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Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Small Steps Empty Small Steps

Thu Aug 15, 2024 3:31 pm
E-rank Missions:

Since his arrival in Hyogagakure and joining their Shinobi force, Ryko had been forced to study a bunch about chakra and certain techniques and all this book work. Any actual physical training was lackluster due to his age and compared to his upbringing of surviving in the wild of the harsh artic environment, but he had to go through with it cause he wasn’t given any free room on what was expected from him. The village overall was very militaristic with its order and routine, something that didn’t mesh well for Ryko as he would rather simple do physical training and weaponry training to build his skills but they teachers of the academy swore that doing what they said would help grow his power so he listened and bade his time.

Ryko had been given permission to undertake a slew of missions that were of his own rank within the village which meant basically doing a bunch of basic missions that a child could do. Ryko was only slightly peeved about this but he knew he had to build his way up through the ranks and that was exactly what he planned to do. So he went over the slip that he had been given that gave the details for the missions he had been tasked with completing that day and just like he figured it was nothing but boring things. Nothing involved any fighting or physical training but he resigned himself to the work ahead of him.

His first task was to clean up an house for a local cleaning business he would be provided the needed items to help with this and was expected to be on his best behavior with the clients which he hoped meant that if he just kept his head down, cleaned and left he wouldn’t have to deal with the people there. He headed out the academy and headed to the location listed meeting with a person from the business, “Hello you must be the help sent by the village to well help us with our work.” The man said with a chuckle but all it got was a glare from Ryko, the man looked a bit nervous but continued on with his talk. “Well anyways, here are the cleaning items you will need to complete this task. It’s a simple one floor home with a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom.” He said as he looked over the information of the place, “Its home of an elderly woman who simply isn’t able to go about cleaning up by herself and has requested our help. Now I have to say this next part so no one comes back and burns me for it and is not an indication of what we think of outside help. Do not harm the client in any form and Do not Steal anything from the home. We will find out and if it is true your leadership will deal out the consequences. We both know we don’t want those guys in their spooky armor to have to throw the book at ya now would we?” He tried to chuckle once more but he could see the annoyance that was growing on Ryko’s face.

Opening the door and gesturing for the boy to go ahead and start the man was more than happy to no longer have to interact with the kid who reminded him of one of those stray wolves that got kicked out of their packs and turned feral and violent in the wild.

WC: 587
MWC: 587 | 2500
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Small Steps Empty Re: Small Steps

Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:02 pm
The young man walked into the house and looked around, it wasn’t in bad shape and there wasn’t any kind of stench that usually stuck around old people’s homes so that was at least something that Ryko wouldn’t have to deal with. For now he simply got to work with finding the cleaning supplies he had been provided with, which was basic in the simplest terms. He donned some yellow rubber gloves and began with the dusting, there was a hasty approach that would make many think he was simply doing whatever he wanted as he went but they would be wrong as there wasn’t a single dust particle left on the stuff he cleaned. Ryko may not have wanted to be there but he did what he was suppose to just in his own way which was quickly and without care of how he looked while doing it. So he climbed as needed and dusted till every inch of the home was spotless. Now that he had done the basic cleaning he moved to cleaning all the glass features of the home.

He scrubbed and scrubbed till the glass in the home was so spotless that Ryko was sure that it would cause birds to fly into it. Now that he had dusted and cleaned all the glass in the home it was time to work his through the house cleaning up any trash or random items that no longer were needed or expired. Ryko was forceful with his approach, constantly asking the elderly lady if something was needed or what not and if he found something that they disagreed on he generally gave in to her demands unless it came to expired goods. It was stupid to keep those in the house and could potentially cause sickness down the road this was one thing he did not budge on.

Slowly but surely all the trash and old goods were removed from the home and bagged for pick up. Once that had been done it was time to go through and scrub all the counters and surfaces that weren’t glass with the appropriate cleaning product. Ryko didn’t leave a room till you could literally drop something on the ground and be perfectly fine with eating it because of how clean it was. He hit those rooms like a tornado and when he was finished it was immaculate. Once he had finished his work he had the elder lady inspect each room till she was satisfied and once she had given the approval he moved on and finished the house in that order. Once it was completed he thanked her for her time and left with her approval ready to move onto the next mission.

WC: 455
TWC: 1042
MWC: 1042 | 2500
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Small Steps Empty Re: Small Steps

Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:17 pm
Moving to the next location Ryko realized he would be helping another elderly woman and her daughter with the selling of belongings that were their Husband and father respectively. The idea of dealing with those who were grieving still was not something that sat well with Ryko mainly because he was so use to being alone that the idea that there were those who shut down and couldn’t function when they lost someone just smelled of weakness. Regardless of his own opinion on the matter he approached the home with professionalism and tried not to show his annoyance like he typically did. He could at least be somewhat respectful at times, well somewhat. The scars on his face and his permanent resting bitch face didn’t help in most cases.

The door opened with a young woman maybe in her mid-20s with brown hair, “Yes, can I help you?” she said surprised at the appearance of the boy in front of her. “I’m here under orders to help with your selling of certain items of the departed.” Ryko said as he produced the slip he had been given that contained the information validating his words and reasoning. The daughter had a look on her face that spoke of acceptance but it was clearly painful that the time had come to officially move on from these items.

She showed Ryko into the house and introduced him to her mother who was very old and hunched, Ryko wasn’t even sure she could see or hear but he didn’t pay it no mind. “What items are the departed and has there been any progress on what will be sold to help you two with any pending financial issues?” Ryko stated as he looked around the place spotting many items of worth and things that had been taken care of for many years.

The daughter pointed out some things but it seemed they were having a hard time narrowing down or accepting what will be gone. So Ryko randomly picked an old kunai, a collector’s plaque and a worn out instrument. “These will be enough to get you buy I know some people who will pay plenty of Ryo for them.” Ryko said with a finality that didn’t leave any room for negotiations. He was sure these things were important but compared to the many items still here from their departed family member these seemed like the bottom of the barrel of things that they would want to keep as there was plenty of other much more valuable things that could be sold for a greater profit but if they only wanted enough to cover the burden and not to fund their lives afterwards these would be enough.

The woman and her daughter nodded their heads after they talked about the items in great detail and Ryko marked them and packaged them as needed. Once he had their approval he parted ways with them offering his sympathy to them.

WC: 494
TWC: 1536
MWC: 1536 | 2500
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Small Steps Empty Re: Small Steps

Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:46 am
The location of the next mission was at a local bar, from what Ryko gleaned from the request was that a friend had picked up a bad drinking habit that was threatening to ruin his life. Ryko didn’t give two shakes of willow tree about how people dealt with their problems as long as it wasn’t harming others and even then if they were stronger then the victims had themselves to blame to an extent, but he knew that he was an outlier on that front. That’s what happens when you have to survive on your own in the wilderness you learned very well the true law of the world was might makes right whether you believed in it or not.
Ryko approached the bar and with the picture given with the request quickly found the man in question and simply grabbed the man by the collar kicking and screaming out of the bar, Ryko glared at anyone that dared think about interfering as they left the building. Ryko tossed the man into a large snow pile nearby to force the man to quickly sober up, he would give the man two options and it would be up to him on what happened next.
When the man burst from the snow wide eyed and red faced his anger settled down as he looked at the matched anger and a willingness to inflict great pain if tested by the young man in front of him covered in scars. “I’m Ryko, I’m acting on behalf of the Hyogakage and your friends. You are apparently drinking far to much and its worrying those close to you. I will give you two options cause I personally don’t care what you do with your life and how you live it but I do not fail missions.” He said slowly and with an even tone like a teacher scolding a student.
“You will either go to therapy to help with whatever personal issue you are having that you feel the need to drink so much and get better or the option I hope you choose, You continue to drink and I find you every single day and be there every time you sip from those glasses in there and I beat you to an inch of death. Then I’ll drag you back to your home where you will recover and we will repeat it till the fear of me and these beatings send you into a panic attack at the sight of anything alcohol like.” He said with a tone that promised he would very much enjoy if the man took the second option and how he hoped that he would take it as it would be more fun for him to constantly be paid to beat up someone as much as he wished without recourse.
The man at first looked to disagree and argue but when he truly saw the seriousness of this boy in front of him and the lack of effect the cold seemed to have on him he blustered and spoke of taking the first option. So Ryko escorted the man to the nearest establishment that offered those services and made sure the man for quite some time took those sessions. He kept this up for a sizeable amount of time and in his spare time he went on to complete the rest of his tasks given to him.
Which the next mission took place at the same Academy he himself went too but it was for the much younger students. He was supposed to help with some magic show they were being presented and his idea of helping with that was to simply show off how the cold did not bother him, but making it seems like a snowman was coming to live to reveal himself as the person inside of it. It was like seeing the child story Frosty the Snowman coming into reality. The kids loved it and he knew that for months when the kids saw him he would be called Frosty by those children. At the end of the day all he cared for was that he completed his mission and had the approval needed to get awarded for it. Now it was time to head off to the last location for the last mission which was to be a secret shopper for one company at one of their competitors.
Annoyingly he wasn’t suppose to be caught scoping out the place or stand out but he didn’t mind that as he simply went about his business while gathering the information needed and purchasing a few items that he planned on keeping regardless if they asked for them so he bought double. The competitor was a home furniture business so it simply helped him fill out his own place anyways. Once he made his purchases with the needed information and items asked of him he departed the building and made his way back to the client making sure to take many back ways and winding paths just to be extra sure that no one was following him or trying to see what he was doing. He even took a minute to grab something to eat and enjoy a nice warm meal of Katsu Don. Ryko wondered if he could grab some Curry after he was done and started to plan his next meal while he finished up his route to the client. Showing up and handing over the information asked for and the items he was required to purchase he took his approval and left the building heading to back to the academy to get his rewards for successfully finishing his missions. He was ready to move onto something more interesting like the Genin Exam that would finally get him out of this Academy and into the Shinobi forces proper of the village.
WC: 975
TWC: 2511
MWC: 2511 | 2500
+25 Stats (Speed)
+5000 Ryo, +25 AP
+250 WC to Transformation Technique
+250 WC to Clone Technique
+1000 WC to Quickdraw
+1000 WC to Adjustment
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Small Steps Empty Re: Small Steps

Fri Aug 30, 2024 5:46 pm
Ryko wrote:
WC: 975
TWC: 2511
MWC: 2511 | 2500
+25 Stats (Speed)
+5000 Ryo, +25 AP
+250 WC to Transformation Technique
+250 WC to Clone Technique
+1000 WC to Quickdraw
+1000 WC to Adjustment

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