own brand of sense and though he was disappointed that the shinobi hadn’t fully explored the art to the best of his ability, he didn’t fault him for it. Refraining from showing the frown he felt on the inside, the genin paced a few more steps before stopping in place and sitting down in the chair he’d been using.

His eyes far away, he addressed the senior shinobi. “It’s no trouble really, thank you for being upfront with me,” he glanced up briefly, meeting Keita’s eyes, “...and for teaching me as much as you have. I think I’m going to do a bit more training with my clones. Don’t stay on my account.”

Giving Keita a small smile before he fell back into his thoughts, the young man seemed to retreat into his own mind as he considered the events of his recent practice session with his clones as well as the various techniques he’d learned from Travis and Keita. It was a lot to take in and he decided that even the feeling of the chair was enough to distract him from sorting it in his head…and crystallizing that knowledge with his body.

Standing up, Koutaku carried the chair back to its proper place and set it down before heading to the far wall where cushions for sitting were laid against the wall and floor. Once there he sat down on a pad and leaned back into the soft wall. Crossing his legs in the lotus position, Koutaku closed his eyes and lay his hands on his knees. Calming his breathing, the young Iouchiryo—a boy from a clan that almost no one even knew existed—allowed himself to truly sink deep into his own mind. As he did so he let the information, the principles, the manifestations, and various activations methods of each technique spread through his consciousness. He called each of them up deliberately and then let them sink lower and lower, visualizing their every aspect in greater and greater detail as they became ingrained in his mind. This done he simply sat in quiet silence, his mind utterly empty in the forefront, as his subconscious sorted everything out properly. Eventually, he felt truly at ease and when he did he decided he’d train with his clones one last time. Opening his eyes and standing up, Koutaku stretched briefly, readying himself, before planting his feet firmly on the ground. Taking one final preparatory breath, the young man pushed forth as he utilized the handseals for the Shadow Clone Technique. Tiger, Horse, Ram, and once again the clone seal. With these performed, one clone appeared 2 meters in front of him, already in a defensive stance and drawing its wakizashi. Smiling, Koutaku drew his own as each hand utilized separate handseals for the same technique: Sokumen Henkou(Aspect Alteration).

Dragon, Serpent.

Swiftly, his wakizashi stretched to twice its length, becoming a proper katana, before becoming serrated as well. Of course, the spikes—which pointed back towards the hilt—were not normal, instead, they were more like slightly curved hooks that almost pointed back towards the sword itself. Satisfied with the changes to his weapon, Koutaku accelerated to his full speed.

Meanwhile, the clone he’d summoned decided that it would be prudent of him to draw a series of wire-bound shuriken using Hidden Arms. With those in his left hand, the clone threw one straight down where it embedded into the ground, before throwing two more four meters backward, where they too drove into the floor. Seeming prepared, the clone flipped its blade into a reversed grip and clutched its three remaining shuriken between the knuckles of its closed fist.

However, its creator did something unexpected as he reached the one-meter mark, he performed the seal of confrontation with his free hand, a vicious grin on his features, and then—wreathed in wind—suddenly erupted forwards at a startling 190 speed as the enhancer took hold. Having prepared for the jump in velocity, Koutaku swung his altered wakizashi at a slight tilt, aiming for the clone’s head.

Wind Release: Wind Rejuvenation

The clone—Kou—responded by raising its own blade and just barely managing to deflect, its own movements seeming sluggish in comparison to its creator. Pushing back and tugging on the wires behind it, the clone began to retreat. However, as it tried to withdraw its wakizashi, Koutaku tilted his blade further, twisting it and jerking the altered sword back towards himself. As he did so its hooks caught the wakizashi and then summarily disarmed the clone.

Gritting his teeth, Kou continued to retreat, performing handseals as he did so. Monkey, Ox, Snake, Ram, Tiger, and Dog were swiftly performed, half with one hand and half with the other, thus activating a defensive medical ninjutsu.

Damage Reduction Shield

Energy much like writhing flames pressed outwards from Kou's body protecting him from a limited amount of damage. However, any defense was typically better than none at all. Of course, even as the clone finished, Koutaku struck again, easily closing the distance as the Kou retreated due to the clone's inferior speed. Slashing downwards, Kou raised an arm and used its shuriken to catch the blow, pushing his feet down into the ground due to the force behind it. Sliding, Kou finished performing its second set of handseals with its hidden right hand: Rat, Rabbit, Dog, Boar, Ram.

Koutaku, noticing a lack of physical counterattack narrowed his eyes and drew back his other arm, shuriken swiftly being pulled to it by Hidden arms just as the clone's technique went off.

Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere

Eyes widening, Koutaku attempted to retreat, but the spray of wind bullets was too narrow so instead, he utilized Split Second, expertly bending around, or jumping, to avoid each projectile's path--after all they were moving much slower than him. Still, this gave his clone a chance to breathe and activate a second technique. With the Ox, Dog, Rat, and Ram handseals finished, Kou clapped his hands together, and immediately a whirling sphere of wind erupted from his person, expanding outwards in all directions.

Wind Release: Wind Wall

Eyes widening, as he was still very much in range--and still dodging the projectiles--Koutaku could do nothing except brace himself before the technique struck him. Grimacing as the wind tore at him, Koutaku then found himself flung backward at the wall. Performing a technique himself, Koutaku used the Monkey and Bird handseals--one per hand--to swiftly activate Wind Release: Jump. This done he stopped midair and then hurtled back towards his adversary even faster than before. Of course, now he had a barrier to circumvent.

Performing the Tiger and Boar handseals twice each, Koutaku clapped his hands together over the hilt of his wakizashi, and immediately the blade was suffused with chakra thrice over. First, he activated Chakra Infusion, followed swiftly by the Flying Swallow technique, both of which wreathed the blade with an aura of wavering energy. Then, as he reached the wall of wind, Koutaku slashed in a triangular formation with his blade. It tore through the wind and revealed Kou, who was just as surprised when his technique outright failed, leaving him to deal with his creator hurtling at him. Of course, the maneuver had cost Koutaku two separate weapon techniques. No matter though as a third activated.

Temple Style: Discovery of an Incomplete Truth

Wind chakra spun and whirled around the blade, Koutaku smirked, and the clone backpedaled but was far too late.

Or was he.

Sakura: First Step

The wire that the clone had set up while he'd been hidden by the defensive technique suddenly all lit up with a horrible light, and several of them were in a net between Koutaku's rushing frame and the clone's smiling features.

“Shit,” the genin exclaimed, performing two handseals in a split second to react. Bird and Dragon.

Step On High Ladder

Slowing immediately, Koutaku reversed his orientation midair even as his clone threw shuriken at him, forcing him to dodge carefully to one side, weaving between the network of deadly wires. There wasn't anywhere to go, he began to realize as he moved. Yes, he could evade the individual projectiles, but the problem was much worse than that. He'd been trapped by one of his own stratagems. Impressed with himself, Koutaku deactivated his technique and felt Wind Rejuvenation wear off as well. Still, he managed to evade the kunai, ducking from side to side, deflecting some, or dashing away in the narrow spaces between wires. Then it struck him, he wasn't nearly as trapped as his clone would like to think.

Smirking, Koutaku utilized the Ram handseal and shrunk down to roughly 5 inches in size. Running at his same speed on the ground, easily able to jump between what were now huge gaps between the wires, the Iouchiryo couldn't help but revel in the annoyance he saw on Kou's face as he approached. With the wires thoroughly circumvented, Koutaku deactivates his transformation and struck, engaging the clone in a series of close combat maneuvers, clashing weapons, each dodging or deflecting, or blocking where possible.

Adrenaline pumping through both of their veins, the two eventually pushed away, with the clone managed to get off the final seal for an enhancer itself.

Soul Expulsion

However, rather than allow it, Koutaku decided he'd learned plenty from the exchange and promptly--unfairly--dismissed his clone. Chuckling to himself, for the clone had appeared almost dismayed if not certainly disappointed, Koutaku let the transformation on his wakizashi fail and then sheathed the blade. Deciding he was done for the day, the genin waved at the others in the room and promptly made his exit. Casually he returned what wire he'd borrowed to the facility's designated drop-off area, and then left the building, deciding to head back home. He'd worked up quite the appetite after all and it was time to reward a fruitful training session with a hearty meal. Humming to himself, Koutaku navigated the crowds of Kirigakure, considering all that he had learned and specifically sorting through the experiences he'd gained from his clones.

That final bout, despite using only one clone, had been tricky. He'd learned some more ways to use his wires and that, he thought, was going to be unbelievably valuable in the future. Perhaps after he'd eaten and completed some missions he'd ask his family if they knew any clan techniques that might help him while utilizing the tool. Changing his tune, Koutaku worked to memorize that idea, before moving on to something more relaxed. Eventually, however, he grew quite bored of simply walking through the village and so he broke into a run, jumping over people, using obstacles as new ways to traverse the environment, and generally being a bit of a menace. A small smirk on his features as he enjoyed the additional exercise, Koutaku darted from the street to the rooftops, then between buildings on walls, and occasionally back on the ground, giving his legs a good stretch and his mind a final workout.

Eventually, Koutaku arrived outside in his neighborhood and elected to slow down, thinking about what sorts of things he still needed to learn when next he trained--or what to focus on during his missions. He decided he'd finish working on a few defensive weaponry techniques, at least one earth technique, and perhaps some supplementary things as well. It would have to be a productive mission, that was for sure. With these decisions made, Koutaku used his key on the front door and entered the house, and was immediately greeted by the squeals of his cousins from several rooms over. Rolling his eyes, but smiling, Koutaku braced himself. Moments later the two rushed around a corner and practically tackled him. Fortunately, he'd been prepared and caught them instead, laughing at their exuberance and energy.

"Miss me?" he asked, and they both nodded, grinning. Shaking them off, the three of them headed for the dining room where it seemed the family was already preparing the midday meal. Smiling at his mother, Koutaku helped set the table and then choose his customary seat and waited. Gradually everyone gathered together, from his uncle and aunt to his grandparents, and parents. His two cousins sat at a separate table nearby, but for now, they were on either side of him. Bowing their heads they gave thanks for the meal, thanking their ancestors who had helped bring them to this time of prosperity, and for the work that each and every one of them did to preserve such. Finally, with that done the family ate, and Koutaku politely--but quite gladly--filled himself, truly famished from all the training.

It was going to be a good day.

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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:51 pm
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:49 pm
Because of reasons that certainly weren't related to IRL circumstances the past few weeks, Kikuko quietly takes a bow from the event after having learned valuable lessons.



4561 words

Claiming As follows:

Mastering Genjutsu Release (Taught) [62/62]
362 words to Oberon [3000/3000] (Original training in Quiet and Contemplation)
Learning Butterfly Sage Mode [3000/3000]
Learning Hiding in the Water [750/750]

Remaining 387 words go to  Water Senbon [387/750]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:07 pm
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:30 pm

25% Max Stat Discoujnt
[1875/1875] Maintenance
[255/1875] Earth Flow Spears
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:35 pm
Approved @Daiko
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 8 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:25 pm
Everything had calmed down, and most of the people in the shinobi salon had left, meaning that the training facility was mostly empty right now. Keita looked around and noticed that the people serving food were looking at him, wondering if they should start packing up, and Keita nodded. The food and drinks were then packed up quite quickly, and the people thanked Keita for his business before heading out. Keita stretched and yawned, making sure to clean up the training materials that he had brought in the facility, and then started to walk out. He had learned a bit from this little training get together, but he had not learned any techniques or anything of the sort, as the only one that could potentially teach him anything new was Travin, and he was more focused on the art of genjutsu than ninjutsu, or the other specialist skills that Keita had, so there was nothing much to learn here. That was fien of course, as he never had the inclination to learn anything here, as he wanted to be the teacher for everyone else instead. He liked teaching others, and there was a sense of accomplishment when he was able to see the people he was talking to become better at whatever subject that he was teaching. Eventually, it was his goal to make a lot of the younger generation of Kirigakure stronger than he was, a metaphorical passing of the torch to the next generation. He wanted to see them accomplish their goals and become powerful in the world, stepping over all of their obstacles in their way and forging their own path. It was a bit sappy of a thought, but there was nothing inherently wrong with having thoughts like that, as it helped increase the power of the village as a whole. Keita also left, making sure to turn the lights out and inform the receptionist that he was done with the room. With that, he headed out of the building and back to his home.
WC: 339
TWC: 6408

Using a 50% discount coupon and 2500 words for Spellbinding Seal, Training over Damage Reduction Shield, that jutsu going down to A rank
rest is using 25% discount 3908
Using 821 words to finish Vacuum Great Sphere, previous training HERE
Using 178 to finish Storm Sphere, previous training HERE
Using 1875 to learn A rank Fuuin Amplifier 2
Putting 1034 words towards Starch Syrup, earning C rank, 1034/1313 for B rank
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:43 pm
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