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Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mitsu Hyuuga
Travin Uchiha
Cosplay Queen Saya
Kikuko Hayashi
Sayaka Uchiha
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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:01 pm
Travin had no sooner walked up and introduced himself to the young woman and got her name in response. That a young child appeared next to them. The boy introduced himself as Hiroyuki. Travin almost waved for someone to come and remove the child before he noticed that he was indeed wearing a shinobi headband. Travin had seen and heard of people graduating from the academy at young ages. However, they tended to be more than this child. Most people he knew that were that strong and talented were not cute and fluffy, but more hard and dedicated. Not to say that the child was not dedicated to the art, but it was like they say looks can be deceiving. 

Hello, Hiroyuki, I’m a bit surprised, to be honest. You seem too young to be here, meaning you must be very talented. If it’s not weird may I ask how old you are?” Travin’s tone would be pure curiosity while maintaining the formal tone he had been using so far. Once the boy had answered or chose not to Saya would drop down from rafters onto the stage she had set up with her puppets. 

The music would start and Travin had to admit that it was a strange yet catchy beat. He caught himself tapping his toe a few times and had to stop himself. He stood with the others around him and listened to the song. Watching as some of the others started to dance and enjoy their selves. Part of Travin wanted to join in however with his clan in attendance it would not be a good idea. For anyone paying attention, it would be clear that the Rentei clan did not appreciate the show, and saw it as a waste of time and energy that could be used for training. Travin was sure that if the event had been held by the Rentei clan that Saya would probably have been put down before she landed on the stage. Followed by a quick apology from the clan head to the people attending the event. 

Once Saya was done and the crowd settled down Travin would look back at the group around him. Kikuko, Hiroyuki, and Mitsu “this is supposed to be a training event. How much training have the three of you had, I would love to see how far you have come if you want to step over out of the way and spar?” His question would be genuine, as he had been out of the village for a while getting Kita back, and hadn’t had time yet to see the new generation of genin. Assuming that all three were genin after all he had just met the three of them. He was most curious about the child, wanting to see just what he could do to be allowed to graduate so soon from the academy.
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:37 pm
"Most of my training has been related to my family's fighting style honestly. Though I've been trying to do more on my own without their help. I like to think I can hold my own relatively well but... well compared to everyone here I'm going to just take a wild guess and assume I'm probably near the bottom right now." He gives off a bit of a nervous chuckle before looking off to the rest of the Rentei clan and clicking together similarities between them and his own. He also looks down to the tiny recent academy student, dying a little inside thinking about how "this one is so young and graduating and aaaaaaa inadequacies will be my downfall." before he manages to reign in his self berating thoughts. 

"The techniques I have right now are either related to the Gentle Fist or what I'm going more towards recently, Bukijutsu." He palms a kunai as he talks, idly spinning it around his finger. A small blue glow over took the tool, a clear sign of chakra infusion. Might as well get a bit of practice with its control he thought. He wondered what rank everyone here might be. it was clear the little one was a Genin. Kikuko he knew was Chunin. Travin was a bit harder to place but with the seniority and formal speaking he guessed Jounin? He guessed much the same about Keita assuming them both to be pretty up there in the village ranks. As for Saya... Saya he had a hard time as good. He assumed either a very VERY enthusiastic Jounin he suspected with her theatrics or a Genin that was absolutely off her rocker. He wasn't sure exactly which he'd be more scared of. 

Though still it seemed the people here, aside from the theatric one, were looking to help out and train the younger generations and Mitsu would gladly take any help he could get. Even if it wasn't in the specific form he craved, training wider would doubtlessly also be able to help him. Learn a bit of ninjutsu there, a bit of fuinjutsu here. Hell maybe he could learn another nature while here. It seemed that a lot of the village knew water release so odds are it would prove beneficial. All the more he could learn would mean all the faster he could rise up and get more power for himself. 

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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:56 pm
Hiroyuki watched as another person joined their group, and it seemed that they knew Kikuko, and he simply waved at the new person before introducing himself again to them. “Hello, I’m Hiroyuki Yamanaka, nice to meet you Mitsu. Also, nice to meet you Kikuko, and you as well Mr. Rentei” Hiroyuki would bow a bit to Travin as he said this, as he had heard of the noble family before, and it seemed that he was the main representative here today, and so Hiroyuki would try to give him as much respect as possible, as this was taught by his father. Kikukoi had asked him what he was doing here, and Hiroyuki was a bit taken aback, as he was there for the same reason as others, he wanted to learn. He was slightly embarrassed by this, because it seemed that he was getting the same treatment as before, where people were wondering what a lost child was doing around ninja, but he answered her all the same. 

“I’m here to learn from more experienced seniors. Also Mr. Rentai, I am ten years old, but I’ll be eleven soon!” He would say excitedly, before looking back to the other people and wondering what they should do in a little while. This was when a strange thing happened, and a person that had hidden herself in the ceiling suddenly came down and started singing a song, with the strange puppets and people there joining in to help them with the performance. Hiroyuki did not think about it too much and simply started tapping his foot and swaying his body to the beat. After the performance was over, he clapped a bit, but noticed that Mr. Rentei was not so amused by it, and it seemed to put him in a slightly bad mood. Hiroyuki could see why, as the girl that descended to sing was doing so in what was supposed to be a training get together. 

On the other hand, where they were was not part of the training area, and instead had chairs and some teaching materials as well as food carts setup that were giving food. Speaking of, while the performance was winding down, Hiroyuki snuck off and grabbed two handfuls of meat skewers from a nearby catering table before coming back to the group just as the whole show completely ended and people were talking amongst themselves again. He happily munched on them, when Mr. Rentai suddenly suggested that some of them step over to the actual training area to spar. Hiroyuki’s ears perked up at that, and there was a clearly audible “Mmm!” sound from his mouth as he hurriedly chewed and swallowed the chunks of chicken that were in his mouth. 

“Me, me, I want to spar!” Hiroyuki was bouncing up and down on his tippy toes with his hand in the air, hoping that Mr. Rentei would pick him, as if this was in a classroom. He had also heard the person Mitsu say that he was practicing his family’s fighting style, and that it was the Gentle Fist, denoting him as a Hyuuga. Hiroyuki was also very intrigued by the Hyuuga, because their fighting style matched a bit of his mothers, at least slightly in style. They were more like needles though, and his mother’s style was more like flowing water, but the principles seemed similar, or so he had heard. He really wanted to see a Hyuuga in action, so he did not mind which one of them were going to spar, although he would definitely be at a disadvantage due to experience. Regardless of who he ended up choosing, if another person, Hiroyuki would make his way towards the training area on the other side of the room to either watch or participate.
WC: 632
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:08 pm
It seemed like things were getting really lively, as a small group of people had formed, including the newly appointed genin, Hiroyuki. Keita was glad to see him socializing with everyone, as he was barely a genin now, and the other people in his class has yet to graduate, so he needed some new friends. They were talking about something, and suddenly a large commotion started happening. Saya, a known troublemaker, came down from the ceiling and started singing, her puppets helping her put on the show, and it seemed like a lot of people were into it, but the Rentei's were not, as they were always serious when it came to things like this. Keita chuckled to himself ass he simply enjoyed the song and the theatrics, as if anyone had a problem with her or her methods, there was a sparring area right over there for them to settle it. After the performance was done, Keita would be calmly clapping towards her, before addressing her directly. 

"Miss Saya, although the performance was amazing, this 'is' a training get together for shinobi techniques. Please keep trying to teach others how to sing and dance to a more appropriate location or get together. I also hope you can pass on some of your more...practical techniques to the others of the village, if you don't mind." Keita made sure not to chastise her for the performance, but reminded her that they were in a place that was meant to learn how to defend themselves, and although music and the arts were beautiful and vital for a functioning society to be successful, it would not help when someone was trying to stab you in the neck. Hopefully she got her massive theatrics out of the way so that people could focus on the training of techniques to defend themselves.
WC: 307
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:02 pm
So much happening at once, and yet so little time to process it. New people, new faces, unfamiliar surroundings and an event unlike she had ever attended before about to go fully underway. It was all she could do to watch, listen, observe around her with a keen eye. And yet, try she would.

It took all of Kikuko’s willpower to not spit out yet another sip of water as her friend set up yet another grand performance within the venue, Coach splitting open to reveal his true purpose as the Senju’s favorite portable stage. Actually, did Saya even consult with the people running this event as to whether or not she’d be allowed to perform? That was totally the sort of thing that she would do without a care- create a guerilla performance alongside her puppet siblings, only to be whisked away by whatever form of security they had on retainer here halfway through the performance. Still, it was impossible to get mad at her. It was clear that she had spent a lot of time thinking and preparing for this day, and it showed in both the costuming and the pre-prep exhibited through the gradual arrival of each cast member and preparation for the stage’s full unveiling. While she didn’t quite get the outfit that Saya had on, nor had she ever heard the song in her life, she couldn’t help but clap along with the lyrics. When somebody has the bravery to stage up on stage, to perform, isn’t it only natural to reward such behavior with one’s own attention? Kikuko had never considered herself to be the overly philosophical type, but she knew just how vulnerable being the center of attention could be. In many ways, it was like bearing ones soul to the world. Upon the song’s conclusion she would cheer heartily before directing her attention back towards the conversation at hand. Oh gosh, how long had she let herself become absorbed into the music? Hopefully not long enough to lose track of the conversation, at least. As for the moment, the subject seemed to be focused around training. Appropriate, seeing the actual purpose of the gathering.

“I’m a summoning shinobi.” She would offer a quick, to the point explanation. “That’s not to say that I neglect other fields, but I mainly engage in combat and other shinobi related activities alongside my contracted summons. I also dabble in Fuinjutsu and Ninjutsu, if that helps.” Well, dabble was a decidedly weak word given the context. At the same time, she didn’t want to give off the idea that she was overconfident, or knew more than she actually did. There was a time and a place to be humble, you know? Especially when among those you’re meant to learn from.

Listening to Mitsu and Hiroyuki’s responses to Travin’s question, she would nod almost imperceptibly to herself. It seemed that Mitsu’s training route and specialties had not wavered since they last met- an understandable thing, considering that he was in the nascent stages of his ninja career. Still, she was happy to hear that he was beginning to make progress towards learning his own clan techniques alongside the art of weaponry. Being clan born was a funny thing, to her. So much knowledge open to one person, and yet it never seemed to be enough to those families. Was that drive, or obsession?

“I’d love to spar, actually.” She would assent to Travin’s suggestion, looking over the group. They were four people at the moment, in their little group. Two freshly minted Genins, herself, and Travin- who while she hadn’t seen before, radiated a certain aura that she attributed to higher class ninja within the village. How would they go about this? “We’re a bit of a large group, though. Should we take turns, or would it be more of a group session?”

And where the heck was Saya? This was totally her sort of jam. Probably. Ah, she was probably signing autographs. The life of a rockstar, no doubt.

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:38 pm
Travin listened and watched as all three of his companions almost jumped at the chance to train. However, Kikuko did bring up a good point that there were 4 of them. Something that Travin didn’t really think about considering that he always just figured that it would be the three of them against him alone. He had been cooped up in Hoshi for so long that he hadn’t had a real chance to stretch out his muscles, and was looking forward to this. While he obviously wouldn’t go all out on the three since they were fellow villagers he didn’t want to really hurt them. He did hope that they could give him a good workout. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time he was pleasantly surprised by young shinobi. Plus he knew that even if they were weaker than he was if they worked well together there was a chance they could still win. 

That’s a good point Kikuko” Travin would tell her as he reached up to rub his chin. “I guess I’ll just have to fight the three of you together” he added with a slight hint of excitement in his voice. If the three would agree to the spar of him vs the three of them Travin would wave over one of his fellow Rentei clan members. 

The Rentei would have the same black hair as most Rentei and wearing the same armor as Travin. “This is Dom he is a medical shinobi of the Rentei clan. On the off chance that one of us gets hurt, he will step in and pull you out for medical treatment” Travin would tell the three. Once he got agreements from the three that they understood he would add “If you guys will follow me we will walk out of here so the real fun can begin.” 

Travin would lead the three if they all agreed to field three. It was a nice open field with a few trees and a small pond, but other than that nothing to get in the way of their fight. Once they were all in the field Travin’s eyes would go from their normal pale blue to a quick flash of deep blue before settling back down to a normal light level. “Whenever the three of you are ready you may start, but I feel as though I should warn you that these eyes of mine allow me to see the future” he would tell the three with a cocky grin.

(WC-419 TWC-1620)

Rules for the spar
no matter how much damage is done no one's hp can drop below 50 the med nin will intervene and pull you out before it happens.
all jutsu and tactics are allowed
if anyone has any issue just say so in discord or on the post and we can edit these rules to fit.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:13 pm
"Oh, yea I kn--whot?!" Her head turned to the side as she glanced over to see the shinobi who had asked her not to continue theatrics that could take focus away form the task at hand. Listen. Our dear beloved protagonist has been reprimanded by quite a few shinobi. Some would even assume she'd had an adversarial interaction with every high ranking shinobi in the village at this point. Those people would be wrong, and should stop making assumptions about her tale. Instead maybe just sit back, grab a drink and enjoy? While she'd been stopped, chased, or in many ways impeeded by an uncountable number of guards within the village, this one was new. How was it possible that she kept running across people she hadn't met?

"Y.. Uh. Yea I just wanted to make um. A good first impress--how do you know my name?! Have you chased me down the streets before and I just don't remember, or you were wearing a mask, or it was raining really hard that day? I um. " She was so beside herself that instead of continuing to try and understand how this ninja could know about her when she didn't remember him, she formed the seals for storage displacement slowly enough that if anyone were watching her, they would be able to follow. Rat. Dog. A great black void formed beside her, a swirling mist of nothingness that she reached into, pulling out an apple and shrugging.

"Aya that was very rude. Good afternoon sir. You seem to know my sister. I am Ai, and i'm sure you've at least heard of our team. " The Ai puppet, her threads hidden and the realistic look and intricate mechanisms within the puppet allowing movement down to minute facial features that would make it dificult for most to recognize that she wasn't a real person, approached, stopping just behind her sister. "I would be more than glad to teach any who are interested what we know of Ninjutsu. I believe my little sister was more hoping to find someone skilled in lightning style or fuinjutsu to teach her--though I couldn't imagine us having the luck to find someone skilled in both lightning style ninjutsu AND fuinjutsu. Hopefully we can find the former. We do have a friend able to teach the latter should we need. Are you a higher ranked shinobi?"

As the sisters spoke to Keita, the rest of team puppet would quickly pick up and put away the ropes and poles that had ensured no one was harmed in their performance. With that done, and the Coach puppet closed up with the items inside for safe keeping, Pinochio would glance about like a kid in a candy shop. Maybe he could learn some cool taijutsu. Puppets can learn taijutsu right? Yes. He was a really cool puppet. he would figure it out.

The coach puppet crossed the distance towards the rest of their friends. He stopped just beside Kiku, giving a nod before turning his attention to Travin. He'd heard of this man. He was Saya's teacher probably?

(TWC 1714)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:51 pm
So this was going to be her training for the day? Well then, so be it. Truth be told, she was beginning to get rared up by the energy that buzzed about the convention. There was something exciting about meeting new compatriots, being placed into sudden opportunities to learn more, that brought a smile to her face. Certainly, it was sudden. It was unexpected. She would face it all with her full spirit, though. Still, all three of them? Wasn’t that a little patronizing? That, or he was far more competent than she could even imagine.
“Alright! Please take care of us.” Bowing to both Travin and his guest, she would follow Travin out towards training field three, a pep in her step as she travelled. Leaning against the trunk of a tree roughly 15m away from the pond, she would attempt to size up its height as she stretched out for their combat sparring. Roughly ten meters, from the looks of it. Would she be able to utilize it? Maybe, if she planned well enough.

“I’ll let you two start out first!” She would call out to her teammates, giving them both a thumbs up. “Show me with you can do Mitsu, Hiroyuki!”

Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:30 am
As Mitsu followed he couldn't help but wonder what the senior shinobi had been planning. The three of them versus just one? Was the difference in power that great? But still, if the Jounin thought this the best course of action who was he to deny him. He took his place 10 meters away from the jounin. Even if the senior had tricks up his sleeves he hoped that his armor would at least hold against the most of it. 

On being given the go ahead from Kikuko Mitsu would activate his byakugan. The veins protruding from his temples as his eyes gained an intensity to them. He took in everything around him. The location of his team, of travin. He shoots off, his katana glowing with a sharp blue energy dancing across the metal. A smoke bomb pulled from his weapon pouch tossed in front of him to the midpoint between the two ninja that blooms out into a cloud of smoke. After Mitsu is in the smoke three things emerged.

Mitsu, or atleast a clone of him that jumped into the air on a trajectory to travin, weapon drawn and sent down to him.
At the same time a kunai lancing its way through the smoke towards Travin carrying with it an explosive tag, Mitsu ready to detonate whenever it stuck into him or whenever he'd attempt to deflect or otherwise toss it aside, though obviously not detonating if he still got within its explosive range. 
Less than a second after would be the actual Mitsu, coming in with his blade ready and eyes watchful of the battlefield. The comment of seeing the future had him relying mostly on his 360 degree vision and wary of the enemy. If he managed to get in close Mitsu would be attempting to stab into the left side of the stomach of the senior ninja. However with his byakugan he was ready to abandon his plan should things get too dicey to really do it, Ready to react to whatever they might toss his way. 

[TWC 1320]

Maths n Shit:
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:10 pm
Hiroyuki watched as the person who had organized the event and was the host, Keita, slightly admonished the performer about what they were doing, but he seemed polite about it, at least. The performer started to ask him some questions, but Hiroyuki returned his attention to the conversation at hand about the spar. He was excited, even though he knew that everyone here was far more experienced that he was, he had yet to learn any other techniques aside from the ones that he learned from the academy, so he was probably going to have a poor showing in that regard, but that did not matter to him, as he was going to go ahead and give it his best anyways. He had also heard that the woman Kikuko was a summoning shinobi who liked to fight alongside summoned creatures, which seemed really awesome, and Hiroyuki wondered if he could do something like that in the future as well, although he was unsure what sort of summoning beast he would want. Hiroyuki nodded at her, and that was when all three of them agreed to a spar. 

It was now starting to get exciting to Hiroyuki, and he made his way over to the area that they were going to spar at, nodding at the man that was from the Rentei clan and was a medical shinobi. It was strange though, and he wondered if he was the only one that knew that they were currently in a simulation of the advanced training facility. The medical practitioner was fairly unnecessary, considering that the room itself was going to prevent them from actually harming each other, all of this was a careful and powerful illusion that they were inside of, enough to fool even the sharingan of the Uchiha clan. Hiroyuki did not know much about the sharingan, but he knew about the training facility and how powerful it was, as not even the most powerful genjutsu users could tell the difference between the simulation the facility had and reality.  He wondered if the people here had fallen into that mentality, since it did sort of look like a big normal room, aside from the elemental themed arenas on the other side.

It seemed like the spar was about to be underway, and the Hyuuga immediately activated their special eyes and started rushing, this was basically right after Kikuko said that she would wait until the two of them attacked. Hiroyuki was excited as how fast the Hyuuga was, and noted that he would need a massive amount of excess training after this, before heading out into the spar. He did not have any weapons on him, and only knew the most basic of techniques, but he could still be useful, or so he thought at least. Hiroyuki started carefully circling around Mr. Rentei, heading towards his right side, but keeping a distance of about three meters between them. He was constantly staring at Mr. Rentei’s hands, watching out for any hand seals that he might be using, although he knew that powerful people did not need hand seals for their most familiar jutsu, so he kept an eye out for that as well. As he circled around, he simply had to wait to see what the man was going to do in response to the frenzied rush of the Hyuuga and his smoke bomb. 

Hiroyuki’s hands were in front of his chest regardless, ready to block, evade, or form hand seals. He would keep doing this until he moved slightly behind the man, essentially in between the man’s back and his right side, before deciding what to do next. He had to take this very carefully if he wanted to be able to do anything in this spar, but he was at least learning a lot due to the movements of the others here, so there was no reason to sit this out. He also had to make sure he was not going to be a burden to the others in the spar, as  a bad teammate was worse than a skilled enemy, at least according to his mother.
WC: 689
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