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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:05 am
She thought he would pull away, or push her away, when she put a hand on his shoulder and leaned into his kiss. The thought flickered across her mind that he might even do it when she pulled away and broke the kiss. Or when she put her hand on his cheek. OR even when she stroked his cheek. Kenshin didn’t do any of that; he didn’t pull away from her touch, he sat there. Complacently, even, or so it seemed. He just gazed at her as she spoke- no one could tell her that he wasn’t a damn good listener, that was for sure.

Since they had met, Kenshin has always had a keen penchant for hearing her out, as opposed to her family members who were quick to cut her off. He just listened and gave his his little smirks and small smiles. They were something she liked about him and something she appreciated more, now that she knew him and his past. Still, Izayumi couldn’t get past the fact of how much he indulged her.

From the time that they had met, despite her summon’’s reluctant, whenever she asked something of him whether it was training for a new technique or meeting her intimately like this, the Uzumaki delivered. She couldn’t remember a time when he had even denied her a request and she was grateful for such a thing but it made her feel… spoiled. Perhaps that was the word she was looking for. What else would you call it? Maybe it was him satisfying his own curiosity now that she had a deeper insight. That was probably the main driver for all of their meetings- the man was quenching his own curiosity. From now on, she would keep in mind not to try and refrain from asking him for anything that might now pique his interests. Isn’t that what one would do for someone you had an invested interest in? However she wouldn’t deny how her heart skipped a beat and it’s pace quickened when he said, “Screw the food. I want you.” Even when he pushed himself to standing his full height- an inch or so taller than her, maybe.

Most people would be scared, wouldn’t they? Face to face with Kenshin, who was more akin to a velociraptor in wolf’s clothing, she had seen the fear in people when he had cut them down. There hasn’t been an ounce of remorse as if some divine being has told him that he would be the scythe that plowed humanity; and Kenshin smirked and took it all in. So many people has been afraid and she had felt it through his memories as his threads and own being has felt it- but there was none of that here, in this moment. As his arms wrapped around her and rested against the small of her lower back, he kissed her again but this kiss was- intense. It was passionate and fiery, maybe even hot enough to add warmth to even the iciest of places. She kissed back and rested her hands on his arms; not pulling away or negatively retaliating.

She felt- safe. The safest she had felt since before she left the basement to meekly step into the shinobi world. Even standing here with him, she felt safe. It wasn’t a matter of the passion of his kissing or the emotion he was sharing it was just; him. Even as their night brought something that might have required a ‘safeword’, no one could get her to ever say she didn’t feel safe with him. Even as the world simply began to gradually fade to black.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:18 am
Approved for both
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