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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:36 pm
As they were leaving the office it was none other than the High Priest standing in the middle of the hallway. Could it be that he was eavesdropping, or did he simply grow impatient? "Patience is a virtue, or is that something your Goddess never taught her followers? Now if you'll excuse us, we actually have things to do." And off he went, following Genevieve outside where the young lady would suddenly turn towards him. Akaboshi listened attentively and paid close attention as the woman would share another one of her theories. "Don't worry, we'll stay together. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, even though you're more than capable of taking care of yourself." The Uzumaki also figured it would look more credible if they didn't split up.

Genevieve then explained she had the feeling the culprit might return and grab something else from the office. They did say that criminals always liked to go back to the place where they committed their crime, so it would make sense in this case as well. "Hm, I suggest we go take a look at those pawn shops. Give them the impression we're not suspecting them in case they think they are being followed. Once night falls we'll come back around the time the sermon starts. With a bit of luck we'll catch him red handed. Why don't you take us to one of those shops? Perhaps we could find ourselves a souvenir" he'd say with a gentle smile. For now all they could do was wait. And once the moment was there, they would be making their move. 

(WC: 269, TWC: 1820)
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Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:30 pm
Genevieve felt… good. Even if her new partner did not know much about her he acknowledged her enough to believe she was able to take care of herself; if only she could acknowledge it herself or even attempt to accept such a fact. She didn’t seem to feel entirely capable of taking care of herself considering how much she bowed to her family and even into her own marriage. 

She just hoped her children grew up to be  much more independent than she was and with the type of person she remembered their father being; they were already predisposed to being strong-willed. “Yes, I’ll lead you to the closest one.” Geni answered and smiled to herself as she lead Akashobi to the closest pawn shop to them, 

It was a deeply pleasing thought; thinking of Sumire growing up even with her bossy attitude,  and Shinichi with his quiet demeanor, to both become powerful forces of nature. 

Geni knew inwardly that she hadn’t always been the strongest person in the room, when before Kenshin left. She was self-aware enough to know that if she was lucky, she would be in the top twenty and even then she would be twentieth; the lowest rank. That was if she was being generous. To this day she probably couldn’t compare but that's not what mattered.

What mattered is that she knew her flaws; that she knew where she needed to grow. What happened was that even if she was a little late on it compared to everyone else, she was working on becoming stronger and to turn her flaws into strengths. 

She led her and Akaboshi to the closest pawn shop and walked in; the only people seemed to be a customer and shopkeeper but the customer finished their transaction and left, leaving them with the shop keep. “Good evening!” The shopkeep frowned a bit, “A holy book was stolen from the church earlier; we’d like to ask you a few questions.” 

[ WC: 328 (2x Event WC: 656 ) ]
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:19 pm
Akaboshi would follow behind as he was being led by Genevieve to the nearest pawn shop. Even though the two of them didn't really know each other that well, it was still a comfortable feeling walking around the village with someone else, although technically they were on a mission. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, nor was he a hundred percent sure, but the red haired Uzumaki couldn't help but get the feeling the young lady seemed to be lost in thought. Perhaps walking around these parts of Hoshigakure made her remember something of her past, or maybe it was just the High Priest who was giving her troubled thoughts. Yet again was he reminded of how hard this all had to be on her and he wouldn't blame her if it made her feel conflicted, even the tiniest bit.

As they entered one of the shops the only customer walked out, leaving both Akaboshi and Genevieve alone with the shopkeeper. "Well aren't you mister sunshine" he'd say upon noticing the frown on the man's face, almost as if he wasn't too happy about them paying a visit. Although it was still too early to draw any conclusions, the least that could be said about the situation was that it looked rather suspicious. The redhead listened as Genevieve inquired about the recent robbery, all the while keeping an eye on the shopkeepers reaction. Complete silence fell over the conversation, not that it could be called one, which made Akaboshi act. "Did you not hear the lady? Talk." There was no time for games and the Uzumaki wasn't playing around. He wanted answers, and he would get them one way or the other.

(WC: 284, TWC: 2104)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:45 pm
Genevieve had been expecting little to no resistance; she hardly ever got any in the first place. 
There was the occasional person giving her a problem, however those incidents had been before her children when their father had been around. Whether people were reluctant to give her difficulties because she was a woman, or because they thought she was under some type of protection, she couldn’t quite tell but she could tell this shopkeep was being reluctant. She could tell Akaboshi was annoyed and she could tell she likes the way he verbally aligned with her and backed her up. 

The shopkeeper had been frowning but when the red-haired man barked at him, he jumped and straightened up. Much more cooperative than before, “T-There was a guy in here not too long ago; brown hair, brown eyes. Came in with some gold with, uh, gold paged and gold on the cover; really, really fancy. Too fancy for him, I reckon.” The Shopkeeper explained and then went on, “He was looking to pawn it; says it was a family heirloom and the other stores ‘round here turned him away. I turned him down too; tolds ‘im I wasn’t comfortable cus it was clearly hot goods.” The man said and Geni interjected,

“Hot goods?” 

The man nodded sheepishly, “Yes ma’am, means stolen goods; people think they can just steal stuff and we up and buy it right away, makes a bad name for the business. Hot goods means they are trying to get rid of it lest the cop catch ‘em.” The shopkeeper gave the both of them a wary glance, “...Yous don’t look like cops… Anyways, I sent him off...”

“The book we’re looking for is white with gold.” Geni said and the man nodded, “Let's hear a description then, if you don't mind.”

“Yeah he got the book then; his hair about mid-neck, wearing a uh, a dark coat and some dark clothes I think; couldn't get a look at the cloak but he had on fingerless gloves, with a plate on the back of the hand. Navy shoes.” The man said and sighed, “Yeah; sorry if it’s not much. I uh, I can call the other shops, tell ‘em to keep a lookout for the guy.” He offered and Geni offered a sweet smile,

“That would be helpful… almost so to even redeem yourself for your attitude.” Geni said and looked at Akaboshi, “Let’s go.”

[ WC: 406 (2x Event WC: 912 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:50 pm
To say the shopkeeper suddenly turned more cooperative would be an understatement. After noticing both Akaboshi and Genevieve meant business, the man knew he had no other choice but to spill the beans. If what he was telling them was the truth, one of the customers from earlier carried a golden colored book with him as could be seen on his way out. The Uzumaki would listen and frown upon hearing the man telling them the individual tried to sell the book. "Why would he want to sell it? Either he didn't know its true value, or he did and tried to make some quick money out of it." But still, something didn't seem quite right and it frustrated the redhead that he didn't know what.

There wasn't a lot to go off from the description he gave them, but one thing stuck with Akaboshi, the fingerless gloves. "With a plate on the back of the hand, silver right? Like the ones shinobi wear." Either it was a coincidence or they were indeed looking for one of them. Akaboshi would get up, sigh before thanking the shopkeeper for the information regardless of his earlier crappy attitude. The Uzumaki followed behind Genevieve as the two of them walked out of the pawn shop with not much but a description. "I don't know about you, but it's starting to make even less sense with every new piece of information." He started to wonder if they were actually on the right track, if they weren't following the wrong leads or looking at something else.

He'd look at Genevieve, observing her reaction or facial expression to see if she was getting frustrated. "What are you thinking?" he asked before contemplating what they should do next. "Do you want to go back and see if we can find this mystery man, or is there something else you'd like to check first?" Hopefully the two weren't running out of any ideas just yet. 

(WC: 327, TWC: 2431)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:49 pm
As they walked out of the pawn shop Geni tried to remain cool, calm and collected; traits that she saw in women she looked up to. Even in times of stress and strain and disharmony, Nameless had told her that being a dragon, as a human, was more ideology than physical; they were masters of restraint as much as they were destruction. Nameless had told her before that she was ‘one of them’; in the beginning she had potential to be considered to walk the path of the ideology. Not he was convinced and he had convinced her that she was one with the teachings;

So in essence even if she was mad she was expected to not act on it; to be the better person. However there were circumstances like this that frustrated her.

And for once, she voiced it to Akaboshi, “I find that since becoming a mother, my temper and my patience have both shortened; to put it frankly, this whole situation is pissing me off.” Geni said but despite her words she smiled,

“Being put between the Church and the Shinobi is such a stressful situation, and even when we come in to assist not only does the High Priest give us almost no information to go on, we starts making accusation because goddess-forbid he actually does something useful like help, then he goes about blaming the shinobi just because it is so very convenient.” Geni said and she sighed,

“With such a vague description, and how they have been hitting up pawn shops, it's painfully obvious they want to make money but thankfully the pawnshops turned them away; if I was in their shoes, I think… I would go back to the source to try and extort them.”  She said aloud, “At large, in a general sense, as a priest I was taught to be humble and give to others before I gave unto myself; which is contradictory to how the High Priest is acting, however, if the culprit went back and tried to extort him, there might be a chance that he gave in just to get the tome back and put an end to his troubles.” Geni looked ot Akaboshi, 

“I think it would be best to return to the church and wait for now; with the pawn shops turning him away, he may feel pressured to return.” 

[ WC: 395 (2x Event WC: 790 ) ]
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Mon Aug 24, 2020 1:37 pm
For the first time during their mission it seemed like Genevieve started opening up to Akaboshi as she would share her feelings on the entire matter. The red haired Uzumaki could see where she was coming from and how hard it must be on her. He'd listen attentively as she talked about her kids. "I have no children myself, but I'm sure a lot of people could relate" he'd say with a gentle smile. At the same time he started to wonder what the Church had to say about a Lady having children, it would surprise him if the High Priest actually supported her being a mother, but he decided not to pry too much.

It seemed the young woman was indeed getting frustrated over the whole situation as she continued talking about being put between both the Church and the shinobi. Akaboshi could relate to a certain extent, considering he as well had to make a choice back when he was serving the Queensguard. The civil war, as many liked to call what happened that day, tore both the religious and the shinobi apart, perhaps that was the real beginning of the conflict between the two entities. "I understand how you feel, if I could give you one piece of advice it would be to do what feels right, regardless of whose side it would be, the Church or shinobi." Maybe it wasn't what Genevieve wanted to hear, but perhaps it's what she NEEDED to hear, at least in this situation. 

Once again she would shed her light on how they should proceed. Everything she said made sense, which is why the redhead agreed. "Yes, let's head back for now. If we're lucky we might just be in time to catch the thief." Akaboshi would follow Genevieve on their way back to the church where they hopefully could find the culprit. Upon their arrival, the Uzumaki suggested to wait in ambush in case someone showed up. A couple of minutes had passed when he could finally see someone approach. "We've got company" he whispered to Genevieve. 

(WC: 347, TWC: 2778)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:07 pm
Geni appreciated Akaboshi being willing to be her soundboard and even offering her advice in the situation. It was a tough situation but it was the state of things now. His advice was meant to be helpful.

”Do what feels right… regardless of whose side it might be, the Church or the Shinobi.”

They were insightful and deep words; with them he seemed wise beyond his years and she had been denying the words to herself for a long, long time; she had always felt she needed to side with either or. When was the last time she sided with herself? When was the last time that Geni was selfish? When was the last time she put herself first? 

Why couldn't she remember the last time she had been selfish or done something for herself without being prompted by someone else?

“Thank you for your kind words, Akaboshi.” She said with a soft smile, going with Akaboshi back towards the church and then he suggested an ambush. It was easy enough to suppress her chakra but the hiding part was… a bit difficult, after all she was six feet tall. However she was able to hide herself and though she expected to be waiting hours; they didn't. As the sun began to descend and paint the sky as it transitioned to sunset, she knew mass would begin soon and the High Priest would need the tome; then it happened. A shady figure wandered closer towards the church doors.

In a dark cloak with shaggy dark hair, and for a moment the cloak parted and one of the last rays of light touched something in the parting of the cloak and illuminated it but Geni saw it.

The light bounced off a metal plate that was attached to a black, fingerless gloved hand, which was wrapped around a heavy-looking white book with gold trim. “Well, looks like he decided to meet us after all.” She smiled.

[ WC: 331 (2x Event WC: 662 ) ]
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:05 pm
As the individual approached and came closer, it started to become clear it was the man they were looking for. The description given to them by the shopkeeper checked out completely. Brown hair, fingerless gloves with a silver plate to the back of his hands and most importantly, a white book with a golden touch. Without a doubt, this was the thief they were looking for. After a whole day of walking around, gathering evidence, looking for clues, their hard work had finally paid off. Akaboshi wasn't the only one who had noticed his presence as Genevieve spoke up. "Indeed, looks like our guess was right after all." The red haized Uzumaki waited until the man came a couple of meters closer before he would act.

Once the culprit was only 2 meters away from him, Akaboshi carefully grabbed a rock which he would then throw over and behind the approaching individual which caused the man to look back, startled by the sound and noise of something hitting the ground. As soon as the individual's head was turned, Akaboshi jumped out and sprinted towards the man, not giving him any time to run or react. A simple kick to the knee, his hand firmly around his throat only to kick his supportive leg to sweep him off his feet and on his back to the ground. "Surprise, I bet you didn't expect us to be waiting for you here, did you? It's alright Genevieve, you can come out now." The Uzumaki would wait for the young lady to join him before identifying the culprit. 

(WC: 264, TWC: 3042)
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Ryo : 500

Church and Shinobi (Geni) - Page 2 Empty Re: Church and Shinobi (Geni)

Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:17 pm
Geni had been expecting them to do something and she was looking for Akaboshi to go ahead. A sign that she should include herself. A sign that maybe she should get up and stop the culprit as well. There was a sign alright. 

That sign came in the form of a rock that Akaboshi tossed near their culprit, behind him, to cause him to jump and turn around. Oh my gods. This couldn't be happening because that would be too easy. It was too simple to just… toss a rock at a missing ninja… and have them become startled like a young rabbit in the world for the first time… and then they catch him?

But it was that easy because Akaboshi had the confidence and the gall to make it that easy; how enviably simplistic. Could she pull that off too?

Then he proceeded to shoot out of the highing spot, kick the man in the knee, grabbed him by the throat and kicked out his other leg before shoving him to the ground, “Surprise, I bet you didn't expect us to be waiting for you here, did you? It's alright Genevieve, you can come out now.” Geni stood up and walked over, smiling down at the culprit and Akaboshi held him down; but she ignored that and went for the holy tome and grabbed it from where it had fallen on the ground. She blew on it to disperse any dust then gently used the edge of her shirt to polish up the gold edgings and trim before walking off and giving the culprit a mischievous little kick as she went into the church. The High Priest was quick to rush over and she smiled as she handed the book over; “Please ensure that the next time you call in the shinobi to assist you, you are not volatile and disrespectful to them, your excellency.” She voiced icily as she held her smile steady. 

[ WC: 326 (2x Event WC: 652 ) ]
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