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Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:25 am
It had been quite a while since Nero stood before the Kage's building. He reminisced on the last time he'd been here for an official summons. The Kage had requested his presence and proposed a method for him to awaken something hidden within him. In truth at the time he was scared to learn more about himself, but the Kage seemed to have foreseen that. When Nero returned home, somewhat disappointed in his own hesitation he had noticed a letter on his door with the Kage's seal on it. That letter was both a request and a blessing in hindsight. It asked for him to go out and learn more about his lineage and himself and with it, he gained new resolve. Knowing what he did now he was confident he could take on his lineage properly and give back what he owed to repay the Kage's kindness. Truthfully Nero should be somewhat wary of the man he knew so little about, but something about him made him want to trust him, and so after having returned and thoroughly trained himself to the limit he felt he could now assist the man and possibly learn more about him. With a confident first step, he made his way up the stairs towards the Kage's office, knocking on the door in anticipation of what the future held.

Kizmaru Senju
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Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:06 am
Sitting in his office, the Mizukage was resting in his couch chair after a long journey from the village in the sand. It was quite vexing that not only did they make demands of him with nothing to offer in return, he didn't get to procure the items he had originally went to Suna for in the first place. Pressing his back fully on the chair, Kizmaru let out an aggravated sigh, placing his hands together in order to decide what to do next. He couldn't really sit still long enough to resume doing his usual of signing off on paperwork so, he didn't even try. As he sat in his chair, he had heard a knock at his office door, in his twenty meter wide office before turning his head towards it. He wasn't expecting any visitors today nor did he have any appointments so he wondered who would be so brazen to suddenly show up, other than his personal assistant. Just in case it wasn't, he decided to double check what he was currently wearing before showing himself to a person he might not know. Turning his chair around to his reflection, he could see himself wearing the Mizukage's hat and robes that were typically white and blue. Underneath it was his red, steam armor that he always wears for protection. He never knew when he'd be in a battle not to mention it was good to treat it as if he was wearing weights all the time. Now that he was fully aware of his attire, he had turned his chair back around towards the door where somebody had knocked, telling them they are allowed to enter his office. 

W.C: 282
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:47 am
Nero stepped through the doorway upon being given permission to enter, his stride exuding confidence far from his first impression a few months ago.  Now he stood before the Mizukage as a more mature ninja. He saluted lightly before walking towards the Kage's desk and standing at attention, ready to receive new orders. "It's been a while, but I've returned from the mission you gave me. I'm ready to take the next step," he said with a light smile, happy to see his Kage after so long, and confident that he could make a good impression now that he had trained himself up.

Kizmaru Senju
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Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:58 am
Looking at the man in front of him, he couldn't recall who he was and sat in his chair to ponder on who he might be. According to him, he was given a mission by Kizmaru to which he still has no recollection of. Looking him up and down, he continued to think on it to see if he could find some sort of clue as to who he might be. Shinobi come in and out of his office and he couldn't be pressed to remember every single face he's laid eyes upon unless it was absolutely necessary to maintain relations with. This particular person however, he seems t have his identity at the tip of his tongue but couldn't quite grasp it. As son as he thought about asking his name, he had remembered. This was the Uchiha he was going to help unlock his sharingan a few months back before tell him he wasn't ready as he didn't steel his resolve yet. He didn't recall sending him on an official mission but if that's how he was going to take his advice, so be it. "Ah, I remember you. You're, Nero, correct," Kizmaru had asked. He was sure heh ad it but decided to double check to be on the safe side.

W.C: 214
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:41 pm
For a moment the Mizukage seemed to lock eyes with him, almost in contemplation. He figured it might have something to do with recalling who he was or what it was he had been assigned to do. Some might be offended if they weren't immediately remembered but Nero wasn't really concerned in the slightest in regards to it. From what he knew the Kage was a busy person who dealt with many people in the village and truthfully they'd only really met once. Nero himself didn't even consider himself someone worth remembering given those circumstances, but he was happy to hear that the Kage could recall his name after a moment of thought. With a light nod he acknowledged the Kages question before addressing why he was here fully.

"Correct sir. I took your advice and went out to learn more about my family, when I was satisfied with what I'd learned I came back and further trained myself so I could better serve the village. Now I want to push past my limits and I'm hoping you can help me do so. I apologize if I've come at an innoportune time." Nero gave a light bow as he spoke hoping he wasn't inconveniencing the Kage too much.

Kizmaru Senju
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Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:23 pm
The man was polite and had informed him of his past experiences and training in order to get where he was today. This made the Mizukage nod a bit before remembering what he was going to do previously. In order to awaken his Sharingn, he needed to be under some sort of extreme duress. This would surely 'push past his limits' at a steep risk and so he might have to go back with that plan previously. "Well, that's good to hear. No need to apologize, you've come at a great to to take my mind away from other things. Now then, shall we see if your new resolve will be able to handle a simple test," Kizmaru had told Nero. Getting up from his couch, he began to walk towards the office door, motioning him to follow once more. Getting a sense of deja vu, he chuckled to himself quietly before leading Nero out of the office in order to travel back to a familiar place. Going down the stairwell and entering the lobby, the Mizukage turned to see his receptionist was out today. Figures, that was the only way somebody would have been able to walk straight to his office door to knock without notification.

W.C: 207
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:42 pm
With a light nod Nero expressed his agreement towards the Kages proposal. He was happy that he had picked the right time to show up, it seemed like things were working out in his favor for once. He followed the Kages movement with his eyes, allowing him to lead the way after had walked past him in the office. With stable practiced steps he kept pace with the Kage as he followed him down the stairway from his office. Nero wasn't entirely sure where they were going since it hadn't been discussed, but he figured it was most likely to the area they had been at before. From what he'd seen before the place itself wasn't exactly sacred in any way and it didn't seem to hold any special significance, it was possible it was just a place that was a means to an end for what the Kage needed to do. With that in mind Nero chose to simply follow without asking too many questions, it wasn't worth irritating the man infront of him and possibly making him change his mind about him. Granted the possibility of that seemed slim, but there was no need to take any chances. It was better to just hold his questions for afterwards.

Kizmaru Senju
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Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:14 am
Exiting the Kage's estate with Nero in toe, he decided to take him back to the original place where he would first test the man to see if he had what it takes. Finding Uchiha is rare and having one in his village was even more so. He did recall taking in a stray once upon a time, making him his advisor and then him disappearing to the great beyond. He should have known better but he decided to give that last one a chance in hopes he be able to obtain their eyes at a later point in time. Pondering to himself, the made it back to a cliffside called 'Dead Man's Drop'. He's been here multiple times but the view never got old from the top of the cliff. Looking out towards the ocean the sun had began to set as it was it appeared to be setting in the ocean before. he then began to address Nero as he continued his previous conversation from last time. "Well, here we are. The place where I recalled I had something to give you that belonged to your family. Come stand next to me, witness the scenic setting in front of us. Its quite exhilarating no matter how many times I see it," the Mizukage had told the Uchiha.

W.C: 219
Stat Page : Nero Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 3800

Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:25 am
Nero looked around for a moment, somewhat cautiously and somewhat in expectation as to what was to come. He definitely remembered this place, he couldn't exactly forget it considering how it had been a turning point for him just a few short months ago. Before he had come here his days had been stagnant, but his previous hesitation had almost lost him a chance for change. Now that he was here he wanted to go through with whatever it was that would help him grow further. He walked forward, standing at the Kage's side as he looked out towards the ocean from atop the very high cliff face. The tide was viciously crashing against the rocks that jutted out from beneath the water below them, but from their height and looking out further across the horizon, everything looked serene. It really was a mystical sight. Nero turned his head to look at the Kage for a moment before speaking. 

"It truly is.. but" he paused for a moment as he tried to connect his thoughts "What does it have to do with my family?"

Kizmaru Senju
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Through Fire and Flame [IO] Empty Re: Through Fire and Flame [IO]

Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:23 am
Continuing to look out at the ocean, Nero had indeed took him up at his offer to stand beside him. The scenery was indeed quite pretty as he watched, placing his hands behind his back before turning his head towards Nero. Nero had agreed with him about the beauty of the setting before asking him what it had to do with his family. The Mizukge then sneered a bit before closing his eyes as he continued to face Nero and respond, "Oh, you'll know when you realize it," as Kizmaru made a gesture with his left index and middle finger as soon as his words escaped his lips. A two meter tall earthen wall had formed diagonally a meter behind Nero in order to push him off of the cliffside without affecting the Mizukage in the process. Watching the man suddenly be pushed of amused the Mizukage a little bit but at the same time, he was concerned for his well being wondering if he'd make it or not. Casting those feelings aside, he remembered what village he was the leader of now and he had to swallow any feelings of guilt he would have should a member of his village not be strong enough to survive conflicts. He'd wait at the cliffside,  continuing to look towards the setting sun.

W.C: 220

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