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Suimin Uchiha: The manipulator  Empty Suimin Uchiha: The manipulator

Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:51 pm
Mission Name: The Manipulator
Rank: C-rank
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: Genin+
Mission Location: Any village
Word Count Requirements: 2000
Challenges: Hunter (If requested)
Repeatable? Yes
NPC? If requested
Reward: 5 AP, 2000 ryo (4000 if Hunter)
Task: A shady fellow has been spotted wandering around at night. Some claim to have been tricked using his illusions into giving him their money. Track this man down and capture him. Be warned, he appears to be skilled in genjutsu!
For the Hunter Challenge to be accepted the mission must have the tag [Hunter], and if this challenge is accepted you will be forced to combat a C-ranked shinobi that intends to betray your village
He woke up as the warm bright suns rays of light embraced the inside of his house covering every inch of it. As the darkness fled the sun entered with a nice yellow hue that helped Suimin jolt out of bed. He gets up to use the bathroom and hops in the shower he takes a nice long bath in warm water and just sits there for a while enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from his bath and wrapped his body and a soothing embrace. He often forgot how enjoyable it was to live alone which is one of the reasons why he didn’t enjoy the company of others. In his eyes it was beautiful he just wished he was glad he got to enjoy this kind of thing almost everyday. After an hour he began to clean his body and hair and he then realised he was running low on shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. “Again? Well I’ll buy more sooner or later.” After he’s done he starts to brush his teeth making sure to get every spot in his mouth and gets dressed wearing the same thing he wears everyday. His black pants and long sleeved shirt with his sleeveless grey keikogi on top. He then put on his socks, boots, mask, gloves, and his Kumo forehead protector. He gets the milk, and orange juice from his fridge and cereal that rested on top of his fridge. He sets it all out on the table and before he prepares his breakfast. 
He decides to make a quick trip to the Kumo shopping mall to pick up a few things before departing to the Raikage’s office and getting a Mission. On his way there he couldn’t help but notice the way the nice cold brisk morning air felt against his skin as he just took a nice warm shower. It felt amazing, a truly spectacular feeling that he wished he could experience more. After getting some of the supplies he would need he heads home and proceeds with his morning routine. After finishing his breakfast he grabs the rest of his things for the day and proceeds to head out but not without saying goodbye. He turns to the photo he has of his brother he keeps by the door and says “Hey I won’t be gone for a long time. I’ll be alright, I shouldn’t get hurt or go too far. So there is no need to come with me. I'll be back before you know it alright. Love you.” 
He then heads out of his house making sure to lock his door behind him. He doesn’t have much of value but he doesn’t want to risk anything he does own getting stolen. He begins to head out to the Raikage’s Office to get a Mission for the day. Once he arrives at the Raikage’s office he takes a look at the mission board there's quite a few here wow. He sees an interesting one and while reading the name of the mission file he begins to think. How peculiar he began to ponder. Some creep robbing people using genjutsu? Why a Genin?” He then read it over briefly and thought to himself “Skilled Genjutsu? No way. How very interesting. That sounds like my kind of job.” He took the mission and then the man in his office called “Next!” “Oh right. Here this is the mission I plan on doing today.” “Okay let's see here. Ah right this one. Approved.” After getting approved for this mission Suimin then heads out of the Raikage’s office with the mission file in hand. 
He decides that since it's still day out he's going to investigate. He begins wandering the city he figured he would start with residences and move to shops. He approaches his first house and knocks on the door. A woman answered the door in a robe and seemed a little startled. “Um hello may I ask why you are here?” The woman said as she opened the door. “Yes I’m here to ask you questions about a man who has been robbing people using Genjutsu. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” “Oh I get it. I don’t know anything, I didn’t see anything, It never happened right? I get the message.” She said as she closed the door her voice shaking as he finished her sentence. Suimin just stood there dumbfounded and shell-shocked having no clue what to do next because of what just happened. He was stuck there just thinking not moving a muscle not even blinking with his pen lightly brushed up against his notebook. He began to question what happened in his mind. “Was it something I said? She can’t possibly think I’m working with him can she? She did see my Kumo forehead protector right?” He asked himself all this in his mind and as he asked himself the last question he placed his hand on his Kumo forehead protector. 
After thinking for a bit he finally got himself out of the abyss that was his mind and back into reality. He went on to the next house knocking on the next door asking the same question once more. This time a man opened the door he looked as average as can be. Simple and doesn't stand out in a normal crowd. “I’m here to ask you questions about a man who has been robbing people using Genjutsu. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” “No but I've heard about it.” “Okay thank you for your time and sorry to bother you.” He said in a grim but stern tone.
“Curiouser and curiouser that man he seemed to have a different reaction. Why is that?” He began to think as he walked to the next house. “Maybe she didn’t react well to my tone. I should just stop thinking about it. People do crazy things all the time.As he approached the door he knocked and awaited a response. After a few minutes of waiting no one came to the door so he went on to the next house. Repeating the same steps he took previously. He knocked on the door and a man came to open it. “I’m here to ask you questions about a man who has been robbing people using Genjutsu. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” “Look I already did what you asked. If you're here for more I don’t have any. Listen I understand I don’t know anything, I didn’t see anything, It never happened right? I get the message. See I get it promise.” The man slammed the door after saying this. It seemed Suimins presence disturbed him, the man looked scared. “What the hell is going on? Did he just say If i’m here for more he doesn’t have any? I’ve never even met this man in my life. What the hell is happening today?” He walked away looking back at the house. He couldn’t have been more confused. Do they think I’m working for him or with him? 
He began to think as he walked to the next house. “What is something I said maybe? I just can’t think of a reason these people would be so afraid of me. Is it my appearance? People are confused. This is why I enjoy Isolation.” As he approached the door he knocked and awaited a response. After a few minutes of waiting no one came to the door so he went on to the next house. Repeating the same steps he took previously. He knocked on the door and a man came to open it. “I’m here to ask you questions about a man who has been robbing people using Genjutsu. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” “I see unfortunately I know nothing of him.” She said, giving him a wink. “I’m sorry you just winked, why is that?” “I understand I never heard of him before.” She said, giving another wink as she closed her door. “I need to find out what is going on. This is honestly too much.”
He decided that he would just start taking people in stores instead. He went to the Kumo shopping center and began to look around for people and asked whoever stopped to listen. A man stopped to listen after Suimin had been passed by dozens of people. “I’m here to ask you questions about a man who has been robbing people using Genjutsu. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” “No but I've heard about it.” “Okay thank you for your time and sorry to bother you.” He said in a grim but stern tone.
He began to think as he walked around the shopping center some more seeing who would stop for him. He walked around trying to stop people. He was starting to get glares. He headed inside a store to ask people in there he met a woman in there a blonde pale skinned fairly tall madam. “I’m here to ask you questions about a man who has been robbing people using Genjutsu. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” “I understand sir. I don’t know anything, I didn’t see anything, It never happened right? You can go now I get the message. ” The woman said as she walked around the store seeming in a hurry.. It seemed Suimins was at an impasse in this mission. He asked himself once more. “What the hell is going on? Did he just say If i’m here for more he doesn’t have any? I’ve never even met this man in my life. What the hell is happening today?” He walked away looking back at the house. He couldn’t have been more confused. Do they think I’m working for him or with him? 
He left the Kumo shopping center and he put a halt to his investigation. He decided that this probably wasn’t going to go anywhere and decided to wait till night fell and walk around like a normal citizen and wait to see if he would get robbed to catch this guy. He headed to a store in the mean time to buy a sweater to try to not stick out as a ninja. Night fell as he sat atop of a building as the days events were cemented into his mind. He couldn’t help but think about what had happened. He was up there for hours and couldn’t put his finger on it. He began to wander the streets waiting for this mystery man to show. After a while he was thinking this man wasn’t going to show up but then something happened. A man jumped right in front of him and he stood there shell-shocked unable to move trying to process what he is seeing. 
Standing right before Suimin was him an exact copy someone was going around pretending to be him robbing people. That explains why all those people were acting weird. That explains what they were saying they thought he was the man robbing people. After his brain processed all this he balled his hands into fist and in rage charged at the replica of himself. “HOW DARE YOU PRETEND TO BE ME AND SULLY THE UCHIHA NAME!” He said while throwing a punch at full speed and full strength. As he threw the punch replica dodged and replied with “YOU IMPOSTER PRETENDING TO BE ME YOUR JUST SICK I’LL SHOW YOU TO MESS WITH ME!” The replica roared this as he responded to the punch with a punch of his own. “You think you can copy me well do you? Then copy this.” He said this as he used Shadow Clone Jutsu to bring forth two shadow clones while activating his sharingan. “It might not be much but it's enough to see through scum like you.” He said this while taking off his hoodie. After being hit by that punch SUimin recovered himself and threw another punch. His first Shadow Clone used Lightning Pulse and His Second used Mist Servant. This guy must’ve been very weak because that seemed to do the trick knocking him out. He brought him to the Kumo prison and left the rest to the Kumo Police.
WC: 2058
2000 to 2 Tomoe Sharingan
1000 to Chakra 
1000 to Vigor
2100 Ryo 
20 AP
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Suimin Uchiha: The manipulator  Empty Re: Suimin Uchiha: The manipulator

Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:51 am
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