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DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Mizuki Ohta
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Ichigo Sato
Kita Hajime
Noboru Kaito
Shikami Shinkou
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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:41 am
Stein decided with the upcoming Chunin Exams, he should set up shop and see what he could get and what he could sell. He was not one to keep power to himself, and wanted to see what other genetics he could get his hands on, however he had to limit his wares somewhat, he wrote up a sign and placed it up near a dark alley somewhere people wont notice right away, but maybe Ninja who notice small things might.

It is written on the sign "Looking for a quick boost? have 20k? Come see my wares" Upon entry into the alley that Stein was sitting in he would tell any newcomer "Im offereing transplants, 20k a organ per bloodline, I have a nice set of Doujtusu, bundled with DNA for 35k, Also Buying DNA and willing to offer trades for DNA I do not have or are low on." Stein would offer whoever comes this line and smiles as he waited to hear their desires.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:11 pm
The architecture of the Village Hidden Among the Stars was quite aesthetically pleasing to Noboru. If he had to guess, he would wager the masons who worked on the Thunderpeak Campus might’ve drawn inspiration on the exquisite masonry works that populated the landscape of the Hoshigakure. It felt quaint, but more than that, welcoming, as a parental figure that embraced one after the eons one spent away from their home. And at the same time, the commonality of everything around him allowed a degree of separation; the very nature of the verticality of the place, as opposed to the Kumogakure’s steep streets, made Kaito feel as if he were in an entirely new dimension. It was the same feeling as he had in the streets of Sunagakure, however, the cobbled streets of the Star Village felt better than most beaten paths found in the desert.

Clad in the robes that covered his armor, and with the hat that shielded his redhead much more than the eyepatch which covered half his face, the Kage felt comfortable cruising the streets of the Hoshigakure. There was a sense of… adventure. As if at any moment, any one of the Kages around and their professional bodyguards might attack him, for whatever reason. There was an edge in the air only he could feel. To his side, his trusty Jagged Claw hid from sight, while his belt held onto his many tools.

Something caught his eye, a paper on the wall. Likely some store announcing its products, or a missing person flyer? Kaito approached it, and read the contents. Quick Boost? Twenty thousand? In an alleyway? “Bait”, he thought. Might be worth the try though, not like walking down an alleyway was incriminating evidence. Kaito walked the dank, dark alleyway, and underneath the patch that covered his cheek and forehead, veins bulged against the leather as chakra was fed into the Byakugan. The man before him was something else; he had never seen many people with more than one heart, as a matter of fact, the most he had seen was heartless people, after he had pulled them out. “Hello there”, he would start, as amicably as he could, his hands behind his back. “Read the notice outside. I was under the impression this kind of… operation, would be against the core laws of the Hoshigakure?” Kaito had done quite a lot of reading before coming into the country; after all, ignorance of the law wouldn’t be an excuse should they commit crimes. While Sunagakure was quite lax regarding transplantation, much to the similarity of the Kumogakure, he was under the impression this sort of thing was abominable in the eyes of the Hoshigakure authority. As he walked, and then as he spoke and waited a response, Kaito’s attention circulated the one hundred meter radius surrounding them, his body relaxed and ready for violence at any minute.

WC: 482
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:27 am
Kita rubbed at his eyes, exhausted and tired after taking the written portion of the exam. It wasn't particularly late, so Kita knew that it simply had to be a result of his nerves. Yet the written portion did nothing but fuel further doubts about his current level of power. The highest score was supposed to get a free pass on the next test, and Kita was certain that he had blown it. Now, it was essential to pass the second test.

Kita looked down at his hands, which seemed to tremble like leaves in the wind. The boy scoffed and stuffed them into his pockets, trying to resist the feelings that were welling up deep inside himself. He remembered vividly the intense thrashing that Murata had given him, and he wasn't intent on letting that happen again.

Eventually, Kita realized that he had been walking around in a half dazed dream, wandering aimlessly through this new city that he had found himself in as he searched for an answer to his conundrum. The boy looked up from his stupor, looking around the surroundings he had found himself in and tutted.

"Guess I made my way into the slums..."

The beautiful parts of Hoshigakure, filled with the numerous temples, shrines, and pagodas, as well as the fine embroidered silks and golden encrusted architecture of the religious buildings were left behind. These streets no longer filled the young boy with pride and joy for the gods that he did not follow, but left him with a bitter sense of hopelessness, like this decrepit place was a prison or pit from which he would never truly escape. The boy laughed nervously to himself, which surprisingly did not draw any attention from the weary passerby. He tried to write it off for what it was, nothing more than a delusion, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that something would end up lost here.

As Kita began to turn around, to venture back into the warm lights of his inn and the comforting presence of his comrades, a particular message by a nearby alley caught his attention. It was small, and one which Kita had almost passed by. A normal person would've passed it over, but it was one which a shinobi would be able to find with some degree of perception. How Kita discovered it was beyond him. A fluke maybe? Nevertheless, the sign promised wares for an easy powerup. An offer that was more than tempting to a desperate boy like Kita. After all, it couldn't hurt to just check it out, could it?

He walked into the alley to be greeted by the image of a man in a white lab coat that Kita could swear seemed familiar somehow, and the sight of a man with a mane of red hair, who seemed familiar for a different reason, though the exact reason eluded the boy. Both men struck Kita with a particular aura that left him in awe. He couldn't place it, but something about the two of them seemed so... powerful. He could feel their power with his passive chakra sensing capabilities, and he knew that they were far beyond his league. With a deep breath, Kita gave a slight bow to both men, somehow able to tell instantly that these two were his superiors.

"Hello. I saw the sign outside of the alleyway. It said that there was power to be gained here, right? Would either of you happen to be the one who made that sign?"

Word Count - 588
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:51 am
Right when Stein went to answer the first man, another arrived, How interesting. One questioned if Hoshi allowed it, the other was seeking to use it so it seemed he would begin "Firstly, I am not apart of this village and know nothing of what they allow and do not allow, if I slip it under their guards so be it, if their guards leave me alone, I leave them alone, everyone really wins there, And no one of any Authority has said other wise to me, Saw some religious types give me an odd face, but I hear thats normal due to the fact I seemingly represent everything that they do not believe in, Oh well." Stein would turn his head to the other....well not a man, a Kid.

"Well Kid I did, but how could any of that be of any help to yourself? And for you Sir, anything I can officially help with?" Stein would look up at the Raikage, although unbeknownst to him what the mans rank and title actually was, which made things simpilier for all involved. The Stitched man would wave his hand to an assortment of Jarred Organs "I also have limbs if those are required instead, may be willing to do it cheaper that way however, Which ever. Pick your poison"

Each Jar had Organ and Clan listed on the jar, With one Jar that had a pair of eyes in the jar with the organ Listed as Akari. Senju was almost fully represented, Uchiha had a couple parts, Jugo also had a few things, but more outrageous Organs there, and a Couple of Kaguya Organs with a bone or two and finally some Terumi in jars sat on make shift shelves behind him . The Table he had set up for procedures did not seem the cleanest but Stein could not help that, He himself made sure things was up to enough par, plus his healing prowess was enough to prevent any infections so He did not worry.
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:32 am
With his hands still behind his back and red mane carefully hidden behind his Kage hat, Kaito heard the man speak after being joined by the newcomer. "Well, I wish you good luck then; once the chunnin exams are over, I will be returning to my village. Meet me outside the walls, or back in the Lightning Country, and I will make it worth your time. Farewell."

Byakugan still enabled, Kaito walked to the wall, and after performing a few handseals, he merged with the ground using Hiding Like a Mole, ending up in the storage room of the bar beyond the alley; he would then walk up the stairs into the bar, where the owner looked at him confused. "Got lost on the way to the bathroom; I'll see myself out." He walked away.

Will do claims later
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:40 am
Approved of the egg's exit
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:22 am
Kita suddenly felt very unsure about the situation at hand. Transplants? He had read about such procedures in that book, the relationship between Kekkei Genkai and DNA, but such a thing had seemed so... distant. Like something practiced out in the wastelands in the lairs of hidden ninja you would never meet, not something that you could find in the alleyway of the religious capital of the shinobi world.

Yet what was most striking was that the Raikage himself was standing in this alleyway with the two. The closed in space and the dark nature of the alley itself kept light from coming in, obscuring the symbol upon the man's hat, preventing the boy from realizing who he was immediately. A sense of panic began to overwhelm the boy once again. His mind was slipping from him, and he forgot the proper protocol for approaching a kage. Best to play it safe. Kita dropped to one knee in a half bow.

"Forgive me lord Raikage, I didn't realize that it was you. Are you also here to approach this gentleman?"

Yet he was gone before Kita realized what was happening. Apparently he was just trying to get to the bathroom, something which the young boy doubted. Yet he certainly wasn't about to say that to a superior as he sunk into the ground and vanished without a trace. He blinked, and turned back to the gentleman selling the bits and pieces of fallen shinobi. How would it help him? Kita bit his lip as he scanned the shelf, searching for an answer to the man. Most of the names listed were beyond him, but two did strike him. Senju, and Jugo. Those two he knew well about. He remembered the strength of Shinji and the other Senju he had encountered in life, the vitality and vigor that they possessed. He remembered the ferocious and explosive power that Yuuma had unleashed before her final moments before Kita cut her down.

Yet he also remembered something else. A dream, something long ago about Travin's... family? He couldn't remember it well, but he distinctly remembered that some facet of the process had damaged his family irreparably. It was a dream maybe, but it was enough to give the young boy pause. Why was he here? Why was he considering this? He was enough to get strong on his own merits, he didn't need to rely on the strength of other's bloodlines. It stood against everything that made him proud to be clanless.

Yet another thought came to his mind. He remembered Murata, and the fight that they had. Despite everything he had, everything he had done, he had still lost. Yet from that point she continued to get stronger, better than Kita was. Her new armor, her new jutsu, the fact that Samehada had chosen HER, a foreigner over a a true shinobi of Kirigakure. Hatred began to build in the boy's eyes, along with a small number of tears that he choked back. He knew exactly why he needed these transplants. If others were going to be acquiring fancy toys to increase their power, it was a useless thought process to deprive yourself of the same benefits.

"I need to get stronger than I am now. My current level of strength just isn't enough, so I need whatever sort of power you can offer me." Kita fished around in his pocket and pulled out about 20,000 Ryo. Enough to pay for the necessary components. "Jugo and Senju are the only two here that I know of. I'll pay up front if you can give me that Jugo liver. I'll pay extra if you charge more for the surgery."

Word Count - 616

Total Word Count - 1204

Last edited by Kita Hajime on Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Paying less)
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:59 pm
Stein heard the Raikage's words and nodded, then that is when Kita spoke up after the Raikage disappeared into the ground, Stein knew that technique himself, but shook it out of his mind as he turned to the child who had a lot more money then any kid probably should. Then he heard the request and Stein would nod "Surgery Included" the part he wanted, Well that was the part he had given to Travin Terumi before the unsuccessful surgery at which time his clone had effectivly killed the Terumi, Stein would turn around and grab the jar and wave his empty hand towards the table " Best for the liver if you lay on your back, At which time Ill make a Quick Incision while using that Anesthetic technique so you feel no pain, I will then quickly swap your liver out for this one, will be interesting to see if this Dna takes to you and what is created out of this prodecure. Anyways After I am done I use the Mystical Palm Technique to Heal everything back into place. Now that you know the steps I will take Are you ready?"

At this time Stein would Look at the boy and wait on him, if the boy went to the Table Stein would take the money and put it in his pocket, then did exactly as he stated, using a Kunai tip out of his finger to make the cut, this procedure went best going across from side to side, rather than following the same path as the spine. The Anesthetic Technique coated Steins Finger so that way it killed the pain as it happened. Then once the Liver was put into place, Stein would place the liver of the boy into the jar that he took the jugo one from. And then Healed both the liver in place and the cut with the Mystical palm tech just as he had said, and then would step away from the boy "Well How do you feel young man?"
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Thu Mar 18, 2021 6:31 pm
Coin Flip for bloodline surfacing
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DNA Swap! Not that Kind! Empty Re: DNA Swap! Not that Kind!

Thu Mar 18, 2021 6:31 pm
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