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Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Zim Nara
Jayden Terumi
Hotaru Aburame
Alister Yama
9 posters
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Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:50 am
Miz dissolved into a puddle as he entered the house. Easier way to move around the house and not run into anything. As he entered the room with the voices He slowly turned back into a person.  He didn't care for the fact his hair stayed drench when he transformed back into a human, maybe it's because it's raining outside! Looking up at the crowd the voices in his head began to speak.

Take out the robed figure, he's the leader!
You must gain control of the team!

Mitz shook his head with his fingers on his temples. Luckily the attempt to silence then worked! He lookedu at the group and new it was time to I introduce himself.
"I am Mizuki Hozuki, commonly known as Miz." He said as took a seat near the girls. He seemed to be the one taking a seat! He shrugged it off.
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:57 am
Akki Senju somehow ended up being behind the group, but oh well! She followed behind the guys and nearly slipped in a puddle- er- the body of Miz Hozuki! Luckily he turned back to human form.
"I told you I would be back with them, here they are!" Akki said with a smile as she she sat next Megami! This was quite an accomplishment considering the guys are normally not so persuasive!
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:13 am
Megamis original train of thought had been broken! Seriously! Team Fuku Kiri was here in Konoha? Theybwere supposed to meet in the borders and head out to find....what about Dante? A want he supposed to be here, well then again he could have been held up he had to go to Volcano first. 
"Zim, Miz, and Jayden! So good to see you she said jumping up to greet them. Guess she should be social, it had been a while since they seen each other.
"Welcome to Konoha, this is the oh so fearless leader of our group, Yen Aburame, he was put in charge by Prim. She needed the help due to the group expanding!" Meg said adding some sarcasm and humor towards Yen.
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:16 pm
So a mid the explanation the rest arrived. As each one had named themselves and their names yen gave a small nodd and pointed to a seat or in the case of akki and miz he offered their spot the love seat next to megami.

"Warm up and it is good to meet each of you. Well done akki i am proud of you. It is not so easy nowadays. Even for you three."

Yen gestered at the three kiri ninjas in turn. As a village that stood above konoha... for now. Was only a target. That is till they too get hammered.

"You all have understood in a sense or a way. That both the village, and the many entities outside of its control is always growing in power. For thoes in and from konoha it was,important to blend in and not cause a scene. It is why akki i specifically made sure each of you would not be in direct line. It is why i let prim flee and secretly to boot. While all eyes focused me and my actions. Which lead to many conciquences."

Yen stated solomly as he then glanced at the kiri group and spoke.

" you guys needed to play your parts. Harbor your minds and emotions, but that is what spies are for. You may have hurt, but did not kill. Otherwise. Right now there would've been... bad conciquences"

Yen let the words sink in the air as he spoke and tge gravity of the current situation sink in their skin. In realizing if yen even caught wind of the kiri group causing further than light harm. It was best to come forth now. Otherwise they would face yens wrath.

"So of course if you three did anythimg wrong come clean. And it will be forgiven."

Yen stated as he did activate the minds eye of kaguya technique as he sat there. The sensory jutsu made it simple to not only gage their current chakra levels, but if there was any sense of deception from the whole crew. (Minds eye of the kaguya: power 100)

As only a raise of habit as he took on his deputy kage role. He needed to discern truth from fiction as it was. Still yen continued.

" it is important i ask these questions because as of now i recently came across dangerous individual running around. He indeed caused trouble among all villages and even forced myself to leave for the field, but it is imperative that for not only the others, dante, sephora, prim, and more safety. But yours too. We must regain contact as soon as possible."

Yen stated as he monitored everyone quietly for a second.

" and each of you do need to get to training immediatly. There are many induviduals who can and will nowadays go for a kill. And one of my personal subordinates have gone missing even when me and,the hokage were amid this campaign. Right under our nose. And i can smell the dirt in the issue. There is foul play. This will show you that you all must be at the ready now."

Yen stated with an air of command and placed a hand on megami and hotarus arms.

"Yes you two as well. People are and can get hurt. Which is why you will all be set to train under my guidance. Am i understood team?"

Yen went silent for a moment if there were no interruptions and he smiled softly.

"So can each of you in turn explain what have you been doing amid our important hiatus?"


Tecs used

Minds eye of the kaguya
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:13 am
Maybe the hiatus was important for them. Well, according to most her and the twins were dead, simply because I all that had gone on no one could know the truth of her where abouts. Eh, oh well, she was home, back with her husband and team fuku. Hotaru stared at The Kiri team. Jayden was a familiar face from Suna, as was Zim. Now Miz was from Kirigakure originally so she didn't recognize him.
"I think what my husband meant to say was Welcome to Konoha, he's the deputy Kage and the head of Team Fukutaichou!" Hotaru said with a smile.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:42 am
Jayden had to really think about this. Had he ever hurt anyone? Had he killed anyone? Committed any crimes? No, he was clean! He was actually a good kid. But his demeanor was supposed to be that of a bad boy! But it came out more a cross dresser! Wait no, he was definitely an outcast! Jayden James Terumi...the unstoppable outcast! As these thoughts crossed his kind he smiled slightly tilting his head to one side then the other.
"Oh, um, I'm clean." He said as he looked around slightly embarrassed! Jayden tends to get lost in thought at times.
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:51 am
Zim was rather reserved. He  also had a one track mind. He wanted to leave and find his girlfriend- er- friend and Team Fuku mate, Prim Uchiha! This small detour may prove to be more a nuisance than anything. Zim sighed heavily as he listened closely to Yens words. You see, Zim was a good listener and a visual learner! That's why he was such a good ninja! 
"I'm clean." Was all he had to say after Yens long speech. That was really all he needed to say. Don't speak unnecessary wards cause they are only a waste of time!
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:01 am
Surprisingly the voices had nothing to say. But with Akki around they never really spoke up. In fact, Akki calmed his inner demons! They would still speak at times but not do often! Okay this Yen person, a bug user, was in charge? Hmm, Miz felt a little off about him, but he does have trust issues!  
"Look, I'm clean but we need to make this visit fast, we are on a rescue mission. Tori, Sephora and Prim are missing. Possibly Dante is as well. Data however should be here somewhere in Konoha." Miz spoke only with necessity. Do if he says it, he feels it's a necessary message to relay. He's passionate about his team and missions! Oh, and Akki of course!
"I have a clean record despite my Kiri background!" He added to answer Yens question.
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:08 am
Akki noticed how the guys seemed a little unsure, and maybe it was because of Yens assertive authority! But it was necessary right? Prim had put him in charge after all. He seemed to be putting the crew in line and that was long overdue!  They had been missing for a while. "I have been training at the Kuoga family home. I was waiting until everything blew over to come forward to find the others. Granted we each have to become stronger individuals to make the team, as a team we are stronger! But with everything going on our team separated, to become whole we have to unite!" Akki said to Yen. "That us who we are!" Akki added as she sat on Miz's lap. (Pretty sure he will let the move go through,:kissing_heart:)
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:14 am
Megami is literally at a loss for words. Everyone already surely knew she had been in her lab for a while now working on stuff for team Fuku! She was no ordinary Fuku member. She was part of the Spec Ops part of the team! Her eyes stayed ride opened as she watched the closely! This was rather exciting and get excitement for months now was nothing more than a lab!
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