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Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:53 am
Warmth enveloped the islands on this bright day, wrapping itself around civilians and shinobi alike. The cobbles and sand beneath their feet gradually become hot enough to inspire an age old game to resurface; boisterous children darting from one shadow to the next, gathering respect from their peers for how long they could bare their naked feet on the boiling ground. The Leviathan watched from the comfort from one of many tables at the side of “Leviathans Lunchbox”, a well-renowned sushi restaurant that established itself within Kirigakure early during his reign.

Many families occupied the tables to bask in the glories of the village that seemed to be endlessly prospering, little attention directed towards the figure that was unaccompanied by his guard. After all, it wasn’t uncommon to spot Xyxer at this venue where it afforded him a chance to get away from the mundanity of diplomacy and Kageship. For a few moments he could escape the incessant boredom of signing documents and settling disputes between his councils. Chatter and laughter filled the silence of the day, each conversation meaningless to him yet perhaps meaning the world to the person it was being told to. People were so strange.

He extended his arm over the wooden table, curling his hand towards his jaw. He wore a simple white kimono with beige threading. His white hair was pulled backwards in a ponytail to keep it from his vision. On one side of him, the bandaged form of Samehada rest against the wall of the building without much stirring despite the alluring scent of the fish that were being procured and handled, and his pack of dogs even surrounding him. Three in total with sleek, greyish/black fur while only being slightly above average for the height and mass of others in their species. The females had been well fed today to avoid any potential incidents with running children, after all, it was better to avoid having to deal with the fallback of that situation altogether.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:28 pm
Today was unlike the average day in this village. At least not from what Kotsuzui has seen from his visit here. Most days the skies were shrouded in clouds with the feeling that rain was on the brink, about to pour down on every at any given moment. Days where the sun shone down on the citizens of Kirigakure were a rarity and needed to be savored. Today was one of those days. For what felt like a long time, Kotsuzui could finally feel the warmth of the sun shining. It allowed him to leave his normal attire stored away at the facility he had been staying at. Today he opted for a normal white t-shirt with his usual white pants. His cloak however was stored away with the use of Storage Displacement. The sun may be shining now but the Kaguya was wary of it, ready for it to start raining at any given moment. Even with the heat of the stones beneath the Kaguya's feet he found himself trotting through the village barefoot as he always has. Kotsuzui has been barefoot for a few years now. As a result he's gain a sort of resilience to the environment. Though he could still feel the heat of the stones, it did not burn like it would have years prior.

These last few days Kotsuzui had been feeling conflicted. An inner turmoil so to speak. He was loyal to Konoha and believed he was only here in Kiri for a visit. Turns out it was more than a mere visit. It was more of a relocation. A few days ago Kotsuzui had received a new plate every village gave to their shinobi. This one inscribed with the insignia of Kirigakue. The implications were obvious. It meant he was being conscripted into the Kiri forces which meant he was no longer apart of Konoha's forces. It was cause for concern to the Kaguya as he had always seen himself rising in the ranks for his home village. The village that had taken him and his mother in when they most needed it. Now, just like that he had a new home.

He set out for the Mizukage's chambers hoping to get a meeting with him at some point in the up coming days to get an explanation. If not an explanation than at least be able to simply speak to him. The two hadn't spoken since they arrived from the Chuunin exams and Kotsuzui was left in the void wondering why he was here. He took his usual path into the village. It was a relatively common road taken by citizens and today was no exception. The streets were bursting with people going about their day enjoying the weather. It was more alive than Kotsuzui had seen in a while. At least when he was not in bars. The commotions caused him to pick up on the signature later than he normally would have. But when he did it caused him to stop in his tracks, realizing it was none other than the man he was hoping to meet. 

His gaze shifted to the establishment to his right. "Leviathans Lunchbox, how fitting" the Chuunin thought to himself as his eyes scanned the inside of the restaurant. It was hard to miss the Kage with his three hounds resting patiently around him. Patient as they were Kotsuzui could see they were ready to defend their master. Ready to pounce at any given moment. It did not leave the Kaguya nervous as it would most people. He simply understood what it meant to protect those you were loyal to, almost as though he were relating to them. The bare-foot shinobi made his way into the restaurant smoothly striding over to the Kage. The place was busy yet they seemed unphased by the presence of their leader. Perhaps this establishment was well known for being graced by the Mizukage's presence. 

Once arriving, Kotsuzui knelt down onto one knee greeting the Mizukage appropriately, one arm resting on his knee as he bowed his head low. "Lord Mizukage" he said, greeting him. "May I accompany you for lunch, if it pleases you?" he asked, ever vigilant of the dogs now at about equal height with him. They were undoubtedly well trained yet it was always best to be cautious.
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Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Mon May 06, 2019 11:06 am
Familiar pink hair entered the view of the Mizukage, the burning light from the sun seemingly giving quality to the man that he had not witnessed before. A sense of energy that invigorated the Kaguya, as if showing the Mizukage just how much he languished his confinement within Kirigakure. It was like watching a gorilla pulled from the jungle it called home, now stranded on a small piece of land surrounded by the sea. In a sense, his movement here could be seen as the most hostile action Xyxer could have taken, to deprive him of his friendships back home and the safety he'd feel among his own people... yet he was not one of them anymore. He was Xyxers. A soldier of Kirigakure.

After Kotsuzui knelt to be on the same level as the hounds, the hand of Xyxer rose to give him permission to stand once again. "Feel free, although you'll have to place your order with the waitress yourself, I fear I'm not too good at sharing." His gaze once more moved out towards the furthest stormwall that acted as a blockade from the outside. Was it for his own village's safety or the outside world? The hounds around them took turns parading out into the scorching weather, enjoying the warmth on their glistening fur before returning to the sanctity of the shade. "What is it you wished to talk about?" Xyxer inquired, knowing that it was unlikely the man was here solely for a chat on how his dogs were doing.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Thu May 16, 2019 10:30 pm
Kotsuzui's head would rise first with the rising hand of the Mizukage, watching his new leader permit him to stand and join him for lunch. Steadily, though uncomfortably, Kotsuzui rose from kneeling down. The act of kneeling was still new to Kotsuzui. Kneeling for someone irked the Kaguya more than he could admit. He just couldn't make out why. Perhaps it was the fact he was forced to do it. Or because he was doing it to the man who ripped him from his home. Maybe it was his pride getting in the way, in which case the Seasons Beatings seemingly failed. Though not entirely as it certainly humbled the Kaguya. But how well could someone rid themselves of their own pride? He chose not to dwell on the thought for a moment longer as he pulled the chair directly opposite of Xyxer away from the table and took his seat. It wasn't until he was seated and considerably more relaxed did he realize how nice it felt to get some respite from the sun.

He nodded in reply to the Mizukage's remark only now noticing the Kage's attention had been drawn away from the Chuunin and towards something out in the distance. In any other scenario the action could have been taken as a slight. As though Kotsuzui's presence meant nothing to Xyxer. Perhaps it didn't. Why would it? He chose yet again to brush the thoughts from his mind before he let them eat away at mind. Instead he took this time to order a small amount of food with some tea. The waitress had made her way over rather quickly, figuring a guest of the Mizukage was worth serving at once. Only once she left with the order did Xyxer pose his question, inquiring on what Kotsuzui wanted to see him for. 

Straight to the point. Good. Kotsuzui would do the same. "Back when we spoke in the Hokage's office" he began, reminding the Kage of the meeting they had directly after Kiri had defeated them. "You once contemplated naming me "Konoha's Harbinger". Something of the sorts. I assume you have no need of me for that anymore with the new Hokage and all. You also wanted me to prove myself to you and if I had, i'd become a Kirigakure shinobi. Yet here I am, having done very little to prove myself to you and yet I've been made a shinobi of Kirigakure nonetheless." He took a brief pause to see if Xyxer remembered the conversation. "Why?"
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Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Mon May 20, 2019 6:24 pm
When a question of such gravity is poised, it’s irresponsible to answer it immediately. To show the person that no thought was given for a topic that had clearly weighed on their mind. It was a crude dismissal of all of their hours spent awake at night, worrying and fretful. The answer to the question had already formed in his mind, yet he didn’t dare trespass against the ego of one that needed to be won over. Instead, he awaited the return of the waitress which came after a few short minutes; the Mizukage having ordered earlier.

Settling two plates of varying sushi before the patrons, she bowed before departing to retrieve the tea for Kotsuzui. During this frame of time, Xyxers attention diverted towards the pink haired protege of the Kaguya. The beginning of a smile forming. “You still are the shinobi I’ll send should we need to liaise with Konoha, that part has not changed.” His voice was calm, pausing when the waitress returned to place the tea before the Chuunin. “In truth, you proved yourself to me on the day we met. I remain impressed by the conviction you displayed. Defeated in body, yet not spirit. Twice.” Memory of the event stood out more to Xyxer than his execution of the ANBU, and perhaps even the entire subjugation of Konoha. Perhaps that war had been fought solely to retrieve this man, as if the hand of destiny guided him.

Delicately, he plucked a single tuna filled rice roll between his forefinger and thumb, waving it a little while he continued, “You defended your Kage with your life in a situation you knew could not be won.” He threw the morsel into his maw, chewing for a few seconds before swallowing. The fish was always freshly picked in this restaurant, leaving a pleasing aftertaste. “Now, I am your Kage.” Xyxer repeated the fact that Kotsuzui had no doubt replayed in his mind, his contrasting eyes of burning amber and dirty ice appraising the Kaguyas as another sentence cut through the background ambience, “Do you take umbrage with this change?”
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Tue May 21, 2019 9:47 pm
A moment of silence took over for the two seated at the table outside. His eye's remained on the Mizukage has he seemingly contemplated the choosing of his next words. During this time Kotsuzui's other senses couldn't help but pick up on what was going on around them. The dogs pacing back and forth taking turns bathing underneath the sun, the pedestrians walking by behind Kotsuzui. Fortunately for the Kaguya he was aware of others presence around him even though he wasn't looking directly at them. Even so he was always uncomfortable with having a large amount of people behind him. It was a safety precaution he had developed over the years, a self-defense mechanism in some ways. He hid the unease of it well, remaining focused on Xyxer as the waitress returned with food for the two. Once she departed did the focus return back to the Kaguya's concerns.

Kotsuzui had not expected the Kage to respond with such answers. It had caught him completely off guard. To begin, he did not think Xyxer would continue to use the Chuunin as a liaison between the two villages. In some ways, Kotsuzui was disappointed that it was still to be him. Whether spoken or not, everyone knew there were those in Konoha who disliked Kiri for what they did. That dislike would be no different for Kotsuzui once they found out he was now a Kiri shinobi. It would only make matters worse for Kotsuzui if he needed to go over for a job. In other ways, he was relieved. A slight weight lifted off his shoulder. It meant he would be able to go back home even just for a brief period. A few days would be better than nothing at all. 

Secondly, Kotsuzui had just found out that he and Xyxer viewed the events of Konoha's conquering very differently. On one side, Xyxer saw what the Kaguya had done as a show of conviction and loyalty. That alone was enough to prove some form of worth to the Kage. In his own eyes, Kotsuzui viewed that entire night as a failure. Failed to protect his Hokage and failed to protect his home. He had proven nothing to himself. Loyalty to defend ones own leader was not something that should be a rarity in the eyes of the Kaguya. It was something each and every shinobi should have, whether that put their own lives at risk. It put things into a little bit more perspective for the Chuunin about how the world really worked. Apparently, loyalty was not easy to come by. Xyxer had seen it in the Kaguya and was now taking it for his own. 

Truth be told, Kotsuzui's loyalties were still with Konoha. That much was for certain. A part of him knew however, that if Xyxer were to be attacked, he would move in to defend his new Kage. It was a part of himself he had trouble admitting. One he could not fully come to grips with because he knew Konoha needed Kiri. They're too weak on their own and need to learn from a village such as this. Knowing the truth of things didn't make it any easier to accept them. 

During this time his eyes had wandered about as his mind processed all that had been said. It wasn't until the Mizukage posed his question that Kotsuzui's attention returned to the Leviathan. Right on queue the waitress arrived with his tea, steam steadily rising from the liquid. It allowed Kotsuzui a brief moment to gather his thoughts. Up until this moment he had completely forgotten about his sushi. "It isn't that simple" he responded before taking a chicken filled maki and tasting it. Better than he expected. "I initially reacted with anger" he admitted. "It means I am no longer a shinobi of the home I grew up in. It means I can no longer defend my people. At least not as one of their own." Truth be told, nothing was stopping Kotsuzui from simply denying the conscription and leaving back for Konoha. But he was no fool. He knew it would do nothing but bring harm to himself and maybe even the village itself. "It also means I have to serve directly under the man who caused such pain to my home. To the Hokage. As I'm sure you're well aware, it's no easy task to simply accept that."

He took a sip of his tea, sipping lightly as it was still relatively hot. He placed the cup down gently before getting to his opposing view. "That being said, the one thing you revealed to Konoha is that we were blatantly unprepared. I felt as though I had stagnated being there. Stagnation won't help me protect the people I need to. I see an opportunity here to push past that wall. Being apart of your forces. So to say I'm upset would be a lie. But to say I'm content would not be the truth either. A simple way to put it would be... I'm simply choosing to accept the path laid out in front of me. There's little else I can do." A thought popped into the Kaguya head, something that had intrigued him in a recent encounter he had. He'd chose to keep it for now, instead opting to eat another one of the fine pieces of sushi.
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Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Sat May 25, 2019 5:17 pm
Plucking a simply prepared salmon maki, Xyxer idly rolled the snack between his forefinger and thumb, placing it inside his mouth shortly afterwards. His eyes remained locked on his opposition while the boy from Konohagakure explained his thought process behind the relocation of his home. He could take the boy out of Konoha, yet to remove Konoha from the boy would take a great deal more than simply proclaiming him a shinobi of Kirigakure. To suddenly exchange your allegiance from your home to its oppressor would be a fools notion. Fools could not bind a single village to their will, let alone the grand aspirations Xyxer had in mind.

Kotsuzuis words betrayed a conflict within him, or rather, exposed it. A sense of honesty leaked from the Kaguya, like the blood that he’d sacrificed for the Hokage in the fight that earned him a place among The Conquerors people. To serve your oppressor in endeavors that would inevitably lead to more villages being subjugated just like your home was tough to swallow, yet the boy was judging it wisely, and coming to his own conclusions. He was uncertain on where he truly belonged. Kirigakure offered him a new life of growing stronger, of defending his home in a way he was incapable before. Where he had once been broken, he was now made whole. Ineffectual techniques taught in the academies of Konohagakure erased by honing his moves among the shinobi of Kirigakure. Plateauing did not belong in a village where combat was glorified above all else. Strength in its purest forms celebrated and cherished. Life could change overnight should they prove themselves in the bloody pits.

While digesting the information presented to him, Xyxer indulged in another naturally salted maki, rolling the salmon inside with his tongue so as to enjoy the full flavour over his palette. Swallowing the food, he paused a second longer before calmly replying, “Never delude yourself, Kotsuzui. There is always a choice. Saying there isn’t is a choice in of itself.” A moment passed between them, the noise of the families close by as well as the occasional heavy paws of Xyxers hounds as they cycled their time in the warmth. His point was important, especially to someone who believed their hands tied. Shining a light on the mans choices would either make him accept that he wished to serve the Mizukage, or he’d choose another option rather than harbouring a quiet resentment for a misjudgement of forced bondage. “You can choose many paths, the destination they result in are unknown, yet the roads are there. Get up in the middle of the night and attempt to leave Kirigakure, perhaps you will succeed and return to Konohagakure. Leap over the table and avenge not only yourself, but your village, by tearing victory in the form of my still-beating heart from my chest. Decide that you wish to serve Kirigakure in its conquests, prove yourself in combat, and earn blessing to return to Konohagakure with knowledge you can defend it.” A piercing gaze remained on Kotsuzui as numerous options were listed, perhaps even issued as a challenge to the male, although the tone was unclear as to whether that was the intention.

Once his thoughts were divulged to his present company, Xyxer returned to devouring the sushi before him, allowing the boy to fill the silence. Should anything of note pry the mans interest from the food then he’d likely speak immediately afterwards, yet as things stood Xyxers main goal was to finish this sushi and scratch the nape of the dog nearest him, much to its glowing praise while its hind leg kicked repeatedly. If nothing too major was mentioned, then Xyxer would stand from his bench and retrieve ryo from within his kimono, placing it on the table to pay for the two of them. This was a rather common form of payment, mostly due to the knowledge that thieves in Kirigakure were often outright executed if not maimed, so risking your life merely for the price of sushi was a curious choice to make. “I’ve recently gained knowledge upon a niche of jutsu that I believe you may be acquainted with. Ones that… render the fabric of time and space to your desire. Care to discuss, perhaps even show me, what you’ve learned so far?” If the offer was accepted, Xyxer would make his way towards the monument of the Mizukage, simply to avoid startling the families by using jutsu around them.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Sun May 26, 2019 5:58 pm
After Kotsuzui expressed what had been going through his mind when he found out he'd be a full fledged Kiri shinobi, he opted to indulge himself in another one of this establishments fine maki. He gently fiddled with the chop sticks resting beside the plate of food before finding a comfortable enough grip to utilize the tools. Once achieved, he softly plucked up one and dropped it in his mouth, chewing down the food at the moment of Xyxer's speaking. His words were short and to the point, dropping the truth onto the Kaguya like waves crashing on a mountain side. He placed the chop sticks down, his eyes never leaving that of Xyxer's. All his basic training had taught Kotsuzui never to look into a man's eyes. He had succumbed to one too many genjutsu due to it. But in this scenario all his training went out the window. In all honesty, what Xyxer had said was not so shocking to Kotsuzui. It was something he had always known but chose to ignore. Chose to pretend like he had no choice because it was always easier to simply believe you had no choice in the matter and just go along with stream rather fight against it and have to make the hard decision yourself.

He took another sip from his tea to wash down the food left in his mouth. This time the tea went down more smoothly after it had cooled down just a tad from sitting on the table. Once placing the tea down, he opted for another piece of maki made by this fine establishment. This one was fried all around its edges, by far the best one he has had up until now. As he ate, Xyxer expanded on his previous statement, laying out all the options Kotsuzui had. All the options he was fully aware of yet did not consider. Attempt to sneak out of the village and return home. Or attempt to avenge his defeated village at this very moment by ending the Kage's life right here and now. The thoughts to do both have crossed the Kaguya's mind time and time again. The moment he had arrived his mind had played out a number of scenarios, having eyed the chopsticks themselves and potential tools of death. 

But there was one thing holding him back. Fear. Not the fear of losing his own life. Kotsuzui knew the day would come sooner or later. When that day came was not a concern of his. What he feared was how Xyxer may retaliate. Perhaps he'd keep him alive and punish other in Konoha for his actions. Perhaps he'd even take it out on Hikari who was also within these walls. There was no telling how unpredictably the Kage would act. Besides the fact Kotsuzui did not forget what happened the last time the two fought. He remembered it as clear as day. Despite having grown a little stronger physically, he had not improved all that much capabilities wise. Kotsuzui had no doubt in his mind the outcome would be much the same. Futile. Perhaps another mental barrier he had blocking him from progressing.

"I will follow you in your future conquests" Kotsuzui spoke up. It may not be much for the Kage, but it was a large step forward for the Kaguya. He was finally choosing the path himself and coming to realize he had always chosen it. As Xyxer put it, maybe one day return to Konoha. He gave little resistance to choosing this path. In some ways he always knew it was the path he needed to take. He just had trouble coming to grips with it because it meant he was willingly choosing to follow the man that decimated Konoha and crippled the previous Hokage. The Hokage he failed to protect. 

Kotsuzui finished up the remaining pieces of maki as Xyxer did, washing it all down with the soothing tea. When he stood, a clear indication their meal was done, Kotsuzui followed suit behind. Judging by the amount of ryo the man had pulled out Kotsuzui saw he was choosing to pay for the entire thing. "Thank you, lord Mizukage" Kotsuzui said as he gave his gratitude and nodded his head into a bow. It was soon revealed why their lunch had come to a quick end. Xyxer was dabbling in the use of Space and Time techniques. Kotsuzui had displayed very briefly to him during their battle a technique that did just that. Manipulate the very space around him to reappear at another location. Initially the thought of teaching Xyxer was not something Kotsuzui was willing to do, but it was an idea with very little thought put into it. Xyxer had chosen not to spare the Kaguya's life twice, instead of ending it as easily as blinking. He also chose to have Kotsuzui join his own forces, by far more superior than Konoha's which in turn would allow Kotsuzui to grow as well. From this very moment, everything Kotsuzui did would be to prove himself to the Mizukage. Showing him what information he had on Space and Time manipulation was the first step towards doing so. 

"Certainly, Mizukage" Kotsuzui replied after his brief moment of hesitation. He quickly fell in line with the Kage, walking side by side as they were clearly headed for another location. After all it was impractical to do so in such a public area. "I should inform you though, I've chosen to stray from the use of such jutsu. I've never been known to have powerful chakra. I believe experimenting with the use of such jutsu is one reason of many that I have not gotten stronger. I was never... adept in it's use. I've decided to focus on my more basic instincts. Hand to hand combat with the use of weaponry as well" he added, knowing the Xyxer was likely an experienced weaponry fighter himself. Hoping there would be the chance to learn from him as well. "What I show you today may very well be the last time I ever use the techniques. My most effective one you already know of. Vanish. Allows one to in effect, teleport to another location as though they had always been there." He took a moment to think about how he would explain it, trying to come up with the simplest explanation. "It as though your standing on one side of a paper. You keep folding the opposite side, making it get closer and closer until you're now standing on the folded piece. Just like that the paper unfolds, and you're standing in a completely new location. You can do this with the space all around you, or you can do it to any location previously visited. All it takes is 5 hand seals" as he went on to word the five seals. He did not know whether Xyxer would attempt the jutsu once they arrived at the location or if he want to hear more. Either way, Kotsuzui would oblige his new Kage.
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Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Wed May 29, 2019 1:37 pm
While fear was an effective motivator, it was unreliable. At any moment throughout an exercise of force that fear could cause a trembling hand to become a fist for retribution. Understanding this was integral to Xyxer, as it enabled him to know just when and how to allow others to dread him. Yet, when allies and underlings feel only fear and contempt for you, your reign will not be long nor successful. They seek to undermine their despot, to claim their own confidence back inch by inch from the figure they pin the blame on. Xyxer had no intention of ruling over his own through fear, although it was useful at the start. He merely used fear as a key to open up the gate that allowed for respect, replacing the dark feeling within them they had once had when the thought of the Conqueror bothered them.

There was no need for extravagant displays of violence or duress all the time. Isolating such events gave them more potency, so much so that even his own forces would be affected by the gravity of the situation. That day during the fall of Konohagakure was proof. The weapons that the brave Konohagakure shinobi had intended to use on the foul invaders were forced to turn on one of their own. The runt of the litter. Each noble weapon plunged into the flesh of a broken, bewildered boy that had been betrayed by his allies. Konohagakure would not forget that event, because doing so would not only invalidate the boys’ death, but their lowest moment. Each shinobi that partook in the execution would remember their role in his demise, and know the price for crossing Kirigakure should they dare dream of it.

In his youth, the man had little respect for others who did not prove it by means of combat, which later developed into needing to be honourable combat. Fear and dominance were the only thing the growing warmonger desired when he was raised within the ancient walls of Old Kirigakure. There had been no empathy within the male, which is the defining trait that had his father choose him over Takeo. Lack of a conscience, combined with a penchant for excessive violence, had made the boy a prime candidate for shinobi training. Somewhere along the way, the boy had started to respect those that were able to oppose him and stand their ground, moreso if they were honourable while doing so. He scarcely respected individuals, yet rather the actions they had performed. Over time, this developed into a creed that Xyxer abode as if it was coded into his genetics. To lead not solely through fear, yet respect. Not solely for others to wish to avoid his wrath, yet for people to desire his own respect.

Kotsuzui stated that he would follow the Leviathan down into the murky depths it lurked. Words rarely betrayed true intention, sycophants attempted to utilise flowery words and professed loyalties in order to gain trust and power. Words meant nothing. Action was the sole currency that would be accepted for Kotsuzui to prove himself. If he was told to assassinate a child, he was expected to do so without a second thought so long as it advanced the power of Kirigakure. Empathy was a deadweight in this world, yet most shinobi were not understanding of this bleak concept; fortunately, Xyxer was.

With the offer of training accepted, the duo made their way towards the Mizukage monument with the pack of hounds pattering behind them. Kotsuzui did not intend to delve any deeper into this specialty, he wished to employ a greater focus on melee. Something Xyxer was proficient with and arguably, the greatest in the world in that field. At least he had not encountered any swordsman yet that could last against him. He would teach a fabled skill to the boy, a token of his appreciation and an investment into his service to Kirigakure. Five handseals. Vanish. Folding chakra like paper. The concepts were there, all that remained was the execution. Mimicking the handseals of his former enemy, concentration evident on his furrowed brow while binding space-time to his desire. With each fold came increased resistance, until the final seal.


He remained standing where he was initially. His energy wasted. Brows furrowed even more, he once again repeated the seals in the same order yet this time he pictured the location a few meters before him. Folding this time was easier than before, a repeated exercise already offering him muscle memory until he vanished, appearing where he had focused. A short distance for now, yet it was evidence of development. He could Vanish, as the boy said. “This is useful, Kotsuzui, you have my gratitude. At the end, I will show you a skill that is known only by those of Old Kirigakure. One that made my kind feared by the foreign villages. A gift to you. For now, show me what else you know.” The dogs were jogging around not too far away; gnawing at one anothers leg should they catch up.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots] Empty Re: Always Sunny in Kirigakure [Kots]

Thu May 30, 2019 11:11 pm
Kotsuzui was no stranger to villages memorializing their leaders. It was a common thing from the very village he came from. With every new Hokage, a new face was chiseled onto the mountain side to honor them. So it came as no surprise to the Kaguya when his eyes came upon the statue of none other than Xyxer himself. The stark contrast from Kiri commemorating their leaders to Konoha doing so was an obvious one. The first thought to cross Kotsuzui's mind was to wonder if this were the only statue of Mizukages located in the village. Admittedly he had not explored the village in its entirety so he had no idea if there could be some more hidden around. He was also unaware of their history in its entirety and thus wouldn't understand the reasoning behind why this was likely the only statue like this to be found in the village. After all he had only just been conscripted to the village and its shinobi. He had lots to catch up on and no doubt had the time to do so. Assuming all went well.

Once they arrived Kotsuzui stood a few feet away from the Kage in order to observe the man. Little attention was given to the hounds following their master. He had actually forgotten about them. For now his focus was entirely on Xyxer to see how he went through the process of performing the jutsu. He remained motionless and quite as his leader formed the necessary hand seals. It was clear he was deep in concentration. The last thing Kotsuzui wanted to do was break it. The first attempt had been fruitless, Xyxer remaining in the same spot. Kotsuzui was not phased by the failed attempt. He had no idea how adept Xyxer was in manipulating the fabric of space and time and thus had no expectations. He'd get it when he did. Just like that he got it on his second attempt, moving from one location to the next in the blink of an eye. Due to being focused on the Kage, Kotsuzui was able to track where he had vanished to.

The Kaguya wasn't sure if he had picked up on it so quickly because he was experienced with space and time or because he simply excelled in the use of jutsu. Either way it was quite impressive to see him accomplish it in no time at all, drastically faster than Kotsuzui had learned it. The most effective jutsu Kotsuzui knew at the moment and now Xyxer knew it. He thanked the Kaguya, in return he was willing to teach the Chuunin a skill only known to those form Old Kirigakure. He didn't know what the skill would be but he was excited to see. Especially if it was as good as he claimed to be and he saw no reason for Xyxer to be lying about it. But before that, he wanted to see what else Kotsuzui could show him. "Portal" Kotsuzui said without hesitation. Straight to the point. "The name says it all" he continued before forming the Rat and Hare hand seals. In both hands two black spheres formed out of thin air. 

"You create these two spheres linked to one another" he added before dropping the one in his right hand. It slowly dropped to the ground, once hitting it spreading into a circular field of energy a couple of feet wide. At the moment the portal was green and revealed nothing. Not until Kotsuzui dropped the second one in his left hand. Once it hit the ground it created an identical portal, both linking up and showing what the other portal saw. "Once two linked portals are placed, they open up and can transfer items." To demonstrate he retrieved a single kunai and tossed it down into the portal to his right as it came out the other portal with the same speed, clutching it out of the air with his left hand. He stored the weapon back into his pouch before creating another sphere and dropping it in front of him, linking up with the first portal. This one was different in that in contained red around the edges. "This one will slow down anything that does not contain the same chakra signature used to create it. It is said this jutsu can also be linked to dimensions. I never delved that deep into its use. Practical jutsu yet limited. It must be placed on a surface. So I decided to make a little adjustment."

The three portals at his feet would disperse before Kotsuzui formed the two previous hand seals once more, this time adding the snake to it. This time no sphere were released from his hands. Instead two portals opened up in mid-air. One to Kotsuzui's left, the other to Xyxer's left. If they looked into it they would both see one another on the other wise. "Same concept, linking the two together. A little more focus is needed without a surface to rely on. However it still requires a surface in order for jutsu to pass through and cannot be linked to a dimension. I call it Gateway." He would disperse both portals once more, his hands falling to his side waiting to see if Xyxer had any more inquiries before attempting the jutsu. If he did, Kotsuzui would oblige. Otherwise he would watch a patient as ever.

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