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Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper - Page 2 Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Thu Feb 22, 2024 3:57 pm
She seemed nervous at first, the idea of standing before a mirror. But Ren thought that this natural. It wasn't every day that someone beckoned you with a genjutsu without any bad intent. But this genjutsu was definitely one of the more fascinating ones. The genjutsu would have the beholder simply go into a trance as they gazed upon their own ideal self. So it wasn't a genjutsu that caused much distress, but actually quite the opposite. He watched her slowly allow herself to be positioned before the mirror. He could see a sense of panic going through her body when she realized that she couldn't move because of the genjutsu. "Hey hey. You're okay Kiko. Remember, you're safe with me. Just breathe and it's going to be okay. You'll be just fine."

She would relax her body and allow herself to gaze upon the mirror. There she would see herself wearing the attire of a traveler, something that Ren himself would be able to relate to quite well. She would be carrying several weapons on her person, with a backpack on. It was then that Ren knew that his inclination was correct. "Kiko, it's beautiful. You have a true wanderer's soul, just like me!" He would release the genjutsu and the mirror would vanish within the ground below.

Her body would like be slightly drained from being within the genjutsu, so he would rush over to her and wrap his arms around her to be sure that she was okay. His face would be directly next to hers as he held her, preventing her from falling, should she be about to. He would give her a hug from behind with excitement. He would pull away, should she no longer his assistance, and he would look at her directly in the eyes. He would widen them with excitement as he looked upon her own beautiful face.

"This is so exciting," He would begin, "You have seen your ideal self, now. Now the question becomes, what are you thinking about your whole situation? Where do you want your life to go? Tell me all about it as we walk." He would offer his arm for her to wrap around with her own as they continued to walk towards the spot within the island that he held so precious to himself. He would listen intently as she would respond to his inquiry, with bated breath he would wait to hear what ambitions she had for herself.

When they arrive at the spot, he would pat her arm gently, "We're here!" He would look through his pack, and suddenly a blanket would appear in his hand. He would lay out the blanket and offer her to lay down beside him. If she would accept, then he would lie down beside her with his guitar and he began to strum some chords, serenading the world at large, and Kiko with a poem he would come up with in the moment.

"Her eyes, while red as crimson
Has a desire for something far greater
A traveler's spirit dwells within that porcelain skin
No simple life shall come close to sating her

While beauty she has in abundance
Her mind is what truly I find enjoyable
For a desire is but a mere utterance
And ambition is but a mumble

A fair knack for traveling and seeing the next sight
A beautiful world for a beautiful girl
We shall travel together, in the sweet by and by
Spectral souls entwined with a common goal

Oh such a woman, as bright and as full of potential
Shall bless me this day with her gaze
What can bring me down? No such devil
She compels me forward, through life's guttural maze

I say to you, o listener of my words
Brace yourself for the juggernaut of Moon island"

He would smile at her, finishing his song with a flourish of the strings, punctuating his words with a dramatic flare. He would set the guitar down for a moment, and lie back, resting his head against the blanket below. He would begin to simply listen to the world around him. "One more song for you, my darling Kiko."

WC: 699
TWC: 3687
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper - Page 2 Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:58 pm
Kiko would feel slightly dizzy as he dismissed the genjutsu, she’d stumble backward a bit and then find herself embraced in Rens's arms. Chills would shiver down her spine as she felt his breath against her neck. She’d quickly compose herself as she felt herself returning to normal. Turning now to face him, she saw that he was also excited about what he had seen. Similar to Junko, he would be able to see the passion in her eyes as she dreamed of what could be. Though she didn’t yet have the ketsuryugan like her maker, she seemingly shared the same fiery passion.

As they walked, Ren would ask her where she wanted to see her life going. She honestly was unsure, up until this point she had done nothing out of her own interest, just simply following Junko's instructions. She’d think on it for a moment, bobbing her head to the left and right as she contemplated her existence. Soon she’d notice him holding out his arm for her to take, and happily, she’d accept it.

She would then begin speaking, she sounded as if she was unsure of the words that came out of her mouth.
”Hmmmmm….. I think I want to explore the island… I know Junko said she knows the area pretty well, but how much of it could she really know when she’s been working all the time? I think it could be beneficial for the soon-to-be village to have as much knowledge about out the island.”

She’d continue to speak of her potential ambitions, attempting to get input from Ren as to how she should go about achieving them. They would then come to a stop in a beautiful meadow, as she looked around in awe Ren would pull out a comfortable-looking blanket and then lay it out on the ground. She’d watch as he motioned for them to lay down and relax for a minute, and would happily accept. She would lay on her side, facing Ren, propping her head up with her hand and watching him as he began playing.

Gazing lovingly at him as he serenaded her, the longer she was around her the more impressed she became. She was absolutely baffled by how creative he was, and as he finished she’d sit up and clap slightly. Though once he relaxed and laid on his back, she would do the same however she’d turn her head to look at him.

”Thank you for bringing me out today Ren, this really has been a wonderful afternoon.”

She’d give him a sweet smile before turning her gaze back up to the sky. They’d lay there and talk for a few hours, discussing the future and sharing their goals. However, far too soon Kiko would suggest that they make their way back home thinking Junko would be worried if she found both of them missing. If Ren offered to help her up off of the blanket, she would happily accept the assistance.

After putting away the blanket, they would then begin their journey back to the home. She would wrap her arm around his if he offered it to her. They’d continued to exchange pleasant conversation as they walked, Kiko no longer felt nervous around him so she easily was able to discuss whatever he wished. The walk back was rather pleasant, she felt lucky to have Ren beside her, as she wouldn’t be able to find her way home otherwise. Should he play any music on the way back she’d happily listen and then thank him for his performance. She would exclaim that she was excited for him to begin teaching her how to play the guitar and that she was eager to have him show her more of the island.

They would make it back to their home, and Kiko would open the door and hold it for Ren. Upon entering she’d call out to see if anyone was home, Junko could then be heard calling out from upstairs, asking Kiko to join her. Kiko then would turn to Ren, bow towards him, and then excuse herself. Quickly she’d head up the stairs and make her way into Junko's room, closing the door upon entry.


Total WC: 3356

WC Claims:
+8 Strength
+25 Speed

2000/2000 Beloved Presence
2500/2500 Total Concentration Breathing
766/766 Water Breathing
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper - Page 2 Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:53 pm
As Ren finished his song to the beautiful Kiko, he could notice her eyes were so similar to that of Junko. He found himself almost nervous to look at her for a moment. But when she clapped in response to his song, he felt comfortable once again. He wasn't sure just what that feeling was or what was going on in his mind, but he did feel himself becoming closer to Kiko, even after this short jaunt. He hadn't used a genjutsu on someone that consented to it in a long time, it felt pretty good to get back to his roots to entertain others.

They continued to talk for a while, and he would bring back the idea of exploring the island some more. Ren thought it was a magnificent idea, thinking that they could certainly do that together. He would offer his aid in the exploration of the village, knowing that Junko would likely not be okay with her clone going out into the wilderness without at least someone to help her get through the brambles, and the bandits along the way. He knew that he wanted to be with Junko, wanted nothing more than that. But he also knew that her time was dedicated to the village, and if he could help her with the village in any way, he would.

To what end would he take these feelings? He thought this often himself about his feelings towards Junko. She was detached from him because of the village. Would that always be the case? He didn't know for sure. But he did brush those thoughts off for the time being. For now, he focused on the here and now. He was in his favorite spot with a very charming individual. She shared many characteristics with Junko, and he did enjoy that about her.

She then spoke on the fact that they should head back soon. It had been a few hours since they had begun talking so that was a fair assertion. He nodded his head and he offered his arm once more to guide her home. She would accept it and the two would be off, headed back to Junko's home. Back to a place of familiarity.

WC: 371
TWC: 4058

+20 to strength for Kitsunagi (bringing it to 25)
+7 to vigor for Kitsunagi (bringing it to 42 and maxing out stats for him)
+26 AP for Kitsunagi (current bonus once this is approved = 330) (New total AP = 356)
+2000 for Seven Stinging Swords Fighting Style (complete) for Kitsunagi
+449 towards Time Dilation (complete) (Previous Progress)
+1609 towards Imitation Black Hole (1609/2500) For Kitsu
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper - Page 2 Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:29 pm
Ren Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 371
TWC: 4058

+20 to strength for Kitsunagi (bringing it to 25)
+7 to vigor for Kitsunagi (bringing it to 42 and maxing out stats for him)
+26 AP for Kitsunagi (current bonus once this is approved = 330) (New total AP = 356)
+2000 for Seven Stinging Swords Fighting Style (complete) for Kitsunagi
+449 towards Time Dilation (complete) (Previous Progress)
+1609 towards Imitation Black Hole (1609/2500) For Kitsu

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper - Page 2 Empty Re: The beckoning of his heart, hears a new whisper

Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:30 pm
Kiko Tsukiko wrote:


Total WC: 3356

WC Claims:
+8 Strength
+25 Speed

2000/2000 Beloved Presence
2500/2500 Total Concentration Breathing
766/766 Water Breathing

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