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Jun Fuji
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Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:47 pm
Tsubaki stood before the area where the Unseen university laid. Followed behind the Senju was another woman, Harley Jugo. The building held the high officials, like the current Hogokage. It was a high-security place, not just anyone was allowed to enter the area without good reason. If you ever tried to enter the area without reason, you would be treated like a hostile. It was a good deterrent for non-shinobi and shinobi alike. 

However, Tsu was not an ordinary shinobi. She was a highly respected leader of the village youth and a medical expert. She also had a good relationship with the previous Hogokage, Yasaki Uchiha. She didn't show much intimidation or fear when approaching the two male guards posted outside the university. "Heya, boys." She greeted them with a smirk. "Hello, Tsubaki." They both replied with professional tones. "I have to meet with the Kage about allowing an outsider into our ranks. They claim to be from a smaller village and already have some techniques. Do you two think you could watch her while I run inside the office to explain the situation to Ayato." The guards nod since Tsubaki was a chunin of Hoshi and had a good reason to talk to the kage. Tsubaki would walk to the office of the current Kage. 

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:30 pm
The Hyuuga clan lord drummed his fingers impatiently on the wooden desk in front of him. The flames of the iron brazier, pinned on the wall of the office room, where coals burned down to ashes, might have brought him comfort and warmth when this office expedition began but now the heat served only to make him fret. He was tired, so fucking tired. The white cloak of the Nova Corps that he wore so proudly the day it was given to him, above his usual black kimono, felt enormous, too heavy for his thin shoulders to lift.

The battlefield was easier than politics.

Once he had heard that discomfort is the first element a shinobi must learn to live with. Well, this particular Hyuuga disagreed. Words don't win your battles, talk no jutsu is not a thing, as some shinobi in today's landscape seemed to believe. And as for discomfort, Ayato had his fair share of it today, enough to send him fretting for a week afterward. Being seated in front of a desk for hours filling in the shoes of the Kage duties. Yasaki Dosser was indisposed, with talks on retirement around the corner.

Ayato knew better. The man had been retiring since the first day of the creation of Ayato’s Nova Corps. His old age made him look the part of a washed-up shinobi, but he was far from that. Cautious and conniving, where Ayato had been brash and outspoken, Yasaki had proven a far better village leader than all his predecessors. Although, the grizzled veteran did not have top-class competition all things considered.

Some were better than others if truth be told, but some were plainly bad. So bad, in fact, that their tenure was hard to look back at. They had realized, by chance, that it was far easier to bullshit around than put actual effort into leading a village, they essentially did that. The Byakugan heir was not a man for easy courtesies and made everyone know of his true feelings. Well, those were never worth the Kage as far as Ayato was concerned and they could live with that or go to hell. 

Anyways, the next guy who walked in was not a guy. “Tsubaki Senju.” Ayato recognized immediately the woman. She had been the captain of the Team of Genin originally made entirely of his kinsmen. Her job had been flawless before Takeshi's death. As tragic as it was, a commander cannot be held accountable for the death of a soldier in the field, especially when that soldier comes with a deathwish as Takeshi Hyuuga did.  

Ayato believed the Medical shinobi to be the offspring of the descendants of the old Senju house from his own native village. Or some commoner who came up with that name after looking at a camellia flower and the first two dead Hokage. That would be interesting, but who is a generic person in this shinobi world we live in. Everybody is ever linked with a mysterious tragic past, so most likely it was the case here as well. Yeah, that was still a thing 400 years after the Naruto era. Anyways, assumptions were not his forte, so no matter.

"Tsubaki. What do I owe the pleasure?" Ayato asked firmly the Hoshi Chuunin in front of him.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:16 pm
As soon as she entered the office, Ayato greeted her by name. It threw her off a little bit that Ayato was now the Hogokage; still needing some time to fully adjust to this change. She didn't know Ayato too well, just knowing that he was the leader of the Hyuuga clan and a former black ops agent along with many other former strong leaders of Hoshi. She also had some second-hand bias towards him, three of her students were Hyuuga clan members, currently only two. She had learned of some of his obsessive behavior towards Sakuragi and Kuniko in order to uphold the clan's legacy. It was an action that made Kuniko feel less than human; a tool for his clan. However, for this meeting, she would have to get along with the leader of the village. She wanted a good relationship with the Kage like the previous one.

The Senju smiled at the powerful eyes of Ayato. "Hello. You like the new office?" She teased a bit, making small talk. She would continue after a response. "I've got a shinobi, possibly a missing ninja, waiting to be granted access to become a Hoshi shinobi. Her name is Harley Jugo." Tsubaki closed her eyes and sighed disappointedly. "I didn't get much information out of her right away but she answered all my questions. I figured you'd be a better judge for this kind of thing as you are now the Kage." Tsubaki opened her eyes again and stared at them at Ayato. "But between us, our forces have been looking for newcomers. And if she comes with foreign knowledge, it could help us. Not to mention how powerful the Jugo clan is." Tsubaki knew of the stories of the 6th Hogokage, Kyou Snow. He was a member of the clan and held enormous strength.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Ryo : 435700

Steps to Becoming One of Us (IO) Empty Re: Steps to Becoming One of Us (IO)

Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:34 am
The young Hyuuga sat back into his chair with those white eyes following the slender female that had entered the room. Listening to her words carefully, he took a breath before he responded.

“My lord father told me that a village could not simply have too many shinobi. ” The Byakugan heir responded to Tsubaki's remarks about the village needing extra forces. Every village requires additional powers.

But I’m more than willing to honor your wish and meet with her. After all, the Jugo clan is notoriously known to be cursed; none of her neighbors would extend their aid. Leaving a young girl out in the woods to die is cruel. Then again, she might manage to survive and flee to the land of fire, where she will inherit The Will of Fire and become the Hokage of Konoha. These days I can’t even tell; it might be a fate worse than death. "

Ayato scribbled his signature into another deployment document, and after giving up to his worries, just this once placed the quill down. He leaned back into his chair, contemplating deeply about the next upcoming choice. “This is a document with my signature of me approving your request. As long as Harley Jugo writes her name and her own signature in there, she will officially be a member of the village’s forces with the rank of Genin. After that, send her to Yasaki for debriefing.” If the grizzled sellsword had seen anything wrong, his signature would overrule Ayato’s. For the reason that he still officially held the rank of Hogokage. A detail Ayato had purposely decided to omit. 

“I will make sure to meet with her once we return.” Ayato put a lot of emphasis on the word we. After letting the story sink into Tsubaki’s ears for a moment, he continued. “There has been a development. A letter arrived this morning.”

Ayato reached down to one of the drawers of the mahogany desk. From there, he summoned a parchment of paper. With a rough callused, he unrolled, and he began reading with that baritone voice of his, loud enough so Tsubaki would not miss any of the words.

It has come to my attention that the shinobi world has fallen into an unbalance over the years, power being usurped so often that stability has evaded us, and as the leaders prevailing, it is our duty to rectify this oversight. Allow this to be a formal invitation to our world's leaders to join me in Sunagakure to convene and lay smooth any divisive issues between our nations. Sunagakure is a neutral village, and we are tolerant of all walks of life; while within our walls, I hope you ensure you remain neutral as well. My shinobi will act as mediators if issues persist in arising. Still, I urge you to inform any members of your village who are accompanying you that their actions directly reflect on you and your village.

I am looking forward to this long-overdue meeting -
Lord Kazekage

The offer most likely had come from an unlikely source. This person, one of those who helped clean the Land of Haven of filthy contaminated degenerates known as Jaws of Grima and establish Hoshi as one of the Great Village, had turned his cloak and fled to Suna. Worst of all, it might be he who initiated this meeting. Even though the contents of the letter received did not sound like him at all. 

However, having said that. Ayato could never quite figure his former friend. Kenshin’s record had always been impeachable. The foul-smelling man had ever been bad news for anyone who chose to fight him. However, he also fancied himself a great tactician for some reason. Eager to make his opponents fall into his secret trap card. Well, in truth all, he was a crazy wannabee schemer whose plans never made any sense at all. He decided to become fond of wisdom and act like an old wise man despite not being 20 years old.

Ayato had to make a big decision before he had even been officially named to the chair yet. A decision concerning the corner of a village’s strength in the current affairs to the shinobi world and their key to peace. Ayato feared he might have belonged to the other end of the spectrum. To those who longed for war. But wars are expensive, and it would be unwise to begin one you cannot finish. Better go to them as friends than have them show up to our gates as enemies. 

Ayato stood up, his slender six foot one frame looking outside of the office's window panes.

“You have been chosen to be my escort. We meet at the village gates tomorrow at dawn. We make to Sunagakure.” 

If Tsubaki Senju had any questions, she could ask them now. Else she could shave them for tomorrow morning. Regardless, Ayato would write a letter of his own in response to these moving words of this Kazekage. The letter will be delivered to them with an owl or a crow or any damnable bird they use these days for correspondence. 

Lord Kazekage, 

I am extremely thankful for your invite to a summit. It is of great surprise to hear of one with your title in recent years and glad to hear of an ancient Village such as yours to be rebuilt and succeed in today’s landscape. Having seen the pain and suffering of every man and woman around me, innocent people die at the hands of rogue shinobi and others; I am eager to meet with those willing to bring stability to the Nations.

I should be arriving at the gates of your dear village in a short time. I am very eager to meet you face to face, Lord Kazekage, and shake your hand. Life is long, and patience is the relationship.

Signed by the hand of Ayato Hyuuga,
Lord of Hyuga Clan, Captain Commander of the Nova Corps, and Acting Hogokage of the Village Hidden in the Stars.

WC: 1033

[EXIT unless interrupted]

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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:47 pm
Ayato had listened to Tsubaki. He responded quoting his father, knowing that the village would need every hand. The Hyuuga head would finish writing a document and signing it. He explained that this document would allow Harley to join the village as a genin, setting her up with a meeting with the previous Hogokage Yasaki Uchiha. Yasaki was a good friend of Tsubaki, so she knew she could trust him with this task. Tsubaki nodded her head as she was handed to documentation. 

Before Tsubaki could leave to give Harley the good news, Ayato said “I will make sure to meet with her once we return.” He had put a lot of focus on the word 'we'. Tsubaki cocked her head in confusion. "I wasn't aware we were going anywhere," Ayato explained that a letter had arrived this morning pulling out the letter from in his desk. He read the letter out loud to her. It was summoning to Suna for a Kage summit. Tsubaki's eyes widened, noticing that she was being told to go with on the mission even before Ayato could explain it to her. "That is amazing, Ayato!" She had forgotten to use pleasantry names in the excitement. She was truly honored. It was good that the nations realized how much trouble they were in with the state of every nation. It seemed like there was always a huge development every month, from the new formation of Suna to the take over of Kono. With a reunification, attempts could lead to more peaceful times. 

Ayato told her to report to the gates tomorrow morning for Sunakagure. This would leave time for Tsubaki to prepare. "Will do," She bowed and exited while Ayato was writing his response to the Kazekage's letter. 

Once outside the Unseen University, Tsu would approach Harley and give her the documentation. She smiled with excitement, "You should hold onto this. Welcome to the Village. You'll be starting as a genin. Make sure to meet with Yasaki Uchiha, the previous Hogokage, and a personal friend of mine. Ayato will have a follow up with you some time in the future Congratulations." She would pat the woman on the shoulder before leaving for her residence with a lot on her mind. She knew that she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. 

TWC: 907
907 WC towards  Chakra Scalpel (2500/2500) (continuing from this and this)
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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Sun Nov 15, 2020 8:39 am
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:39 pm
TWC: 1584

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Ichigo Sato
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Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:27 pm
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