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Ryo : 11500

Storm that building  Empty Storm that building

Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:58 pm
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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

Storm that building  Empty Re: Storm that building

Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:02 pm
For the past few weeks, sakuragi had been taking on missions upon missions with his teammates.. This week is no different, but this time, it may be alone or not. This was a rescue emergency mission as he wasn't sure if he could notify his teammates in time to complete this mission together. 

The black spiky was sitting on the branch of a tree on this fateful mid-morning. The atmosphere seems to be inspiring and captivating. The chirping of birds on neighbouring trees ignite the memory of the black spiky when he was a kid. This was one of his favourite spot where he use to play. He would run after birds at this very place, his immature mind telling him he could catch them. Even if he caught any of them, he wouldn't hurt them, it was all just for fun back then. Kids do everything for the sake of fun and that's why they are kids. It is impossible to change that. One can not put the brain of a twenty year old teen into the skull of a five year old kid. Nature has it way of doing that as time goes on.  His grandma wouldn't stop him from playing, he was a kid and all he knew back then, was to play, eat and sleep. To deprive a kid like sakuragi of this is like taking out his heart. All of these gives him joy as a kid. The beautiful flowers, the flower river downside the forest, the evergreen shrubs, the tall windbreaker trees, the chirping birds and parrots,  the colourful insect that pricks sakuragi as a kid. All of those were of great joy to him and they made his childhood fun. Though, he is still young, he has matured quite a lot. He's now fourteen, seeking to experience more of the shinobi world. 

All of those were gone now. He didn't have time to go chase some chirping birds or some talking parrots or some weird insects. He was only focused on one thing, getting stronger. Most of the time when he is alone, he is always training tho not all times, just most. Today was one of those days he embarks on missions. The memory of those beautiful days still lingers in his mind. He wished someone would walk across this path, someone he could talk to or train with. He could leave this place to meet with his teammates if he wanted to, not that he couldn't, but he was enjoying this atmosphere so much that he didn't want to leave. This place is an inspiration to sakuragi. Hopefully, someone or more would  come around. 

WC: 443
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

Storm that building  Empty Re: Storm that building

Thu Oct 31, 2019 7:38 pm
It seems Sakuragi would not be doing this together with anyone. He had completed most of his missions together with his teammates, Kuniko and Takeshi. Those two really comes in handy.  This mission actually requires sakuragi to be careful. He activated his byakugan, he was an explosion in a shop not too far away. He had taken on the mission to protect the shop today, but he didn't know that this was gonna happen. He never expected it. It could been better if his teammates were here. Keeping active his byakugan for long can drain a lot of his stamina and chakra. He is just a boy of fourteen years who hasn't really experienced the shinobi world. This mission is one of the dangerous missions that sakuragi would take part In. 

It was as if the world around sakuragi paused as the brown skin black hairy boy saw the explosion, his pitiless eyes widen in shock. What could have caused the explosion, the shops and the nearby building have already caught fire and people are trying to run away from the danger the fire posed.  Some are trying to kill off the fire with water pipes but it seems this fire is more powerful than all the water combine. Instead of reducing the blazing fury and aggressiveness of the fire, the scenario was like added fuel to fire.  

Sakuragi jumped down safely and swiftly from the tree branch he was sitting on. The brown skin black spiky boy would start running towards the   direction of the fire explosion. His mission here was to keep the area safe, his mission was about to begin, the brown skin must put out this fire by all means necessary. No one must die as a result of the fire or his mission here is failed. The boy would continue running as fast as he could. Was this as a result of an attack, was it the stupid mistake of someone that lead to this?  There was no traces of combustible liquid or fire around this area, Sakuragi had scanned it thoroughly before with his byakugan. It only surprises him to seal such nasty thing take place. Several thought floods the little boys mind as he he ran. 

Of course the road that leads to the shops are not free plain path, there were rocks on the way, tall trees on the way. Because of the techniques Sakuragi had learned in the academy, he was able to bypass them easily. The Surface walking tree climbing technique helped him easily bypass them. After running several meters the black spiky would eventually reached the burning shops. The shops were in were in stairs, five in each row, 5 in each column in all directions. There's a narrow gate which lead to the centre of the gate which is the only entrance or exit to the shop. Seeing the multitude of people running out, Sakuragi had no choice but to jump the gate, he jumped  above the feeble humans running out through the gate. The black spiky still had his byakugan active, so he could see everything a hundred meters radius around him. The entire shop building was painted blue with white and pink flower designs. The shops to the north were the ones that caught the fire and are now beginining to spread even though the shops to the north are not completely oblibrated. The beautiful painting and designs on the building have been cooked burnt by the blazing fury of the fire. The shops to the north are now turned black from outside. Once sakuragi entered the building, he tried to analyse the situation as quick as he could. He was not a water user, not even is he a ninjutsu user so it he doesn't really even know how to put out the fire, his eight trigrams jutsu will only do very little help here. Though his jutsu may blow off the fire if the gush of wind is stronger than the fire, the wind would also damage the building and make it collapsed easily. 

TWC: 1123
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

Storm that building  Empty Re: Storm that building

Thu Oct 31, 2019 9:03 pm
It may perhaps be better to collapse the building and stop the widespread of the fire than to leave the building to continue been eating up by the fury of the fire which would eventually make it collapse and could harm others. Sakuragi noticed that a women was trying to go and get her baby in the building to the south. The Fire had not yet spread to the place, the fire was gradually spreading to the building In the west. Sakuragi would towards the direction of the south to help the woman get her baby. Once he did, he would delivered him to her, the black haired would yelled “ everyone get out of here, leave this place now!!!” he could see everyone running, but he continue yelling at them to make them run faster. The brown skin black spiky haired finally made up his mind to use his strong technique to put out the fire,  but he needed everyone out of the building first as the building would collapse after the use of his jutsu. Because the gate was very narrow, it was hard for a lot of people to move out at once, very few moved out at a time. 
By the time everyone was out, the fire her already spread to the west. It was burning it all up into ashes. Sakuragi had his byakugan on so he knew definitely that everyone had run away from the building a considerable distance.  The confident ones are only Several Miracles away from the building observing the miracle that is about to happen in fear and terror. 

It was one time for the brown skin black spiky haired to put it all out.  It was a good  thing that he saw this on time and arrived here in time. The boy was facing the edge of the north and west building and was several meters away from the fire as the smokes that came from the fire was so great that it could suffocate those who move too close to it. It was that powerful.  
This wasn't just the time to see how powerful he has gotten, this was also the time to save lives and properties. Goods purchased with so much money are been burnt down, some of these money are borrowed , some collateral, this is the time to save more than lives. This is the time to save hoshiagkure! 

The brown skin black spiky haired inhaled deeply and exhaled. “ Eight trigrams Vacuum wall palm” he yelled in an increasingly loud tone ( the word palm was the loudest) as he thrust both of his palms. A powerful wave of wind rushed out from him towards the direction of the fire. The wind put out the fire but also did a lot of damage to the building by blowing the building backward. There was a large crater on the ground ahead Sakuragi towards the edge of the north and south. 

Sakueagi had saved the day. The people outside had been watching what drama was going to happen as the black haired refused to leave the building when others were leaving. Sakuragi completed put off the fire. The only thing the people afar could notice was a powerful wind which hit the building and the fire was suddenly extinguished, without water or anything of such. The people immediately knew this is the work of no other person but the boy sakuragi who had saved their lives and properties. Sakuragi was breathing heavily after he had used this demanding jutsu. He remember how he train his room alone at night. He always try not to damage his room, as a result  he doesn't use any real jutsu. He often learn by crossing his leg on the ground and meditating. This is where he gets all the tactics and moves. He was sure to always train this way in his room. All of this paid off. The brown skin black spiky haired boy, sakuragi of the hyuuga clan had saved the day, he saved the lives and properties of this people.

Despite the fact thayythe fire had been put out by sakuragi’s jutsu , the eight trigrams vacuum wall palm, the people were still afraid to move towards the people because no more want to die. The hyuuga boy walked out of the narrow gate and then did the people rushed towards him and thanked him. Some hugged him and kissed him, they really showed their undying gratitude to the young boy. The hyuuga told them to get people that would clear and clean the place, he didn't collect a penny from them even if they want to give. But it seems they wouldn't. The hyuuga walked away from the building and went to the mission board house and narrated everything that happened and how he saved the day, how he saved the lives and properties of those people. How they wanted to give him something in gratitude but couldn't, even though to sakuragi, he believed they wouldn't. He doesn't need their stuff any ways, not like he liked about them in the first place, he was just doing some missions for money. He needs money to support his grandma, not just support, but to feed also. The hyuuga collected his pay and headed home. 

TWC: 2009
Sakuragi Yuki
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Storm that building  Empty Re: Storm that building

Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:48 pm
Claimed 2100 ryo, 5AP 

Using 1750 WC to learn Vacuum burst 
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Storm that building  Empty Re: Storm that building

Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:13 pm
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