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Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Zim Nara
Jayden Terumi
Hotaru Aburame
Alister Yama
9 posters
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Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:37 pm
Megami headed towards Yen and Hotas, she was running very behind. She had to meet up with Hotaru so they could go find the others! And Akki was SUPPOSED to be right behind her! 
The lightning above lit her way as she ran across the village.
It's was 3 a.m. in the morning, how many people are up at that time? Well maybe quite a few ninja depending on their jobs! Megamis long purple hair was soaked by the time she hit Yen and Hotas house. She very carefully and quietly opened the door. The twins were 4 now and she didn't wanna wake them up. Although the soft sound of the rain was so relaxing even Megami wanted to go back to sleep! 
"Hotaru?" Megami whispered as she quietly walked through the house. Suddenly she tripped over the arm of the couch. "So not my morning!" She mumbled.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:14 pm
Yen floated in the rain. His mind wirling. It had been a success. A long ruse to protect his precious individuals played off. As he made sure to keep most of fuku the group he watched over as both a leader and a guardian of the weak and helpless. Still he knew that to protect them from kiri's wrath he had to play a part. The part of a dark horse. But now after returning from suna. Seeing the mess it invoked. He spotted the hole. Their leadership was aloof. Not calm. And aloof was to stir it up from the inside out.

chaos is needed, but now i must check on this

Hota had been presumed dead. In fact yen sedated her enough to a near death like state. To whisk her to an quiet area amid the few trusted aburame members with the twins. While he was an actor. He felt the fear to never keep his promise. Protect his family and freinds even in the face of danger. But now they could return. Now he could feel again fully. A taste of fresh air. The breath of life.

Now he waited as he now was floating in the air in his garden. His black cloak awaiting the envoy of the aburame guiding his wife and children home.
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:02 am
Hotaru walked through the Garden to Yen without the twins. They had to stay safe, but Hotaru had a mission to accomplish. She had to help her team, help her husband and help the missing members of Team Fuku!
" love." She whispered walking up to him. "We're fine. No need to worry anymore! I may be your wife but I am also a ninja! A med ninja at that, and our team needs me here. The twins are safe, they are with family in a different village. I have to help-" she is cut off by a loud thump coming from the house. "Maybe we should check that out!" She added looking to Yen.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:02 am
Megami groans lying upside down half on half off the couch! How had she not seen it? An expert with her families bloodline using wires, an amazing scientist....yet a couch took her out?
"I guess once in every ninjas career they are done in by a couch!" as she just laid there. Damn, she has to remember not to tell Dante about this. Nothing is more embarrassing than being done in byba piece of immobile furniture. Maybe she needs to work on being stealthy?
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:04 am
Hota had exited the house to come and get yen. At this point yen floated down, and landed softly next to her. Her voice and thoughts soothed him as for a very long time. Since the time he was with salzem in suna. Yen relaxed. He relaxed and took his arm from the folds of his black cloak and placed his hand on the small of hotas back.

"You are right."

He said softly and smiled softly as he guided her back into the house. There was little concern in him as the culprit that decided to run into the couch of his recently cleaned house was non other than megami.

Although she murmured about others finding out about her mistake yen smiled as he outstretched his other arm from his cloak and at the same time wrapped his arm on hotas back around hotas waist. Perhaps sending the chills of joy through her spine.

"Well i won't tell if ya come here megami and give me a big hug."

Yen spoke playfully. As should megami accept she too would find yens own hand on the small of her back.

"Time to sit down you two we must talk."

Yen stated as he lead them to a newly added part of his home. A large area for dining and relaxation with a set of large couches on one side. Being deputy kage had its perks. He needed more space of course and a nice enlargment for his work.

Yen would lead the girl's to the couch several feet from an large roaring fireplace and would sit them both down with him in the middle. His usual chair now decked out with a new color of gold.

After sitting down and the girl's warming up. Yen spoke up and gazed at the fire.

"You both understand why i had you guys lay low away from konoha and off the road right? As much as it was hard people had to be seperated for everyones safety."
Hotaru Aburame
Hotaru Aburame
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Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:29 am
Having missed him so much she took the opportunity to kiss her husband lightly yet teasingly on the lips! "Later." She whispered with a giggle as she very quickly nipped his lip! She was married to him and they had two beautiful twin toddlers so affection was a thing for them!
As they sat on the couch with Megami, poor girl seemed a little tired, but she was here for a purpose. 
"You were protecting us, as my husband and leader of Team Fuku you make decisions based on our safety. Even IF we don't agree with it, we do as you request!" Hotarus 'IF' was emphasized! She heavily disagreed with leaving her family and team for long periods of time, but she knew better than to question her husband's authority. She looked to Megami awaiting her answer.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:33 am
Yen and and Hotarus affection made her gag, but kn the other hand her and Dante could be quite intimate. As Yen gave her a hug she realized it was always nice to be around someone who actually cared! And being able to see Hotaru and meet with Yen was good as well. As her and Hotaru sat down to listen to yen, a feeling came over Megami, a feeling of maturity! Look how far they had come since Yen took over the crew.
"Yes, to protect us and have is look at our own abilities to help our team! Each of our individual qualities brings something important to Fukutaichou!" Megami answered. " Not only do I a unique warrior bloodline but my science skills and abilities to make potions and serums helps in many ways to!" Megami added to her original answer. This was the right answer? Wait...maybe...
"Hotaru has a point, even if we don't agree with your decision we follow it." She added thinking about the fact they had been apart for a while.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:34 am
Hotarus tease was accepted as it was tempting to take a momentary pause, but that was a later discussion behind closed doors. In fact the two girl's indeed voiced their opinions with the underlying of disagreement to an extent. He understood. But many did not agree with an overhaul of things. Nor was itin human nature to just kneel to anothers authority.

"You are both correct. But as i have learned the best for many is the route to go. The world has many dangers yet you guys met some. But dangers evolve, the change."

Yen stated with an somber note im his voice.

"It is what matters to be a shinobi. But even if you disagree you cannot push aside the facts on all sides of the table. Sunagakure is now an abandoned village, because not only was there a shake up in leadership, but the alternatives were never pressed."

Yen stated as he leaned back gazing at the fire and glanced at the two girls quietly.

"Konoha fell on its doorstep to kiri. Now no matter what you cannot point fingers, and blame yourselves. It is why i set you all including the others out of the view. Your lives were to not be compromised, and wouldnt have been spared. The cold hard truth as i would belive prim would've blamed herself. But i know she wouldn't have considered the larger picture and seen the future."

Yen stated softly as he glanced at the two girls in turn.

"To understand that you must know the situation and not act out of emotion, but logic. Acknowledging the dangers that persist now. For this you both will need to be strong. Others in the village are now looking at strangers with fear and contempt. While actions can be rash and dangerous. It does mean that these dangers persist not only to you, but all of the team. It is to be understood and followed."

Yen gazed at the fire and softly sighed. Speaking up.

"Given some actions. The dangers in the particular to many. Including sephora, dante, and prim are much higher. That is why in the case of any of them in question they will upon request be retrieved by myself and anyone i deem trust, and ready for the duty. Along with another shinobi of my choosing. As such i will be speaking with the hokage about as such."

Yen's point was clear as the team in light of the recent events.

"In many ways when the rest come they will understand the gravity of this. So therefore the others will be informed all in the same by me. But for the moment. I would like to know what you two were doing amid the isolation?"

Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:10 am
The door to Yens house was already open and he could hear talking from inside. Jayden Terumi assumed he was we waiting for them so he stepped inside the rather large house and followed the voices. He saw a guy dressed in robes and a huge hat! The two girls he recognized as Megami Kuoga and Hotaru Aburame.

"I assume I have arrived in the right place, I'm Jayden Terumi, a member of the kirigakure branch of the group." Jayden said. That's the most he's spoken in a long time! Considering Jayden, and his friends and team mates Zim Nara and Miz Hozuki were not really big on word! He waited for the ok to sit down and ffoe replies and introductions to his statement.
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Careless Whisper (P/NK) Empty Re: Careless Whisper (P/NK)

Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:37 am
Zim Nara knocked on the open door before entering the house. It's just a matter of respect, at least that's how he was raised. Respect for your fellow Shinobi. Something that has sadly become extinct as of late. Maybe that's why Prim liked him,  he was a little old fashioned. As he stepped into the dark house he managed to see all the furniture, so he wouldn't end up falling over a piece of furniture or anything of the sort.

Zim followed Jayden into the living room where the voices were coming from. He knew the people's in there from pictures and stories he had been told by his parents and others as well! Yen was the one in robes and a hat, the girls were Hotaru Aburame and Megami Kuoga.

"Zim Nara."  He said introducing himself to the group as to not be rude!
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