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Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:03 pm
The other members of the team entered the room after him, each with their own witty comments/remarks. Masashi sighed inwardly. Of course they would have to imitate him, ah well, imitation is the highest form of flattery after all. Their captive decided to try for the whole stone-face approach. That would only get him so far; Masashi found normally that it was hard for one to keep that up when nerves and tendons got severed.

Though after the back and forth between Echizen and Keina, Masashi had a better idea. He walked around the table until he was beside the restrained prisoner. And pulled several small balls of white clay from one of his pouches. He held one in between his thumb and index finger and moved his hand so that it was about 6 inches from the man’s eyes. “See this,” Masashi said. “This is a hidden specialty of this village; explosive clay. Very deadly, and would not be a pleasant way to die. I could have you swallow one of these and have it liquefy your insides. What I’m going to do though, is place one on each of your limbs. We are then going to ask you questions, and if you refuse to co-operate, I’ll blow one of them up and you get to lose a limb.” As he says this, he takes the balls and rolls them out, sticking them to the prisoner’s elbows and knees. While they can be set to create a large explosion, Masashi only allows them to create enough of an explosion and shockwave to sever the limb, which would be sufficiently painful by itself.

Oh,” Masashi said as an afterthought. “And don’t worry about dying from the pain. If you do, I can just revive you.” He said this with a small, chilling smile. “I’m afraid the only way you’re getting out of this is if you tell us what we need to know.

With that, Masashi would step away, moving back over to the group. Each time Echizen refuses to answer a question, or gives a flippant reply, Masashi will make the seal of confrontation and blow off one of his limbs in the following order: Right arm, left arm, left leg, and finally right leg.

WC: 376
TWC: 953
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:32 pm
After her moment of weakness letting out an unsavory and unfriendly comment, Geni had pulled away from the man strapped into the chair and gave room between herself and him, to allow the other members there to move forward. The red-haired ninja offered her a compliment on her dress then offered them all a deck of cards and produced it from his jacket pocket. She couldn’t help but be impressed by him being oh-so-clever enough to have something to entertain himself and others in a lull, on hand. He seemed witty too; what a nice quality for a man to have. 

Then the blonde woman came in and she made a quip about the man being a jokester before she abruptly slammed her hands down on the table and began demanded answers from the man, who calmly responded,

“Damn, if I wanted a gorilla all up in my face, I would go to the zoo.” 

That was quite rude of him to say, Keina wasn’t that bad looking of a woman. Sure she was a little on the short side but she had beautiful blonde hair and a clear, softly tanned complexion with a face of freckles, she was bound to be someone’s definition of ethereal beauty. Then it was Masashi’s turn and Geni didn’t know what to expect. She didn’t know Masashi that well or intimately, she didn’t seem to know anyone very well anymore outside of her own children. What she didn’t expect was him to produce explosive clay, show it to the man and proceed to explain how for every answer the captured man gave was deemed uncooperative, one of the balls would be set off and imploded- and then she watched as he proceeded to put the balls of clay on him. He began working by putting one on an arm, a leg, then another arm, and another leg. Geni put on a tight-lipped smile-

Holy shit. Holy shit he was serious.

Masashi proceeded to assure the man strapped to the chair that as long as he answered their questions, the man would be free to go but it begged the question- “Would it not be better to have us all watch his heart rate to ensure that he is telling us truths? He could easily believe something long enough and hard enough to make it a truth. He could make up the decision in his mind, but his heart rate and watching his heartbeat would be much more honest.” Geni offered and hoped it would be accepted by her comrades. 

[ WC: 425 ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:12 pm
Time had passed and so far the only thing they found out was that Akaboshi had a great sense of humor and that the culprit stuck to his chair didn't seem like he planned to cooperate with the rest of them anytime soon. It was to be expected things would turn out this way. There would hardly be a universe where a criminal simply decided to confess after a couple of minutes. Regardless of their acting, this wasn't a movie after all. The red haired Uzumaki shifted his cards as he went through each and every single one of them, all the while his clansman took a different approach as he placed different batches of explosive clay around the man's limbs. "This isn't what I expected when I wanted to have a blast" Akaboshi replied out loud.

On the other hand, or none in the case of Echizen if he decided not to comply with their request, perhaps it would be the only way to get him to talk. The redhead didn't really have a problem with it, considering Masashi was able to fix whatever would be blown off, but it seemed Geni preferred for them to look at other options before they decided to torture the man. The young lady suggested for them to check his heart rate in order to find out whether or not he was telling the truth. "Maybe, but considering his heart rate might already be out of control due to the fact he is cowering in fear it could possibly mess with the results. Regardless, I'm fine with whatever we decide to do." Akaboshi didn't mind the means, as long as it meant getting the information they wanted.

(WC: 284, TWC: 913)
Keina Schwachling
Keina Schwachling
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:58 pm
The man's defense mechanism, insults and jest, was of no importance to Keina. She did, however, very audibly sigh and droop her head as he seemed to be completely oblivious to what she had said. This was not, after all, a poorly staged coup by anyone she would have, at one point, called an ally. That was good, at least.

What was not good, however, was that Masashi had apparently decided on a course of action: extreme bodily harm.

Keina... did not think that would work well, but who knows. Maybe this guy was not a wall of defense mechanisms, and was instead a wall of idiot. In which case the literal bomb threat targeted at his limbs would be rather effective.

Still... Keina was a bit off put by it.

"I.." she began, stepping back from the table and inching closer to the door. "I am in no place to tell you not to, but..." The doubt and uncertainty in her voice would be obvious to those around her.

Which would be confusing to some, perhaps, as the other three village ninja likely knew, at least in some respect, that she was technically the ranking ninja in the room.

Keina gulped down her "fear" and continued. "But I do not think this form of... interrogation is entirely appropriate."

Keina shifted her weight one more time towards the door, sort of hovering there, just barely in reach of it, but not in a location that was in the path of it swinging open.

"It was all an elaborate ruse."
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:24 pm
Many things could be said about Hoshigakure shinobi, but not that they were afraid to do whatever it takes to get what they want. It seemed like their approach started to get its result as the prisoner finally gave up a name and details of whoever ordered the assault. "That's all we needed" Akaboshi would say before leaving so he could write an official report. 


(TWC: 1607: (349 + 1258 August event))
- 1123 to finish Chakra Enhanced Strength (1377 trained here)
- Mission rewards (4250 ryo: 4000 + 250 Chuunin bonus)
- 32 AP, max stat discount
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:44 pm
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:33 pm
Making claims on a different account. 


TWC: 1933 (Incorrectly calculated WC in the last post, post 1 was 1080 WC due to 2x WC bonus from the August event and post 2 was 853 WC)

Mission Claims:
All Mission Rewards due to NPC'ing the mission which includes:
+8000 Ryo
+40 AP

Character Claims for Enishi Kurosawa:
1187 WC towards and finishing off the training of Damage Reduction Shield A-rank Halved Handseals Mastery while using 25% max stats discount [2062/2062.] Previous training is here.
746 WC towards the training of Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death while using max stats discount [746/1500]
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:50 am
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Focus : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:13 pm
It would seem that the team was split over his rather harsh setup for the interrogation. Genevieve and Keina were not at all okay with watching Masashi blow off the captive’s limbs for the sake of completing their mission. Akaboshi didn’t seem to mind either way. Masashi smirked, and got ready to start asking his questions.

The interrogation was quite short. Masashi's methods definitely got their intended reaction though; the would-be hostage taker immediately broke down and started divulging everything they knew. This suited Masashi fine, as he hadn’t really wanted to blow off the man’s limbs, blood would go all over the place, and he’d feel bad for whoever had to clean it up after. The rest of the team left immediately after the man stopped talking, so Masashi remanded the criminal to the guards outside and went off to go write up his mission report.


WC: 147
TWC: 1100

Mission Rewards:
-4250 ryo (4000 base + 250 Chuunin Bonus)

1100 WC towards Tsutomu - (2434/2500) - Proof of Progress here
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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The best kind of grilling (IO, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The best kind of grilling (IO, NK)

Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:14 pm
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