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Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Zim Nara
Jayden Terumi
Hotaru Aburame
Alister Yama
Megami Kuoga
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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:34 pm
They each spoke in term and yen leaned back as he considered each of them. No decit was detected by the aburame lord, but worry was apparent. Each in term to his notion of each persons chakra. Although miz spoke it cleanly.

Yet the words of akki did bring a smile to yen as well. Still they were all keen even himself to see everypne safe and sound. He just had more rescouces at hand. A whole village in fact.

" miz we will get each one in turn. Rescue missions will be done as well. But there is also plenty of danger which is why i will be evaluating each of you before it is done. As of recently as i stated earlier things have changed. Which means while each of you have possibly gotten away scott free up to now. That will not last long"

Yen stated darkly as he gazed at miz.

"I promise i will make sure to personally accompany you on retrival of each other member, but the dangers are going to be high. Amid traveling, and also retrival. The first act is finding out where each one is located."

Yen lifted a second finger and kept his tone.

"The second is understanding what and why they are there. If it is safe. Then we can safely assure that they can be extracted. Howevet."

Yen stated as he glanced at each one in turn and sighed.

"If not combat is unavoidable at times, and with that each of you may posess great inherint talents. Like turning into puddles, wood release potential. The mixture of water, and earth with fire. And alot. There is no telling what can happen. I assure you that your induvidual talents in your arts, your speed, your strength, and knowledge and control in chakra as well as martial combat
Will come in more value when faced with difficulty."

As yen spoke he simply pointed a finger at miz and a 6 bugs came buzzing out of his finger. They were kikaichu. And their simple directive was to simply land and use its strength to stay on the lap of hotaru, megami, akki, jason, zim, and miz.. But granted the insects flight speed would be much higher than what the boy miz, zim, jason, akki, megami, or hotaru will notice. (Flight speed:85)

"Here is a simple test for each of you. Remove the bug i placed on your lap with your bare hands"

(Note each bugs strength is 70)

Yen stated with a small smile. It looked easy? But well easy is nothing as it was. Granted that this test was to see what each one worked on. As he himself has too trained vigerously. In the time they have not seen him.

Still it was only a taste of what theycould only fathom in reality. The very if not imeasurable,world of threats they can meet. But also a benchmark to where theycould start to understand. Rescuing without tools, top notch training, and strategy was merely a scuicide mission.

(Deactivated minds eye of the kaguya)
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:35 pm
At least everyone was honest right? Now Hotaru had never killed anyone but to be honest she had seen a few dead people in her life. Now let's see, she had lived life as a missing ninja, been kidnapped herself and then settled down and became a village ninja in Konoha. And she's married to the head of her clan and has twins! Sounds rather successful to me! 
What's this? A kikaichu on her lap! It was one of Yens for certain. Every Aburame has a signature Kikaichu. She learned this from her father. And these were undoubtedly Yensung Aburame's Kikaichu. Hotarus resembled lady bugs, considering it's what her name means! She had some of hers come out and surround the one in her lap suddenly the bugs communicated with each other then it was like q bug tornado! The bugs rose up above her lap and swirled around each other in a huge funnel shape! Mission achieved! But...the bugs didn't seem to happy! She scooted away and managed to get out from under the bug tornado and stood in front if them.
"Uh...dear...we have a problem...I have never seen them act like this!" She said looking from the bugs to Yen.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Lava/Boil
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:07 pm
Jayden watched Yens movements as well as listening to him speak. It's how he had been taught, from academy student to Genin. Be aware of people and their surroundings! Maybe that's why he was such a quiet observational person. When the bug landed in his lap, he simply looked down at it! A small tiny bug, that eats chakra. Sitting in his lap, staring at him for all he knows. Jayden tilted  his head to the side he let some fluid leak from his mouth, only it wasn't drool or saliva, it was lava like, only not true lava. There's a few more steps Jayden has to learn before he can do actual lava! Jayden reached down to pick up the bug only to have it  move at Mach speed across his lap to his other leg. Ok this may be more difficult than the young Terumi figured.
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:51 pm
Zim watched as the bugs were dispersed to each of them. He really did not have time for games! He had to find Prim before something bad happened to her! He mentioned the bathroom amidst the lit up crowd, he stood up and walked to the hall way, once there he silently went out the front door.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:22 pm
Miz now had two things in his lap, Akki Senju and a bug! Now in school he learned the importance kf some of the blood lines! For instance, Aburame's used bugs that nested inside them known as Kikaichu. They eat chakra, got to be careful though, if they drain your chakra your knocked out! 
He was fine with his girlfriend in his lap, but how in the world is he going to get this bug out of his lap? He held up a hand and began to drip water on it. Drip, Drip, drip...maybe he could drown it with his own chakra!
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 6:32 pm
Akki was quite comfortable on Miz's lap! There goes Yen on a huge long speech. But it's ok, he has good intentions and he is technically their leader, well the head of the group, Prim is a leader!  
She felt the back of her pants getting wet, and she noticed Miz dripping water from his finger tips! Hmm, Akki decided to simply try to pick up the bug. It was a little heavy and she was having an issue!
Megami Kuoga
Megami Kuoga
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:45 pm
Megami agreed with what Yen said, they had to be prepared for what was out there. Jn the world we live in there is pure evil! It was what was needed to balance out the good. Bugs? When? How? It was in her lap! How hard could it be, seriously? The bug was to fast for her, she couldn't catch the damn thing!
"Hey!" She hollered at it. You couldn't teack where it would go next! Beaten by a kikaichu! A simple chakra eating bug.
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 74500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:27 pm
With each one struggling it made it clear to yen this was going to be a moment of rough truths. Even as the nara would try to sneak off. The insect yen sent towards zim wouldve already had landed on his pants and pulled the boy off the ground and flew back towards yen. Stopping a few feet in front of yen seated position.

The glance at the others showed the struggle and he pressed his finger tips together as the nara hung upside down and two other insects thay crawled from his shoulders. Flew up and began circling and scurrying under zims arms in a speedy manner. Tickling the nara.

stop and behave. Tell her i am not pleased.

Yen telepathically commanded the kikichu circling hota. And they remained still informing hotas bugs and to hota. Yen was not pleased. A moment or two of silence as megami struggled futilly and gave up.

"Like wise i figured these would be the results. Still i understand each persons desires. Times have changed. Each of you faced a bug. But also neither could lift. Nor drown em."

Yen stated as while miz would try to drown the bu it would just shuffel elsewhere. ultimately not nibbling his chakra but skin on his back. In just an manner to irritate the hozuki.

"You wish to save prim. That there is a bug. But most importantly a bug that you cannot stop. If you were my enemy that alone tells you how dangerous 1 bug is. Zim if you cannot beat a bug. What happens when you face a kunai weilding shinobi?"

Yen would ask the nara and with a simple point ah his exposed chest now. Yen would speak.

" dead. Tortured, beaten, and pointlessly no use to prim in your state. Your former head of your clan would be ashamed. She once threw a kunai at the back of a person who did not know their place. Trying to stop some shinobi by getting this village involved. The man much faster, and stronger than yourself. Died of his wounds in a cell."

Yens words were cold despite looking calm. It was,reality he was revealing to them and they would do well to listen.

" do you now understand. To save everyone. Each and every one of you. Yes hota you too dear. Have to be able match myself. Prim sephora, dante. Each of them are out there. Among shinobi that house levels in skill and power. Around my level. And some are far stronger ."

Yen stated as he glanced at zim quietly. And spoke up.

"What is the battle plan when your rescources are limited? What will you do if akki got stabbed? What technique will you have to stop multiple attackers. Or an army of shinobi are before you. What do you do? When you see that there is murder in their eyes?"

Yen did not yell. But he may as well had. His voice was serious.

"You must be ready to fight to stay alive. Each of you. Plain and simple."
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:36 am
Hotaru got the message loud and clear, from the bugs! 
I'm sorry Yen.
She sent back to him. She had not meant to disappoint him, sadly it just kind of happened. She was week, she needed more training and she understood that. No need in her being upset she needed to listen.
" I'm ready to train, Sensei." Hotaru said in hopes she could prompt the others to follow suit! But Zim, well Zim didn't look to happy, her concern was going tobbe an altercation! Wait...did he mention Prim? Since when were Prim and Zim- No way! Primrose Uchiha and Zim Nara? When and how?
"Seriously?" She commented when it was mentioned!
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 3 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:08 am
"We fight and train typically as a team which is incomplete without the missing members. Team Fukutaichou Kiri is only a small branch of Fuku, if I remembered correctly We have the Konoha Branch and Spec Ops and International. We have Konoha here and One Spec Ops member. Where are the other two Spec Ops and our international teams?" Jayden asked. "You yourself just said it's not safe, so what are we supposed to to do about Tori, Prim, Dante, Sephora and Saya? Please do not misunderstand me, Sensei I am all for training, ask anyone who knows me, I am a Terumi, but I think there safety is just as important as ours." Damn, that's a lot of words for Jayden Terumi, the Shinobi of few words.
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