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Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:06 pm
The Mission: The Heat

Masashi's Stats at the time of the mission:

Masashi had just gotten home from saving the academy from that hostage attack, it had gone very well as far as he could tell. He was exhausted though, it had taken quite a bit of effort on his part, and he was looking forward to some well-deserved rest. Unfortunately for him, there was no rest for the capable; a letter was delivered to his home which his butler presented him with. The letter was a new mission. It would be up to him to find out everything he could from one of the assailants about the attack. The captured hostage-takers were brought to the Unseen university for interrogation. There was definitely someone behind the attack, and it would be up to Masashi to get the information out of them. The Uzumaki Chuunin didn’t have much information to go on yet; the one in his interrogation cell didn’t show up in their bingo book, so Masashi would have to jump in there with very little knowledge. With a sigh, Masashi would get up and make his way to the Unseen University.

The Interrogation cells are in the lower levels of the building, underground, where it would be easier to cover sound from their “guests”. When he arrived, there was a guard stationed outside of the door. He was told that he had to wait, as there were others that had been asked to join the interrogation and they would need to wait for everyone. Masashi nodded and moved to one side.

WC: 250
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Sat Aug 01, 2020 11:18 pm
geni's Stats:

Genevieve had another calming night. She had collected her children from the daycare after finishing a mission, brought them home, made dinner for her small family, bathed the children and put them to bed. That's when the letter got delivered and thankfully she was able to get to it before her husband could grab it and rip it up, as he had been with what letters she was a few seconds too late to receive. He didn’t even read them. In the beginning, yes, but then he remembered the seal and began to just trip the stuff up. Now she had to go out of her way and try to sense the birds before her husband could snatch their cargo and it was going mildly well. She opened it up and smiled.

It was a new mission about finding info from a captured assailant in regards to an attack and that the assailant would be held in the Unseen University to be interrogated.

She was so pleased that she was included, however there was so little… information. Geni flipped the letter over then looked around, thinking perhaps she had dropped it but that was for naught. She went to the building, travelling to the lower levels of the building until they took her underground, however she perked up when she saw a somewhat familiar face but she could not put a name to it. However, the guard standing at the door alerted her to others coming and she stood near the other shinobi and smiled then voiced, “It is good to see you again.”

[ WC: 264 ( 528 from x2 WC ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Ryo : 607500

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:11 pm
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Another day, another mission. If he didn't know better Akaboshi started to think the higher ups enjoyed giving the red haired Uzumaki one task after the other. Not that he would complain, he did say he wanted to create a better future for the village so if it meant performing these type of missions, so be it. Dressed in his usual attire which consisted of his Chuuning Flak Jacket with a white V-neck underneath, some dark blue, denim jeans and black shoes to top off the rest of his outfit, the redhead would be making his way over to the Unseen University which was where the mission would be taking place.

On his way over he started going over the report once more while lighting up a cigarette he retrieved from one of his side pockets. The smoke in one hand while holding the piece of paper in the other, Akaboshi noticed something familiar. From what he could make out of what was written down, it seemed today's task involved one of the hostage takers from a while back from when he and a couple of others successfully took care of a hostage situation at the academy. It looked like it was about time they found out who exactly was behind the attack.

Upon his arrival at the Unseen University he quickly put out the cigarette before making his way down to the interrogation cells where there were currently three people, not counting the culprit they had to interrogate. "So we meet again" he would say to Masashi, the fellow Chuunin who helped him take care of the hostage situation back then. "Miss, glad you could join us." The kunoichi standing with them was unfamiliar to Akaboshi, but then again it would hardly be out of the ordinary for him not to know each and every single person from the village. The last and third person present was the guard who explained there would be someone else showing up anytime soon. With his back against the wall Akaboshi would simply wait til they were complete.

(WC: 345)
Keina Schwachling
Keina Schwachling
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:01 am
Today was just a weird day. All around, it was just weird.

Why was it so weird! She had been looking forwards to lunch with Masashi, and then a random genin had interrupted them.

That was not even the worst of it. A fucking TERRORIST ATTACK interrupted them again.

And it still got worse. These people were not weaklings. Keina had only done as well as she had because she had surprise on her side. THAT WAS THE ONLY REASON. She managed to knock most of them out before the realized anything was happening, before they had time to think up a reaction.

These people were NOT random ninja. They were doing this for a reason. Either an ideology, or because they were getting paid. No group would be so filled with idiots that they actually thought breaking into a NINJA VILLAGE was a smart way to conduct a hostage situation. Seriously. Masashi could have handled them solo if he put the time into developing his stealth ability.

Nah, this group had some ulterior motive, Keina was sure of it.

After waking up, she realized she was in the village jail. After asking around, she was able to find out that the fugitives were going to be interrogated soon, and that she was welcome to help out. They had already managed to figure out who the leader was, by making the others squeal. But they had NOT been able to get anyone to leak info about what was going on in here.

Keina asked if she could speak to the leader, but the guard said they were waiting on some other ninja to arrive first. Keina shrugged, accepting the defeat, and then had a thought. She asked about talking to one of the other people. The guard gave her a somewhat odd look, and explained that everyone else had been nothing but cooperative and had easily turned on the leader, identifying who it was after very little conversation. Keina shrugged, and said she still wanted to talk to one of them, get an idea of what type of people these were, at least some of them.

At least one of them.

The guard shrugged, and pointed her towards the stairs back up. While the interrogation room was in a basement level, the other missing nin had already been moved to cells. After explaining the story to the guard up to, she was allowed in to talk to them.

They were split between two cells. Luckily, the cells were right next to each other. "Hey there, fellows," she said. Most of them glanced her way, and then their faces filled with anger or distaste or some other similar emotion. One of them actually jumped up and charged the bars, but was held back by the chains.

"I'll make this quick and simple. If you let me. Otherwise, we could move to a private room. Maybe one with a balcony to the courtyard." Keina paused here just a moment, looking for any reaction from the people. None of them reacted in a strange way. "Give you a nice look of your future playground. So long as you behave." Keina paused once again. "Fuck you," one of them said. "Even in you're dreams, I'll be on top," she said before walking away and heading back downstairs. In the time she had spent talking with the felons, and convincing the guard to actually let her talk to them, the rest of the group had arrived. Two from the incident earlier today, and one other.

"Hey, y'all. We get to talk to the leader now?"

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:13 pm
Grill Da NPC:

When you think of grilling, one tends to think of a quaint barbeque with great seasoning, almighty spices, and the warmth of family members -even friends for the tryhards who have them- surrounding you. It was usually a time where one can truly relax and devour great grilled food. Just...perfect.


Because his """comrades""" were too useless and were caught off guard by reinforcements of Hoshigakure that utterly thwarted his plans, everything went wrong. His plan, which took over a week -168 hours of his life- was dismantled in less than...give or take 5 or so minutes? Feelsgreatman! Nevertheless, such was the fate of the ringleader who attempted to perform a hostage situation at Hoshigakure's Academy to gain money directly from the village bank: Echizen Tojo. After being swiftly taken care of by the shinobi who were sent to deal with the hostage situation (which was quite a lethal blow to his egotistical self), he was thrown in jail, then transferred to an interrogation room in the prison for further questioning. Needless to say, Echizen was notably livid at the events that transpired, especially since he already told his group to always stay alert of any future adversaries they might battle in the Academy right before the shinobi entered. Welp, he should of saw that coming, since all of the rogue shinobi he hired onto the group had a ten to twenty percent contract mission completion rate. Surprisingly, the fact that not only being a Rogue Ninja that attempted to perform a hostage on a Ninja Academy but BEING the leader of the group that tried to facilitate those events just might force him to have a life sentence had not dawned on the semi-masked man yet. Instead, his thoughts were fueled by the absolute wrath he felt towards his group that could not do even one thing correctly, staying on one's guard. He didn't care if the group that was currently a floor or two above him would rot to death in prison; in fact, Echizen wanted them to. People like them should not even see the light of day again due to their pure stupidity, yet again, a disappointment to humankind. Though, wouldn't that make him as the ringleader who even thought of hiring them just as stupid? NAH! There was no way a brilliant specimen of a man like him could be stupid!

Whilst in deep thought, Echizen could pick up a few footsteps that were entering the dim-light and quite a damp interrogation room, reeking of underground sewer water. The leader, as a precaution for if he tried to form any handseals, had his hands chained to a chair that he sat on. He heard a few voices, so he assumed that he would be questioned for more information about his crime. Welp, he did not have that much to hide, as he was thinking about selling out his incompetent group members just for the hell of it. As the footsteps stopped, showing that all interrogators have arrived, Echizen would showcase his abrasive yet flamboyant attitude to the interrogators from inside the room, letting out a few shouts,

"Come in bitches! The door's unlocked!"

WC: 540 (2X WC Bonus = 1080 TWC)
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:48 pm
The first person to show up was a familiar face, one he had not seen in quite some time. He’d met Genevieve Oasis on the training grounds, not long before leaving for Konoha to participate in the Universal Chuunin Exams. It wasn’t a particularly long meeting, but Masashi tried to remember those that he meets, regardless of who they are or how long it’s been. He would turn to face her and smile. “It’s good to see you too. How have you been?

It was a few minutes after Geni arrived that the next member of the team, one that Masashi knew a little better than he did Genevieve. Akaboshi Uzumaki was one of the other shinobi that had been there for the initial incident at the Academy, and was asked to come back to assist with the interrogation. “Nice to see you again, Akaboshi. We’re just waiting on Keina I believe and then we can get this process started.” He would look around to see if his mentor had arrived while the other two were getting acquainted.

It was around this point that Keina walked down the stairs and over towards them. “Glad you could make it.” He said to her with a smirk. “That is indeed what we’re about to do.” As he said this, the assailant in the interrogation room decided to start yelling. With a nod to the guard, they unlocked the door, and opened it to allow Masashi and the others entry. As Masashi stepped inside he looked at the man and said “it actually was locked, that would have been a terrible breach of security if it wasn’t.” Masashi kept his expression deadpan for the repartee, it would make no sense to simply respond with the same energy. Besides, the lack of response may provoke the captive into saying something rash, in the heat of the moment.

When everyone else was inside, the door would close and be locked behind them.

WC: 327
TWC: 577
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Ryo : 500

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:22 pm
Geni was glad to see Masashi, a familiar face and she was glad for the opportunity to meet new people. Firstly there was the red-haired ninja who showed up after her and with him came the nose curling smell of burnt tar, ash and tobacco. He was a cigarette smoker or perhaps he lived with one; either way the smell came with him but he seemed nice enough to converse with and friendly. Maybe he was just being cordial because they were all strangers on a mission. 

Then there was another woman with long blonde hair and Geni had a passing moment of self-consciousness; she had brown into her strange hair and it had faded with her aging; melting into an ombre of colors rather than they being blatantly different, now they flowed and shifted more like a black mother-of-pearl. Still there was one thing that every other female she came across had which she found herself slightly envious; one, solid color of hair. Thsi female seemed to be friendly if not a little crass but Geni enjoyed the experience of meeting her; and it seemed like they were no longer waiting for another person. 

Then Masashi asked her how she had been and she smiled, “Oh, you know; as well as a new mother with twins can be.” Geni smiled warmly as she chuckled a bit- but then the man inside the room began yelling about the door being unlocked but she put on a smile despite her irritation. How fucking rude of them. She watched Masashi nod off to the guard and make sure to make him room as the guard came over and unlocked the door and opened it for their group, and she waited for Masashi to walk in first before following him in and seeing the man in the chair and noticing his hands were chained to it. She quietly wondered why he wasn't hanging from the ceiling to ensure that he couldn't just- stand up while attached to the chair and try to leave but that was irrelevant now and Geni went so far as to walk around to the front of the chair, facing the man but keeping a meter or so distance and crouching down a bit to look at him. 

He didn't look all to ferocious or what she was expecting of a hostage at all; he wore a mask that covered from md-cheek up to his hairline that was smoothly split in half; one side white with a black star under the eye, and the other black with a white star under the eye. His mask seemed to compliment his clothing which was black as was his hair but the hems of his top layer of clothing were white with a singular black stripe in the middle. She smiled a bit, 

“You’re pretty rude for a guy strapped to a chair.” She said with a cold smile before she stood up and used her hands to smooth out wrinkles in her dark dress. 

[ WC: 503 (2x Event WC: 1006 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:23 am
A bit of small talk here and there, you know how it goes when a group of people are waiting for the last one to arrive. Masashi informed Akaboshi that once Keina joined them, they would be complete and ready to begin the mission. His fellow Uzumaki seemed to already know the young lady going by the name of Genevieve as a conversation about her well-being and children went on. After a couple of minutes the female Jounin showed up, to which the rest of them followed behind and to the interrogation room where some drama queen seemed to be staying if he had to go by the annoying yelling. "Bitches? Who's he talking to? Can't be me." Akaboshi would enter the room last, scanning the cell or however you wanted to call the place. 

A deep sigh, followed by placing his hands to his sides he would look around and at Genevieve. "Nice dress, should have brought mine as well" he joked before turning his attention towards the criminal. The Uzumaki noticed the calm response of his fellow clansman and decided to provoke the culprit a little bit more. Perhaps that kind of behavior would evoke a certain reaction out of the man, one that would make things easier for the Hoshigakure shinobi who had gathered around. "There's four of us, obviously not counting this waste of space" he said while pointing at the man sitting in the chair before continuing. "I brought cards, who's in?" As he finished talking, the redhead pulled out a set of playing cards out of his side pocket. Of course Akaboshi was joking, but maybe this was the push the criminal needed to start running his mouth.

(WC: 284, TWC: 629)
Keina Schwachling
Keina Schwachling
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:29 pm
"Come in bitches! The door's unlocked!"

Keina kind of snorted when she heard that. "Cocky and an idiot, eh?" she would quip, and then adjust her weight to her other leg. It would not being a long wait for the others to head into the room, but it would be a wait she would sit through. She had, after all, been the last party to arrive in the downstairs area, so she was the closest to the stairs, which meant she was furthest from the door.

Walking into the room was a bit stranger. Masashi, and then Genevieve, and then Akaboshi. Each one proceeded to enter, and then gave their own short little jokes.

Akaboshi's was the best. Assuming it was a joke. He did actually have a deck of cards.

Did he always carry around a deck of cards? Or had he thought about this?

Had he PLANNED to make that joke? Or well, make that suggestion since Keina was still not ENTIRELY sure if he was serious or not. Just mostly sure it was a farce. Which meant Akaboshi was playing something along the lines of the role of the good cop.

He totally planned this joke. Sure, Keina was not certain, but...

Any other solution was weirder.

Akaboshi seemed to be a fun sort of guy. This could be totally in character for him. A little bit of levity could go a long way.

Keina's clothing was not exactly fitting for this situation, though. She was still wearing the same stuff she had worn to meet up with Masashi earlier today.

Except apparently at some point she had lost her yellow blazer. So now she was just wearing a white tee shirt, and some short jean shorts.

Dressed up strictly in civilian garb, and being a rather short, non-muscular woman. she was absolutely the standout in the room.


Genevieve was possibly more civilian-looking. Keina had not gotten a good look at the other woman yet.

Keina had noticed something, though. Nobody had asked a question!

Well actually, that part was not that weird. The WEIRD part was the lack of introductions. I mean, really. Feel free to throw shade and jokes and create an atmosphere, but Keina figured introductions were in order.

Maybe she was wrong on that. Most of her experience in this field was...

Well, it was from reading. There were a few movies too, but it was mostly from reading. A good author had to know plenty of material to be able to create interesting stories.

If Keina was a good author was very much so up for debate, but she liked to PRETEND to be one.

But Keina had decided to get the ball rolling.

"Sooo, we've got a bunch of jokesters, I take it." Keina, having walked in with her arms crossed over her chest, took a deep breath in through her nose, and then turned and leaned forwards, slamming her hands upon the table.

"Listen here, you little shit. I was supposed to be having a pleasant day off. But they called me in to look over these KIDS."

She would glance towards the other ninja in the room. She loved playing on this part of her ability. Or rather, inability. Her chakra was so absurdly low, but higher than what should have been possible for someone suppressing their chakra. It was a great way to pretend to be a civilian.

She just had to hope that the guy had not gotten a look at her long enough to recognize her. Frankly, she was not sure which person HE was. One of the ones she took out early? Or maybe one of the ones she took out late? If he was the one she did NOT take out, well. That would be the best chance of him recognizing her and calling that bluff.

Either way though, Keina knew what she wanted to say next.

"How about you make this easy? Tell us something about your boss, who put you up to this? Unless you expect us to believe that YOU are the mastermind? Hey, you can do it. Just something small. Is your boss a fat man? Or maybe he's an old bum. Funnest would be if he's just a playboy looking for a twisted sense of enjoyment."

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:16 pm
The hot seat was sizzling...

What originally appeared to be a perfect way to create a flamboyant yet strong introduction for Echizen - the leader of the terrorist group to start off soon turned into a faulty introduction that painted him as a bumbling idiot which admittedly held some truth. Looking down to the room's ground in visual shame, the masked man would uncharacteristically squirm in his seat after hearing the door open and a man's voice correcting him on his faulty introduction. Curses! If only he would have shut his mouth instead of being so raring to implement his facade in the conversation. Welp, they probably would not take him seriously now, if they would have even taken the man seriously in the first place. There was no helping it now, Echizen needed to assert his dominance in one way or another yet it would be very difficult to do so...since his hands and legs were tied to a chair, forcing him to look up towards the interrogators who he was at the mercy of. Even so, the masked man was not going to be a pushover to the interrogators; even if there was no chance of escaping, the pride of being the leader of a terrorist group would not let him give away valuable information. Therefore, after the first man -Masashi corrected him on his blunder, the masked man would resolutely lift his face up, now gazing sharply at the group of interrogators that stood a few meters before him. The group of interrogators appeared to be of a colorful class, having an auburn-haired man, a blonde-haired woman, another woman who adorned a black dress, and finally, a man with bright scarlet hair. Interesting indeed, and a sight truly to be marveled. Contrary to his old facade, Echizen wouldn't utter a single word as he lifted his face, his expression being eerily apathetic to the whole interrogation.

...And then, a voice spoke. The masked man shifted his eyes to the origin of the voice immediately, being that of the woman in the black dress - Genevieve, essentially making Echizen understand the situation that he was in. In response to that, the man simply shrugged...well, the action of shrugging was mostly from his shoulders as his hands were still binded to the chair. Nevertheless, he would make a swift quip towards her, "Aye, aye captain. I will do my best to not be even slightly rude in your great presence! Shall I bow in forgiveness for my grave transgression?" Echizen sarcastically mocked before turning his attention to the whole group in general after he spoke. A few moments later, the scarlet haired man would announce that he had cards, having all of the enjoyment they needed to last hours or possibly even DAYS interrogating Echizen, or "the waste of space" as Akaboshi would call him. The masked man raised an eyebrow at Akaboshi's words. The raised eyebrow was mostly unperceivable due to his mask blocking the upper part of his face, but the narrowing of his eyes let non-verbal communication towards the man do the talking. The joke was a somewhat funny one, so he would let the scarlet-haired man win this one. Despite being a sarcastic dipshit, Echizen did not like running his mouth every two seconds to prove a point about having a fragile ego that he couldn't even take a joke so he'd keep silent. 

Suddenly, the blonde interrogator would step forward, crossing her arms and taking a deep breath through her nose, appearing to take a more confrontational manner in extracting information. This would then be proven at her slamming the table that was between the short distance of the interrogators and Echizen. She would then aggressively attempt at making Echizen confess about the details of the terrorist group, specifically if there were a boss, or if he were the mastermind behind him. Despite her efforts at making the masked man feel terror incarnate, he would be unfazed, keeping an apathetic expression as if she wasn't worth his time. His mind was still foggy, so he didn't fully recognize Keina and Masashi's faces, being the ones who apprehended the terrorist organization so he would still be pretty confident in not submitting to the interrogation. Sighing for a moment after she aggressively demanded him to spill the beans, a comedically deadpan expression would befall on Echizen before replying to Keina with an insult,

"Damn. If I wanted to see a gorilla all up on my face, I would of went to a zoo." 

WC: 853
TWC: 1393
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