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Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:24 pm
"Your name brings pause within the tempest of my soul
A shelter that I seek when the storms rage and my mind races
I call to you
For you have brought my heart such ruin
It's very foundations sing to your presence
A new height to be reached beyond the understandings of mortals
You have brought me to a high plane of existence
You have impacted me so completly that I am convinced
Should I have never met you, I would consider myself incomplete
Longing and unable to fill the void within my heart
Your existence brings me such peace that war can never be an option
A ceasing of struggle in the light of such pureness shall be my future
Your beauty need not be stated
Yet my eyes have seen the face of a goddess
Full of splendor and goodness
No other could mathc your likeness
My skin is to be so blessed as to have brushed against the culmination of all things good
How could I compare such a creation
But to coincide with such perfection would be nigh impossible
I call to thee, in this life and the next
That you and I shall ever be entwined with our paths and our lives

Ren spoke the words of his latest creation, dedicated to the only person that could ever live up to such words in Ren's mind. He had recently returned with Junko, and she had taught him such lessons that he thought would be pertinent to his every day life, a moment in his life that he would not soon forget. A pleasureable time with such a pleasant woman brought him an ease that he thought would be forever, unceasing in the pains of this world.

For now, he sat within his room, his instrument to his side, and his journal directly before him as he read the words off of its face. He had not spent long on this poem, the words seemed to just come to him as he wrote. Something not too terribly difficult to believe when considering the woman that he wrote it for was simply perfect in every way. His love felt no bounds for her, and he simply couldn't do anything but express it. He folded up the page after tearing it from his journal. He decided that this poem was going to be a surprise. A simple note passed along as if they were in school. He went up to Junko's room, if the coast was clear, and he would plant the piece of paper within her jewlery box, hidden away until the next time she would use her accessories.

After he was done hiding it, he would return to his room. He wasn't sure just what he was to do that day, but he hoped it would have something to do with his beloved.

WC: 479

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC number)

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Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
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The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:22 pm
Kiko would begin her daily routine, waking up before the sun rose in order to take a walk in the crisp morning air. She saw this as her alone time, and it was on these walks that she’d contemplate her life, existence, and purpose on the island. Kiko really hadn’t had time to walk the island and see its wonders so she yearned for some semblance of freedom. Junko wouldn’t allow her to leave the immediate area without somebody stronger by her side, and unfortunately most days everyone seemed too busy to be able to just take a walk with her.

As she came home, she found that most people had already left for the day. Upon entering the kitchen, she’d find a plate with a handful of blueberry muffins piled on top of it. There was a small note near the plate that read in Junko's handwriting “Needed to leave early this morning, sorry I couldn’t make breakfast. Kiko, Jun, you have the day off. Relax a bit!” At the end of it, Junko had signed her name in cursive and drew a few hearts on the page.

She would place the note back on the counter, and then grab a muffin from the plate. She’d then enter into the living room and browse the small amount of books available to her. Unfortunately not much was interesting to her, Junkos collection was primarily romance novels and a handful of medical pieces. As she looked she heard movement upstairs, she recognized the sound of the footsteps and realized it was Ren. She would pause momentarily as her mind raced, why was he still home? Did Junko just leave him here? Maybe he would take a walk with her, Junko seemingly trusted him with her life, so surely it would be alright for them to take a stroll.

Quickly she’d look down at herself, checking if she looked alright. She hadn’t really seen him since she changed her look, so she was unsure of how he’d react. Would he like it? Did she even want him to like it? How could he like anything else other than Junko, who seemingly had the poor man wrapped around her finger? She hated to admit it but she had a bit of a crush on the man, though knew he was completely unobtainable. Often she’d hear him serenading Junko, or reciting poetry meant for her and couldn’t help but be a bit envious of his affection for her.  Regardless, he was the only one home and she wished to go explore the island, so she had little choice but to ask him to escort her.

She’d hear him walk seemingly back into his room, so she’d begin walking up the stairs while calling up to him and saying ”Hey Ren! Are you busy? Junko said I couldn’t go anywhere far without an escort, and I’d like to go on a walk”

He would hear her voice get louder as she approached the door, and she’d finish speaking upon her arrival. She would stand about arm's length away from his door and wait patiently for him to open it. Opening the door would reveal Kiko’s new look, though she had the same body type, face, and eyes as Junko the two of them looked vastly different now. Kiko now had white hair, with bright pink towards the bottom and on her bangs that were held together by a loose fishtail braid that stopped around the top of her thighs. She wore tight-fitting low-rise black pants and a loose, v-neck t-shirt that was cut to expose her mid-drift. On her right hip, a tattoo of a head peaking out from her waistline could be seen as well.

She’d smile and give him the same puppy dog eyes that Junko had given him when asking for a similar request. She knew the more she acted like Junko, the more likely he’d agree to go with her.

Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:45 pm
He would just be entering his room when he would hear a familiar voice calling up to him from the stairs. It was Kiko. He hadn’t seen her in a couple days, but he definitely recognized the footsteps, as they were so similar to Junko’s. He opened the door almost immediately. He thought that if he could get closer to her clones, then he would be able to get even closer to Junko herself. As he opened the door, he would see her in all of her splendor. But this is when he would realize that he was only wearing his pants, as he hadn’t put his robe on yet.

She would see his sun kissed bronzed body, adorned with several tattoos that covered the majority of his torso and arms. He had a few scars that lined his torso, memories of adventures passed. His eyes would be fixed on Kiko for a moment, taking in her new look, and he was very intrigued by it. “Hey there! Umm yeah give me just a few minutes. If you’d like you can come in while I finish getting ready. As you can see I still need the rest of my clothes. Oh and if you wanted! You could see my journal! I like showing people the things I’ve seen on my travels, and because you’re new to the world, I figured you’d be able to appreciate it.” He would motion for her to join him in his room.

He grabbed his journal and he opened it to the page that had drawings of the land of mountains, then the land of rivers. He would begin to regale her tales of his travels, including the time he had seen a herd of deer so large that it blotted out entire hillsides. He would speak more on the folklore that he had heard within the island of Moon. Explaining to her the myth of the creation of the valley to the center of the island, how the water spirit simply pressed her hoof on the ground and it separated from the water pressure she created.

He would finish getting his clothes on before he would sit on the bed next to her, and he would look into her eyes, keeping eye contact as he felt that that was respectful. “Also, your new look.” He motioned to her body, “You look absolutely sublime. Stunning even. I’m glad you’re deciding to break out from your original mold. I think it suits you.” He would smile as he gently rested his hand on her shoulder.

“Now. Tell me. Where is it you’d like to go? What did you want to achieve? If it’s a lovely stroll you want, then I can bring my new instrument that I made. I’ve heard stories of this type of instrument and found the diagram for one. It’s called a guitar. It’s a beautiful instrument that I made from the trees here on Moon! I can play you music as we sit by the river.” He realized that he was talking too much and he apologized and smiled nervously. He would then wait for her response.

WC: 525
TWC: 1004

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:01 am
Kiko would be a bit awestruck as he opened the door and was a bit mesmerized by his appearance. She had never seen him without the large robe that he usually wore, so she was a bit shocked, to say the least. Her eyes traced over his body, admiring the tattoos and scars that appeared throughout his body. She’d snap out of the small trance she was in and focus on the sound of his voice. He would then invite her into his room, stating that he wanted to show her some of the things in his journal.

She would immediately agree without an ounce of hesitation, and plop down on his bed, allowing her long legs to dangle off the side. As he began showing her, she was astounded by his beautiful drawings. Upon taking the journal and opening it, Kiko would say in an excited voice ”Ren these are amazing! How did you learn to draw like this, and would you teach me? I hope to see more of the world when Junko deems me strong enough to traverse on my own, maybe you could come with me if you felt so inclined.”

She’d smile happily as her eyes danced across the pages, she found his art to be rather beautiful. Her mind would wander slightly as he explained to her what she was looking at. Obviously, he was well-traveled and knew a lot about the world, she wondered what he’d be willing to show her. This only made her want for freedom grow as she saw the possibilities that lay in front of her.

As he spoke about her travels she’d gaze at him with the same alluring eyes that Junko often looked at him with. Each word that escaped his mouth sounded like music to her ears, and she couldn’t help but be immediately enraptured by him. He was so kind, and helpful, he was seemingly a genuine and caring person. She wouldn’t interrupt him as he spoke, she could listen to his stories for hours without losing interest.

He’d soon sit down beside her, and complement her new appearance before placing a hand on her shoulder. She’d blush slightly, as the thought of him being even remotely attracted to her made her flustered. She would thank him for the compliment and attempt to hide her blush.

He would then inquire about what she wished for them to do. In reality, she couldn’t tell him everything she wanted to do with him due to his connection with Junko. She knew if she was honest with him, it could turn messy fairly quickly.

Instead, she’d wait for him to finish speaking before quickly responding in an excited manner, simply saying ”I’d love to just see more of the island, will you show me your favorite spot? I’d like to try and see as many of the beautiful views I can see in one day. Also, I’d love for you to bring your new instrument, I often hear you singing but haven’t had the opportunity to tell you how amazing you are at it. So if you wouldn’t mind showing me around, I would really appreciate it”

She’d pat his hand that rested on her shoulder slightly, hoping he’d agree to come along.

Total WC: 1212

Last edited by Kiko Tsukiko on Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed color of text)
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:39 pm
As she flipped through his pages, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. He didn't let most people see his whole journal; he didn't even think Junko had had the pleasure of seeing all of his work. She complimented his work, to which he would bow slightly as he put on his robes. "You're very kind, Kiko. I was primarily self-taught and just started learning as I went on more adventures."

As he talked about his travels, he noticed Kiko's eyes were incredibly similar to those of his beloved Junko. He was caught in her gaze for a moment and forgot what he was talking about. He would laugh nervously and continue with his stories of his travels. She seemed sweet and kind, and he immediately felt comfortable with her. She must have learned it from Junko, is what he thought.

When he asked her what she wanted to do with her walk, she responded that she wanted to go and see more of the island and visit his favorite spot. "I have just recently discovered my favorite spot on the island, actually! Junko had shown it to me only a couple of days ago. It's where she and I had a brief lesson on the technique she used to create both your and Jun. I would love to take you there." He would flash a grand smile across his face as he walked.

Ren would continue to tell tales of his adventures as they left their home. He led the storytelling for the group during his time with a traveling band of musicians. He would speak of a glorious story of triumph that he had heard many years ago back in the land of Iron.

He began with a typical introduction to the story.

"Long ago, there was a village nestled among the cherry blossom trees. The village's name was Hanami, named after the breathtaking beauty of the blossoms that adorned its streets every year in the springtime.

Legend had it that deep within the heart of the village stood a sacred shrine dedicated to the Moon Goddess Tsukiyomi. She, on the night of the full moon, the shrine would be enveloped in a shimmering veil of moonlight, casting an almost ghostly and ethereal glow upon the cherry blossoms.

According to the tale passed down through the village's people, a young and honorable warrior named Isikai once lived. He was known for his bravery and ability in combat, but more importantly, he was also known for his gentle heart and strong dedication to justice.

Then, on one fateful night, as the full moon filled the sky with its beautiful presence, Isikai ventured into the depths of the forest surrounding Hanami. As if guided by the soft glow of the moonlight and beckoned by something unseen, he stumbled upon a hidden clearing where a lone cherry blossom tree stood, its branches adorned with delicate petals, shimmering like silver in the moon's embrace.

As Isikai approached the tree, he saw a sight that filled his heart with wonder and awe. Under the canopy of the moonlit tree stood a mysterious woman with hair as dark as the night sky and eyes that sparkled like the brightest stars.

She introduced herself as Hikari, the guardian spirit of the cherry blossom tree and the forests. She was drawn to Isikai's courage and loving heart, so she revealed to him a secret power within the blossoms. It was a power that could bring harmony and tranquility to the world or unleash chaos and destruction in the wrong hands.

Feeling destined to protect this sacred place, Isikai vowed to protect the cherry blossom tree and its guardian spirit from anyone that sought this power for any evil. So, under the watchful gaze of the moon, Isikai and Hikari forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of mortality and spirit, ensuring that the legend of the moonlit blossom would endure for ages.

Many bards, like me, have spread the tale of Isikai and Hikari, and many believe that that is one reason why the cherry blossom tree holds the symbol of rebirth and renewal. It inspires many shinobi and kunoichi to rely on their virtues of courage, compassion, and loyalty.

Even to this day, on the night of every full moon, many travelers gather at the sacred shrine of Tsukiyomi to offer their prayers and thankfulness to the guardian spirit and the brave warrior Isikai. They believe that the cherry blossoms surrounding the world are Isikai's spirit, continuing to safeguard the world's balance and harmony."

He finished his story and he would look to the landscapes that they walked by. "Anyway. That's always an interesting tale to tell to people." He would say as they began to walk by a cherry blossom tree. "Here's a good place to stop!" They had been walking for a while, and if they had no real rhyme or reason for the trip, he figured that he was going to make it as enjoyable as possible for each step of the way.

He would lead her over to the cherry blossom tree, and he would offer his hand to help her sit down amongst the roots. He swung his guitar to his front as it was originally hanging on his back as they walked, and he offered to sing her a song. Should she accept his offer, then he would begin to tune the strings, ensuring they were correct, then he would strum it gently with his fingers, picking at the strings to make a beautiful melody.

"Now when I do music, I generally just have my poetry with a musical backing. This one is off the top of my head, so please forgive me if it's not any good." He would strum in a rather somber tune, more melancholic, to add gravity to his words as he began.

"Her eyes see through the darkest of nights, cutting through my every barrier
She beckons out to me, like a siren upon the seas
she has the eyes that sing a beautiful song
Beautiful is but a statement that seems to miss its mark
When speaking of a woman of such high regard
Not a speck of imperfection can be seen upon the surface
So little is known of what lies beneath, the porcelain skin that begs to be explored
The marks upon her body, are a testament to what lies within
A rebel's cause with the beauty of a goddess
I come to you now, with a hopefully sorrow
Bestow upon me your righteous glow
For I am but your wandering minstrel
A simple traveler for the word that lies below."

He would end his song with the strum of the three high strings after another, a punctuation to his words. Then he would look to Kiko and bow, "A song for you, my dear." He would smile to her and then move to sit next to her as they enjoyed the beautiful day that they had above them.

WC: 1170
TWC:  2174
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:56 pm
Now in agreement of a destination, Kiko would close his journal and hand it back to him for safekeeping. Soon the two of them would be out the door and heading off to Rens's favorite spot on the island. He mentioned that Junko had taught him the same technique that she had used to create Kiko, and they’d be heading to the spot where she taught him. Kiko was unsure of how to feel about this, on one hand, she was excited to see more Rens wandering around the home. On the other, she was unsure of how to act around them. Maybe if Junko and Ren were destined to be together, maybe she’d end up with one of his creations.

As he regaled her of the tale of Isikai and Hikari, Kiko couldn’t help but be lost in his words. She had a hard time focusing on walking to the destination as his words enveloped her mind. Also, she was unsure if she was interested in the story because the story was good, or simply because she was interested. After all, Ren was interested in telling her. Regardless of her reasoning, she’d listen to him intently as he finished the story.

As he finished speaking, Kiko gave him a small bow before saying ”I’m very impressed by you Ren... Uh, I mean by your storytelling.” Her cheeks would turn a bright pink color as she slowly became a bit embarrassed. Thankfully they had come upon a rather beautiful view, then Ren suggested that they stop for a little bit which she would agree to. Kiko took his hand as he offered it to her, allowing her to gently sit among the roots of the tree. Her hands unlike Junkos weren’t as soft and dainty, clearly, Kiko had begun doing some sort of sword training recently as small blisters could be seen on her palm.

Cherry blossoms speckled the ground underneath her, and as Ren prepared to perform for her she’d pick up a rather large one and tuck it behind her ear. He would then offer to play her some music as they waited and gazed out at the stunning landscape to which she’d happily agreed. Often she had heard him serenading Junko, or simply messing around with different note combinations so she was excited to see what he had in store for her.

Kiko would gaze lovingly into his eyes as he began to play, looking similar to a love-sick puppy. She couldn’t help but think the words he sang were more directed at Junko than herself, not believing he would genuinely create something specifically for Kiko herself. She’d listen happily as he continued the song, allowing his sweet voice to penetrate her mind. Too soon he’d finish then sit down beside her while gazing up at the sky.

She’d lean lightly against him as he settled in next to he, and give a exhausted sigh. In truth, she was cherishing each second she shared with him but knew she couldn’t say anything too forward without potentially causing some issues. For now, she’d push those feelings to the side, not wanting to linger on them and ruin her day.

”You’re very talented Ren, would you teach me to play guitar someday too? Junko is too busy to teach me much of anything lately, and I’d like to learn how to play something.”

Total WC: 1782
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:06 am
As he finished his song, he would sit next to Kiko and he could feel her weight lean on him ever so slightly. Suddenly, a piece of him felt uneasy. Was what he was doing wrong? Was it wrong that he enjoyed her company? He thought about this for a moment. But he quickly pushed it out of his mind, he was just escorting Junko's clone out into the world at large. It would be something that Junko would want from him. But he would be lying if he did say that he wasn't enjoying her company. He would lean in to her weight with his own and he would chuckle to himself.

She would look over to him, and before she spoke, he would speak to her first, "Hey. Do me a favor. Can you look at me in my eyes for a moment?" He would then place his hands on her face, one hand on each cheek. Staring deep into her eyes, he would be able to see some of the things that was happening in he mind, or at least he would attempt. "There's something you're not telling me. Something that you're thinking, but you seem too scared to say it." His face would be serious for a moment, then it would relax as he smiled and lowered his hands. "You don't need to be scared of me, Kiko. You are safe to say anything you would like." He would place his hand on the leg nearest to him of hers, and pat it gently.

She would ask him if he would be willing to teach her guitar one day, something that he immediately got excited for. "I would absolutely teach you the guitar! I haven't taught anyone an instrument in years. Not since I was in the land of Rivers. I had met a beautiful young woman out there who was interested in the guitar; she had a lovely voice as well. Hey. I wonder. Would you have the ability to sing? Is it something that calls to you? Your natural speaking voice is absolutely lovely; I bet your singing voice would rival even that of the songbirds."

He would think about it for a moment, and he would nod his head quickly. "Yes. You are gonna sing. Sing a song for me! Just speak with a melodic tone! I think you are going to be a natural!" He would clap his hands quickly in excitement as he looked to her with wide, puppy dog eyes like Junko would do to him so much. Hoping it would boost his odds of her complying.

WC: 437
TWC: 2611
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Ryo : 21500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:32 am
As he placed his hands on her cheeks, her eyes would widen slightly and her face would become rather flustered looking. Did he know what Junko was possibly planning on doing? Was this why he agreed to come with her, so he could figure out if she knew? She would begin to panic as she was unsure of what to say at this moment. Quickly she composed herself, and simply shook her head before saying ”Oh I’m sorry if you feel I’m acting nervous, It’s just Junko told me about the odd creatures you’ve been running into. They seem rather terrifying if I’m being honest.”

She felt his warm hand on her upper thigh and goose bumps began to form on her arms. Was she actually beginning to like him like Junko had said she would? She didn’t imagine him being this charming, though from how Junko described him, she should have known. He was seemingly a kind soul and didn’t think of her as any less of a person even though she was just a clone. This whole situation felt so wrong, but so right at the same time, she found it rather difficult to process.

Kiko then gave him a reassuring smile, though internally she was chastising herself for lying to him. She wanted to tell him the truth, but her promise to Junko compelled her to lie. Thankfully he quickly changed topics and agreed to teach her the guitar. He spoke of a woman that he had once taught, then asked if Kiko could sing. She’d quickly shake her head and deny her ability to sing.

She’d speak once more, in a more embarrassed tone, and say ”M..maybe another time Ren, I think the only music I’ve ever heard was what you’ve played at the house. I was only created about a month ago, so please forgive me. Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit Junko’s musical abilities, I wouldn’t even know what to do or what to say. Maybe after you give me a few guitar lessons I’ll indulge you, if that’s alright?”

Total WC: 2133
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:12 pm
Anyone else would be able to tell that he was being lied to, but we aren't dealing with the average individual. When she was done speaking he would wrap his arms around her torso and hug her, lightly squeezing her petit frame. He felt that there was more to the story, but he knew it wasn't his place to pry. When he released his hug, he would pluck at his guitar and speak again, "I want you to know, darling Kiko, that you'll never have to lie to me. I'll always be here to help you. I may not be the strongest guy on the island, but I know how to help people at least and protect them." He looked at her and smiled, "You're safe with me, Kiko."

When she responded to his comment about her singing, she said that she would wait until after a few guitar lessons and then indulge him. He chuckled and agreed. "That sounds wonderful." He then stood up from the tree's roots and offered her a hand. "Hey, I have an idea for a cool thing." He would look her up and down, then decided it was a good idea. "Would you like to see something cool?"

If she agreed, he would form three hand seals quickly and slam his hand onto the ground. Then, 3 meters away from his position, a large mirror would spring up from the ground. He would motion for her to look into it. "This mirror delves deep into your mind and it shows you what you want the most! I used to do it for money in the land of waves. I'm surprised how many people are so perplexed by the options in life. If you would like, you can look into the mirror and see your ideal self!"

He would stand to the side and watch her as she would either accept or deny. If she accepted, he would happily hug her, position her directly in front of the mirror, and wait for the genjutsu to come into effect. If she would decline, he would graciously accept her declination, and he would unsummon the mirror, take her arm in his, and guide her to the spot on the island they were headed for.

WC: 377
TWC: 2988
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Thu Feb 22, 2024 2:51 am
Kiko would lean into him as he wrapped his arms around her torso, she would stay here forever if she could. His presence was calming, she felt safe as he held on to her lightly. Though he’d soon pull away from her and pluck at his guitar strings. She’d listen to him speak, his soothing voice pulled her from the emotions rushing through her mind. After speaking she’d give him a small bow, and thank him for being so patient with her.

Thankfully he continued the conversation as normal, even going as far as to offer to show her something interesting. Ren would then stand and extend his hand to her, which she would promptly take and rise to stand beside him. She would excitedly agree, then watch as he performed the proper hand seals and slammed his hand into the ground.

Roughly 3 meters from them, a mirror would spring into existence and Ren would explain how it worked. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was a bit afraid of what she would see looking back at her. Kiko hadn’t really thought of any goals, or ambitions for herself. For the time being, her only goal was to assist Junko, and without a directive from her, Kiko was unsure of what she wanted.

However, she had already declined Rens's request to hear her sing, so she would feel bad denying him this. She’d reluctantly agree, though she looked rather nervous. He’d hug her quickly before moving her in front of the mirror and looking on expectantly. As she gazed into it, her body stiffened and she realized she was unable to move. Now panicking slightly, she tried to calm herself internally as the genjutsu took effect.

She watched as her reflection began to change and morph into what she believed was the ideal version of herself. The Kiko looking back at her seemed to be wearing traveling attire, her body was toned with just a bit more muscle mass. She carried a handful of weapons at her side, along with some sort of backpack. Her face was a bit dirty, along with her clothes and belongings. She looked as if she had been wandering, potentially traveling the island.

She was enraptured by herself, and couldn’t help but be a bit vain in this moment as she checked herself out. She’d stare at her reflection until Ren removed her from the genjutsu since she had no way to snap herself out of it. Soon he would release its hold on her, allowing her to move her body once more.

Turning her head to face him, she begins speaking to him once more in a sweet voice. ”Ren that was amazing! I looked like I had been doing some sort of traveling, and had grown a bit stronger too! Thank you so much for showing me this, I wonder if I’ll ever be her one day.”

She was now beaming with excitement, seemingly a bit more driven to achieve her goals now that she had been able to see it.

WC: 514
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