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Hamako Senju
Hamako Senju
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The loner doesn't speak, but he can cook Empty The loner doesn't speak, but he can cook

Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:53 pm
Assisting The Elderly [Kiri]

After clearing off the walkways of the village, the loner was in the mood to get over to the market so he could make himself something for dinner. He changed course from aimlessly walking around the village, to heading directly for the market towards the middle of the village. He had his hopes up that he would be able to go home and meditate there after eating a wonderful dinner, until he was stopped by another higher up from the village. 

Hamako stopped in his tracks and waited for the higher up to catch up to him. The higher up handed Hamako another envelope and vanished in a poof of smoke. Hamako took the envelope and he opened the top flap to expose the slip of paper that was within. He took the slip of paper out and it seemed to be a very short message, something the higher up would have been able to say in less time that it would have take for him to track the loner down and hand him an envelope. 

He figured it was probably just protocall so he didn’t pay it too much mind, before he focused on his new task at hand. The letter said “Help the elderly” and was ended with an arrow pointed directly to his right. Hamako looked to his right and saw that he was indeed standing next to an elderly home. Being extremely confused as to how the higher up would have been able to give the letter to him at such an opportune time was fascinating.

He shrugged his shoulders and he headed into the building that was the elderly home. When he entered the building, a woman from behind the counter stopped him and asked him what his business was in the elderly home. The loner, really not wanting to speak to another, just decided to place the mission summons onto her desk. She nodded, not knowing what to say to the loner that didn’t like to speak. 

She motioned for him to move into the cafeteria to help the folks inside there serve dinner for all of the elderly in the building. Hamako just nodded as he walked in the direction of the kitchen. He hadn’t worked in a professional kitchen since he was in the orphanage, but he still felt within his natural element. He walked into the kitchen and the cooks were already throwing their food around as they were cooking. Tossing it into the air as they flipped it in their pan. Tossing the ground beef between their hands, creating small spherical shapes. When the cooks noticed Hamako, they began to speak loudly for him to grab a uniform and wash his hands. 

He immediately sprung into action by washing his hands after throwing on the uniform which was mostly just an apron. When he was done, he was told to get onto the line and begin cooking some of the food. His job was the Saute station, so he would lightly oil the pan and begin tossing the vegetables for the night in the hot oil in the pan. 

He cooked the night away and when he was done, they gave him a night’s pay and told him to get out of there so they could begin clean up. Hamako thanked the cooks and left the building.

Claims: 500 ryo & 1 AP & 1 Stat
+557 towards Rain Tiger At Will Technique (1095/2500)(Previous Progress)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The loner doesn't speak, but he can cook Empty Re: The loner doesn't speak, but he can cook

Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:30 pm
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