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DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Mizuki Ohta
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Ichigo Sato
Kita Hajime
Noboru Kaito
Shikami Shinkou
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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Sat Mar 20, 2021 7:44 am
Kita approved upon Ryo deduction.
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:24 pm
Stein would finish up with one, When suddenly there was a being of relative power. And Shortly after him another customer, The Man who called out his name would get his attention first and he would nod "Very well, please give me one moment, I will follow you, let me make a clone to clean this all up and at least get some wares sold to this man who arrived after you did" At that time he would create a Wood Clone . Stein would than look at the ANBU man and nod "Take me away than" Then he would follow behind the man.

The clone would look at the man, and while the ANBU was still around " Hello Sir, Please forgive this, At this time I must clean up, So no procedure can be done, however I can Sell you anything you are requiring. " The Clone would then Sell the man the organs he required at 20k a organ. The Clone would then take the stuff to one of the living clones of Stein that was not far away, one that could take the items in place of stein.

Meanwhile back to Stein and the ANBU he would speak , if he is allowed to leave a clone behind to clean up "My Appologies , I did not realize this was a thing that Hoshigakure was against, thank you however for understanding I am a buisness man when it comes to certain things and allowing my clone to finish up my buisness it means alot to me, even if the procedure cannot be done, the wares can still be sold." Stein would smile softly .

Stein's Mind wondered as he followed the man...Unless they had another form to transport.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Village : Hoshigakure
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:31 pm
A boy, a room full of jars containing human organs and a bloody table, Yasha did not need the Uchugan to see that a transplant surgery had taken place. Somehow in this world of mad scientists, cannibals, and worse, slinging human organs in a back alley and implanting them to children became the norm. But not in Hoshigakure, where the young Kage had forbidden the practice.

“Begone child,” Yasha only words in his booming voice, thick with the accent of Takigakure. Where he might have added, “You are not the assignment today. But your time will come as it will for the girl outside.” 

Someone else entered. The more Yasha looked at him, the less his dormant Uchugan could see. What he could see of his face did not exactly sound familiar. Tournaments like Chuunin always caused Ronin and free-riders looking for a place to crash and perhaps a town to serve to appear like wildfire.

“Morality is a moving target these times, it seems. But these transplant services, specifically cutting up the living, are forbidden within these walls without medical clearance.”  It was true, the medical facilities under clearance and direct supervision of the village’s administration could allow for such services. If the world had gone too far and the damage of transplants could not be stopped, it could at the very least be contained.

“Organ trade itself is not something others should benefit from unless it is strictly for medical reasons. And I suppose this man over here is suffering from some strange medical disease that he came to find a cure for in a back alley.”

Yasha considered that for a moment. At least that way, he supposed, these abominations would not be into the hands, or even worse, the bodies of one of their own Hoshi shinobi. 

 “Very well, give this gentleman the product he requires, if any, without medical procedures, and close down the establishment. Of course, said quantity would not be more than one organ. If they wish to implant it, always for the better of their health, I suggest visiting our medical facilities."  

The doctor attempted to rationalize his behavior. But as far as Yasha was concerned, a medic and a businessman are not always the same. There are times one must choose one or the other. 

 “Must I understand?”  Yasha shrugged. “If you say so. You are a man of business, after all. You follow your rules, but our village has its own, and one way or the other, Hoshigakure will always get its due. “

Provided nothing that would cause the slightest shift in Yasha’s course of action, Yasha would take the long walk with Stein to the Unseen University atop the hill, where the Hogokage awaited them for debriefing.

A few troops would remain on standby near the area to ensure no further activities of that nature would occur.
Kizmaru Senju
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:49 am
Watching the events unfold in front of him, Kizmaru simply placed his hands into his pockets and stared at the two of them with a smile on his face. The shopkeeper decided he wouldn't resist and would go along with the man to meet the Kage. Thinking back on his own meeting with Hoshi's Kage, he didn't really find much flaw with him other than when he brushed off the question of his situation. He would still have liked to have presented the Hogokage with a real world example by murdering the Jounin in front of him but alas, there is nothing to gain from this, especially since the man had allowed him one last illegal sale before he took the shopkeeper away. Before the shopkeeper had left, he had made a wooden clone of himself before they both took off. After they had left, he decided to approach the clone in order to make a deal with it. "Well, that was quite hairy, never knew it was illegal to get 'donor' organs around here. Quite different from the lands of Kiri and Suna. Anyway, I'll cut right to the chase. You see, my employer is looking for a specific kind of body part." 

"He was looking for a Jugo's innards to replace his own, preferably a liver or a spleen. He also happens to be going blind in both of his eyes and would like a pair of Uchiha eyes, if you can. He said he'd like to have some extra pair or two as back up when the pair he has now runs its course," Kizmaru had inquired. He then asked, "how much would it cost to obtain these items I've requested on behalf of my employer?" Though he was happy to still be able to do business, it felt quite unpleasant to do so with all of these troops still stationed nearby. He thought it was best to use a cover story of needing it for a sickly, rich employer or something. For now, he'd just do business as normal, preparing his cover story for the future, if inquired about it.

W.C: 355

AP: 1,990/2,000 
Transformation Technique - 5 AP
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:32 pm
The clone would listen to the man who was still around, and he would nod pulling out a Jugo Spleen and sliding it across the makeshift counter top. "That will be 20k for the Spleen, However I do not happen to have any Sharingan, however if I do get any I will be sure to find out how much I could get for them, Where might I send word if I get some?" The clone would ask.

If given an answer or if the man just walks away, He would do as he was previously planning. Collecting up his wares and taking them to the Living clone that was not far off, so the distance would not make him disappear before it could possibly happen. Then the clone would take it back to its proper hiding place, including the money from the new man.

Stein with the ANBU man would listen to his words. Stein could tell that this man was not appreciative of his work, and so at that moment, Stein would fall silent, he was not the man he needed to answer to anyways. Stein would follow to the Hogokage in the Unseen University. Stein would stand waiting once reaching their destination, his hands at his sides away from each other, as to cause no panic from the nice ANBU. He waited to see what was next.
Kizmaru Senju
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:10 am
It was unfortunate to hear the dojutsu that was spoken of previously wasn't the Sharingan. It could have really helped him to have a spare when these eyes of his truly went dull. However, he was ecstatic to hear that there was a Jugo organ still available for him to purchase. "Well, that's unfortunate for my employer as he also wanted the eyes for his own waning sight, without losing access to his bloodline. However, the Jugo organ more than makes up for it so I'll be taking that with me," Kizmaru had said, fishing out his wallet in order to get the money ready. After a few seconds of fishing into his pocket, he took the ryo out from his wallet, counting out the money and placing the desired amount in one of his hands before putting his wallet back into his pocket. He'd then hand the money over towards the clerk first. He'd then wait for the clone to hand over the body part he desired with anticipation. Hopefully, this would all be over and done with soon as he had other places he needed to be. Thinking about it, he was separated from Keita for a bit too long and he once again made a mistake of isolating himself from his protection. Well, no matter, he was disguising himself the best he could and hopefully nothing trouble would spontaneously appear a second time.

W.C: 236
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:57 am
As previously stated, The clone would slide the jar across the makeshift counter and accept the money. then taking all the wares to the rendevous point with a Living clone of Steins for them to take to the hiding place Stein was using for the time being. It was a lot and rather difficult, and none of the guards wanted anything to do with any of this to try and help, and seemed disgusted that even he as a clone was getting away with keeping his wares and the money he had made. Once ensuring the goods was safe, the Wood Clone would vanish.

This was an Auspicious day, and Stein wondered what would come next, as the clone disappeared and gave Stein all the information, he was glad his wares was stored back in their rightful location, and the Money was place in good care. Steins mind however still was reeling about this Hogokage he heard so much about from Arashi, let alone if kozai revealed anything.

+90,000 Ryo
TWC 1805
AP gain 36
Wc towards Rinnegan 2827/10,000

Exit with Yasha (Ayato clearified with Kiz his NPC was already gone from the thread)
Kizmaru Senju
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:47 pm
When the jar slid over to Kizmaru, he took it in both hands grinning from ear to ear. He then nodded towards the clone that had sold him the jar of Jugo spleen in some form of medical fluid to keep it from being unusable. After that, Kizmaru would then leave the clone up to his activities as he made his way out of the shop with the item in hand. Now, even though he was granted a pardon for this sort of transaction, Kizmaru still needed to keep the contents of the jar out of view of civilians and other authorities so as to not go through this entire ordeal again. Eventually, he decided to just put it in his "flak jacket" to keep out of view from others. As an added precaution, he decided to avoid heavily populated areas in order to minimize the chance of accidents happening. Afterwards, he went and saw if he could find Keita, wherever he might have been.


W.C: 165
T.W.C: 1,217

Loot Claims
Paying Stein 20,000 Ryo for a Jugo Spleen.
Obtained Jugo Spleen.

Ability Claims (Applying 25% word discount)
Using 400 word to learn Basic Sealing
Using 400 word to learn Storage Displacement
Using 400 word to learn Mass Shift
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! - Page 3 Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:22 am
Fu Approved.

Kizmaru Approved upon Ryo deduction.

Stein- Please remember to post any previous progress to something you are applying WC to please and thank you. Approved.
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