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Suimin Uchiha Mission thread Empty Suimin Uchiha Mission thread

Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:38 pm
Mission Name: Remove The Impaled
Rank: C
Type: Clean-up
Character Requirements: Genin+
Mission Location: Kumogakure, forest
Word Count Requirements: 2,000
Repeatable? Not by the same person
Reward: 2,000 ryo

Task: These are bodies of the ones that chose to not follow Youka into the new era of Kumogakure. They are injected with a special poison that causes the body to rot and produce a more volatile puss inside the body. Each body is still alive and forced to live out their entire life impaled and attached to medical supplies that keep the body alive through the pain of the body rotting from the inside out but never giving death to those that beg for it.

Now that Maximillian Yamaguchi is Raikage one of his first orders was to remove and free these bodies from the pikes they were impaled on, finally allowing them their peace. It is your task to remove them so they can rest in peace.

He wakes up extra early and hops in the shower he takes a nice long bath in warm water and just sits there for a while enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from his bath and wrapped his body and a soothing embrace. He often enjoyed that he lives alone because more often than not he got to have moments like this where he got to have peace, quiet, and tranquility. It was beautiful he just wished he could do it everyday. After an hour he began to clean his body and hair and he then realised he was running low on shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. “Well I’ll buy more sooner or later.” After he’s done he starts to brush his teeth making sure to get every spot in his mouth, he uses the bathroom, and gets dressed wearing the same thing he wears everyday. A simple black robe with nothing under covering his abdomen and pants. He gets the milk, and orange juice from his fridge and cereal that rested on top of his fridge. He sets it all out on the table and before he prepares his breakfast Eamonn decides to make a quick trip to the Kiri shopping mall to pick up a few things before departing to the Raikage;s Office and getting a Mission. On his way there he couldn’t help but notice the way the nice cold brisk morning air felt against his skin as he just took a nice warm shower. It felt amazing, a truly spectacular feeling that he wished he could experience more. After getting some of the supplies he would need he heads home and proceeds with his morning routine. After finishing his breakfast Eamonn grabs the rest of his things for the day and proceeds to head out but not without saying goodbye. He turns to the photo he has of his brother he keeps by the door and says “Hey I won’t be gone for a long time. I’ll be alright, I shouldn’t get hurt or go too far. So there is no need to come with me. I'll be back before you know it alright. Love you.” Eamonn heads out of his house making sure to lock his door behind him. He doesn’t have much of value but he doesn’t want to risk anything he does own getting stolen. He begins to head out to the Raikage’s Office to get a Mission for the day. Once he arrives at the Raikage’s office he takes a look at the mission board there's quite a few here wow. He sees an interesting one and while reading the name of the mission file he begins to think. How peculiar Eamonn began to ponder. Wouldn't something like this traumatize a kid? Why Genin? He then read it over briefly and thought to himself “Rotting People? No way. Something this horrible this can't be real. That just sounds way too gross.” Eamonn took the mission and then the man in his office called “Next!” “Oh right. Here this is the mission I wish to take today.” “Okay let's see. Ah right this one. Approved.” After getting approved for this mission Eamonn then heads out of the Raikage’s office with the mission file. He then begins to head towards the given destination. While he was walking there he began to reread the mission file. This is going to be interesting to say the least. While heading over there he was debating with himself if he should get food before or after. He did just eat breakfast and this mission would probably spoil his appetite. He decided not to get any food and continued in with the mission at hand. He ventured to where his mission would take place but as soon as he got there his sense of smell was immediately assaulted by a retching rotting odor that the area was shrouded in. He headed back into the Kumogakure to buy some sort of mask and something to pinch his nose for him. After acquiring the necessary items to protect his sense of smell he headed back to the Kumogakure forest to continue with his mission. Once there he put on his mask and the clip he bought so he wouldn’t have to breath through his nose but unfortunately for him this kind of smell you can taste. It also tasted worse than it smelled and as he ventured father into the Forest it only got worse. It’s a good thing he bought gloves. He knew when he was getting close due to fact that the screams of agony and pain made him forget about the taste. Once he got to where he needed to be to clean up he took a moment to realize what a tragedy this all was. These things didn’t even look like people anymore they probably couldn't even speak. He clenched his fist in anger that the person who did this could call themself a former Raikage. He knew they probably wouldn't respond but he said this anyway “Don’t worry you I am here to liberate you all from the shackles of despair even if it takes forever. You have my word that you shall find peace.” He smiled although you wouldn’t be able to see it under his mask and raised his fist to the air because he knew he was doing right by these people. He started to get to work and went to the one closest to him and pulled him off the pike and removed all the medical supplies just to make sure he pulled out a kunai and pierced where he thought his heart would be. He did this because he didn’t want them to suffer any longer than they should have because they already have suffered longer than they should’ve. After he did that he recited something his brother used to say after he would see his brother kill something. “A person who kills those who suffer is more honorable than the scum who let them suffer.” He wanted to have a moment of silence for the life he just ended but unfortunately that would have to wait, that is there are far more suffering and he couldn’t just lay about doing nothing. He continued on to the next suffering person barely recognizable; she seemed to be a woman. He removed her from the pike and removed all the medical supplies and plunged a kunai in what seemed to her heart. “A cruel fate has befallen you all and I’m sorry I couldn’t do a thing about it. Hopefully me granting you all peace is enough.” He continued on to the next when he noticed the green and white liquid oozing from the corpses he had removed. “What the hell is that? That couldn’t be the puss is it?” He grabbed the Kunai he was using to stab them and began digging a hole to in the dirt of the forest floor. He was hoping it would put a stop to the oozing pus from interacting with him. “How disgusting what kind of monster just goes and does this to people?!” After he finished digging the hole/moat it seemed that the pus problem was fixed. He began digging more holes/moats for future leaks. He went on to the next person following the same process of him removing them from the pike and stabbing them in the heart. Despite the parameters of this mission it was hard and they were heavy so he was getting tired. He took a short rest not too far from where he was working and found a tree to sit in. After his little break he went back to complete his mission. Before heading back he did a few push ups to give himself a boost in adrenaline and raced back. He began digging graves for them out of respect and also to keep the pus problem contained and controlled. He stretched to dig his first grave trying to maneuver his over to the first corpse was a challenge he was trying not to step in the puss. After completing his first grave he began moving the body into the grave as gently and carefully as possible. He covered the corpse with dirt and moved on to the next grave. He placed the second corpse of the woman in there and successfully buried her. He moved on to the next corpse diggin the grave with his kunai and placing the corpse inside avoiding the puss as he went. He went to the fourth person digging the grave before he removed the corpse from the pike. He noticed that the screams were starting to soften. He smiled and told himself “You're doing great.” He then noticed his gloves had a lot of puss on them. “How unfortunate this is.” He said as he let out a sigh of exhaustion and disappointment. He removed the corpse from the pike, removed all the medical supplies and placed him in the grave. He then plunged the kunai into the heart of the corpse and buried him. He noticed that this was getting easier. He noticed the fifth one was also a woman. He dug her grave with his kunai and removed her from the pike. After this he made sure she was dead and buried her. He went to the second to last person. He continued on to the next suffering person barely recognizable; he seemed to be a very tall man. He removed him from the pike and removed all the medical supplies and plunged a kunai in what seemed to be his heart. He had a little bit of trouble putting this man into his grave. Due to this man's stature he was heavier than the rest of the bunch. While he was lowering he had noticed that it was quiet and he couldn’t hear any more screams. He dug his last grave for the final person. He continued on to the next suffering person barely recognizable; he seemed to be another very tall man. Taller than the man before himHe removed him from the pike and removed all the medical supplies and plunged a kunai in what seemed to be his heart. He put him into his grave and a huge smile fell over his face. He had freed the dead from the shackles of despair and what would’ve been eternal damnation what a charitable thing he had done. He buried the man and went to the resting spot he had earlier. He was especially tired after lowering the last guy into his grave. He took off the gloves he was wearing and wiped the sweat off his hands and let out a sigh of relief the horror was over or at least for this part of the forest. He went back to where he had dug the graves and got on his knees. He wasn’t leaving without giving them each a moment of silence out of respect for them all. He sat there saying a prayer and hoping that these souls make it to the afterlife. He stopped the moment of silence to dig up each grave a little and place a coin on each corpse. He then reburied them. “These coins are to provide you good fortune in the afterlife. I hope that now you have peace and can rest without worry. May death find you all and may you rejoin your friends, family, and all those you love.” He stood up and bowed in honor of these fallen men and women and decided to head back. He begins to leave the forest carefully walking around the graves and the puss. He leaves and heads back into Kumogakure and heads towards the Raikage’s office. First he heads home to wash up a little. He hops in the shower and cleans the day right off of him. While cleaning himself he couldn’t help but think about the people he saw today. He headed to the Raikage’s office to turn in his mission and went home.
2000 WC to 2 Tomoe Sharingan
1500 WC to Vigor
500 WC to Speed
Remove the Impaled

Last edited by Sleep on Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:04 am; edited 2 times in total
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Suimin Uchiha Mission thread Empty Re: Suimin Uchiha Mission thread

Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:24 pm
Mission Name: The Sneaky Cat
Rank: E
Type: Capture
Character Requirements: Genin
Mission Location: Any Village
Word Count Requirements: 500
Challenges: N/A
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo, 1 AP
Task: The client has requested help to find her missing cat. Well, the cat isn’t missing, but within their large establishment, it is running around outside as it doesn’t want to be found. The client needs you to catch her cat, so that she can take the cat to get its annual checkup, which the cat hates. Capture the cat, and return it to the client.

He wakes up extra early and hops in the shower he takes a nice long bath in warm water and just sits there for a while enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from his bath and wrapped his body and a soothing embrace. He often enjoyed that he lives alone because more often than not he got to have moments like this where he got to have peace, quiet, and tranquility. After an hour he began to clean his body and hair and  he then realised he was running low on shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. “Well I’ll buy more sooner or later.” After he’s done he starts to brush his teeth making sure to get every spot in his mouth, he uses the bathroom, and gets dressed wearing the same thing he wears everyday.
 He gets the milk, and orange juice from his fridge and cereal that rested on top of his fridge. After finishing his breakfast he grabs the rest of his things for the day and proceeds to head out but not without saying goodbye. He turns to the photo he has of his brother he keeps by the door and says “Hey I won’t be gone for a long time. I’ll be alright, I shouldn’t get hurt or go too far. So there is no need to come with me. I'll be back before you know it alright. Love you.” He heads out of his house making sure to lock his door behind him. He doesn’t have much of value but he doesn’t want to risk anything he does own getting stolen. 
He begins to head out to the Raikage’s Office to get a Mission for the day. Once he arrives at the Raikage’s office he takes a look at the mission board there's quite a few here wow. He sees an interesting one and while reading the mission file he begins to think. He then read it over briefly and thought to himself “Missing cat? Huh sure I guess.” He took the mission and then the man in his office called “Next!” “Oh right. Here this is the mission I wish to take today.” “Okay let's see. Ah right this one. Approved.” After getting approved for this mission He then heads out of the Raikage’s office with the mission file. 
He headed over to the clients house to get a full description of the cat. After getting the description of the cat he went looking for the cat with a picture for comparison. He activates his surface walking jutsu and takes to the rooftops. He goes from rooftop to rooftop. He activates his sharingan to see if it would help he mainly went searching through the alleys. He continued searching and reading the movements of those below. He finally saw an interesting one he headed down into an allyway and looked around he was sensing movements from behind the trash can and when he checked there was a hole he grabbed the cat from the hole and brought it to the client.
500 WC to Mist Servant
500 WC to Speed
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Suimin Uchiha Mission thread Empty Re: Suimin Uchiha Mission thread

Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:01 pm
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