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Trainin' Thread [P] Empty Trainin' Thread [P]

Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:26 pm
As Akemi was laying in his bed, he realised something. He was already moving onto more advanced techniques but he had forgotten one basic thing that was guaranteed to save his ass someday, the Genjutsu release. He mentally scolded himself for not remembering about it sooner, he would currently be ruined by even a simple genjutsu. Even if he realised he was in a genjutsu, he would simply be unable to get out of it. Well, enough dwelling in the past, at least he was going to learn it now. Though it still begged the question. How would he be able to tell if he was under a genjutsu, he had never been under one before so it would probably be quite difficult to figure out. Though he was quite sure that he would be able to tell if he was ever put under one. Akemi hopped out of bed and quickly re-adjusted his sheets to make them nice and smooth. He technically didn't need to do this, but it had become a habit, and it didn't harm anyone did it? After re-adjusting his sheets he opened his draws and quickly shoved on his usual attire consisting of his grey trousers and grey jumper. It was quite a boring combination, but as long as it made him not stand out in a crowd, he was fine. Though, if he wanted to blend in, then having blue hair and blue eyes would be rather counter intuitive. However, he didn't want to lose what made him... Him. He was his father's son. It was quite uncanny how similar he looked like his dad, his mum would often joke about it. Once he finished getting dressed, he grabbed the basic e-rank learning scroll from his shelves and started reading about the genjutsu release. Seems simple enough he thought. All it required was a single hand seal, dictating that it was simple. That, and the fact that the instructions didn't detail it completely step by step, something that would be needed if it was a more complicated technique. All the technique made you do was basically increase the rate at which the user's chakra flows and allows them to flush out any foreign chakra. It also seemed like one of the few e-ranks that he would actually bother to master.

The teen hiyu walked out of his bedroom and sat in the lotus position, E-rank scroll in his left hand. Once sat down, he chucked the scroll to his left and it landed neatly on on his sofa with a satisfying thud as it landed. He closed his eyes and directed all his attention to his chakra. Feeling the unique twists and turns of chakra, it was like water but it wasn't. It refused to be confined to any one shape. Instead it twisted and turned, pulsated and convulsed to make completely unique shapes. Every time Akemi brought his attention to his chakra he also mused over becoming an artist, using chakra as an inspiration. It would be very unique and original. Feeling out his chakra for a few more minutes he mentally affirmed to himself and brought both his hands together into the Tiger hand seal and started to push his chakra around his system much faster. He needed it to go faster! He clasped his hands together tighter, his knuckles starting to turn white with the effort. His chakra felt like a stormy sea, crashing throughout his system. He began to twitch slightly, a side effect of making his chakra go out of control like this. He felt like he would be able to easily wash away any dirty foreign chakra from his system. Though he knew that simply wasn't true. He didn't have nearly enough chakra to deal with some of the more powerful genjutsu. He considered reading up on them more, he would need all the knowledge he could get his hands on after all.

Akemi opened his eyes, feeling a little disorientated, and stood up. He had to try and use this technique while moving, and learn to activate it quicker. He began to walk slowly around his apartment, breathing slowly and carefully as he did this. While walking, he put his hands together into the Tiger seal and started forcing his chakra through his chakra network. The flow was gentle and calm at first but once Akemi gave it more of a 'Push' it started to flow more freely. No where as fast as it had been when he had been sitting down, but close enough. The young Hiyu began to jog slowly around his apartment floor. It was about 10 meters by 10 meters in his lounge so he had plenty of space to jog. As he jogged he put his hand seal and started circulating his chakra around much faster. Most probably flushing out any weak genjutsu that might enter his system later down the line. Right, now it was time to try and perform the jutsu without the need for hand seals. He put his hands together into the Tiger hand seal and made a careful note of how his chakra felt and moulded after it. Dropping his hands to his side, Akemi nodded to himself, he got this. He began pacing around his apartment, while doing this he was starting to circulate his chakra around his body. The chakra moulded so easily when he was using hand seals, why was it controlling his chakra without it much more difficult. Though this was something he needed to do, being able to flush out enemy genjutsu hands free would not leave him open to attack for a few seconds after performing the release. He could feel his chakra start to slip, to buckle, under the intense concentration he was putting it through at the moment. Move, god dammit he thought. His chakra started to pick up the pace of it's circulating, twisting and turning as it slowly creaked along his chakra pathway. One more push was all it took, and the 'wall' that seemed to be preventing his chakra from moving was broken, causing his chakra to flood through his chakra system.

Well, now that he had mastered genjutsu release, it was time to move onto something else.

He pondered what to learn, or do. Was there any unfinished products that he needed to tend to? That was when he remembered something that he had yet to complete, his scarf, at the moment he had only began to infuse chakra into the threads, it wasn't nearly as sensitive to chakra as he liked. It could barely be controlled at the moment, he wanted it to be used like a second pair of arms. So, continuing with this train of thought, he walked up to the paper bag were all the threads were currently being held and brought the bag to the sofa where Akemi had previously chucked the scroll. Sitting down next to the bag, he brought out one of the bundles of threads and started directing his chakra flow into the thread. While doing this he noticed that chakra infusion didn't seem to require any hand seals. Nor did his last resort or chakra suppression. What was the difference between the chakra infusion or other stuff such as the seven heavens? Well, it seemed like he wasn't going to get an answer any time soon, Akemi wasn't very smart. He would probably have to ask someone about that. He also noticed how calm his chakra infusion was. It was quite the contrary to what he had just been learning, the genjutsu release, it was quite disorientating.

The genin teen continued to channel chakra into the thread for quite some time he realised it was practically brimming with his chakra now. So, he decided to attempt to manipulate it. Akemi sent a pulse of chakra through the thread, hoping to make the thread snake out towards the nearby wall. Though it only jumped in his hands slightly, seemed like he still had a long way to go.

(Word Count: 1346
Claims: Genjutsu Release [1000/1000] Mastered, no hand seals, 300 words to Akemi's living scarf and 6 stats.
Will continue in a bit, just doing a mid-thread claim)
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Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:55 pm
Nova Tsuba
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Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:58 pm
As Akemi continued to channel chakra his attention slipped and he started thinking about random stuff. He had been infusing for about an hour now, his fingers and arms ached from the lack of movement. Though he vowed that he would not stop infusing his chakra into the blue and white thread until it was ready to be woven into a 'Second Pair Of Arms' or what he liked to call it: 'Magic Scarf. Not very original, he knew, but who cares... Right? In a world were techniques were called 'Fireball' and such, 'Magic Scarf' wasn't too much of a stretch. Akemi also thought about what techniques he would like to make when he was more skilled and experienced. Most of the techniques he wanted to create were Hiyu ones. The Hiyu bloodline was extremely diverse and it would almost allow him to do anything that he could imagine. Even if he had only learnt one technique, he knew about it's versatility from his parents. They had demonstrated to him several techniques that he could've learnt if he was skilled enough. One of them caught his eye, something about hardening the skin to insane levels. He could remember touching his parents skin once they had performed the technique and they felt like a solid brick wall, though he could tell it was much harder than a simple brick wall. However, he had been taught that it required specialisation in the field of medical techniques, something Akemi didn't have the time to invest in at the moment. Perhaps when he would invest in when he was chuunin, if he ever became a chuunin. Akemi somehow had a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't survive to become chuunin, he didn't know why. Let's call it Akemi's pessimistic side.

Suddenly, Akemi snapped back from his little tangent. It seemed he had been infusing chakra into the blue thread the whole time. Well, it was probably overloaded from chakra right now. Though Akemi had no way to actually check. He hadn't trained chakra sensory yet and he didn't plan on doing it. His brain could only hold a select amount of memories after all. Besides, he wanted to try and find another way to sense people, prevent them from sneaking up on him. Maybe the chameleons had some way of sensing people other than chakra sensory? That would be very useful, it would make him practically impossible to be sneaked up on. Combined with his chakra suppression, he would be quite a worthy threat while sneaking. He was also pretty sure that their were Hiyu abilities to increase a persons stealth capabilities, though he had no real way of knowing. He realised he would need to somehow acquire a Hiyu clan jutsu encyclopedia. Maybe he should write a letter or go visit his parents sometime, he smiled at the thought. Though, he didn't particularly want to go outside the walls of Hoshi, there were dangerous people outside. Missing ninja of insane power and skill. Akemi wondered how people without any formal training would become stronger and more experienced then he could even possibly think about achieving. How do people do it? Well, Akemi was kind of being hypocritical, he had never trained with anyone in his whole life, besides his parents when he was little.

Akemi smiled to himself, seemed he had gone off on another tangent about random stuff again. He seemed to do that unknowingly sometimes. He decided to take a walk while channelling chakra into the scarf. Getting a breath of fresh air would probably be nice, the shy teen had been cooped up inside his apartment for a few hours now. It was a shame that people were already busy and bustling in the streets, Akemi would have preferred to have the streets to himself. With the paper bag filled with the thread in his right hand, Akemi grabbed his bo staff and weapon pouches and headed outside, still infusing chakra into the thread as he walked. In the streets of Hoshigakure, Akemi kept to himself and walked silently throughout the crowds of people. As he walked he began to think. Apparently, people with super high level space-time prowess could create their own little dimension. A dimension that would be away from everyone else, Akemi fantasised about being able to do that. Being away from everyone, able to do what he liked without worry of people breathing down his neck. Though space-time didn't really feel like a specialisation that called to him. Akemi knew he wanted to specialise in Taijutsu and Medical Jutsu, he hadn't quite settled on what he wanted for a third. Maybe he could do space-time? But it still didn't look that appealing to him, there wasn't anything that could be used offensively, at least as far as he knew and Akemi didn't know much, so there probably was one.

Akemi continued to wonder aimlessly along the streets, taking in the sights and smells of the village hidden among the stars. Despite not liking being in the general vicinity of people, Akemi still loved Hoshigakure. The lovely smells of the hot food being served on stalls, the sound of buskers playing wondrous music that could not be heard anywhere else. There was a certain charm  that could only be found from buskers, even if what they play isn't the best. He walked up to one of the female buskers and dropped a few spare ryo into the box in front of her. Earning a sincere smile of gratitude from her, causing Akemi to blush and walk away slightly faster then he had been previously. After walking for a few more minutes, Akemi realised he had spent about half the time infusing chakra into one bundle of thread, would it be ready now? So, concealing the thread with his sleeves, he started to manipulate it and much to his surprise, it was working! All that time spent infusing his chakra into this single bundle of thread had made it extremely sensitive to chakra and thus, allow him to manipulate it. However, it was still a little slow, and it was only one thread out of the many he had bought. But it was an improvement a tleast. 

(Word Count: 1040
Claims: 1000 words to Akemi's Living Scarf and 5 stat points
Will also write more after this, it is just a ' Mid thread claim')

Last edited by Akemi <3 on Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to claim stats :p)
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Trainin' Thread [P] Empty Re: Trainin' Thread [P]

Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:21 pm
After a while a few more minutes of walking, Akemi grew bored of infusing his chakra into the bundle of threads. Was there anything basic that he had completely neglected? Well, he knew next to nothing in Fuinjutsu or Weaponry. It made his Bo staff kind of useless without the proper knowledge to actually use it. He would also be completely ruined if any of his future opponents managed to get a fuinjutsu seal on him. It seemed that today was the day were Akemi would make sure that he had all the basics covered. How could he have been so stupid and forgot all about the simple stuff. With a shake of his head, Akemi replaced the thread back into the bag and started heading towards the library, intent on grabbing some scrolls on some simple fuinjutsu scrolls. Hopefully he would be able to learn them without any trouble or mishaps. Akemi hated being a slow leaner, but 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going' was the phrase that his parents had always drilled into him, it had become a core part of his personality.

Upon reaching the library, Akemi quickly scooted through the isles, making sure not to make any eye contact with him. He quickly found the fuinjutsu section and started flicking swiftly through the scrolls that were layered among the shelves. The shy teen wasn't entirely sure what he was looking for, the only thing he knew about fuinjutsu was that it was drawy and chakra things that do stuff. Yeah, not a very detailed explanation, but Akemi hoped it would be enough to find what he was looking for. Eventually, he found a bundle of, what looked like, low ranked fuinjutsu techniques. Really, Akemi had no way of actually knowing that these were low level, but there was only one way to find out! Grabbing the scrolls out of the shelves, Akemi started reading one and was relieved to find that it was an e-rank. That meant that he wouldn't have to spend a long time learning it..

Akemi dumped the scrolls onto a nearby table and sat down on a chair and continued reading the scroll he had been reading prior to sitting down. It was a technique called "Fuinjutsu Lock" and it involved locking a door or anything using a seal, seemed simple enough, but looks could be deceiving. Especially with Akemi, he was small and scrawny, but he could certainly pack a punch! Learning simple stuff was boring to Akemi, but it was a necessary evil. Without the basics he would be screwed. After reading the fuinjutsu lock scroll for a few more minutes he settled it down on the opposite end of the table and cracked his knuckles. Time to get down to business. He looked around and noticed a small chest next to the table, what a coincidence, that was exactly what he was looking for. He got out of the chair and crouched next to the chest, eyeing it closely. First, he tried to open it without using the seal, it opened without any resistance. Next, he attempted to put on the seal before opening it. He got a little resistance but now much. He kept trying until he could no longer open the chest with brute force. He smiled, but it quickly vanished, how was he supposed to open the chest now?

Panic began to bubble in his chest, would he be told off? He mentally slapped himself, he was a ninja, why was he worrying about that? That was when the slightly panicking teen remembered, the second technique on the scroll, the fuinjutsu breaking. He would have to learn that fast, so that no one would notice the seal he had placed on the chest. Akemi stood up and grabbed the second scroll on the table, unfurling it at the same time. Crouching next to the chest, he read the fuinjutsu breaking scroll. Apparently it was one of the most simple fuinjutsu techniques, good, and it was supposed to be learnt at the academy. The young Hiyu paused for a moment, did he learn it in the academy? He thought about it for a few more minutes, he didn't. Well, at least he was learning it now. He continued reading the scroll. It required the user to use their chakra and attempt to force it into the seal, overloading it. Akemi didn't have that much chakra, so this would be quite difficult.

Akemi put down the scroll next to him on the floor. Right, time to try and overpower the hell out of his locking seal. He placed his palm on the lock of the chest and began channelling his chakra through his hand into the seal. Nothing happened, the chakra was just harmlessly bouncing off the seal. Akemi sighed, it was never just as simple as doing the hand seals and using the chakra, it was a shame that it wasn't. Everything would be so much more simpler and easier. Well, that wasn't the way it worked, so he had to do it the same way as everyone else. He nodded and channelled way more chakra into his palm, a faint blue glow could be seen emitting from his right hand. Then placed it on the seal, keeping a constant stream of chakra going through his hand into the seal. At first, nothing happened, but he didn't lose hope. After a minute of constant chakra flow he felt something. Ah Hah! He could feel the chakra from the seal start to weaken under the pressure that Akemi was putting it through, he was doing it! At this point Akemi was starting to sweat, keeping a constant stream of chakra running was difficult. Especially with low chakra reserves like his. Gritting his teeth, Akemi pushed a huge amount of his chakra into his palm, effectively shattering the seal and freeing the chest's opening. He let out a sigh of relief, not only had he managed to prevent himself from getting told off, he had managed to learn two fuinjutsu techniques.

After leaving the library, Akemi decided that he wasn't going to go back to his apartment just yet, he was on a learning roll today, why not learn some more techniques? It wasn't even lunch time yet. He decided to make a rule for himself:  No lunch until he had learnt at least one technique. He hated himself the moment he made the rule, what a stupid idea. He shook his head, smiling faintly. Akemi was not someone to go back on his word, and... Well, at least it would give him much more of an incentive to train harder and faster. Still... Fooood. That was when Akemi remembered he hadn't had breakfast, his stomach rumbled slightly as if to accentuate his hungriness. Nonetheless, Akemi was going to learn a taijutsu technique, which technique you may ask? Well, Akemi hadn't got to that part yet. Deciding to think about what technique he was going to learn on the way, Akemi started travelling towards the nearby forest.

As he walked through Hoshigakure, he realised two things. One:  He was going to learn a technique called 'Leaf Whirlwind' and Two: Smelling delicious food while hungry was basically torture. His mouth was on the verge of watering and his stomach was threatening to make a sound that would probably be heard all around Hoshi. Though he was managing to suppress it, just barely. Now, onto what technique Akemi would be learning. It's called 'Leaf Whirlwind' and it is only a d-rank, which would make it fairly simple to learn. It was all about feinting and confusing an enemy, then delivering an extremely powerful low kick when they least expected it. The technique's already devastating power would also be augmented further if the user decides to kick a man in his *Ahem* "Manhood". Something that wasn't specifically stated in the technique's instructions, but it was implied.

Once he neared the forest, he started mentally performing the technique, over and over again. So that it would require minimal actual movement and thus, not allow the hunger in his stomach to not proceed. He went over the technique once more. A succession of high and low kicks, though the high kick seemed to be just a feint, then a low kick. Right, he understood what that meant and what to do, just applying his knowledge to move his body would be the difficult part. Once again, Akemi cursed his slow learning. Anything above an e-rank was extremely difficult for him to learn, it was a mystery on how he managed to learn an a-rank technique. It had been extremely difficult, but very hard. Goes to show that were there's a will there's a way.

Upon entering the forest, Akemi would immediately start doing some warm up stretches in a clearing that he had found. Never, ever, skip a wam up, Akemi had learnt this the hard way. Right, he clapped and rubbed his hands together and stretched his neck to the right. Time to, Get down to business. So the technique started with a high kick, should be easy... Right? Akemi settled into a stance. With his left foot facing forwards and his right foot facing to the right. He would then lift both his hands above his head, with the left slightly in front of his right hand. He breathed out slowly, imagining an opponent opposite the clearing to him, his imaginary opponent also in a slightly different stance. Akemi eyed the 'Opponent' carefully, watching for any openings. There! Akemi charged forward and immediately send a high kick heading straight towards his imaginary opponent, though it would slightly overshoot and the momentum of his foot would send him flying straight past his intended target. His 'opponent' would then 'punch' Akemi in the face, though he would not feel anything due to the fact that... Well, the opponent wasn't real and was just a figment of his imagination.

Akemi sighed, it was going to be a long journey to learn this technique. He settled into exactly the same stance and swiftly did a high kick, almost overshooting but managing to keep his balance. He smiled, he was getting better at learning techniques faster, maybe someday he would be able to learn a-ranks with ease. Though he doubted it. He probably wouldn't even live to get the chunin rank. Such pessimistic thoughts killed all enthusiasm Akemi had, why did they even appear in his head in the first place? Nonetheless, he was going to learn this technique. He did a high kick again, though there was no noticeable improvements from last time.

Again. The young hiyu thought, i need to get faster and stronger.

He lifted his arms and shifted his feet to get in the stance again. This time, this time he would do it right. With a determined look on his face, he shifted all his weight from his right foot upwards, sending it kicking high. Akemi grunted with effort, trying to keep himself balanced. Though he managed to not topple over, a grin on his face, though it was hidden due to the fact that his scarf was covering half of his face. It seemed kind of silly. The fact that he was having to learn how to control the momentum of the technique, rather than the... You know, actual technique. But see, Akemi was a slow learner, he had to learn it the slow way, sad but true.

Well, the high kick was only the first part, now Akemi needed to turn it into a feint to open up a hole in the enemies guard to better the chances of landing the low kick. So, the young taijutsu practitioner shifted into his usual stance and breathed slowly, he will do this fast try, no second chances. Akemi imagined an opponent standing opposite him, roughly one meter away. Quickly, Akemi lashed out with his right leg, towards the imaginary opponent's face, then, he would abruptly stop the kick and relax back into stance. The shy teen's eyes lit up, he had done it! For the first time in his life he had actually done something without the need to practice it extensively! Right, now onto the second part of the technique, the fairly devastating low kick. But first, Akemi would practice the feint high kick several times, Making sure he had the first part completely down before even thinking about starting the second part. Each time he performed the high kick he noticed that he was becoming better and better at feinting until eventually he became a master of it. Well, not technically a master, but in the young hiyu's eyes, he was.

Now it was time to learn the low kick. Akemi shifted into stance and imagined an opponent standing a meter away from him. Then, as fast as he could manage, Akemi would send his right foot plummeting towards his opponents neck at his maximum speed, but the moment it reached an inch away from the neck it stopped and Akemi sent his left foot into his imaginary opponent's stomach. Akemi breathed a sigh of relief and sat down, he had done it.

(Word Count: 2206
Claims: 11 stats, Leaf Whirlwind (1250/1250), Fuinjutsu Lock (500/500), Fuinjutsu Breaking (500/500)
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Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:07 pm
(Sneaky Bump)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Trainin' Thread [P] Empty Re: Trainin' Thread [P]

Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:57 am
Approved. Note that Fuinjutsu lock and breaking are only trained to E-rank.
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