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Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:17 pm
Mission Summary:

Disarray and bewilderment engulfed a village block in the shopping district. The screams and fuss with repeated cries for help could be heard from quite a ways off. The air was marked with a heavy scent of smog and vibrant red-orange flickers a section of the block. The villagers congregated at a distance from one of the shops that were engulfed in flames, overwhelmed by the smoke that was ascending drawing more attention. Queensmen were on the scene and they were doing their best to secure the crowd to a safe distance. Yellow tape with cyan and white words for 'Caution! Do Not Cross!' They used their tact and experience to maintain their control over the area, but they were short on manpower to spare anyone to enter the shop to locate survivors and stop the spread of the flames to nearby establishments.  

Saddening, from one of the nearby buildings, seemingly out of nowhere a ashen-haired blue eyes boy would descend to the streets within the boundaries of the caution tape. He wore a fishnet shirt and black shinobi pants and shinobi boots. Straped to his back was his Crusader sword, Sloth's Bane and to his lower back his weapon pouch. His hands were coated with black, fingerless gloves with metal plates on the back of them with the village symbol engraved into them. His face brighten from the light of the flickering flames. His eyes would swiftly shift from every part of the scene. He took note of the people, the flames and smoke, the Queensmen and even the perimeter of the tape and their bounds.  

He was approached by one of the Queensmen, this one was probably the one in charge as he immediately recognized the boy as a shinobi of the Village. "Hey, you there!? Glad that you arrived when you did, we could really use your help!" The man made it quite clear that they were in need of assistance. Tsuna would nod intently, something quite unlike himself, however it really wasn't. This side of him was always with him...when he was taking something seriously, and as things stood, this was a serious matter that he was not going to ignore. "Don't worry, I'm here to help! I see that you and your men have already taken precautions to secure the immediate area of the flames and fan out the bystanders to prevent unnecessary casualties, that's good. However, I need to enter the shop and further inspect it to be sure that there is no one else trapped inside. But I cannot do that and prevent the flames from spreading to the other shops! Do you have anyone that you can spare to me to help with that?" He inquired, how eyes stern and occasionally shifting from the man to the shop to keep it in his focus. The man would shake his head, almost disappointed in his answer. "I...I don't. I'm sorry, I wish that there was more that I can do, but-" "No! You did enough, don't worry. You focus on the people and I will figure out what I can do to prevent tge fire from spreading and saving anyone else inside!" Tsuna would move towards the shop, but keeping his distance of up to 1 meter. The flames had an intense heat that would cause him to sweat beads from his brows.  

"Dammit... I need to get in there, but if I do so I run the risk of the flames spreading to the other shops. But if I tend to the flames outside of the building I also run the risk of anyone inside dying. I need another set of hands..." Exclaimed in the heat of his contemplation.

[WC: 622]
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Re: Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:46 am
*Ring Ring*

That’s all Zeref could hear as his alarm blasted him awake. It was around 8am when the alarm went off. He had a late night and wasent able to sleep much. He knew by the time he would wake up it would be somewhere in the afternoon, but that wasent acceptable today. Zeref had a some training he wanted to accomplish today and he wasent going to let not getting enough sleep hold him back. He had immediately got up, shutting his alarm off in the process. He quickly got dress and was ready to head out the door. From the rush that Zeref was in you would of thought something was wrong, he couldn’t help but have a slightly frantic look on his face. The type of training he would be doing was going to take him all day to accomplish so he still thought being late was unacceptable. He wouldnt want to have to sit in the middle of the training grounds at night , even though it is slightly better since there is no one else to get in your way or watch you as you train. Zeref wasent a big fan of having an audience while he trained , it seemed like they were doing more judging than actually just enjoying watching him train.

As he rushed his way to the training grounds , Zeref started to smell smoke." What the hell", Zeref thought to himself as the thick smel of smoke started to grow stronger and stronger as he got closer to that part of the village. "Shit now i have to put this training aside", He said as he looked around to locate the source of the smoke. He hated having to cancel his plans but the thought of a part of the village being on fire didnt sit right with him , he also knew he could proboly make some money if he help with them flames. He located the fire and then made his way over to the area which already had some guards there trying to help people. As he arrived the guardsmen notice he was a shinobi and had requested his help, only problem is Zeref didnt have anything that could quell a fire like this. Scanning around he located a fire hydrant and was able to knock the top off the hydrant and put it at an angle in which the water would be helping put out the fire. It wasent enough though with such a big fire he was going to need more water but from where ? As he looked around Zeref could help but notice another genin there, with his help maybe they could get this fire under wraps and make some money while there at it. As he walked up to the genin he could see him standing in front of a building that might have people in it. Without wasting any time Zeref looked at the genin "Ill run inside ad get thos people you handle the people out here and make sure if i dont come out soon , you come get me", Zeref said as he stood beside his fellow genin. He wasent one for introductions but at the same time he knew the time they had was slim and wasting it on saying names and shaking hands would be unacceptable. 

Hopefully his new team mate for this taske was okay with that but if not Zeref had no problme trying to quell the fire on the outside, if anything he would of preferred not to have to rush into a burning building and bring people out. Then again he was a shinobi and stuff like this comes with the job. How could he call himself a shinobi if he was scared of a little fire? Zeref took of his white toga and threw it on the ground. He did a couple stretches to make sure if he was ready and then made his way to the door of the burning building. He stopped just before going inside and turned back to the other genin, "Dont forget what i said , if i dont come out this building come get me. I rather not die this way", Zeref said before bursting into the building. 

Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Re: Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:23 pm
A hand clad in black would instantly snatch the white toga before it even hit the ground. Blue eyes would scan over it for a mere moment before it was tossed back at the newcomer. Tsuna impeding Zeref's stride, he would lazily glare at him. Why was someone, who clearly was against going in, trying to be a hero? He would wonder to himself before addressing him verbally. "If you fear that you will die in the flames, you have no reason going inside. Adding one more casualty to the death total would only be pointless. Plus, I really don't need something like that on my conscious. I'll go, I have several ways of entering the building as well as leaving with everyone that may be inside of there. You focus on putting out the flames. The Queensmen are tending to the bystanders and that should give you some breathing room. If you request more just ask them to expand the perimeter for you. But be realistic about you request. They cannot force the people to leave completely, they also live here and people tend to be more nosey than compliant." The Hatake would turn to face the roaring flames before glancing over his shoulder to add something else. "I'll be back in a second." Motioning toward the entrance he would find that it was closed off by the flames.  

Orange and red conflagration ate at the threshold  and the windows of the shop. Tsuna could feel the presence of the flames more intensely as he raised his right hand to the hilt of Sloth's Bane, spreading his footing as his center of gravity lowered. "This will do more than a little damage to tge property, but I'm not left with much of a choice. I'll minimize the force contain the structure." Sloth's Bane released its voice as it was withdrawn from its sheath. The crucified blade would be hold at a shoulder height as Tsuna fixed his gaze to the center of the flames blocking his path. With a pivot of his foot and a thrust of his blade along with a rotation of his hips he would send the point of his sword into the belly of the flames at a speed and power of 42/25. The thrust would erupt an impact force of 53 that would whip the flame apart in a gust of forceful wind. His eyes widen as his opportunity to enter the shop was presented. With swift motions his sword was sheath and he entered the hell blazed establishment. Once inside he felt the full fury of the blaze heat.

Sweating more profusely at this point, he would take a lower positioning to keep from inhaling the smoke that was circulating the inside of the store. His eyes would dart from left to right. "I have to move, if there is anyone left inside, I can only imagine home much more time they have." He thought as he navigated his way through the place. Avoiding the flames as best he could. He would eventually find a person that looked to be either dead, or unconscious laying in the back of the shop. Next to them was a orange and white cat, meowing - no doubt that this cat belonged to the person. Closing in on them he would give the cat a comforting petting as he placed his index and middle fingers on the neck of the, man now that he was closer, to determine if they were still alive. "Whew, you're still alive, just unconscious. Let's get you out of here." He would form a few seal as fast he could. Taking the cat into his arms and then putting it under his shirt, taking his left hand and establishing physical contact with the man. His right index and middle fingers would press against his forehead and he would determine a mental image of where he wanted to go. Within a flickering instant he, the cat and the man vanished.

The three would instantaneously appear outside the shop, near the  furthest of the Queensmen from the building. The sound of the cat meow was a good sign as to them making it out safely. Tsuna would gently remove the cat from his person and then tend to the man. Tugging at the Queensmen for assistance. "He's unconscious, possibly too much intake from the smoke. Get him immediate medical treatment. Be sure to have them check his vitals." The man nods and takes the unconscious owner to his  arms and dashed off.  Tsuna standing to his full height would scan the area in search of the other Genin to see how he was fairing with dispersing the flames.

[WC: 784]
[Total WC: 1,406]
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Re: Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:12 am
Zeref would sit there and lisen to what his fellow genin was saying and honestly he couldnt help but think that he was right. "Yeah that sounds like a good plan to me , besides i dont feel like dealing with all that smoke anyway", Zeref said as he turned around and then made his way to go meet up with some of the queensmen. It didnt take Zeref long to meet up with a group of queensmen, "Hey guys can you try and move some of the people back , were going to need as much room as we can get", Zeref said in a stern tone. He didnt know many people were still hold up in some of the buildings that were on fire. He looked around for ways to end the fire and boom he had finally seen his saving grace. There was a hose tied up to on of the buildings and with a little luck he was able to find a hydrant not to far from the hose. After a couple moments of figuring out how to hook it all up , Zeref was able to get it going. He wasent no time spraying down each building in his hose rang with water. He couldnt belive how lucky he was that he was able to find such useful things just laying around. It made him wander, if the queens men where there first why didnt they see this just out like that but then again the first responders always have it the hardest, Zeref couldnt help but feel like he got it the easy way. At the same time though he did belive in the motto of working smarter not harder. 

After a couple minutes had went past Zeref was almost done putting out the flames , but he couldnt help but think how his fellow genin was doing. Running into a burning building was no fun and the fact that he had a plan was pretty impressive, but then again he was there first and was able to have enough time to figure something out. Zeref figured once he was done here he would go and help his genin if any help was actually needed, but from the way he carried himself Zeref was sure that his fellow genin would be able to handle himself. A few more minutes later Zeref was done and decided it was time to go check on his partner. He informed the queensman about the hose and then made his way back over to the burning bulding. He looked around and was able to spot the other genin looking around. Zeref yelled over to him as he walked close "All done on my end how about yours", He said as he finally got close enough to him so the he wouldnt have to yell again. From the looks of it though everything seemed to be pretty much under control.

Once Zeref finds that his fellow genin was okay they would engage in a little small talk and then Zeref would leave to go collect his reward. Happy with the work he has done

WC 520
Claims:12+ Speed, 4k ryo , 20 ap, 1234 wc towards rain tiger at will
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Re: Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 11:18 am
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Re: Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:21 pm
Numerous murmurs of relief and astonishment washed over the immediate area. Smog from a building once raging with flames now ascending to a gradual depletion as their source was no longer present. The lives of many were saved, the Queensmen did a fantastic job securing the perimeter and seeing to the safety of each person that was nearby. Zeref did a great job seeing to the flames to prevent them from spreading to nearby shops, which would have caused a greater catastrophe than what they were faced with. Tsunayoshi, managed to save tge life of the shop owner and his loyal feline friend. This was all possible due to their collective thinking and efforts - Zeref's, the Queensmen and Tsunayoshi.  

The people applaud, their cheers would rumble the very block. Something like this was foreign to the Hatake, his usual stoic nature in the face of obstacles that required his effort was mostly frowned upon, but this time... this time was different. He was pleased to be of some use to these villagers, to his home. The words of his fellow Genin reached his ears, radiantly rooted indigo eyes would find the source. Revealing a smile and a nod to compliment. "Yeah, my part is done. You did a fine job seeing to those flames, I even noticed that I had more space upon returning from the building than from when I went in. That told me that you requested more perimeter room, good call." His right hand extended, his expression soft and inviting. Extending his right hand to the Genin. "Hatake Tsunayoshi, pleasure to meet you. Even more so to work with you." Lowering his hand, after the assumed shaking and exchange of names, Tsuna would look off to the right to take in the faces of the people. This this was what it was like to be a shinobi... He must admit, it was nice.  

"Zeref, you head on out. I'm going to see to the paperwork and report to the mission board. It would be best for them to send out someone much more suited to prevent another outbreak as well as determined what caused this one. Again, nice work." His hand rised and interlaced behind his head as he walked off in the direction of the mission board. He walked the path that lead there. His eyes scanning over everyone and every home and establishment. This was an awe moment for him, he realized that he was still in his more alert mode. Something that was unlike himself. But that could not be helped, what just occurred was serious and his adrenaline was at a high point.  

Once he was at the entrance to the building he would enter and head directly over to the front desk. There he would speak with tge receptionist and explain all that happen in perfect detail. He would mention the names of the Queensmen from their badges he took note of, as well as mention Zeref's for helping. Filling out the report as required he would be presented by the receptionist his payment. Assured that Zeref will receive his payment as well. Tsuna, pleased with what he heard would begin to motion for his exit. He was then stopped by the receptionist via his name in full. His eyes would widen, turning to face her. Returning before her she would tell him to wait and head to the back. Returning after a few seconds she would have with her a rather large box. She placed it on the ground before him. Explaining to him that this was yet another gift from the Hogokage, Ayato Hyuuga. Tsuna, baffled and a bit off guard would turn his attention to the box. Asking what it was, she gave no answer. Expressing that it was for his eyes and his eyes only. With a few hand seals the boy would place his left hand on the box as his chakra race to coat it and with a few blinks it would warp it out of existence, into a void only unique to himself. "I guess I'll just find out when I get home. What's the reason behind Lord Hogokage presenting me with these gifts? Last I recalled he was in another village, so how? Is he keeping tabs on me? If so, what could he be trying to discover?" Thinking aloud as his right thumb and index finger stroked his chin in processing everything. But, with a shrug of his shoulders and a soft smile he gave up on trying to figure it out. Returning to his more, nonchalant nature. He would exit the building.

[WC: 772]
[Total WC: 2,178]

Mission Claimes - 
20 AP
4,000 ryo
100 ryo (Bonus)

Character Claims -
21 Stats
+2 Vigor, +10 Speed and +9 Chakra
540 wc to learn Parry v7 - 460 [460/1000] - [1000/1000]
Blood Tastes Like Iron v7 [1638/2500]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Storm that Building! [Zeref] Empty Re: Storm that Building! [Zeref]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:44 pm
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