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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:46 pm
The day had been washed anew with fresh energy, particularly for Yuuma. After many days of waiting and no shortage of expenses, he had finally completed the step necessary in getting his business off the ground. It had been quite a bit of work- finding a space, finalizing payment, getting the ability to sell locally sourced supplements, and the like. Once the dealing had been concluded, Yuuma went to the trouble of creating his own flyers for the business, advertising the recently opened pharmacy as a place for all the peoples of Hoshigakure to come and receive medical consultation or remedies if they so needed. Posted about the more important information centers of town, he felt unashamed to have his own advertisements posted over the less than reputable calls for back-alley butchery, though was otherwise respectful to the space he took up as a whole. This didn’t stop him from having a tireless day of set up at the shop, however. The furniture he had acquired through second-hand means, locking cabinets to store his supplies, and a countertop on which to do business. A small array of mismatched chairs sat against one wall to act as a sort of pseudo waiting area for the clinical room in the back which offered more privacy when it came to matters of health and concern; he wouldn’t feel comfortable addressing people and whatever condition they might be facing out and amongst the public eye. The first thing he had moved, however, was the belongings of his meager living space into the attached apartment room in the back. Some might call the space small, but it was still bigger than what he had been used to just a few short weeks before. Plus, having an attached kitchen meant that he could begin to prepare his own meals- and most importantly, his own tea. The space was certainly an upgrade from his old living situation, and it brought him directly closer to his work such that he might be readily available to assist those who might need him at a moment’s notice.

Sighing to himself, the day was only just past the halfway point and Yuuma already felt like it had been a full day’s work. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he would sigh and stand the broom he had been using up correctly. The shop had previously been a curio shop and had cleaned out rather quickly, though there was something of a curious smell that had been left behind that Yuuma couldn’t quite identify. Despite his best efforts of trying to locate the source, he had failed to find anything definite though was beginning to suspect that it might be something brewing in the upstairs tenets living space. Casting his gaze about the front area, Yuuma would take in the sight of everything coming together. Vitamins and minerals had been placed on his shelves, a community board posting local events shared a wall with the main entrance, and vials containing tonics and remedies all sat in pretty, colorful rows behind the glass of locked cases. The backroom still had some setting up to do, but he doubted very much that anyone was going to be coming for a visit like such any time soon. Setting his broom aside, Yuuma would move to the countertop of the shop and duck beneath it to withdraw a set of incense sticks that would be placed into a small brass cup before they were lit, wisps of thin smoke trailing upwards and twisting among themselves until they dispersed into the air, beginning to fill the shop with the scent of sandalwood. The sound of fluttering at the entrance to his shop drew his attention.

Through the doorway would fly Yuuma’s feathered companion, Archimedes. His wings beat a few times, further spreading the scent of the burning sticks as he came in for a landing on a perch that had been attached to the wall in the forming of a gnarled tree branch- something that Yuuma thought might be a more natural appeal to his companion. Residing next to the branch, however, was a shelf lined with a row of plushie dolls that held an uncanny likeness to the owl that was perched on the stand beside them. “So,” Archimedes began, forgoing any formal greeting at this point. “I see you went ahead with the idea of creating a replica in my likeness despite my misgivings on the matter.” The owl hadn’t been particularly fond of the idea of his likeness being capitalized on, though his voice carried no malice to indicate true disapproval.

Yuuma grinned some. “Good morning to you too.” He said in a bow of the head. “Come now, Archimedes. I am certain there are many who will find great comfort in your likeness. And besides, it will show the people that we are not trying to pawn off cheap ninja medicines- that we are actually a part of the community.” A few short strides and Yuuma would be standing near the shelf, lifting one of the plush from their resting spot and giving it a few soft strokes. “Besides, look how soft and cuddly it is.” In a show of agitation, Archimedes would open and beat his wings a few times, prompting Yuuma to laugh and place the doll back on the shelf, returning to lean back against the countertop and folding his arms over his chest. “Don’t worry, if they aren’t doing well, I’ll be sure to hold production on any more.”

Archimedes seemed content with the response, for the most part, his head turning to cast his gaze over the row of mini owl plushes with a look Yuuma might only describe as restrained disdain.

WC - 954

Last edited by Yuuma Fujiwara on Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Dialogue format fixes.)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:02 pm
Hoshigakure… the land of harrowing nightmares and an identity best left forgotten, abandoned to the will of time and morphed by the filth of the underbelly of every back alley bar from here to the coast. Unease filled her every step as she walked through the streets, the deep seed of fear - fear of the truth - becoming uncovered by any pair of eyes that caught her at just the right angle. Turmoil roiled in her soul as she passed by landmarks and hideouts she once claimed - the old cracked bell in the tower that hadn’t tolled in nearly half a century, or the rock formation that marked the hidden pathway that led to the river by her old home - yet her face was pristinely unmarred by these festering thoughts. She strode through the streets with a commanding presence, street clothes did nothing to hinder the confidence - or maybe it was indifferent bloodlust- that exuded from her; causing men, women, and children alike to step or be dragged out of her path. 

She wore the wide brimmed hat that normally adorned her back atop the long black locks of hair, every so often a bit of it would slip out from under the shadow and glimmer with a healthy sheen. In a few days time this sheen would fade and leave her hair a more dusty black, the closer to the need of blood was signified by this decline in beauty - as well as the subtle shift of eye color as crimson would encroach the usual violet irises. In broad daylight she kept her face as hidden as possible, taking as many back alley paths to her destinations - but today was different; there was only one path to the place she set out for this morning. The stones marked the path she knew well, having seen it every night in her nightmares, and as she slipped into the forest she would idly go through the hand seals for summoning; pausing only briefly to touch the ground before gliding back into her stride, the puff of smoke behind her revealing Pakuun who came soaring out. 

‘Mizu! W-where have you been? You haven’t summoned me in so long I w-was beginning to w-worry about you! And the Elders… oh my the Elders are furious w-with you. They said, w-well they said that as the sole holder of our race contract you need to hurry up and make remaining packs with the rest of them or else -’ The mental link started instantaneously as her hyperactive owl came into being, leaving her mind echoing with his incessant jabbering. With a single cold thought she was able to cut him off, ‘Enough.’ If an owl could gulp, she would bet this would be where it would happen. This place made her skin crawl, the calmness of these woods deceitful against the memories burned into her mind. ‘You will be my eyes and ears Pakuun. Be silent as death until we are out of these woods, and do not pry for a why.’ Mizu never spoke this way to Pakuun, but these woods, this pine strewn floor, and the ever increasing sound of the river that laced them… she had no right to view them with her own eyes ever again. 

The two moved in silence, Mizuki walking with the grace of a predatory animal, not a single misstep as Pakuun flew directly above her until she reached a seemingly pointless spot of land and fell to her knees. Pakuun landed on a nearby branch, watching the slim figure of a woman wracked with guilt, disgust and sorrow - clutching at piles of dead leaves and underbrush - suddenly stop moving altogether… and in his mind the growl of something inhuman raised every feather on his body. ‘Shut your eyes.’ And he did just that, for what felt like a few hours at least, the two sat in complete darkness - the soft muffled sobs ignored as though they were simply just another scenic noise in the otherwise beautiful landscape. 

She had no idea how much time had passed, the concept of time had left her as she spent her morning burying the memory of the only family she loved - in the spot she had murdered them. Numb to the touch, or so it felt, she rose with her eyes still shut, turned and walked away from the scene with no explanation nor intention to ever provide one. Her face showed no sign of her earlier events - pale and even in tone, only her eyes, now pricked with the bit of crimson right around the pupil, showed any change. Though they had left the forest and she used her own eyes to see through the streets Pakuun dared very few words - silently grateful the link did not come attached to emotions. Though as one of the few creatures that could hear the heartbeat of Kyuketsuki he was filled with concern - as her heartbeat was erratic and hard - sorrow and self loathing. ‘Maybe.. we should find a way to relax in the evenings that doesn’t involve a bottle… you know I have seen these flyers as w-we have w-walked. Think w-we could give it a shot?’ 

Emotionally drained as she was, the fight was gone from her, only giving him a soft ‘Sure’ - closing her eyes as a silent command for him to take the wheel, leaving the owl to guide her through the streets. An odd sight if seen from a far enough distance, a dark backed barn owl moving in eerie synchrony with a dark haired woman whose face was nearly completely covered. Thankfully no one in the streets had grown any balls since the earlier morning and still stayed well out of her way until Pakuun gently landed on her shoulder and she finally raised her eyes to gaze at the place in which he had led her - Starfall Remedies. Her brow furrowed at the name, staring at the sign as the nerves of her companion permeated the silence; his constant adjustment of his footing on her shoulder being the tell tale sign. ‘Pakuun.. Where in the-’ her thought halted as the familiar pairing of heartbeats broke through her debilitating haze. 

Through the open door way she saw an owl and a man having a curious exchange, and more curious than that was the pattern of the feathers … reminded her of a scarf she saw draped around the very neck of the man she watched. ‘Well done Pakuun, stand fast.’ The owl on her shoulder fluffed its chest feathers a bit, pleased with himself, as she stepped through the doorway - face tilted down a bit as she turned to look around the shop. She felt the conversation halt before it actually did, remnants of syllables lingering in the air as attention was drawn to her. She moved with grace as she slide the hat from her head and let it slide back to hang from her shoulders - finally turning her two toned gaze on the man from the bar, and his scarf given proper form. The entire shop was in a bit of disarray but the potential was evident to even the most untrained eyes - and as she moved through the shop her eyes landed on his and held fast; a sly smile forming on her lips as she perched herself on one of the chairs set up for awaiting patients - Pakuun flitting to sit on the back of the chair as she settled back. The smell of something rotting only just masked by the increasing smell of sandalwood and gentle dust filled her lungs, released with a sigh of earnest relief.

“Hello again, perhaps you can be of some assistance today … Doc. Any recommendations for nightmares?”, her gaze would finally break from his and land on the owl perched beside him, “Or maybe you’re more adept at fashion accessories.”

TWC 1314
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:07 pm
Archimedes didn’t exactly seem particularly satisfied at the response his companion had given, shifting about on his gnarled perch as he found a comfortable resting position. “Why not just make dolls of yourself? Certainly you humans have some fondness for imitation, would that not be a more sincere form of flattery?” He cooed, his feathers ruffling slightly as he gained a rather puffed-out appearance of annoyance. A look that Yuuma always thought made him look more adorable than irritated though he had never shared this contemplation with the owl. Instead, Yuuma would look between the owl and his likeness, comparing the both of them for a moment before he’d lift from his position to begin making his way across the room, arms folded along his chest as he took a few more careful steps across the flooring before he would pick up the plush of the owl and brought it close to his chest. Two hands held the plushy as Yuuma scanned it with blue eyes, his thumb running over the soft belly of the imitation before he held it up next to Archimedes.

“I don’t know.” The medic said, tilting his head to look between the two. “I think between the two of us, you have a wider range of appeal. I’ll make you a deal; if the first person to come to us doesn’t buy one, I’ll consider having them taken down. But I think you are missing out on a chance to become quite popular, particularly among those who might have trouble sleeping.” Although he had simmered down, Archimedes turned his head to eye at the toy before reaching forward to pluck at the plush with his beak a couple of times, prompting Yuuma to pull the plush away and tug it to his chest. He offered his feathered companion a look of mock horror as though Archimedes had just attacked his own child, though before any retort greater than a feigned exasperation could leave his lips, the both of them would hear the sound of someone entering the shop. In unison, their heads would turn to spot a familiar face that had offered them company at the Bloody Unicorn. A smile would break out across Yuuma’s face as he reached to replace the plush on the shelf. “Ah! Mizleth! A pleasure to see you again.” Yuuma welcomed, sweeping his hand towards her and offering a bow of the head.

“I must apologize; I’ve been spending the better part of the day setting up the shop that I might have mentioned at the bar but it seems only a single pair of hands and talons only gets me so far.” A glance was offered back to Archimedes, who was unusually attentive to the guest- particularly the feathered companion that rode atop the Sunagakure ninja’s shoulder. Following his gaze, Yuuma smiled again at the silent introduction of the counterpart and would step closer to the familiar woman as she wondered about the shop. “It’s not terribly exciting if you are not in the need of some manner of remedy, though they are wares I am more than happy to supply to the people of Hoshi.” True to his word, Mizu would find an array of various holistic items set on shelves and behind glass cases: vitamins and tonics, tinctures, and remedies. Some of them looked like a refined liquid with the consistency of syrup, while others came in a powdered form that could no doubt be used in a tea. He wouldn’t interrupt her as she made her way about the small area of the front of the shop and finally came to rest on one of the few chairs that had been set aside. The one she picked having a particularly high back and a red-velvet finish to the upholstery that gave it a somewhat gaudy yet comfortable place to sit; no doubt it had been picked out for its comfort and less for its style.

When the woman mentioned nightmares, Yuuma had to exert effort to not allow his face to become crestfallen. Nightmares were a plague of the mind, and often the struggle of those who had experienced something that was too difficult or painful to let go of, and in the world of the ninja, that could be any number of things. Had she meant it as a joke, it would clearly be lost on him as he swept his gaze about the shop. “I do have some crushed willow bark. It’s supposed to help ease one to sleep and provide them with restful slumber. Of course, you could also get your hands on a few moonstones and practice some healthy meditation with them before bed if you are the sort to be able to quiet your mind.” What sounded like a testing statement was only one of offered assistance. Moving to join her, he would pick a seat beside hers and would help himself to it once he had tugged it away enough to give them some comfortable talking distance. Settling himself in, he would offer a polite smile and a nod to the head to Pakuun, though his gaze would quickly return to Mizu. “If you do not mind my asking a somewhat personal question, how long have you been experiencing these nightmares?” Certainly, this was no official medical consultation but he was still more than happy to do what he could for the long-traveled kunoichi. His gaze was attentive and his expression friendly if neutral; he asked out of a genuine curiosity born of someone who dedicated themselves to helping others, not the businessman looking to load her up on herbs and spices to ease her sleep.

Amidst their conversation, Archimedes would speak up. “You there.” He spoke out, unswayed by the inevitable turning of heads such a statement might draw. “You are part of the Forgotten Ones. Those who have dedicated themselves to the Kyuketsuki clan, are you not?” Of course, this accusation of identity was leveled at Pakuun. While Archimedes was familiar with the Owls of the Oasis, he knew very well many of them, and could readily identify not only the being of another contracted race but their heritage of a different branch. So to speak. “I am formally of the Oasis; we have not recorded an encounter with a Forgotten One in a long time. There was even a rumor that you had dispersed. I am pleased to see that is not the case?” Inflections were difficult with the manipulation of chakra over vocal cords, but even this amount of uncertainty was clear in the voice of Archimedes. The normally unsocial owl had found a reason to speak up, welcoming a side conversation while Yuuma and “Mizleth” went about their own.

WC - 1,124
TWC - 2,076
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:49 pm
The mention of the incorrect name would elicit a twinge of her right eyebrow, arching it up in silent opposition to the name but withheld her correction for the time being. Instead a look of amusement crossed her face as she watched him offer a bow - how apt that greeting would become soon enough. Her eyes would cast a cursory glance around the shop again as he explained himself - having taken the shop in she would do so to show that she was listening to him and was at least showing interest in his work. She wouldn’t hold back the small amused smile that teased her lips at his words, responding softly as she looked around, feeling his eyes on her, “Everyone needs some manner of remedy nowadays, can’t fault a prospective man for venturing into easy profits.” As any professional would he immediately jumped at listing off remedies that could be used to possibly ease the plague of terrors.

The chair she sat in was comfortable enough but the gaze of the owl made her shift herself to better watch it as Yuuma continued to speak, his volume increasing told her without needing to look that he had come to sit next to her - the soft scraping of the chair legs on the floor also told her he had thought it necessary to allow more room between them. The methods he mentioned to ease her mind weren’t completely new to her - she had been on a journey to rid herself of these visual terrors for so long now it felt as though she had heard every remedy known to man. Though the crushed Willow bark was one she wasn’t sure she had heard before… her gaze was still fixed on the owl before it was slowly brought back to the young man who asked a rather curious question. How long had she had these nightmares? A light smirk would tug at the edge of her lip as her attention settled on him, the sound of his heart was steady but held a note of nervous fluttering as he asked the personal question so blatantly. Lowering her gaze to the arm of the chair, zeroing in on the detail of stitching as she answered, “Nearly a decade at this point, who knows though perhaps the are soon to grow tired of me and move on.” Soft and methodical in tone despite how tense her face had become. 

At first the spoken word from the owl was nothing but background noise to her, even the jump from Pakuun behind her had done nothing to draw her attention to them - Yuuma was her focus. Then words that no living being should so readily know, nor should they speak them so openly, was brought to her ears - causing her to snap her gaze sharply to stare at the owl; one could swear they saw the red ring around her pupils grow bigger as it pushed the violet tint further back. Her expression was well maintained but her eyes were their own in this moment. The words weren’t directed at her by any means, but she was first to respond to them with a low and soft warning, “I’d be wary of speaking those names so brazenly..” While in her thoughts she was blocking out the frantic excitement of Pakuun - the young fool. The young owl perched behind her was stirred in a flurry of sudden excitement, being recognized was something to be proud of it seems. “You’re right! W-wow! I’ve heard stories of the Oasis when I was in training oh w-wow. Yes oh yes w-we w-were almost resigned to never being summoned again until Master Mizuki returned to us! She is the last one of-” ,the mental scream from Mizu in Pakuun’s head was enough to make him reign in his excitement and stop dead mid sentence. “Sorry master…” Pakuun spoke, his gaze ducked momentarily before returning to the conversation with Archimedes, now a much more toned down version. 

Pinching the bridge of her nose she turned her face back to Yuuma, eyes closed to collect herself with a half hearted smile touching her lips, “I think I’ll try that crushed Willow Bark now if I could?” with an inaudible sigh she continued in a softer, kind tone, “You should know my name is actually Mizuki, and I'm not just another Suna Shinobi...I’m the Kazekage, so I would appreciate if this entire meeting remained confidential.”, as her she eyes opened and she dropped her hand the nearly completely red gaze looked years older with exhaustion and the weight of the world finally showing. “So, how about that Willowbark?”

WC 792
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Thu May 20, 2021 12:31 am
Readjusting herself in her seat for a moment she took another glance around the shop before closing her eyes in decision, “On second thought Doctor.. I think I should let the medical team back home handle this issue, at least then they can continue the care if it’s an ongoing treatment.” With that she would stand and place the hat back on her head, concealing her face once more in shadow. As she moved to the door she looked back over her shoulder, the lower half of her face visible as she spoke, “Good luck on your exam, I’m betting on you.” Moving through the open door of the shop she was followed with a swish by Pakuun who had made a hasty exit as he wasn’t expecting their time to be cut short.

Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:12 pm
The sudden turn in the Kazekage's tone was one Yuuma hadn't quite expected as she spoke a low warning to his companion. Archimedes, for the most part, seemed relatively unphased by the uttered warning of the words he spoke; for his part being unaware of who this woman was and what she was capable of, or perhaps displaying a deeper understanding of careful diplomatic actions while in a foreign country. Whatever the reason, the Kazekage didn't linger for much longer in the shop before excusing herself. Yuuma hardly had time to get out a single utterance before the woman was gone. "Wait," he spoke aloud but she was already gone. Instead, it seemed her summon had to take a moment to compose itself before it could follow, which allowed Yuuma enough time to take a few strides to the shelf and pluck one of the plushies from their resting spot. Returning to Pakun, he'd offer it out to the befuddled owl with a tender smile. "If you would please make sure that the Kazekage gets this, I would be most appreciative." Flustered as the little creature was, Pakun would wordlessly pick up the plush before swooping out the doorway in a hurry to follow the lithe form of Mizu as she vanished down the street. 

Taking a moment to stride to the doorway and watch them depart, Yuuma would fall into contemplative silence as he went back over the short conversation the two of them had shared. His mind would reach back over the word choice she had offered, numerous responses coming to his tongue without the time to express them. A shame, he felt. "What a mysterious woman...she wears something on her shoulders that is incredibly heavy. To mask herself like that." His contemplative state was not lost on Archimedes, who had picked up the boy's discomfort some time ago.

"You needn't ponder it so much. This world takes many things from many people, and everyone handles it differently. If you continue to get emotionally invested in the problems of others, you aren't ever going to have the time to move forward yourself, you know." Archimedes spoke out finally, fluttering across the room with the buffet of his wings to land on the back of the chair Mizu had previously occupied. His big yellow eyes had laid on Yuuma, inspecting the boy and waiting for a response.

"Maybe. But that is what a protector does, right? He finds value in the things he wishes to protect. If I can't empathize with the plight of a people, can I ever truly be their guardian?" Yuuma finally asked, turning his attention back to his companion and folding his hands in front of himself. "Be that as it may or may not be, however, she seems content to find her remedy in her own village. You are right; I should just focus here for now. But the least I could do was to send her away with something that might make sleep a little easier." The thought was punctuated by a smile that was just a smidge too wide for it to be completely innocent.

Archimedes picked up on it immediately, his fathers puffing out in irritation. "I really wish you would not monetize my image. I don't even bring a great deal of comfort! You could have made a stuffed toy of anything else and it would suit your purposes just fine!" With the tense moment between the Kazekage and the Genin having passed, Yuuma and Archemides would fall back into the usual pace of getting the shop prepared.


WC - 596
TWC - 2,672

Claims: (discount applied)
Spending 250 Ryo to gift Mizu a Plush doll.


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Wed Oct 13, 2021 2:17 am
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