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Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Always Sunny [I/O]

Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:39 pm

Keita was quite amped up today, as today was the day that he and Kizmaru would finally be sparring in the training area. They had showcased some moves to each other a couple of times, but they had never actually sparred before, and so Kieta did not know how powerful his kage and friend actually was, although he had seen snippets from here and there. Keita was of course at the area early, and it seemed that they would both most likely get there on time, as Kiz had been adamant about them sparring for a bit, to get Keita used to his new found power and abilities. The weather in the mist village was as it always was, covered in grey, swirling skies with bits of rain happening here and there, but at least it was not some sort of down fall. This did not really matter for what they were going to be doing today, as they would mostly be inside for the spar. After this, they would most likely go and get some ramen or barbecue or something that was warm and chat about their spar, if they had the time. He knew that Kiz was a busy man, so there might not be enough time to actually go and get food after this, but Keita would not take it to heart because of the responsibilities his friend had. As Keita had got there first, he would be responsible for inputting the parameters of the training facility, and the first thing that he put down was a special type of non lethal function, so that what was happening inside was not really happening to them, but it would mostly be an illusion that was incredibly realistic.  So they would still feel pain and would still feel like their chakra was draining as they jumped around and did things, but none of that would actually happen. This meant that Keita and Kiz could go all out attempting to kill each other and there would be no actual repercussions.

The second thing he did was input the parameters for the arena that they would be fighting in, as this was very important. Usually Keita would try to get some sort of advantage with where he engaged his enemy using their positioning and potential carelessness, but today he wanted to have a proper spar or duel with Kiz, so he wanted it to be fair to both of them. The arena would be a one hundred meter area hollow cube, with ten meters of dirt and soil from the bottom of this cube, in case earth techniques were needed. There would be a ceiling, which would be a grid of light that would simply prevent things from going through it, like a solid wall, but would not allow the two fighters to use the surface walking technique, or any chakra on it for that matter. One third of the cube would have a swiftly flowing river, running from the north to the south, but being on the east side of the map, also going down ten meters. There were four spires of earth, essentially large spikes sticking out that had a radius of three meters at the base, slowly coning up to a tip that was about fifteen meters up. Two of these spires were twenty meters away from the west wall, and twenty meters away from the north and south walls, respectively. The other two spires were twenty meters away from the edge of the river, and then twenty meters away from the north and south walls, respectively. The walls themselves were the same as the ceiling and the floor under the soil, which was a grid made of light that prevented chakra from affecting it, including the surface walking technique. The weather inside of the cube was dark clouds, very slightly sprinkling down rain for the duration, but causing no vision penalties. The two people that were meant to have this spar were going to be positioned thirty meters away from the south or north walls, and in the center of the ground area, not including the river. This meant the two fighters would start forty meters away from each other, and thirty three meters away from the west wall.

Keita plugged that data in, and watched the room in the training facility morph and change around him almost instantly, and then he was in the arena. He had chosen to take the south side, so that the river was to his right, meaning Kiz would take the north side, with the river to his left. Keita attempted to make it as fair as possible initially, and would simply wait until Kiz showed up to start it. Keita would stare at Kiz's hands intently, as he knew some of the jutsu that Kiz could perform required a long string of hand seals, and he did not want to get caught off guard by a sudden jutsu when the match started. When they were both there, Keita would bow lightly towards him, keeping his eyes on his hands, and the fight would begin.

WC: 854

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Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:18 am
Today was the day Kizmaru would have gotten his wish for a serious spar with his buddy Keita. He was always aware of his growing strength, so much that even he wanted a chance testing it out for himself. he didn't consider many to be challenging for a spar but today, he figured it was a good time for him to try it out as a mission demands him to. Brimming with excitement, he made his way towards the military training facility where his armor, regardless of who saw him. Arriving at the facility, Keita had already beaten him to the punch, finishing up on making the setting in which the fight would take place. Luckily for them, they would be fighting in a illusionary state so even if they accidentally killed one another, they'd be fine in reality. That was good to know as he really wanted to let loose after all those uneventful battles he had up until now. They would either fight to their heart's content or fight long enough to where the mission conditions were satisfied. Either way, he'd be getting what he had hoped for. Before entering the virtual arena himself, Kizmaru decided he would double check the settings to see if they were to his liking.

He didn't have any preferences himself but he was always a fan of having some knowledge of what he was getting into before actually going through with it. A one hundred meter cube with it being filled by soil and dirt. It was pretty standard for the most part so he was fine with having a familiar layout. A strange grid like ceiling as above both of them which Keita made sure they couldn't use the surfacing walking technique on or have their chakra passing through it. Next was a large river that seems to take up a third of the cube's general area which is also to Kizmaru's liking. There were some other miscellaneous details Keita added onto the arenas but he didn't really pay too much attention to the for the time being. Later on, he might use them to his advantage if the situation calls for it but right now, he'll only make a note they exist. Deciding that he was content with what he saw, he also appeared in the arena like Keita before him. Set to appear in a fixed location, Kizmaru had appeared forty meters away from his opponent bear the northern side of the hollow cube arena. This was legitimized by the river to his left which was fine with him.

Now that he was also in the arena, he was ready to do battle. Wearing his dark, red steam armor, weapon pouches on his hips, and his Katana fastened on the left of his hip, he was more than read to begin combat with his buddy. When he entered, Keita had bowed towards him and as if he had to return the gesture, Kizmaru also bowed towards him, beginning to convert his own chakra into his armor's furnace as he bowed while it gathered water vapors. Once they had both finished bowing towards each other, Kizmaru decided to act first. Utilizing his skill of being able to weave hand signs with only one hand, he began to weave the hand signs of Horse, Tiger and Snake whilst simultaneously casting the hand signs of Snake, Ox, Horse, Boar, Snake with his left at his maximum speed. When he was done, he clapped his hands before creating a giant Wooden Human with a wooden dragon wrapped around its neck from underneath his feet. The human construct was twenty meters taking the face of an oni. Now that he had summoned it. He began to prepare to use his next form of hand signs.

W.C: 630

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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:28 am
Keita was ready to do battle when Kizmaru suddenly appeared before him, around forty meters away from where he was, on the opposite side. Kizmaru was standing there with his bright red armor that seemed to be emitting steam, seemingly getting ready, just as Keita was. They both looked at each other for a moment, before bowing to each other as a form of respect. Honestly, Keita thought that Kizmaru was just going to not at him like he usually did, but this meant that he was actually serious, so Keita immediately started weaving hand seals. He was rapidly forming two jutsu with both of his hands, much like Kizmaru was doing at the same time. Kizmaru was weaving hand seals at around the same time, but Keita was slightly faster in his execution of his particular hand seals, and started to blow a large bubble under his feet when Kizmaru finally finished his last hand seal, and started to create a large construct below him, a statue that looked like some form of humanoid demon or oni. Keita was not quite familiar with this technique, as he had never really seen it before, but he noticed that his buddy Kiz was standing on top of the large wooden man as it rapidly grew. While this was happening, Keita had already clapped and formed a bubble under his feet, and he rapidly moved upwards, floating on the air, as he was standing on a large bubble made of water. He made sure to use his jutsu enhancement technique, which was specifically to increase the speed of this bubble that he was currently riding on, so that he rapidly flew upwards and away from Kizmaru, creating as much distance as possible between them. 

Keita's strategy was always to stall and evade, and he hoped that his buddy here could compensate for that, and show Keita a fun time. Keita's move was also to aggravate Kiz a little bit, and see how he would react to something like this happening suddenly. As Keita flew away with his bubble ninjutsu, he got quite a distance away by the time Kizmaru's wood human had actually fully formed, and if he had to guess, he was now sixty five meters away from Kizmaru, and while he could no longer see the finer details of Kizmaru's hands, he could still tell if he was using hand seals, and Keita was constantly ready for more if need be, using the one handed seals that he did a few moments ago, if necessary. They had both formed their initial jutsu, and were on high alert, and Keita was thinking about the strategy that wood users would use, which relied on a lot of constructs that may or may not stay there after their jutsu had expired. Still, Keita was confident that he could avoid and block the things that Kizmaru threw at him with superior maneuverability. Keita was now sixty meters away from Kizmaru horizontally, but thirty meters in the air, and moving further away from Kiz at the moment.

WC: 511
AP used:
Kizmaru Senju
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Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:35 am
Getting his techniques off without a hitch, Kizmaru found himself atop of the Human contract he made. Whilst he was conjuring his structure, Keita also acted at the same time he did. Though they had started at the same time, Keita was just slightly faster and conjured a bubble in order to elevate himself from off the ground. Roughly around thirty meters above the ground, Keita rode the top of his bubble. They already had enough distance between them but surely, he couldn't manage to keep his distance and attack at the same time, could he? Well, that was no matter, if he was going to give him room in order to have free reign, he'd use it. Placing his hands together once more, Kizmaru began to form the hand signs of Tiger, Horse, Snake, Dragon and Rabbit. Upon completion of the hand signs, he spat out two lava blobs that began to form into clones of himself. Nodding towards the both of them, the original Kizmaru jumped off the construct, landing on the ground and performing the hand seal of Ram in order to body flicker to the end of the arena he entered from. Moving at a substantial speed, the original Kizmaru traveled twenty nine meters away before ending it and walking an extra meter so he made contact with the wall without bumping into it.

When he made it end, he slouched down against it and began to close his eyes, entering a meditative state in order to begin to gather nature chakra onto his body. Before he did this, the chakra he'd been converting had finished and he was now ready to utilize the functions of his armor whenever he so wished. With that in mind, Kizmaru was completely absorbed into meditating. Meanwhile, while the original Kizmaru had jumped off of the wood human construct and broke control over it, the two clones had taken control over the wood human construct in his stead as they were the same person and shared abilities. The two clones stood side by side of each other as they looked toward their opponent, both of them activating their Mangekyou Sharingan in order to observe Keita's movements more closely. One of the clones guided the wood human technique to travel at its maximum speed to the nearest spire they had seen and instructed it to pull it out of the ground that was only ten meters away from their location. The other clone clone kept his eyes glued onto Keita to make sure he didn't try anything suspicious while they were in the middle of making the first move.  With little effort, the wooden construct ripped the northern spire out of the began to use it as a makeshift weapon. 

The time was now for them to make the first move if Keita hadn't already done so in an attempt to stop them. Closing in on Ketia's location at max speed, the wood human carried the spire it ripped out from the ground traveling seventy meters in order to be just below Keita assuming he didn't move from his current position. Taking the pointy spire with its right hand, the wooden construct jumped up ten meters off of the ground, attempting to stab the bubble his opponent was riding on, attempting to pop it. The clones had both continued to observe him as they placed their hands together in order to prepare to defend themselves our their construct from retaliation. 

W.C: 579

AP Used:
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 3:55 am
Keita watched on, as he was traveling away from Kizmaru at a fairly swift speed, that Kiz had started to form more hand seals for another jutsu. This time, it seemed that Keita would have to actually fight, as he saw that Kiz had spewed out two globules of lava next to him  before starting to run in the opposite direction. It seemed like Kiz was going to make use of his opponent stalling, and so Keita wondered for a split second if that was actually a problem, before deciding on his next course of action. He was very far away now from the clone, at least vertically, so there was no way that the giant human technique would be able to reach him just by jumping and attempting to stab him with the platform that was ripped out of the ground, but as it was ripping it out of the ground, Keita started to form his own hand seals. The bubble was nearly at the top of the arena now, as he could see the light grid about ten meters above him as he was finally content with the vertical distance he had from his opponent, which was just a meter or two short of eighty meters from the ground. This meant that even if the wood human jumped and stabbed, he would still be around forty or so meters away, which was enough to where his clones might be able to launch something, but the wood human would not, not counting other things that the wood human could do, but Keita did not know this at the moment, he was just keeping a safe distance. Keita had almost finished his hand seals of his right hand, and had already finished the ones from his left, and was about to unleash it while the wood human was still in the air.

Keita wondered if the wood human would be able to dodge in mid air, and it was time to see if it could, or if it could not, what the lava clones of Kiz were going to do. Keita wanted more than anything to see what his opponent was up to and probe a bit further before doing anything drastic, although he could see Kiz off to the side over there attempting to gather nature stacks, it did not bother Keita much, it would just be slightly more difficult of a fight. He was confident he was going to push Kiz to his limits in this fight, and it was going to be fun. As the wood had jumped up, and was on its way down from the jump, Keita unleashed his two jutsu. The two jutsu would be fire almost simultaneously, with the weaker jutsu in his left hand firing first. Keita pointed his left hand forward while bringing his right hand to his mouth and unleashed the jutsu. A small arrow of lightning launched out of his left hand, and then immediately got engulfed by a huge torrent of spiraling water unleashed from his mouth, forming the great vortex technique. This great vortex technique was different, as it was now swirling with a massive amount of electrical current surging through it due to the thunderclap arrow Keita had fired just before. With the range of this jutsu, even if the wood clone landed on the ground from the apex of its jump, its head and the two clones on its shoulders would be engulfed by the water vortex and hopefully destroyed. Even if they were not destroyed, they would be paralyzed for a bit, and Keita would be able to destroy them at his leisure. 

Keita would immediately start drifting his bubble towards Kiz, going down a bit, making sure that he was always around seventy meters away from the ground as he did so, although he would be holding the water vortex for as long as possible while doing so.

WC: 655
AP Used:
Kizmaru Senju
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Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:50 pm
While the original Kizmaru was casting hand seals for the lava clone technique, his opponent, Keita, had begun to fly even further away from him as he did so. Continuing the events prior, the clones would have been on route to attempting to jab the wooden spire into the bubble Keita was currently flying around on. He didn't know what he was planning to do but he at least knew he wouldn't let do it for free. Clone number one was ready, placing both of his hands together while the wooden construct leaped into the air with its newfound height. While the original Kizmaru and the clones took note of his altitude change, the only change the clones had to do was adjust how high the wood human had to jump in order to swing the spire once. Instead of jumping ten meters into the air, the wooden construct would jump fifty meters into the air underneath Keita whenever he was done performing the hand signs to his techniques. Seeing as Keita gave his wooden construct enough time to jump, the wooden construct would swing the large, earthen spire horizontally, in an attempt to knock both Keita off of the bubble and pop the bubble as well before beginning its descent.

He wasn't sure why Keita didn't just release the jutsu as soon as the wooden clone jumped and decided to wait until it was falling but he'd take any opportunity he'd get with no hesitation. While the wooden construct began to swing it's weapon in an attempt to knock him off of the bubble, clone number one had begun to perform the hand signs of Dragon, Tiger, Hare and Ram. Upon completion, the clone would follow up on the wooden construct's attack by firing a power jet of water from his mouth, should Keita evade the oncoming wood construct's swing. It was a simple tactic he had in order to attempt to hit those pesky shinobi that were all about their evasion prowess. Hoping his plan would work, the second clone he had conjured, was the one that would be on the defensive, continuing to watch for any sort of new movement their opponent might try and get away with. Overall, Kizmaru was having a great time sparring with his friend as he knew this was one battle he should take a bit more seriously than the others.

Starting off strong was indeed the correct call on this one as he would have had a much harder time later down the line. Even though the original Kizmaru was near the entrance of the arena, he was still in tune with how the battle between his clones and friend were going due to the telepathic link the three of them shared. For the most part, all he had to do was sit there and gather as much Nature energy as he possibly could before he'd disperse his clones and rejoin the fight, or planned too if it came down to it. He wasn't a huge fan of relying on constructs and clones to do his dirty work and would have rather been on the frontline himself. Still, he said he wouldn't take it easy and all this preparation would be worth it in the end. Continuing his meditation, Kizmaru remained planted into the ground, gathering the natural energy around him. As he gathered nature energy, his armor also continued to absorb the water vapors in the air to full it's mechanical capabilities for future use.

W.C: 585

AP Used:
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:27 pm
As Keita was watching and weaving his hand seals, the wood human jumped much higher than he thought it would. Considering it was a huge construct with limited strength, he thought for a moment that its mobility would be limited as well, at least that is what the laws of physics that he had read would make one believe. He was concentrating though, and was quite calm under the pressure of new information. The wood human jumping that high would be the same as a human jumping over one hundred meters in the air with his own strength, which was impossible normally, but it seemed chakra worked in mysterious ways. Still, the changing situation did not deter Keita in the slightest, as he continued sitting on his bubble as the large human swung the pillar at it. Keita wondered if he should just let it hit him for a split second, which would send him out of the way of the two clones, since he had confidence in his armor and it was not his real body, but he decided to take it a bit more seriously, since he knew that Kiz did not have a whole lot of fun usually when he was fighting in the real world, or at least he had not had much fun recently. So, Keita had completed his hand seals, and decided to jump slightly. The pillar was more aimed at the bubble than at him, and he simply jumped slightly, letting the whistling and powerful pillar pop the bubble under him. He noticed that one of the clones had started weaving hand seals as well, but Keita's were already done.

He would do the same thing that he had planned to do in the post prior, which was simply fire out his held great vortex jutsu and the thunderclap arrow, which would happen at the same time that the clone on the shoulder launched the water trumpet. The thunderclap arrow would meld into the great vortex technique, filling it with a massive power boost and cackling electricity. Since the wood human was close, twenty meters from him now in fact, there would be no room to dodge, although the clone that was not doing any current action would be able to do something at that height, although they had yet to start falling. This split second battle was one of concentration and fun, and oozing with excitement for Keita, and he hoped it was at least a brain teaser for Kiz as to how to confront an annoying enemy such as Keita. Still, the giant vortex technique would spiral out, and bathe the entire wood human in a cackling, swirling vortex of destruction that would most likely rip them all apart if they could not do anything, and this time Keita gave almost no time to disrupt him. He was keeping an eye on the other clone as well, and as soon as he saw that the other clone was forming hand seals, he would at least be ready with a new set of hand seals of his own, and be better prepared to combat whatever the other clone might have in store. 

Needless to say, the great vortex technique combined with the thunderclap arrow would most likely shred all three of them, let alone the wood human and the water trumpet that was now forced to collide head on with it. Right after this moment, when Keita appeared to lose momentum and fall, he would use up a bit of chakra and immediately reform his bubble underneath his feet, before gauging if he needed to dodge, attack, or use another jutsu to counter theirs.

WC: 612
AP Used:
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:48 pm
As the wooden construct swung at Keita, it seems to have been a vain attempt as the clones watch Keita jump over the pillar the wooden spire as it finally pops the bubble below Keita. Keita seems to have managed to avoid the spire at the cost of the bubble but as the clone started to perform the hand signs, Keita had managed to unleash the jutsu he had been holding onto for however long he withheld it. When Keita unleashed the lightning arrow towards the clones and itself, the wooden construct had lifted his left arm above his head, cupping the two clones on his head and shielding them from the oncoming great vortex. He'd also defend himself by utilizing the block maneuver to prevent itself from its own destruction. The clones had both crouched underneath the hand as it covered them, using it as shelter from the vortex that was upon them. Although, they had been blown back to the ground forcefully destroying all of three of them upon impact of the ground. The impact made a large 'thud' causing it to disturb Kizmaru's meditation. After all, he did feel his connection break to the two lava clones he made.

Well, although he hadn't personally participated in the battle to begin with he figured it was time to call it a day as his clones and construct were defeated in this battle. Getting up, he began to stretch and yawn as he decided to yell towards Keita, "Oi, this was a pretty good battle, why don't we call it quits for today," Kizmaru had said. He was feeling quite stiff for not doing anything for the longest amount of time. After that, Kizmaru decided to leave the virtual arena to see if his buddy had left as well. Waiting for him to leave the arena as Kizmaru thought about where he wanted to go for some food. When Keita had left the arena himself, he decided to convince him to go out for some food, his treat of course.


W.C: 341
T.W.C: 2,135

Ability Claims {Applying 25% Max Stat discount)
Using 2,063 words into  Rubber Ball (A-Rank)
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:09 pm
Keita quickly realized that Kiz had sort of given up in their spar, perhaps he had learned something, or perhaps he was quite bored with everything, realizing that he had taken a break off to the side to do battle and realized that it was not fun. Still, this told Keita a few things about his fighting style that was a bit weak, and so he would be able to shore up those weaknesses later. This also gave him time to rapidly drift to the floor to meet up with Kizmaru, before seeing him suddenly disappear after saying that they should go get something to eat. Keita agreed, although they had not yet been training for all that long, it was rather exhilarating, and so Keita could go for a quick bite to eat, even if it was something as simple as a snack at some bakery, as he liked to each some cheese bread that the village made, it was really good if you heated it up with some butter especially. Still, Keita was slightly disappointed that they had suddenly stopped, as Keita knew for a fact that Kiz had a few other tricks up his sleeve, and especially more powerful jutsu at his disposal, but it seemed like their fight would end up not getting to that point. 

Still, Keita had a bit of fun, and it would still be fun to eat with his friend, so he exited the training room, and his surroundings rapidly morphed back to normal, and he saw that the door was starting to close, so he hurriedly went after his buddy who was leaving, caught up, and started to head out towards the restaurant that Kiz wanted to go to. "Sure, if you're paying you should get the choice. This was fun, although I would not really know when I would be in the mood to spar again, haha." Keita chuckled lightly before following Kiz down the street. Keita felt like he could eat anything at the moment, although his stomach was not quite empty enough for a full meal. As they walked, Keita chatted to Kiz about strategies one could use with his particular skill set that would greatly hinder those in the air and those who thought to do nothing but stall. although this was Keita's entire strategy, he did not mind his close friend having the method.

WC: 398
Total WC: 3030
Claiming Rain Tiger at Will with 2063 words and 25% discount
Claiming Summoning Technique with 750 words and 25% dicount
2813 words used total
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Always Sunny [I/O] Empty Re: Always Sunny [I/O]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:29 pm
Approved. No mission claims though?
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