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Hamako Senju
Hamako Senju
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The loner enters the interrogation room Empty The loner enters the interrogation room

Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:42 pm
Mission Details

The loner had finished his duties of collecting taxes, he went door to door and spoke to far more people than he could have believed and felt done enough with talking to last for at least a month. He was walking to the market because he was out of ingredients at home and he was going to need to make some dinner for himself. Most people in his situation would just go out and eat in some restaurant, but that was not an option for the loner. If he was to speak with another person that day, he would go insane. 

He was strolling through the town, doing his best to calm his mind after speaking to so many people. So many people who were hateful of him when he left their conversation due to the nature of his visit. He didn't want to hurt and annoy all of those people, but it was the mission that he was given, so he had no choice in the matter. Whatever the village needed of him, the village would get from him. He was nearing the market, and he began thinking about what it was that he actually needed from the market, he had spent so much time fixating on the interactions that he had just gone through, he forgot that he had duties to tend to at home as well. 

He entered the market, and he began looking through the produce area, hoping to be inspired by the ingredients that lay in front of him. He often admired that about the cook in the orphanage. When Hanako would ask the cook at the orphanage how it was she figured out what she was going to make that night, her response was always very simple. She would enter the market, and she would just look at the ingredients, allowing them to tell her what it was that she wanted to make. He had tried performing this act of trusting the vegetables several times and it had yet worked for him. But he would always keep trying.

He walked by the mushrooms and thought about what it was that he could make with the mushrooms in front of him. He would think of a risotto that he could make, or maybe something more traditional. He continued to remember what else went in some of his favorite dishes, but he could not remember. The only thing he could think about was the people that he spoke with that day when he was collecting taxes. He shook his head violently, trying to focus his mind once again. 

Finally he just passed by the mushrooms altogether, figuring he would find something else that would grab his attention. He left the produce section of the store and moved on to the next section of the store, where all of the frozen food was kept. Nothing was grabbing his attention like he hoped they would. He just walked through the aisles, staring out into space, trying to bring his attention back to the problems at hand, but he found himself unable to focus on them. He decided that he needed to go train or meditate so he would be able to clear his mind of all of the things in the way of his being able to perform the most basic of tasks. 

He walked out of the store and headed back down the main road, heading for the end of town where the shores and training ground set. While he was walking, he noticed that there was a couple of men following him as he walked. While he wasn't entirely sure about this, for he had been incorrect with that thought before, he decided to test it. He took a random left turn onto another street, then another, and then another. Every turn he would make, the two men would take the same turn. While he wasn't sure what their objective was or why they were following, he also did not want to have anymore social interactions that day. He tried to instead just ignore the men and continue on down the way so he would hopefully be able to enjoy the rest of his day in silence and with meditation at his favorite spot in the training grounds. 

The men began to get closer, and they were about to reach Hamako's destination of the training grounds. He was beginning to get extremely frustrated, not only because these men were going to disrupt his ability to meditate, but because they were going to force him into another social interaction that he could not be less excited for. Finally, he turned around and faced the men, who were only ten meters behind him at this point. "What is it you want?!" Hanako would say, loudly and with extreme frustration and anger. The two men would continue to walk towards him, until they got to be two meters away. They said no words, they only handed him another envelope. The envelope had a notice written on the front of it "Open immediately". Hanako nodded to the two men and they were on their way. 

Hanako opened the envelope and pulled out the slip of paper that was stuck inside of the envelope. It was another mission summons. But this one was very peculiar. the summons was for him to see the Kage's assistant directly. There was a special seal on the slip of paper that would allow him special access to the Kage's estate. Hanako tilted his head to side in confusion. He pulled the slip out completely and he threw away the envelope that it was sent within. He then turned his direction to head back to the Kage estate, hopefully for a mission that didn't require him to talk to anyone. 

Upon arriving at the Kage estate, he was stopped by the higher ups at the front gate to the estate. Hanako remembered the seal on the summons, so when he pulled the paper up and showed the two men the seal they stood aside and allowed him to go inside. His eyebrows shot up when he was allowed to visit the actual grounds that was the Kage's estate. He went into the inner building where he was stopped once again. Hanako showed the person the seal, which made the higher up's eyebrows go up as well. He asked Hanako to follow him, which Hanako of course agreed. 

The higher up led the loner to a stair case and asked him to go all the way to the bottom. Hanako had no clue as to how he should be reacting to any of this. Before today, he had only been in the Kage's estate when he graduated from the academy among the highest in the class, where he was congratulated by the one in charge with the Kage's absence. Now, he was given a random envelope that summoned him to the Kage's estate where he wasn't even there to see the Kage, but to go to the lowest floor in the estate, where he would only assume that he was going to be asked to clean out the cell of some dead prisoner's cell. Why he thought that was going to be the mission he had no idea, but that was just where his mind went. 

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he was greeted, if you can call it that, by a guard that led him the rest of the way to where his mission was going to be taking place. When he asked what the mission was going to be, the guard simply grunted and continued walking through the dark corridors that was the dungeon of Kirigakure. Hamako's mind was flooded with questions, but he was offered nor given any answers to the questions that he did ask. Was he going to jail? What did he do wrong? Why is this place so dark? The last question was obviously because they were under ground, but why had they not lit a few more torches down here?

The guard stopped next to an opening in the wall, an entryway of sorts. When Hamako stopped directly next to the guard, he told Hamako that he was to enter the room and only leave when he found something of value. Walking into the room, the loner all of sudden had many of the answers that he was looking for. There was a man bound to a chair, wearing only his boxers. There was also a table that was covered with all types of sharp utensils and different natural creams in amber colored jars and containers. 

Seeing Hamako made the man begin to quiver and ask for forgiveness and for mercy. Hamako knew what was going on, but he wasn't sure as to why he was the one that was decided to perform this task. He looked over to the guard and asked him what it was that he was looking for. He knew that he had never done this before, he also didn't know why he was the one that was being asked to perform this task, but he figured there was no point in trying to shove off the responsibility he was given. Not to mention if the prisoner was to see any type of weakness in the interrogator, it would make his mission all that more complicated. 

The guard gave him a note, a note that was given to them by the court. He read through the things that the prisoner was being convicted of. He was a thief that had associations with a certain warmonger that caused a lot of issues for Kiri and their newfound ally of Konoha. His job was to find out exactly where this warmonger was and how they would be able to capture the man and bring him back to Kiri for further "examination". Hamako finished reading the letter. He read the man's name was Tero. While he wasn't entirely sure if that was his real name or not, he guessed he was going to find out. 

A feeling came over the loner's mind. He didn't feel like he was all powerful, he only felt like he was burdened with the task of causing another person pain, excruciating pain if needed. If you would have asked him how he would have felt in this situation, he would most likely tell you that he would be scared and would feel a great bit of empathy for the man for he wouldn't have known him, but he would be expected to cause him pain. But in the reality of it, where he was actually required to do such work, he was ready for it. He felt a certain calmness knowing what he was about to do with this individual. 

He walked up to the man, thinking about how he was going to torture this individual. He started simply by asking him the question he sought the answer to. But just before the words came out of his mouth, he thought of a new avenue that he was going to try first. He walked up to the individual, he noticed that his hands and his feet were both bound to the chair that he was sitting on. The loner grabbed the hammer that was sitting on the table next to him. He then grabbed a small nail that was also set on the table. 

He placed the nail on the man's hand and asked him the question. "Where is Tero?" He asked the question in a calm manner, he was not demanding and he was not meek, just as if he was asking a random stranger on the street. The man responded with an aggressive, "Fuck you! I won't tell you a fucking thing!" The loner responded in his calm tone again. "Ok." Within the same breath, he slammed the hammer down onto the nail, sending the nail plunging through the man's hand. 

The man screamed at the top of his lungs, screaming profanities, and growling due to the immense pain that would be going through his hand at this point. The loner went over to his other hand, and he asked his question once again, just as he did the first time in a very calm manner. "Where is Tero?" The man hesitated in his answer, feeling the point of the nail on his hand. This is when the loner came up with an idea. He lifted the nail off of the man's hand, hearing a sigh of relief coming from the prisoner. The loner brought the nail to the stone wall that lined the entirety to the room and he began blunting the point of the nail, turning it into more of a pin, with a flat point and the flat head at the other end. 

He walked over to the man once again and placed the blunted end of the nail onto the man's hand. He asked him once more. "Where is Tero?" The man grew his courage once again. "Fuck off, bitch!" The loner shrugged his shoulders and sent the hammer plunging directly into the nail's head. Due to the blunt end of the nail, it did not go straight through like the first one. The nail only went in a few millimeters. The man's screams grew louder and louder, the screams then turned into sobs and begs to be let go. The loner ignored his pleas and asked him once again, this time with a small splash of blood on his cheek. He looked into the prisoner's eyes with an indifferent look, making him know that he didn't care about his condition, only the information. 

The prisoner's face grew more and more hopeless when the hammer came down on the nail once again, still not going through his hand, just in a little deeper than the first time. His screams filled the entire corridor of the dungeon and even the guards began to see just what he was doing. The loner continued to ask the question once, and then bring the hammer down. After six of seven tries on his left hand and the nail still not gone through yet, the loner grew tired. He already knew that he was driving the nail directly onto one of the main bones in the hand and that was why it wasn't going through, causing major pain. He thought this was going to be sufficient, but it looked like he needed to do a little more damage. 

He brought the hammer down with all of his strength. The scream this time was different, not as much guttural, but more out cries for help. As the nail came down on the hand bone, you could hear the bone crunch and snap, the tendons that surrounded it began to rip, his hand was ruined and they both knew it. The prisoner smiled briefly, knowing that he couldn't do much more to his hand. That was when the loner yanked the nail out of the prisoner's right hand and blunted it against the same wall. 

The man pleaded for him to stop, he didn't want to go through that again, but Hamako didn't care. He placed the nail down on his hand, not even asking the question at this point. He wanted the prisoner to think that he was doing this just for the fun of it now. Bringing down the hammer again and again and again until the prisoner finally broke. He screamed for the loner to stop, which Hamako obliged. 

The prisoner quickly told him all of the information that he had on Tero and where they would be able to find him and the routine that he once carried. The loner smiled and thanked the prisoner for his cooperation before giving his report to the guard. The guard then gave him an envelope that carried his reward for the job he had just done. He nodded to the guard and went back up the stairs.

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Mizuki Ohta
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The loner enters the interrogation room Empty Re: The loner enters the interrogation room

Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:09 pm
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