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Find the Missing Puppy [E-rank] Empty Find the Missing Puppy [E-rank]

Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:13 pm

Whatever it was with animals, Yomiko would never know, but it seemed to be a popular motif for small missions around the village. First a cat, now it was a dog. Holding up the missive for the mission itself, she read over it once more and sighed. A male puppy by the name of Mona. It was a golden retriever breed too, which couldn’t be any more common. Sighing, yet again, Yomiko rounded the corner into the district that the puppy was last seen in. Thankfully the small shopping district wasn’t the common one most of the village went to. In fact, it was a pretty niche one that was never really busy; at least, she couldn’t remember the last time she ever found it to be. 

Of course today, of all days, it did seem busier than usual. Thankfully, it was still not as busy as the common shopping areas. Either way, trudging forward, Yomiko began to dip into the back alleys along the main strip of the shops to try and spot a flash of golden fur amongst the dark dankness of the alleys. Ever so often she would even call out the puppies name, hoping for a little bark, yelp, howl, whimper, anything really. Sadly, each time she got her hopes up that this alley would be the one with the puppy, she would come up empty handed. 

It would be my luck that the puppy has probably already found his way into another district of the city and here I am looking like a fool playing around in these nasty alleyways.

Yomiko turned the corner back out onto the main street, immediately being bombarded with questions and advertisements towards each of the little shops, booths, and carts that lined the small district. Laughing nervously and waving her arms in dismissal, she continued down the street until a flash of gold low to the ground caught her eye. Whatever it was disappeared around a food stall into what seemed to be an alcove. Quickly, she hurried down to the stall and passed it, into what she thought was alcove but really the start of some intersecting alleyways. That meant that they were coming upon the next district where the alleys all meet and intermingle like a web. 

Cringing, Yomiko quickly ran down, wanting to nab the puppy before she lost him into the next district or somewhere in the sort-of maze that these alleys were where districts connected. Skidding to a halt at an intersection, she paused for a long moment to allow the silence and calmness of the alley to return before kneeling down and making kiss sounds. “Mona? Here Mona! Come on boy, where are you?” She started, eyes darting about to see if she could see any movement. A bit of a growl could be heard followed by an adorable bark. From behind a few trash cans, the little puppy came out running full speed towards her; leaping in the process.

With a yelp, Yomiko fell backwards as the small puppy ran by her, giving a drive by lick across her face in the process. Grumbling, she rolled to her side and pulled herself up while the puppy, some ways down another alley, turned around to look at her and bark once, as if taunting her. Grumbling, Yomiko strung together some hand signs and began to shoot a stream of water from her mouth to create a perfect replica of herself standing next to her. A water clone. The two Yomiko’s nodded to one another as the real Yomiko dashed down the alley after the puppy. Her clone, however, dipped into the next side alley to begin circling around. 

What ensued after was a fun, or perhaps not so fun, game of ring around the rosey, tag, and many other iterations of kids games as the three of them circled and ran through the back alleys of the small shopping district until, finally, the dog began to chase Yomiko’s clone. Relaying this, the real Yomiko circled back to chase the two of them from a distance. The clone began to slow down as the puppy ran up and went to jump onto the water clone. It smirked as the puppy landed on it only to fall to the alley ground soaked and confused as to where his playmate had gone. In the confusion, Yomiko used the time to hurry up behind the puppy and snatch him up. 

“Hah! Got you, Mona! Time to take you back to where you belong. So stop being a mischievous little scamp and let’s go!”

Mona struggled in Yomiko’s arms until finally giving up with a whimper and just shaking around as much as he could to get the young girl soaking wet. It certainly wasn’t ideal, and though Yomiko didn’t specifically mind being wet considering her use of Suition ninjutsu, this kind of wet just sat differently for her. Cringing still, she made her way back to where the puppies mother and brothers and sisters were to call this mission to completion.

--WC 846--
Rewards: Body Flicker (D-rank) with 500 WC & +8 stats (5 speed & 3 chakra). 1100 Ryou & 5 AP via E-rank mission rewards
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Find the Missing Puppy [E-rank] Empty Re: Find the Missing Puppy [E-rank]

Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:22 pm
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