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Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The first few steps in  Empty The first few steps in

Fri Mar 15, 2024 2:19 pm
A beautiful day had risen today. The sun had shined brightly across the landscapes, enveloping a glorious warmth surpassing the needs of all that live within the island. Ren's last few weeks had been kind of a blur. He hadn't done really anything of note, except spend pretty much every waking moment with his darling Kiko. They would wake up in the morning, go for a walk, talk about various things in life. He would understand that she had very little life experiences, and that was something that he had wished to correct and remedy. He had plenty of lived experience, and he wanted to share every moment that he could with her. But to do that, he needed to think of ways to make this experience happen without her leaving the island, at least for now.

He wanted nothing more than to take her back to the land of Mountains. He knew of a man out in the woods that tanned leather and made musical instruments that he thought Kiko would just adore. He wanted nothing more than to take her to see the world, all of the major villages, everything that was possible to see. But he understood that she felt very connected to this place, and of course obligated towards Junko, so he had to be a bit understanding that she couldn't just up and leave. But of course, with Kiko he didn't feel the need to travel any longer, he wanted to stay wherever she was, and right now that was here.

He would awaken to the smell of his darling Kiko's scent wafting into his nostrils, an enticing scent that smelled of flowers and the island air. His face would be tangled in her hair once again, a feeling that he was beginning to get used to.

He wrapped his arms around Kiko and pulled her close to him, pressing his body against hers. He kissed her neck, then her shoulder, and then kept going lower until he was stopped or until they were able to perform some morning activities together. His body would go limp at just the idea of touching Kiko's body, but it would fill with a burning desire when she began to awaken to his advances and the sounds that she would make would echo in the room.

When they were finished with their morning activities, he would roll himself out of bed. He would tell his darling Kiko that he would have to postpone their morning walk for the day as there was a rather important meeting that he had to go to. If asked then he would tell her that it was a top secret meeting that he wasn't allowed to tell her about. He would appease her worries, letting her know that no matter what, he would always be back with her by the end of it.

He dressed himself, and he crawled over to her on the bed, straddling her with one leg on each side of her. He would grab both of her hands in his and would raise them high above her head, pressed gently against the headboard. Leaning in he would kiss her on her delicate lips gently at first, then he would become more passionate before biting her bottom lip and pulling it towards him slightly.

Laughing to himself, looking down at her gorgeous body he leapt off of her and the bed in one fell swoop and walked towards the door. He would turn to face her as she began to get out of the bed, and he gazed at her for a few moments before she would likely notice him and remind him he had an important meeting to go to. He would take one last look down her body, then groan as he closed the door.

Rushing down the stairs, he saw that there was Junko in the kitchen, looking to be doing something that was keeping her busy. He bid her a good morning and would speak briefly on just what was going on with the village plans and if there was anything that was needed of him today. If she would give him a task, then he would of course take it into consideration and speak to her that he had a rather important meeting to go to this morning, but he would certainly work on it before day's end.

He bows to her respectfully before leaving the house. He thinks once more that he desperately needs to either move out of the house with Kiko, or expand the house that's there because it was awfully cramped at times. But he thought of it no longer as he would simply think of where he wanted to go, and teleport directly to it.

His destination? A bar named the Moonlight Lounge. A rather tall and muscular man named Daiki seemed to own and operate it. It had become something of import within the populace of the villagers, so he knew that he must meet this individual. But he wanted more than to simply meet him, for this was his secret mission that he couldn't speak to Kiko about. He wanted to come here to arrange an entire experience for his darling Kiko and himself for that night.

He had been thinking that surely a Wednesday night wasn't going to be all to busy so he wouldn't have the man miss out on too much business,and he would of course pay for whatever price he may have for what his plans entailed.

When he arrived, it seemed that there was a brunch crowd, something that he wasn't sure if Kiko had ever experienced and made a mental note of it. He entered the establishment and he saw the man that had to be Daiki behind the counter. He was as tall as he was wide, but in a muscular way. He had a good looking set of eyes and his hair was done in a flattering way, so it matched the description.

He made his way through the bar, and he spoke directly with this Daiki. "Hello there, sir. My name is Ren Kurosawa." He would bow to the man as he said this. "I am wanting to hopefully set something up with you if you would be amenable to my request.]" He would wait for the man to allow him to speak his request before continuing. Once he was given the go-ahead, he would continue.

"I am currently with Junko's sister, Kiko. I am sure you have heard of Junko even if you might not have heard of me. She is rather new to things and I want to help her with experiencing the world. I have heard that your establishment is a good place to go for a good time and that's what I'm looking to provide for her. Now this good time I'm looking for includes a live band, a wine and alcohol tasting, along with the best food that you have the capability of putting together. Would you be willing and able to make this happen? Oh, and also, I want this to be a private date. So just me, her, the band, and yourself or a bartender that you trust. I will pay you, of course, you can name your price. But I would like for this to be a perfect date in every way imaginable. So please, what do you think?"

Ren would lean against the bar as he awaited the response, listening intently on every word Daiki would speak.

WC: 1258

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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

The first few steps in  Empty Re: The first few steps in

Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:15 pm
Daiki woke up to a beautiful Wednesday morning in his bachelor pad, nestled above the "Moonlight Lounge" in Moon Country. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he couldn't help but feel energized by the prospect of another day of serving his beloved customers and friends.

He decided to dress a little more casually than usual, opting for a pair of fitted pants and a tight-collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was styled to perfection, giving him an air of effortless cool.

After getting dressed, Daiki made his way to the kitchen to start preparing brunch for his customers. He carefully selected the freshest ingredients and put his culinary skills to work, creating a delicious spread that would leave his customers feeling satisfied and happy.

As he cooked, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the life he had built for himself. His bar had become a beloved spot for the local goth community, and he was proud to be able to provide a safe and welcoming space for them.

Daiki smiled to himself as he finished up the brunch preparations, ready for another day of serving up delicious food and good vibes to all who entered his bar.

Daiki stood behind the bar and looked at Ren with a welcoming smile. "Hello, Ren. It's a pleasure to finally meet you! " He returned Ren's bow with a polite bow as well.

"I'm always open to hearing requests and ideas. What is it that you have in mind?" Daiki leaned forward slightly, indicating that he was all ears and ready to listen to Ren's proposal.

Daiki waited for the man's reply with full earnest.

Daiki smiled warmly at Ren. "We would be happy to make this happen for you and your girlfriend. We have experience organizing all kinds of events, and this sounds like it would be a lot of fun."

"We can arrange for a live band, a wine and alcohol tasting, and create a custom menu of our best dishes for the two of you. And if you'd like to make it a private date, we can reserve the bar just for you and your girlfriend. And I wouldn't leave this to anyone else! I'll take care of you guys personally," he would add with a charming smile.

"Ren, my friend, I want you to know that when it comes to love, no payment is necessary. I'm happy to help you make this a special evening for you and your girlfriend. All I ask in return is a favor to owe to me at some point, nothing outlandish. I hope that you'll enjoy the date and that it will be a memorable experience for the both of you. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything else I can do to make your evening more special."

With that he would wait to see if Ren needs anything else, and would already starting thinking about what to do to get ready for the night at hand.

Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The first few steps in  Empty Re: The first few steps in

Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:49 pm
Ren had entered into the bar, and as he having his conversation with Daiki, he was intercepted by an individual that did look quite familiar. "Yoto! It is marvelous to see you here, friend! What brings you to the island?" He would ask Ren the same question. He would widen his eyes as he responded, "Oh actually I've been doing a lot here on the island," He would begin responding before he would have a plate of food handed to him. The food seemed to look good, and there was a shot of alcohol with it. He would shrug his shoulders and accept the food.

"Yeah as I was saying I have been doing a lot here. I have met me a wonderful woman, her name is Kiko and I truly do believe that I have fallen in love my friend. So I suppose this artist had found his inspiration and then some, truly." He would take the shot of whiskey that was now beside him. It was then that an idea had came to him. "As a matter of fact! You could help me with my plans for the night!" He would look to the man, then return his gaze towards Daiki.

"Here's my plan. I want to have the live band that I spoke to you about, Daiki. But I would truly love if you would be able to perform some sort of artistic performance with your puppets! Do you think you'd be willing to do such a thing for me? My darling Kiko hasn't been out very much, I would wager to bet she has never even seen a puppet user in her entire life." He would wait for an answer from Yoto. If he would accept, then he would gladly shake the man's hand and continue to explain the rest of his plans with both Daiki and Yoto.

When he was done, he would realize that he hadn't introduced the two yet. "Oh this, friend Yoto, is friend Daiki. He is the owner and operator of this establishment. He does some great things for the surrounding village and this is why I trust him with such a thing that's so important to me." He would eat a few more bites of the food, stand up and look to the both of them.

"Now I am going to be back later on tonight. I plan on having her and I here at around 5 so we can get an early start on the show and festivities. I do hope that you will be able to get everything put together in that time. Yoto, thank you again for being willing to do such a task for me. I really do appreciate you both. Now I desperately need to grab a few things so I can prepare for the night myself." He would bow to them both. "Till' later friends." Without another word or thought, he would vanish in moments, completely vanishing from their vicinity.

He would appear halfway across the village where he needed to find something that he would be able to get her for a gift. This was their second date after all, so he wanted it to be just as important as the first. He would think for a while, unsure of just what he was going to get her. He thought about the things that he knew about her. She liked weapons and jewelry, but he had gotten her that pearl necklace on their last big date. He wasn't sure if he should bring another piece of jewelry to this date.

He figured he would go to weapons this time. To balance things out, of course. He browsed through several shops, but he wasn't sure just what he was going to get her, until he had come across a rather old looking building. It looked to be barely still together as the siding was falling off and the roof was old and tattered, but the front door was open. He decided that it was worth looking at, maybe they had something rather interesting, or he would get eaten by some monster creaking under the floorboards, either way! It was worth it a look.

He entered into the shop, and the insides seemed to be just as ominous as the outside. There was a woman within the confines of the shop who greeted him with a rather weak hello. The woman had a necklace of what looked like charms made from human bone wrapped around her neck, and she wore a rather earthy cloak over her shoulders. Ren would nod and wave lightly to her.

He would speak to her saying that he was curious as to what she had in regards to weaponry here. She would wave him off, saying she already knew just what he was looking for. She would produce a small lump of
fabric. She would hand him this small lump, telling him to go give it to the girl that he plans on seeing tonight. She would rush him out of the door and close it behind him. He would think for a moment, and then think that he would come back to this place so he can figure out what had just happened.

He thought for a moment, then teleported back to Junko's home to gather his darling Kiko and prepare her for the night to come. When he appeared in their room, he would hope to find his darling Kiko there. When he would find her, he would inform her that she needed to get her nicest dress on and prepare for the night of her life. Should she ask any questions, then he would simply tell her to wait and see and give her a kiss on her perfectly shaped lips.

WC: 964
TWC: 2222

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Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

The first few steps in  Empty Re: The first few steps in

Mon Mar 18, 2024 11:18 am
Daiki watched from behind the bar as Yoto engaged Ren in conversation, his hands moving animatedly as he talked. Daiki smiled to himself as he cleaned the glasses, thinking about the wonderful evening he was preparing in the Moonlight Lounge for Ren and Kiko.

The soft glow of the lanterns outside would provide the perfect ambiance for his guests, and he had carefully selected the menu to ensure that everyone's tastes were catered for. As he worked, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of Yoto and Ren's conversation, but he didn't want to pry.

He knew that his guests were in good company and that they would have a great time, thanks to his careful planning and attention to detail. Daiki smiled as Ren introduced him to Yoto, feeling a warm sense of pride at the compliment.

"Thank you, Ren. It's an honor to be entrusted with such an important occasion," he replied, his tone gracious and humble. "I'm grateful for the opportunity to host this event for you."

He gestured around the bar, indicating the cozy, welcoming atmosphere. "I hope you and your darling will feel at home here and enjoy the evening to the fullest."

"Of course, Ren. I'll make sure everything is ready for your arrival at 5, and I'm confident that we'll be able to create a wonderful atmosphere for your show and festivities," Daiki replied, his tone reassuring.

"Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of everything, and I'm sure Yoto will do a fantastic job too." He smiled at Yoto, nodding in appreciation for his willingness to help. "Thank you for entrusting me with this special occasion. I'm honored to be a part of it."

As Ren gathered his things to leave, Daiki wished him a good day, assuring him that everything would be in order when he returned later on.

Yoto was indeed a quite odd man, but he seemed fun and harmless enough considering everything. Although the random shoving of food was odd, he was a traveler though so maybe he didn't eat well recently. Daiki could understand that as a fellow traveler finding his way home. As they both left, Daiki set to prepare for the wonderful evening.

After Ren had left, Daiki made his way down into the cellar to retrieve a few things he needed to prepare the drink that Ren and Kiko would be having later that night. As he walked among the shelves of bottles and barrels, he smiled to himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the quality of his selection.

He picked up a bottle of aged rum, admiring the rich amber color and the complex notes of vanilla and caramel. This would be the base of the drink, he thought to himself, adding a few drops of bitters to give it a subtle spicy kick.

Then, he reached for a bottle of local honey, sourced from a nearby apiary. He carefully drizzled a small amount into the glass, stirring it gently to dissolve the liquid gold. The honey would add a touch of sweetness to the drink, balancing out the richness of the rum.

As he worked, Daiki's mind was already racing ahead to the evening's festivities. He knew that the drink he was preparing would be just the thing to set the mood for the night ahead, and he couldn't wait to see the looks on Ren and Kiko's faces as they took their first sips. As Daiki stirred the ingredients together, he thought about what to call this special cocktail. After a few moments of contemplation, an idea struck him. He smiled to himself, feeling satisfied with the name he had chosen.

"I think I'll call this one the Honey Spice Rum," he said to himself, nodding in approval. The name encapsulated the key ingredients of the drink while also evoking the warmth and comfort of the moonlit lounge. He made a mental note to add the Honey Rum Spice to the menu and offer it to other customers who were looking for something special to sip on.

Daiki set to work on preparing the main meal, taking care to select the freshest ingredients and prepare them with precision. He chopped fresh vegetables and set them aside, along with a selection of herbs and spices to use as seasoning. He carefully seasoned the meat, a tender cut of beef that he had been marinating for hours. He placed it in the oven, setting the temperature to ensure a perfect roast. As the meat cooked, Daiki carefully monitored its progress, checking the internal temperature to ensure that it was cooked to perfection.

As he worked, Daiki couldn't help but smile to himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the care and attention he was putting into the meal. He knew that Ren and Kiko would appreciate the effort, and he was determined to make sure that every aspect of the evening was perfect.

After a few hours, the roast was ready, its aroma filling the air with a mouth-watering scent. Daiki carefully removed it from the oven, allowing it to rest for a few moments before carving it into tender slices.

He arranged the meat on a platter, surrounding it with the freshly cooked vegetables. He added a final touch, a drizzle of rich sauce made from the meat's own juices, to enhance the flavor and presentation.

With the main course complete, Daiki took a moment to admire his handiwork. The dish looked and smelled incredible, a testament to his skill and dedication as a chef. He couldn't wait for Ren and Kiko to try it and see their reactions.

Daiki made sure to prepare a variety of drinks to bring out to Ren and Kiko throughout the evening, carefully selecting each one to complement the flavors of the meal and set the perfect mood. He also prepared a selection of appetizers, each one more delicious than the last, to keep their taste buds tantalized. For dessert, Daiki had prepared a decadent chocolate cake, rich and luxurious, and he couldn't wait for Ren and Kiko to try it. He had also prepared a selection of fruit and cheese, for those who preferred something a little lighter. With everything prepared and ready to go, Daiki took a deep breath and smiled. He was ready for the evening's festivities to begin.

+15 to Vigor
+1515 to 3 Tomoe Sharingan. 6,000/6,000 previous progress Here.
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

The first few steps in  Empty Re: The first few steps in

Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:00 am
Daiki wrote:
+15 to Vigor
+1515 to 3 Tomoe Sharingan. 6,000/6,000 previous progress Here.

Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The first few steps in  Empty Re: The first few steps in

Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:32 pm
As he got back to the house, he would inform his darling of what they were going to be doing that night. But in the mean time, it seems that his darling had other options for them for the time being. When he teleported back to their room, she was lying on the bed, naked and looking at him expectantly. Ren would forget everything in that moment and simply let his instincts kick in.

EXIT and Fade to black
WC: 80
TWC: 2302

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+2302 towards Time Dilation (S rank) (3422/3750) (Previous Progress) (Max Stat discount applied)
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

The first few steps in  Empty Re: The first few steps in

Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:36 am
Ren Kurosawa wrote:
EXIT and Fade to black
WC: 80
TWC: 2302

WC Claims:
+2302 towards Time Dilation (S rank) (3422/3750) (Previous Progress) (Max Stat discount applied)

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