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Suimin Uchiha Mission Empty Suimin Uchiha Mission

Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:20 pm
The albino moose
Mission Name: Tracking and Hunting: The Albino Moose
Rank: C
Type: Tracking/Hunting
Character Requirements: -
Mission Location: Nation Borders
Word Count Requirements: 2000
Challenges: Long Distance
Repeatable? yes
NPC? -
Reward: 2,400 Ryo, 5 AP
Task: The moose is one of the oldest and most respected land mammals in the world. Each year, thousands of moose migrate through the world looking for fresh veggies and green pastures, searching for other moose, and ultimately finding a mate for the season. A few days ago a ranger appeared claiming that he saw an albino moose. This rare mutation turns the antlers and fur of the moose snow white; this makes them a prize target for hunters and thrill seekers. Those who study animals and these rare mutations want to make sure that they can be studied in the future, wishing to protect them. 
On this mission you are tasked with picking up where the ranger left off. Follow the tracks and find the Albino moose. With running speeds of up to 35 MPH and the ability to swim this task will be difficult but not impossible. 
You will be provided with a mark seal on a paper tag to place on the moose once you find it, this will allow you to locate it easier in the future, and once this task is done your mission is complete. But soon you will have to make a choice…
He wakes up extra early and hops in the shower he takes a nice long bath in warm water and just sits there for a while enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from his bath and wrapped his body and a soothing embrace. He often enjoyed that he lives alone because more often than not he got to have moments like this where he got to have peace, quiet, and tranquility. It was beautiful he just wished he could do it everyday.After he’s done he starts to brush his teeth making sure to get every spot in his mouth, and he uses the bathroom. 
He gets dressed wearing the same thing he wears everyday. He gets the milk, and orange juice from his fridge and cereal that rested on top of his fridge. He sets it all out on the table and before he prepares his breakfast Eamonn decides to make a quick trip to the Kumo shopping area to pick up a few things before departing to the Raikage’s office and getting a Mission. On his way there he couldn’t help but notice the way the nice cold brisk morning air felt against his skin as he just took a nice warm shower. It felt amazing, a truly spectacular feeling that he wished he could experience more. After getting some of the supplies he would need he heads home and proceeds with his morning routine. After finishing his breakfast he grabs the rest of his things for the day and proceeds to head out but not without saying goodbye. He turns to the photo he has of his brother he keeps by the door and says “Hey I won’t be gone for a long time. I’ll be alright, I shouldn’t get hurt or go too far. So there is no need to come with me. I'll be back before you know it alright. Love you.” 
He heads out of his house making sure to lock his door behind him. He doesn’t have much of value but he doesn’t want to risk anything he does own getting stolen. He begins to head out to the Raikage’s Office to get a Mission for the day. Once he arrives at the Raikage’s office he takes a look at the mission board there's quite a few here wow. He sees an interesting one and while reading the name of the mission file he begins to think. How peculiar Eamonn began to ponder. A moose? Really? Why Genin? What’s the decision I will have to make? He then read it over briefly and thought to himself “Mutation? No way. Something this interesting. That sounds cool.” Eamonn took the mission and then the man in his office called “Next!” “Oh right. Here this is the mission I wish to take today.” “Okay let's see. Ah right this one. Approved. Here. You only get one of these and lose it and you fail the mission. If you place it on a moose and pretend it’s the albino you fail.” He hands him the tag that the file talked about. After getting approved for this mission he then heads out of the Raikage’s office with the mission file. 
This should be interesting to say the least. He heads back home to grab a backpack and some other things he may need. He heads to the Gates and heads out to begin his journey he begins walking through the Kumo forest he got some eerie vibes so he just kept his head down and kept walking. Once he got past the Kumo forest he continued to the Nation border to see if he could find that ranger so he could start the hunt. He begins to head towards the border line to see if he could spot that ranger. He spotted the ranger and approached him. “Hey, I'm here to track the albino moose?” He handed the ranger the mission file. “Alright well let me take you to where the moose was last sighted.” He followed the ranger to the point where the albino moose was last spotted. “Thank you kindly I think I’ll handle it from here.” He took a knee and started examining the tracks where the albino moose was running. He began following the tracks to see where they would lead; he had been following them for quite some time. He continued down following the tracks seeing where they would lead. When he was following he noticed something that indicated that he wasn’t the only one. He saw other footsteps that looked human. He stopped for a moment because the human footprints stopped there. This must be a trap. He stopped to look around and he didn see anyone. He saw a few trees that looked untouched. Just to be sure he uses a shadow clone and has them continue following the tracks that lay ahead. He then used the body flicker and surface walking to jump into the trees and scale them to see if he can get a better view from above. As he was scaling the trees hoping from to the other he surveyed his surroundings. He couldn’t see anything. He stopped at a tree and climbed it to its highest point to see if he could get a better view. 
He continued scouting the area looking for any detail that might be out of place. He hoped to the next tree in search of anything. “Man if I had my sharingan it would really help in this situation.” When he was about to hop to the next tree top he noticed someone waving a hand signal in the northern direction he was hiding in the tree. “Damn what should I do. I don’t know how many of them there are. It would be a bad Idea to attack now.” He waited to see if he could scout out the other poachers while keeping an eye on the one he had already discovered. He noticed that the poacher was keeping an eye on his shadow clone. The poacher would move to another tree as the clone got farther. He hopped onto the tree the poacher was just on and he noticed the other two poachers and they were all forming a triangle formation around his shadow clone. 
He created another shadow clone and had it attack the first poacher. The clone jumped behind the poacher and as his hand began to flicker as lightning sparked from it similar to chidori. He tapped the poachers shoulder and as the poacher turned around the shadow clone attacked him from paint blank range. After letting out a scream of pain and yelling “Where the hell did you go? I can’t see a thing?” The poacher then let out a whistle to alert the others. As the clone began to take a few steps back and ready itself for battle. One of the other poachers rushed to where he heard the screams coming from. When he got there he looked at the second shadow clone and said so that was a clone. “You're a shinobi huh lets see your skill.” He said this as he pulled out a Kunai and ready for a fight. He heads down from the treetop to aid his shadow clone in battle. He rushes the second poacher with his fist in the air ready to punch at full speed and strength. The second poacher jumps out of the way and onto a nearby tree dodging the attack. The second shadow clone continues to have fun with the semi blinded poacher. The semi blind poacher tried to fight back, he tried reaching for his kunai and swinging back. 
The shadowed clone dodged doing a backflip over the poacher and tried to show off by giving him a little kick from behind at full strength and speed. After watching his clone show off, he climbed back onto the tree and launched a spinning kick towards the poacher at full strength and speed hoping it would knock him off the tree. The second shinobi is hit with this kick and falls off the tree as he's falling. He grabs the uchiha boy's leg to bring him with him on this fall he lands in a bush taking the boy with him. After recovering his vision the first poacher grabs his kunai and charges the clone in an attempt to slash him at full force and speed. The shadow clone was able to dodge maneuvering out of the way.
His clone continued with his assault using Lightning Pulse in a final attempt to subdue the first poacher. After this he continued with his assault on the second poacher throwing another punch at full force and speed. The first poacher let a grunt as he fell to the ground unable to see or move. He passed out from the damage he sustained. The second poacher looked to watch his ally fall and he knew in his mind his friend was already too far for the second poacher to call him. He surrendered right then and there throwing his Kunai to the ground yelling “I yield.” He responded with “Fine but we're going to knock you out just to be sure.” After delivering two swift punches to knock out the second poacher he deactivated his second clone.
After knocking out both poachers and tying them up to make sure that he wouldn’t be followed he followed the footprints to catch up with his clone. He was fighting for some time so it was probably going to take a while to catch up. While he was running he checked his person to make sure he still had the tag he needed to complete the mission. He checked his pockets and it wasn’t there. “What the hell?! No this can’t be. This has to be a joke. My shadow clone will just have to make it on its own.” He rushed back to where the previous battle between the poachers had occurred and began searching the area he was thinking about creating another clone to help him look but he didn/t want to waste his energy for what could potentially lie ahead. He thought about asking the poachers but there was no point there were knocked out and even if they weren’t they wouldn’t be of much help. 
He continued searching the area for the tag thinking of all the places it could be he continued with his search climbing the trees searching the leaves and branches. He checked the treetops to see if maybe he left it there. He checked the shrubs and bushes that covered the forest floor. He checked under every rock, leaf, bush, and even dug up a little dirt. He checked where the poachers were to see if maybe he placed them on top of it no dice. No matter where he looked he couldn’t find it. He carefully checked the bush the second poacher pulled him into when they fell. It wasn’t there either he was wasting a lot of time looking for it and that was not good. 
He continued to look and check a few times over starting with the first thing. He searched climbing the trees searching the leaves and branches. He checked the treetops to see if maybe he left it there. He checked the shrubs and bushes that covered the forest floor. He checked under every rock, leaf, bush, and even dug up a little dirt. He checked where the poachers were to see if maybe he placed them on top of it no dice. No matter where he looked he couldn’t find it. He carefully checked the bush the second poacher pulled him into when they fell. He finally found it under a shrub.

He continued on and caught up to his clone; the other poacher was nowhere to be found. He deactivated his clone and continued following the tracks he saw a little bit of white in the distance and began to run at full speed towards it as he got closer he noticed it was the albino moose he had been looking for all along. He continued up to it and as he got close he used the body flicker to close the rest of the gap between them and placed the seal on its butt. He let out a sigh of relief and caught his breath before heading home

2068 TWC
2000 WC towards 1 Tomoe Sharingan 2000/2000
2400 Ryo + 100 Ryo Genin Bonus = 2500 Ryo
5 AP
500 WC to Chakra
1500 WC to Vigor

Last edited by Sleep on Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Suimin Uchiha Mission Empty Re: Suimin Uchiha Mission

Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:15 pm
You can also claim stats with the word count bud. Feel free to add that in.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Suimin Uchiha Mission Empty Re: Suimin Uchiha Mission

Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:47 pm
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