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Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Zim Nara
Jayden Terumi
Hotaru Aburame
Alister Yama
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Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:39 am
Zim was not happy! First, how the hell does a bug pick up a human? And it sat him down in front of Yen! Attempting to tickle him, nice try, hes not Ticklish. How did he know about his connection to Prim? It was a secret no one knew! They kept their relationship a secret and we're very careful!
"That's none of your business, sorry to disrespect you but you know nothing of what you talk about when it comes to me and Prim! We need to train, but as said by Jayden what about the others?" Zim stated then asked. He agreed with training but was concerned for his fellow team mates.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:31 am
Miz knew he had to act quickly! He gently moved Akki as he whispered in her ear then lightly kissed her hair. If unstopped he moves behind Zim and holds his hands above Zims head and begins to create drops of rain to distract and cool Zim off.
"Chill out Zim!" Hs says as he looks over at Yen. "I apologize for Zims action's. He is rather sensitive in some topics. But I agree with what you said, it's very dangerous out there, and we need training. But as stated by Jayden, if it's not safe for us what about the rest of the team?" Miz said shaking the excess water from his hands.
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:48 am
Akki felt ashamed, all the training she had done for it to end up like this! Well, this just means get stronger! She could tell Zim was piss- wait a second! Zim and Prim? That was very unexpected!  Suddenly she was lifted off Miz's lap. "Hold on, be right back." He whispered as he kissed her above the ear and sat down on the couch.
Yen was right they needed to become stronger but it looked as though they needed to reconnect to each other again as well!
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:01 am
Yen was right! If they can't defeat a single Kikaichu, they wouldn't be able to survive out there! Granted Megami had survived this long still, things have changed, so much evil is out there now. She had spent more time in her lab than training with her team! Things had to change, she had to start trading and reconnect with her team! 
Poor Zim! She felt bad for him! She understood secret relationships, she was with Dante Kaguya-Hyuuga after all and hardly anyone knew about them. She didn't think Yen knew anyways!

"Ready to train when they all are, but shouldn't we call it a night? It's like 4 am and it's apparent we have some cranky Ninjas! Maybe some sleep and good food is what we all need?" Megami said attempting to help out.
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:58 am
"I do know what it means zim!"

Yens voice flashed with a hint of anger. And he took a shuddering breath. He had to protect so many people and glanced at jayden quietly. He was right it calmed him a bit. But the goal was clear.

"I had to stab my own friend to keep this village, you, and the rest of fuku alive and safe. I had to face shame to make sure that at least this place was safe haven to keep not only the future safe. Imagine for a second zim you were in the position the mizukage placed us. So which 3 to 4 would you sacrifice? No never again will it happen if i cannot help it!"

Yen hissed the words stifled with grief and disbelif at what the boy had dared to say to yensung. The man who alone always covered the rear guard for konoha for rear retreats in motion. Wether for team or for hi s nation in a massive campaign.

"If you want to save any of them you need enough strength to save yourself. They too are shinobi so a few weeks will do in my estimate. They will need to contact us so i recommend if anyone knows an idea of their location i want you to let me know."

Yen stated as he took a deep breath and sighed. Perhaps if they could survive his hellish regiment. They may be able to flee from a threat. He understood too well the dangers. Perhaps they needed a full demostration. Which they will get.

"I will be getting a bit of work done. Then will begin your regiment. Each of you have 5 weeks to improve to the bar. We will begin later today. And train through the night. Am i clear? Akki, and miz your room is a few doors down to the right. Megami up stairs to the left. Jayden, next to megami, zim you are comming with me and i will show you yours."

Yen stated as each of the bugs left off the lap of the other fuku members and in turn picked an angel around zim to simply lift and carry him as a team. It was pure controll as a leader and sheer will. With that he offered an arm to hotaru, and kissed her on the forehead. His expression softend.

"I am proud of each of you so far you survived. But i need each of you to trust me. We will get each one back. I promise, and it will be allright if you follow my plan. But you each will understand the diffrence in power later today."

He had to rest and he gave akki a soft pat on the head and kiss on forehead. And megami a soft kiss on forehead. Finally jayden and miz earned a pat on the shoulder as yen flew to each in turn. Finally he allowed the fire that was lowering to die down as the light in the sky showed.

He needed at least a little rest still when he placed zim nara in his room he did his usual procidures of placing a shadow clone to patrol outside and inside the house before heading off to bed. Still he did not rest.


He would ask his wife.
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:13 pm
Hotaru went on to her and Yens room as he showed the others to their respective rooms. She hadn't been home in so long it almost felt like she was in a foreign place. She looked at all the stuff still in the original place she had sat it. But the room felt lonely instead of comfortable like it had originally when she was home. 
she traces her dresser with her fingers, as a small layer of dust coated her fingers. Hotaru sighed as she wondered if Yen even slept in the room! No traces of cobwebs or spiders which meant he did spend some time in here, he probably just never dusted or messed with the top of the dresser. 
Yen had a good point, they needed to train more, she had hidden witj the twins and hardly trained. She was out of her usual regimen. Supermom, yes, Super ninja, no! But, she sure wanted to be the best ninja she could be! For Yen, for the twins and most of all for Hotaru! Aburame's have a name to uphold and after all Hota had been through, she owed it to herself to be her best. Hotaru snapped out of her deep thought when she heard her husband call for her.
" Be right there dear!" Hota answered as she left the room to go to Yen 

WC 852
+4 stats
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:29 pm
Jayden was quite protective of his team, because they weren't just his team mates, they were also his best friends. Back in Sunagakure, Jayden and Zim Nara grew up together. They were best friends always getting into trouble together! They trained together and even met the Kazekage together. They had met Miz Hozuki when they volunteered to do an out of village mission. The three or them became the best of friends and always looked out for each other. Even though they were in separate villages they always came together to help each other out one way or another! They even met the girls together. They joined in team Fukutaichou together. 
In a summed up version of this story, Jayden Terumi is quite protective of his team mates, but he also knows when they do something uncalled for. Zim got out of hand when Prims name was mentioned and that in his eyes was uncalled for! Now Prim and Zim were an item and Jayden and Miz knew about them, even though they tried to hide it. But how Yen knew was quite a mystery! Still, he was going to apologize to Yen for Zims behavior and talk to Zim about the matter later. 
Yen however was correct, they needed better training, and if Jayden was to master his Terumi bloodline he better get started as soon as possible! There was a female interested in Jayden as well and he was concerned for her well being. Saya Kaguya laid claim to Jayden some time ago. Jayden didn't mind. He was the quiet type, where as she was chatty but somehow they make it work! He needed to find out where she was so he could make sure she was okay. Maybe Yen knew her where abouts. 
"Thank you Yen for letting us stay and train. I apologize for Zims behavior." He said as he entered his room and closed the door.

WC: 823 / 4 stats
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:55 am
What's more humiliating, being picked up by a bug or having someone spill the beans on your private life? Both are very humiliating! No not humbling, straight humiliating! Zim had his arms crossed at this point...humiliated...and wet because apparently I Mizuki's eyes he was a recipe for humiliation, just add water!  There was a grumbling, maybe more a dull roar or low growl emitting from Zim as he followed his two team mates, whom he also calls his brothers, up the stairs! He had no choice in the matter at this time, he was stuck in Konoha with Team Fuku Kiri and the others from the Fellow Fuku teams. And of course their main. Leader, Yensung Aburame. He wasn't a bad guy per say it's just Zim really wanted to bring the entire Fuku team back together! It's not about what country your from, it's who you are and what you bring to the team. Surnames seemed to play a huge role in Fuku, everyone was from a major clan in the ninja world, Nara, Uchiha, Uzumaki, etc. When brought together at full strength Team Fuku could be quite powerful. 
Maybe Zim needed to take a look at what he had done and reiterate his actions. Let go of his internal anger bed it externally caused problems. He could still resolve the issue at hand without it getting to messy! Maybe apologize to Yen. He still had a choice to make. 
Should he leave after everyone falls asleep and head to Volcano on his own or should he Stay and train with Fuku? If Prim trusted Yen with Fuku then he should trust he choice! By abandoning his team he would be branded a coward and a missing nin as well. The missing nin part didn't bother him it was exciting, but turning his back on his team was a different issue. He couldn't and live with himself! Maybe he had to trust Prim was okay and trust Yen like everyone else trusted Yen. It was going to be a tough choice but he knew the right answer was to stay there.
As Yen showed them their rooms, a deep sigh emitted from Zim Nara. "Very well, I apologize for my behavior and mistrust of you and your judgement. Keep in mind not to make anymore comments on my private life please." He said after he heard  Jayden's comment. Great, now he knew he had to speak to Jayden later on. 

My Wordcount is 830 claiming 4 stats
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:24 am
Miz didn't have a whole lot to say. As a matter of fact he nodded as Yen showed him and Akki to the room they were to share. He excused himself to the bathroom, he needed to meditate. The voices were coming back because of the stress of the situation.

"Kill them all!"
"Take out the one known as Zim, he has no honor!"
"Your worthless, defeated by a bug!"

"Hush." He said to the voices as he leaned over the sink, washing his face, the voices were so intense! Luckily Akki understood. Her presence tended to calm the voices! Currently the only way to get a hold on them would be to meditate in his puddle form. 
Stepping over to the bathtub he relaxed as he let his body turn to water, a typical trait of the Hozuki clan. One Miz uses quite often. It always helps calm the voices in his head. And currently in his head it felt like a war! 
In his puddle he sat meditating as the voices began to subside, and Miz began to relax and his tension was releasing. He thought of his girlfriend, his team mates and the rest of Team Fukutaichou! Honestly Yensung Aburame seemed to care and have nothing but good intentions for Team Fuku, maybe he can train them to use all their unique bloodlines and become one of the best teams out there! 
The huge tub if water began to form a human being again as Miz decided he was finished meditating. Once he was fully solidified again he took a large drink of water from his water bottle! This particular jutsu always made him thirsty. The downside of being a Hozuki was the constant need to drink water. Sighing, he made his way to the bedroom, he really needed some time with his girlfriend!

{811 words and +4 stats}
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 4 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:51 am
Akki Senju didn't know what to think at the moment. She was finally in the arms of her love, Miz Hozuki but she felt like she was letting her team down! So she felt both happy and sad at the same time. Yen seemed to step on Zim Naras toes tonight, but at the same time, Zim and Prim bring an item was quite shocking! So much to take in and process, and to prepare for training tomorrow! She needed some much needed rest, and hopefully sleeping beside Miz will help her get that! Hopefully they get strong enough to travel so they can find the rest of team Fukutaichou. 
Akki knew she had to work on herself, her own defenses were down and she had not been training like she should have. She was a Senju and she needed to bring honor to her family name! The Kuoga clan had been nice enough to adopt her and take her in, and she wasn't doing much in the way of saying thank you by not living up to her full potential! Akki was quite a strong young lady, and she needed to live up to her potential, hopefully training tomorrow would help her do that. She heard the bathroom door open, smiling she walked over to the doorvand entered the bathroom to check on Miz, he seemed a little upset over Everything going on, which Akki completely understood.
602 words = +3 stats
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