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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:09 am
It had been a while since her date with Kenshin- but it had felt like much longer. Why? It could have probably been her dealing with her family’s bullshit or being busy with her chakra-endurance train; either way that didn’t matter. What did matter is that she had been practicing cooking some scrumptious meals but there were more failures than successes. She had eaten a lot of terrible, badly made meals that only seemed to gradually increase in quality with her constant and consistent attempts ot perfect the art of cooking. However, she had perfected two main dishes and several small, side dishes, to hopefully compensate for her narrow range of expertise. Perhaps Kenshin wouldn’t notice as she had taken his faint liking for steak into consideration as well, when she was cooking.

Although her perfected dishes were only steak dishes, she had perfected by making sure they were perfectly grilled as well as cooked-just-enough to stay within the medium rare barometers. She was quite proud of herself and her determined efforts- however if she had another bite of steak, it would probably be 100 years too soon. All her previous attempts that paved the road to these successes were tormentalous- too much salt, not enough seasoning, undercooked meat or sides, too much seasoning, or not enough salt all resulted in a quite a few sessions of throwing up. Not to mention all of the times she had burned herself by putting too much oil in a pan or almost caught her hair on fire by letting it hang low to the grill flames; or how many times she had nicked herself with a knife while cutting off extra fat for a leaner piece of meat.

Maybe she couldn’t make up her shinobi-focused shortcomings but she could strive to be a damn good housewife and cook. Kenshin had seemed to like steak and she didn’t know much else about him, so she decided to monopolize on the one thing she did know and work to excel her cooking abilities; even if just on one dish like steak.

She had seen him wandering in the grocery store, worked up the courage enough to ask him - or rather remind him- that he had agreed to dinner to her home. Once more, she invited him over at 8pm precisely, and as Geni recalled that memory and paused a moment to look at the clock. 7:55 pm. She had 5 minutes, to clean up and debate for 3 minutes on whether or not to use candles.

2 minutes to 8pm, she decided not to light the candles. She reminded herself it was a second date not a date night after they had been together for years and she was trying to spark some romance. The prospect of it was nice but hopefully she would know him better by then, but it was an outlandish thought in-and-of itself. He very well might not even show up, or he could be late and she’s have to eat two steaks by herself. Geni went to the couch and sat down next to a large, quilted blanket she had made; an attempt to diversify her areas of craftiness by taking a break from knitting and try her hand at quilting. The quilt was probably big enough for a king bed and fluffy enough to be considered a down-comforter; but it was only because she mistakenly measured one side of the blanket too big and added too much stuffing. Geni sighed as she pulled a folded portion of the blanket into her lap and smoothed out some creased in it’s red, black, and cream-colored patchwork. It was a shitty, horrid blanket, which seemed like a sum up of her career as a shinobi / kunoichi so far and it was painful to look at, but still - it had fucking wrinkles and they needed to be smoothed out because they bothered her to no end.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:59 pm
It was with a neutral look upon his face that the commander of Hoshigakure’s Nova Corps could be seen walking through the moonlit streets of Haven’s capital. For the first time in a very long time the half-blood Uzumaki felt… conflicted, and the source of said confliction was none other than a certain rainbow haired woman. Genevieve Oasis… someone that he had neither seen nor heard from in quite some time… over a year ago now that he really thought about it. And yet… the woman had acted as if no time had passed whatsoever when she approached him earlier today, reminding him that he had promised her a second date after the small disaster that was their first. The silver haired youth couldn’t hold that against her either… as in the end, it had been him avoiding her, not the other way around. He was not trying to avoid the woman because he disliked her company, in fact that assumption could not be further from the truth.

Somehow… the dragoness had slithered past all of his carefully crafted defenses and made her nest within the cold pits of his heart. He didn’t know what it was… but he knew that he felt something for her… and that very idea terrified him more than words could ever hope to convey. Truth be told… he felt like a coward for his actions, but at the same time… he had absolutely no idea what else he could do in this situation. How could he ever hope to explain that he was an empty and bitter shell of a man to someone so… innocent… someone so beautiful? How could he possibly explain that he couldn’t return whatever feelings she may hold for him… because he simply did not know how? How could he explain that he was so terrified of his own emotions that he locked them away? How could he possibly hope to explain that he took great pleasure in the suffering of others… that he had become so depraved and monstrous that he was completely addicted to the high he experienced upon ending the lives of others? All questions that he had been asking himself since the conclusion of their last date… and even now, a year later, all questions without answers.

At the very least he had managed to overcome the identity crisis that he had been going through at the time, although as strange as this may sound… he was not quite sure that was a good thing. On the one had it meant that he now had a firm grasp on where his true personality ended and the various masks he wore began… but on the other, it had been somewhat nice to believe that he was not quite as broken as he truly was… that he wasn’t incapable of truly caring for anyone other than himself. Hmm… how would Genevieve and Akihana look at him if they truly understood just how broken he was, if they understood that he was more monster than man? Akihana had once referred to him as a son… would she still be willing to grant him such a title if she knew of the atrocities that he had committed both before and after joining Hoshigakure? Would she and Genevieve still care for him if they knew that his kill count had long since reached four digits? That he had long since discarded his own humanity simply to gain more power? More questions that he was unable to answer, and yet more reasons that he had been avoiding both Genevieve and Akihana… it seemed that Damon and Yurei were right… he truly was a coward.

A feeling of dread appeared in his gut when he saw the familiare white picket fence around Genevieve’s house, and yet again he wanted to do nothing more than to flee. But in the end he knew that he couldn’t do such a thing, as his actions up to this point had been unfair enough on the young woman. It was finally time for him to stop running… but he could not bring himself to stop hiding.

Exhaling softly through his nose Kenshin would slow his pace as he approached the home of one Genevieve Oasis, slowly building up the nerve required to merely be in her presence. As he walked the neutral look left his face and a small smirk would form, making his scarred face seem a lot less grim than it had mere moments ago. This mask was very familiar to both Kenshin and Genevieve, but out of the two only he knew what it truly was… only he understood that it was a mask of humanity… a mere disguise used by a monster.

‘Hehe… a coward indeed’ the broken youth would think to himself as he stopped at the door, quickly looking over his choice of clothes as he did so. It appeared to be the same outfit that he had worn on their last date, but that was simply the form that he had willed his Manipulated Fabric to take tonight. The Ring of Eternal Suppression could be seen adorning his left index finger, as per usual, and his left eye was stitched shut by his own threads, once again as per usual. His silver mane was the same as it usually was, flowing and unstyled, save for a single braid on the right side of his face. He had grown quite a bit taller since their last meeting, having grown from a mere 5’7’’ to 6’ in the span of a year, unusual to be sure, but then again it was not like his body was even remotely normal. His hair was also a little longer, now reaching his lower thighs, but compared to everything else that was a barely noticeable change.

With one last soft exhale kenshin would raise his right hand and give three clear knocks on the wooden door.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:57 am
She had tenderly folded her quilt up again just as the clock struck the time; 8 pm. As she stood up and smoothed out the creases in her own dark navy blue halter dress- a new article of clothing from a recent shopping experience. She used the term ‘experience’ as her mother and sister mostly bullied her into it and shoved a variety of new things upon her. The pale grey flowers that held her blue-hair in a messy bun (the evidence that she could barely do anything with her own hair) were from the same trip. As was the black velvet choker necklace she wore to try and compliment the mid-calf length dress, but in the end nothing she wore really matched. When she smoothed out a crease, three clear knocks came to the door and her heart skipped a beat. Geni pulled herself together and went over to the door, her mind reminding her that her black dearfoam slippers with their little faux fur trim didn’t exactly match her outfit. However, her feet were in pain so she’d just have to answer the door like that.

Geni moved over to the door and peeked through the peephole. It was Kenshin, standing there patiently and she quickly dropped back down to her feet. Her heart began to pick up speed as she had been hoping he wouldn’t come so that it would be evident that there was no returned interest from him. A nail in the coffin of her hopes that there might be something, anything, that she could hold onto timidly, within him. But here he was on her doorstep. She took a deep breath and let out a longer, exhaled breath before unlocking the door and opening it to the guest. Geni smiled warmly at him, “I’m sorry for the wait; please, come in.” She greeted and stepped aside, shutting the door behind him should he enter. She smoothly moved around him as her mind raced while her heart tried to quicken it’s own pace to keep up. She needed something to distract herself and try to calm her heart and mind now that he was actually here.

Geni moved towards the stove, revealing the modest “keyhole” back in her halter dress where the fabric parted into the shape of a teardrop, but the home was warm against the chill of the night so she frequently forgot that aspect of the dress. The choker’s chain, layered with the one-button clasp of the back of her dress’ halter line, only partially covered the thick, black markings of a complex chakra seal; it’s severity and intensity unknown unless its entirety was made known, but tonight was not the night for such things as she carried on casually. “You came just in time, the food’s almost ready.” She said as she picked up a stirring spoon from a small plate on her stove; a spoon set aside and had been used a couple times (carefully scrubbed and washed between uses) and stirred a small sauce pot on the stove. She had worked and slaved over her stove to hopefully perfect the sauce that paired with the recipe she had found for steak with a creamy chanterelle sauce, but when the recipe called for butter she opted for a roasted garlic and herb butter instead.For a side dish, she had labored to make roasted sweet potato halves with a cilantro pesto, hoping it had came out correctly. Once more, she began gently stirring the sauce which was helping calm her down but she paused a moment to turn to him, “Would you like something to drink? I have milk, water, and some apple juice.” She laughed a bit nervously and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, “I didn’t know what you would like, so excuse me if I’m under-prepared.” She asked as she gently started stirring it,

It’s been a while, hm?” She asked as she tried to make conversation, “Your hair’s gotten longer and you’ve gotten a bit taller too.” Geni said light-heartedly with a soft smile, before the stove timer went off to signal that the meat was done. When the signal alerted her, she stopped stirring the sauce pot and pulled on some oven mitts that waited near by; black with little pink and blue bats on them. They were adorable and she had to have them. She opened the oven and used the mits to pull a stoneware tray out before setting it on top of the stove, using her knee to close the oven door. Upon the stoneware were two 6 oz steaks, seasoned with freshly cracked black peppercorns, dried thyme, and himalayan salt. They sizzled as she removed her gloved and set them n the counter, reaching for a small cylindrical canister with a variety of kitchen utensils in it with the same design as her oven mitts, and receiving a set of tongs and then used her spare hand to pull out a sharp knife. Geni carefully held each piece of steak and expertly cut into them to see the color of their insides; a perfect borderline between medium-rare and rare. She smiled as the blood from the slices of meat began to pool, “They’re done.” She announced happily and began busying herself by getting plates and some glasses and began to plate his portion first. Geni didn’t struggle too hard with the decision to give him the larger steak, a scoop of the sweet potatoes and drizzled the sauce over his steak before setting the sauce pot down. She put his plate on the modest, two-person dinner table first, but placed it in front of the chair by the door- just so he could see her moving around and wouldn’t be too unnerved by having his back to her. Then she laid down a steak knife and a fork, turning from him to make her own plate by cutting off a very small portion of her steak and getting more sweet potatoes.

As she turned away from the stove and counter with her small dinner plate, she moved to set it down at the table where she would be sitting and looked up to double-check what he wanted to drink, like a good hostess would; when she noticed his eyes. “OH, what happened to your eyes?” She asked with concern and a small frown; times really had changed. A year ago, he would have been untouchable and unhindered like a God of legends in books and oral stories; but now, it seemed someone had brought his to mortality by damaging his left eye. It seemed the damage was so intense that the eye had to be stitched shut to stave off harm and give his body time to recover… but he had taught her what medical jutsu she knew, so that seemed more of a fantasy than anything. However, his other eye was no longer the mysterious red and silver she had came to know and remember; it was now a soft grey and the red and turned back to a seemingly normal white color. “I suppose that time really does change things…” Geni said with a tinge of sadness and disappointment. “I hope you killed whoever hurt your eye.” It slipped out and she covered her mouth and looked away, embarrassed of her own words,

I’m sorry, that was… not appropriate.” Geni said as she set a knife and fork down for herself, “I suppose what I meant to articulate was that I was looking forward to your red-and-silver eyes… I liked them better.” The last part was more to herself before she turned away once more to grab her own drink and his, from her fridge. She couldn’t understand why she felt such… disappointment from the change.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Thu Jul 05, 2018 1:19 am
Due to his enhanced senses the commander of the Nova Corps would hear as Genevieve began to make her way over to the door. He heard the young woman as she came to a stop before the door, and after hearing the woman release a rather large breath the door would open, revealing the smiling form of the former priestess.

“I’m sorry for the wait; please, come in.” the woman would say in her usual melodious tone, stepping aside in order to allow him entry. Just the sound of her voice made Kenshin’s five hearts begin to beat just a little bit faster… perhaps coming here had been a mistake after-all.

“You look as beautiful as ever Genevieve” the silver haired youth would say with a small smile upon his scarred face. He was unable to stop his sole eye from giving her form a quick look up and down, and he had to admit… he liked what he saw. The dress that she was wearing revealed a decent amount of her creamy flesh for his wandering eye to admire, but not so much that the garment could be considered too revealing. After another second or so of admiring the older womans form Kenshin would accept her invitation, stepping through the threshold of her house.

When the water maiden closed the door behind him he knew that he had passed the point of no return, there was no going back now. His rather sensitive nose was almost immediately assaulted by a myriad of scents, some familiar and others not, but none of them were bad. The extremely familiar aroma of cooked meat was easy to identify, almost as easy as the sweet potato, but the various herbs in the already unfamiliar smelling sauce made it next to impossible for him to deduce what was in it. Before he could inquire about the sauce that was being prepared the rainbow haired Chunin would gracefully move around him and make her way back towards the kitchen. As she moved he found his eye drawn to her form once again, although this time he found himself studying the way that she moved. Her movements were extremely smooth and graceful, almost flowing together in a way that he knew most others would find almost impossible to imitate.

But as his sole eye roamed over her form he would take note of something upon her neck, mostly hidden by the choker that she had chosen to wear. He had missed it upon his first inspection of the woman due to their close proximity and rather large difference in stature, but now that she was further away it was rather easy for him to notice. It was obviously a Fuinjutsu array of some form… but due to his hopelessness with Fuinjutsu he had absolutely no clue what purpose it actually served. Either way he found that he disliked it, if only because the ugly piece of ink marred the beautifully pale skin of Genevieve… although he did make a mental note to ask inquire about it later.

“You came just in time, the food’s almost ready.” The half-blood Uzumaki would hear the woman say, drawing his thoughts away from the seal around her neck and back to the meal that she was preparing.

“Would you like something to drink? I have milk, water, and some apple juice.” she would ask with a slightly nervous laugh, all the while tucking a few stray locks behind her ear. Truth be told, Kenshin didn’t even need to breathe anymore, let alone eat or drink, but he continued to do all of those things as they helped him feel some small semblance of normalcy… but once he had discarded what little humanity he still possessed, who knows.

“I didn’t know what you would like, so excuse me if I’m under-prepared.” The former Genin would then say, slowly stirring her sauce as she did so.

“Believe me Genevieve, you look anything but under-prepared.” the ‘Jounin’ would say with a light chuckle. He was telling the truth, as the woman seemed to remember that he had enjoyed steak from their ill fated first date, at least if the beef that he could smell was any indication. He didn’t exactly expect her to know the ins and outs of the foods that he enjoyed, because he knew for a fact that he hadn’t given her much to work with in any of their previous meetings.

“It’s been a while, hm? Your hair’s gotten longer and you’ve gotten a bit taller too.” Genevieve would then say with a soft smile upon her face, something that caused the smile on his own face to widen minutely. He absolutely hated the fact that anyone held this much power over him… but at the same time found it impossible to resent the woman herself for his feelings.

“Yes, it has been quite some time hasn’t it? I suppose it is only natural that I’ve grown taller, just as it’s natural that my hair has grown even longer…” he would say, trailing off near the end when he heard the stove timer went off. He had to resist the urge to smirk when he took note of the bat adorned oven mitts that she was now wearing… of course she actually owned such a cutesy pair of mitts. But those thoughts were cut off when she opened the oven door and the delicious scent of freshly cooked meat filled the room. When the two decently sized steaks were pulled from the oven Kenshin’s mouth began to water, but thankfully not so much that he began to drool. The two carefully prepared steaks looked and smelt amazing, although when she cut the two pieces of meat open he found himself a little disappointed; not that he would let it show. He had hoped that she would remember that he preferred his steak medium-well from their last date, but apparently she didn’t.

“They’re done.” the young woman would announce happily, a smile fixed firmly upon her face as she grabbed two plates from one of the nearby cupboards and began to plate up their respective meals. The ‘Jounin’ would make his way towards the table as she set the first plate down, and as she began to head back into the kitchen he would take a seat before said meal. He felt that it would be rude to start eating before she was seated, so instead he would start humming lightly as he waited for his beautiful hostess. His humming would stop as she approached, and his smile would widen just a tad as she set her meal down opposite him.

“OH, what happened to your eyes?” he would hear her ask in what sounded like worry, a small frown marring her face as she studied his own. Kenshin had to admit, he was not exactly sure how she had missed the fact that one of his eyes was stitched shut, nor was he sure how she had not noticed the rather obvious changes his only visible eye had gone through since their last meeting. Hmm… perhaps it was for the best that he didn’t know… but really, what did it matter?

“I suppose that time really does change things… I hope you killed whoever hurt your eye.” she would then say, causing Kenshin’s right eye to open a little wider in shock. Although, when she moved to cover her mouth and look away in obvious embarrassment he found himself unable to contain a light-hearted chuckle.

“It’s fine Genevieve… I believe if I saw you in a similar state my reaction would be rather… intense.” The heart thief would state simply, a smile fixed firmly upon his face. 

“But as to who did this to my eyes… well, you’re looking at him. My old eyes… they were a reminder of a past that I would rather forget…” Kenshin would say, his smile having fallen and a small frown forming upon his usually stoic face. But as soon as it formed, it had left, and a much softer smile formed

“What you see now is my original eye… or rather, what both of my eyes looked like naturally…” The soft smile upon his face would grow a little wider as he closed his right eye. Should Genevieve be looking close enough, she would be able to make out the stitches holding his left eye closed coming undone and retracting back into his body.

“...And I have to say, I prefer the look of them to the look of my old eyes” he would say as both eyelids opened, revealing the soft grey of his ‘natural’ eyes. She needn’t know that neither of the eyes were quite so innocent as they appear… nor did she need to know that neither of them actually belonged to him in the first place.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:51 pm
“You look as beautiful as ever Genevieve” She would be lying if she didn’t say that she was over-the-moon giddy about him showing up to her home. She would be lying even more if she denied the fact that she didn’t like it when he called her beautiful when he entered the room. Even as she asked him to excuse her, his answer made her smile when her back was to him,

“Believe me Genevieve, you look anything but under-prepared.” It was nice of him to say and it made her smile. She smiled when she sat across from him and listened to him as he spoke, taking not of her frown appearing for an instant before vanishing. They knew barely anything about each other, no matter how much she wanted to know, the fact remained that what she knew now was very minimal.

“Yes, it has been quite some time hasn’t it? I suppose it is only natural that I’ve grown taller, just as it’s natural that my hair has grown even longer…” She heard him saying before the timer went off and she attended to their meal; plating him first before plating herself. Unfortunately, she couldn’t remember if she heard him mention about what he wanted. She opened her cabinets and pulled down two dark glasses with small little frosted, grey bat silhouettes floating around the outside and bottom on the glasses, before opening her fridge. She pulled out a jug of bottles water and poured them both a glass of water before returning the jug to her fridge. Like a good hostess, she brought both glasses to the table and gave each of them one to go with their meal.

“It’s fine Genevieve… I believe if I saw you in a similar state my reaction would be rather… intense. But as to who did this to my eyes… well, you’re looking at him. My old eyes… they were a reminder of a past that I would rather forget…What you see now is my original eye… or rather, what both of my eyes looked like naturally...And I have to say, I prefer the look of them to the look of my old eyes” Kenshin said and she pulled out her chair to sit down, silverware already set up at the table for the both of them. She noticed now that both of his eyes were the same, attractive silvery-gray, and allowed herself to give him a quick up-down look before smiling,

“They do compliment you more than your other eyes.” She said as she picked up her silverware, “I’ve tried really hard on this recipe, but I don’t think I’ve done a great job. So I would appreciate any feedback that would could give me to make it better.” Geni smiled, “I made steaks with chantelle sauce, so I hope that’s alright.” She said and she looked at him,

“I apologize for intruding when you’ve already said that you wanted to forget your past but, would you be willing to tell me?” She knew it was a reach but she wanted to get to know him. Not just the person who he was now, but the person he used to be too. “I’m sorry but I’m just so interested in you; I want to know it all. I want to know how your past molded you into the person you are now, sitting before me, and I want to know your hobbies no matter how macabre. I know I’m being pushy and greedy but you’re just so entrancing fascinating and I’m just so… curious.” She explained and blushed a bit, “However, if that’s all too much for you, then I hope you’ll forgive me and overlook my greediness.”

She noticed the black threads retracting from his left eye and thought it confused her slightly as to the mechanics behind it, she assumed quietly that maybe it was a jutsu or something else. She felt bad for asking so much in such a short span of time but she really was curious. However, she must have looked or seemed suspicious or malicious to be wanting such answers, but she was hungry to information and perhaps even starving to find common ground. Geni wanted to build a better friendship and maybe a companionship, but she wanted there to be common hobbies and interests to make it easier to create a solid and concrete foundation for any such relationship. One couldn’t built a house’s foundation upon sand, but upon ground.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:56 am
“They do compliment you more than your other eyes.” the former priestess would say as she picked up the silverware that she had set out for herself, earning a soft smile from the half-blood Uzumaki as he did the same.

“I’ve tried really hard on this recipe, but I don’t think I’ve done a great job. So I would appreciate any feedback that would could give me to make it better.” she would say with a smile as Kenshin began to cut into the steak, cutting a decently sized piece of meat from the steak and bringing it towards his face. The scent of the sauce only got stronger as it approached his mouth, and while he would have preferred his steak to be completely free of the sauce he would admit that it did smell quite nice.

“I made steaks with chanterelle sauce, so I hope that’s alright.” She said as he opened his mouth and brought the small piece of meat into his mouth, biting down into the flesh as he pulled the fork free from his mouth. Hmm, apparently the sauce tasted better with the steak than it had smelt, and in his opinion the mushroom of the sauce complimented the flavour of the meat very well. Perhaps he had been too quick to judge steaks with sauces… but then again, the last time that he had actually ordered such a thing it had been quite horrible. The steak had been completely overpowered and the sauce itself was rather high on the list of the worst things he had ever tasted.

“It tastes amazing Genevieve… much better than I was expecting I must admit” he would say, before his eyes widened ever so slightly at how the words had come out

“Not that I expected you to be a bad cook… I’ve just never really had a steak with sauce that tasted even half as good as this” he would then say, hopefully clarifying the situation before the seemingly callous words could hurt Genevieve. Releasing a small sigh at his faux pas Kenshin would cut another slice from his steak and bring it to his mouth, hoping to stuff it with food before he could shove his foot inside once again.

“I apologize for intruding when you’ve already said that you wanted to forget your past but, would you be willing to tell me? I’m sorry but I’m just so interested in you; I want to know it all. I want to know how your past molded you into the person you are now, sitting before me, and I want to know your hobbies no matter how macabre. I know I’m being pushy and greedy but you’re just so entrancing fascinating and I’m just so… curious. However, if that’s all too much for you, then I hope you’ll forgive me and overlook my greediness.” she would then ask, causing the albino’s eyes to widen ever so slightly as his mouth froze, the delicious steak coated with creamy chanterelle sauce left forgotten mid chew.

Why… why did she have to push? Why on earth did she want to know more about him… about what had moulded him into who-no what, he was? Had he revealed too much when he had spoken about his ‘new’ eyes? Perhaps that careless comment about the past he would rather forget had made her curious about what could have hurt him so badly. His mind was moving faster than he could ever recall it having done before, so much so that he was actually beginning to feel a little light headed. In the end he could see only three paths forward… snub her attempt to get to know the real him and simply refuse, lie to her, or tell her the truth. He wasn’t willing to hurt her in the way that he knew the first option would, so that one was ruled out before he could even consider it… and that left either lying to her, or doing the one thing that he was most terrified of… actually letting someone in.

He wanted to lie to her more than anything else… as telling her about his past was far more intimate than when he had done so with Kyousuke and Arashi. The latter he had only told about his past because he had been nothing more than a child desperately trying to escape the darkness that he had been lost in for so long. So desperate was he for acceptance that he had spilled some of his deepest, darkest and most haunting secrets with a man that was little more than a stranger to him… thinking about that honestly sickened him. Kyousuke… he had only told the great buffoon as much as he had told Arashi, although he had made sure to make himself out as more of a victim in that particular retelling of his tale. He had also made sure to leave out any and all mention of the crimes that he had committed before joining Hoshigakure, something he was sure he had at least alluded to with the Tekiatsu.

In the end though Kenshin’s mind was made up by one simple fact… he couldn’t lie to the Hozuki, as he knew that the pain of her finding out he had lied about something so intimate would be so much worse than even his refusal would have been. With that, Kenshin would chew on the steak that had been sitting in his mouth a couple more times, before finally swallowing the piece of meat and releasing a small sigh.

“...You have no clue just what you do to me Genevieve. If you were anyone else, anyone at all, I would refuse to tell you anything… or perhaps even lie to you in an effort to make you drop it. But… I c- with you I can’t just lie like that… you mean too much to me” the young Jounin would say, his soft grey eyes shining with emotion as he gazed at the Hozuki. What the hell was it with this damned girl? What was it that made her so special to him… so special that he was actually about to expose so much of what made him who he was to her, who he had only met a handful of times. He wished he knew, just like he wished he knew just what it was that he felt for her. The lust was nothing new to him, and it was one of the few emotions that he could actually recognise amongst this cacophony of unfamiliar feelings.

“It would take me far too long to explain just what made me the way I am… so instead I am going to show you. I will warn you now Genevieve… nothing that you are about to see, hear or feel is going to be pleasant. It way well shatter your current view of the world… and there is a very good chance that it will scar you just as badly as it did me. If you are still insistent on knowing about my past… about getting to know the real me” he would say, closing both of his eyes and activating the Dojutsu hidden behind the veil of normalcy.

“Then all you need to do… is look into my eyes” he would then say, opening the eyes and revealing their true forms to the priestess. If she did indeed hold his gaze for more than a few seconds after their reveal, a time that he was using in a vain hope that she would look away, then he would activate the Genjutsu that laid within his Sharingan. If this did indeed happen and she was trapped within the Genjutsu Kenshin would mumble a small apology under his breath, something that he knew that she would be unable to hear. He truly wished that there was another way for him to do this… but at the same time he knew that this was the only way to make her truly understand who and what he actually was.

Genevieve was about to experience Kenshin’s life in all of its dark glory… she was about to experience just what had twisted a kind child into the monster that he was. She was about to experience everything.

He just hoped that she would make it out whole.

WC: 1391
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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:30 pm
Geni patiently awaited a signal from Kenshin to move forward with their meal even after picking up her utensils. However, when his own set of silverware moved to the steak she took that as her cue to begin eating herself but her piece was smaller. Considering that she had been working and constantly failing on this recipe for a week she had more than had her fill of steak. She forced herself to be able to hold down the meal but didn’t take any enjoyment from it aside from the noticing that this sauce had been the best attempt so far. This shared silence was… nice. It was comforting but she couldn’t put her finger on how or why, she could just realize the feeling of tranquility as they ate.

It tastes amazing Genevieve… much better than I was expecting I must admit.She blushed at first before the second part of the sentence hit her ears when Kenshin’s voice rolled out and she blinked, before looking at him curiously. Maybe the look was more along the lines of gauging whether he was serious or if she was just joking with her. Then his intentions became clearer. Not that I expected you to be a bad cook… I’ve just never really had a steak with sauce that tasted even half as good as this.A bashful smile came to her face and she averted her eyes to the table. Normally, it wasn’t something paired together; sauces and steaks. However she wanted the dining experience to be memorable for him so she had tried to go out of her way to make it a unique and refreshing dish. Then he spoke up again as she put another small bite of steak in her mouth and chewed, enjoying the corrected commentary on her food inwardly. He said it was good. Kenshin had said it was good. Just that one fact made the food she was force-feeding herself to taste so much more delicious and savory than what her tastebuds originally thought it was.

...You have no clue just what you do to me Genevieve. If you were anyone else, anyone at all, I would refuse to tell you anything… or perhaps even lie to you in an effort to make you drop it. But… I c- with you I can’t just lie like that… you mean too much to me.Kenshin told her and her face turned red but she felt- like a liar. He seemed genuine in what he said but he used her priestess name instead of her birth name. She could have rather liked to hear him say that but it didn’t change the fact that he had told her she meant ‘too much’ to him, giving her a worth to him that she had been secretly hoping for. When would her greed and luck come to an end? She had been hoping and praying for something like this and now she had it and it only made her life that much more wholesome. Perhaps it wasn’t some fairytale romance or some fantastic love but it was something that made her contented and wasn’t that the end goal in the long run? Happiness and contentment? There were no words to properly express her gratitude for his honesty with her.

It would take me far too long to explain just what made me the way I am… so instead I am going to show you. I will warn you now Genevieve… nothing that you are about to see, hear or feel is going to be pleasant. It way well shatter your current view of the world… and there is a very good chance that it will scar you just as badly as it did me. If you are still insistent on knowing about my past… about getting to know the real me.She found herself immersed in his words and found herself catching her breathe when he opened both of his eyes; not because she was afraid but because she found upon with the feeling of being on the edge of her seat. She probably should not have been so unfavorably persistent but she found herself wanting to know about him like someone in the desert would find themselves dreaming of water as they became more than simply ‘dehydrated’. There was a unfriendly desire to parch her curiosity that was only famished more by his words, as if someone was waving a bottle of water before that dehydrated and dying figure from before, as he passed.

Then all you need to do… is look into my eyes.It was so simple but Kenshin seemed so… apprehensive about it. Reserved even, perhaps, withdraw and unwilling to share with her whatever he had planned. There was a sort of sadness about this realization for Geni because that meant that she was pushing him out of his comfort zone and she didn’t wish for that to be a negative thing. Though when he offered it to her, she didn’t hesitate to look into his eyes.

Once more, Kenshin Uzumaki was right.

As she willingly submitted herself to his Dojutsu in the adventure to learn more about him, she found herself seeing a world in a different light from what seemed like- a prism. That’s what she felt. Being within a prism that reflected only the darker lights of the spectrum upon his life as she watched events unfold for her. She assumed they started from his past and worked forward but none of that changed the fact that even from a young age she saw him grow like a vine with no pole to hold it upright and straight. Nothing to help him reach his full potential but everything to keep him to the ground and make him twist and wither painfully for some delayed and hindered form of ‘living’. The event unfolded in her mind and she watched them all silently without even the slightest notion that he had begun to cry as she worked through his memories and stood within them like a ghost. Not the slightest thing she did or could do would affect them for they were figments and statements of the past in the same aspect that graveyards were preordained and preplanned. None of it changed the fact that is was everything she had been wondering but hadn’t been expecting. There was rage and hate, resentfulness and then - almost an eternity of void, vacant emotionlessness. Then, a faint light that was snuffed out as soon as it had been brought to life and tears rolled down her face. There was darkness and a sort of… unwavering distaste. The taste of something you never liked to eat in the first place, forced into your mouth and it’s remaining flavor never easily dissipating from the taste buds.

When it had ended, she realized she was crying before him at the dinner table but she didn’t bother to wipe her face because there was something much more important to do first. Geni stood up from the table and went over to him to stand next to him and bend down. The priestess would pull him into a warm hug as she sniffed if he did not go to stop her or keep her from doing so, Even if he did, she would continue with her words “Thank you, Kenshin.” She told him, sniffling again, “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry for everything you’ve done through, Kenshin. I’m sorry that you’ve been so hurt… I understand why you have such terrible difficulty now.” She would pull away from the hug if he did not move to stop her, before she began wiping her tears. “I’m sorry for hugging you but… your past has only had some warmth in it, I thought you needed more. I just…” She smiled at him, “I want you to know how grateful I am to you for sharing this all with me, and how much I truly appreciate it. You’re too good to me by indulging me like this, Kenshin, but I really do appreciate it.” She told him and if he did not move to grab her or restraint her, she would go back to her seat and resume having small bites of her meal.

I hope you’ll be willing to try my cooking a bit more- I made Pineapple Upside-Down Cake for dessert and I would appreciate a critique on the cake as well.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:04 pm
She had only been trapped within the Genjutsu for a matter of moments before she was released, or rather, that is what it had seemed like to Kenshin. She had experienced days, possibly even months worth of his memories… he had of course left out most of the inconsequential ones to save them both time, but that was still a lot of memories for her to process. He took note of the tears that were rolling down the Hozuki’s face in waves, and despite the fact that he wasn’t exactly surprised to see them they did make him feel a little guilt. The beautiful woman was only crying because of him, she was only suffering so because she had made the mistake of wanting to be closer to him.

Kenshin would admit to being surprised when she stood up from the table and made her way towards him, but that surprise turned into grim acceptance when he realised just what was about to happen. That was why his mind went blank when the woman bent down and engulfed him in a hug.

He simply couldn’t comprehend what was happening right now… did she not fear or hate him after seeing his memories? Did she not see him for the monster that he truly was? How could such a thing be possible when even he saw himself as one.

“Thank you, Kenshin. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry for everything you’ve done through, Kenshin. I’m sorry that you’ve been so hurt… I understand why you have such terrible difficulty now.” she would say, pulling away from the hug as she did. Her words only made the Half-blood even more confused… why on earth was she apologizing for what he had been through? Nothing could possibly justify some of the things that he had done for the sake of power… and for his own twisted sense of amusement.

“I’m sorry for hugging you but… your past has only had some warmth in it, I thought you needed more. I just… I want you to know how grateful I am to you for sharing this all with me, and how much I truly appreciate it. You’re too good to me by indulging me like this, Kenshin, but I really do appreciate it.” she would say, before moving to move back to her side of the table. But before she could do so the albino’s right hand would shoot forth and grasp her wrist, not putting anywhere near enough force to hurt her but just enough to prevent her from moving away.

“How… how can you possibly be apologising to me after what you have just experienced… how can you possibly see me as anything more than a twisted, deranged beast? I am a monster Genevieve… after what you have seen I don’t see how you could possibly try to deny that… not even I can deny that.” Kenshin would say, his words almost pleading as he looked up at the form of the former priestess.

“You’ve seen EVERYTHING.” he would all but whisper, the last word gaining particular emphasis as he gazed at the woman.

Before she could say anything… before she could respond, Kenshin would do something that neither of them were expecting. Almost as if it had gained a mind of its own his arm would gently pull the Chunin towards him, and before he even knew what he was doing he would begin to move in towards her.

Should she not do anything drastic in an attempt to stop this their lips would meet.

WC: 595
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Ryo : 500

Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:22 am
Before she could fully return to her side of the table but stopped when she felt something grab her wrist and she turned to find that ‘something’ had been a ‘someone’- it was Kenshin. How… how can you possibly be apologizing to me after what you have just experienced… how can you possibly see me as anything more than a twisted, deranged beast? I am a monster Genevieve… after what you have seen I don’t see how you could possibly try to deny that… not even I can deny that.He said as he looked at her with such… sadness. Even his words were pleading and she felt even sorrier for him. It had never been his fault that any of this had happened; how could he blame himself so much? It pained her to know his past as she did now and know how he still took the blame.

You’ve seen EVERYTHING.He whispered and said the last part firmly to let her know how much it meant. Then, his arm pulled her closer- before she knew what was happening, her lips met his. The hand that was on her wrist had left her wrist and the arm had pulled her closer to make their kiss even possible. She didn’t pull away- not at first. Instead, she put a hand on his shoulder and leaned into the kiss, kissing him back before pulling away after a long moment. When she did pull away she touched his cheek,

Izayumi.” She started, “My priestess name is ‘Genevieve Oasis’... by birth name is Izayumi Hozuki… but Kenshin, some people are born monsters like my father, for example.” The woman told him and stroked his cheek gently for a moment with the thumb of her hand that resided on his face. “I think the things that happened to you? They molded and made you into a monster- not the other way around. I’m so sorry that you’ve been in pain for so long, that you feel the only release is the things you’ve done to other people. I’m sorry that you blame yourself for what the world has made you into.” She told him with genuine honesty and smiled down at him, “I just hope that you can forgive yourself for some of the things you’ve done out of spite and retaliation.” Izayumi told him, “And I hope that you will find solace here; even if it’s just a little bit from the food that I feed you.

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Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin) Empty Re: Dinner Reservations (W/ Kenshin)

Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:11 am
The Uzumaki resisted the urge to flinch when he felt the priestesses hand come to rest upon his shoulder, thinking that the gorgeous creature before him would use it to push him away, but he was proven wrong when she began to lean into the action. Any and all thought was wiped away in an instant, and for quite possibly the first time in his admittedly short life, Kenshin would simply allow himself to feel. It was only then, when he allowed him to do the one thing that he had refused for years, that he was able to see the full extent of what this woman actually did to him, and what he saw was a rather startling realisation to be sure. He may have been quite dense when it came to matters of emotion… but even he was not quite so dense as to mistake this feeling for anything other than love. The closest thing he could compare it to was what he felt for Akihana… but even that was put to shame by what he felt for this… weak, unassuming woman. He only wished that he actually knew how to love someone else… or at least, how to love them more than he loved himself.

The kiss ended far sooner than Kenshin would have liked, but he knew that unlike him she actually needed to breathe, so he would do nothing to stop her from breaking the kiss off. She would place her soft hand upon the pale flesh of his face as she leaned back ever so slightly, and he would do little more than gaze at her.

“Izayumi.” the rainbow haired woman would say, earning little more than a quirked brow from the content Uzumaki.

“My priestess name is ‘Genevieve Oasis’... by birth name is Izayumi Hozuki… but Kenshin, some people are born monsters like my father, for example.” She would say, causing a minute frown to form upon his face. That frown dissipated when she began to stroke his cheek with her thumb, but the questions that had taken root in his mind had not. He would simply wait for a better time to bring those questions up.

“I think the things that happened to you? They molded and made you into a monster- not the other way around. I’m so sorry that you’ve been in pain for so long, that you feel the only release is the things you’ve done to other people. I’m sorry that you blame yourself for what the world has made you into. I just hope that you can forgive yourself for some of the things you’ve done out of spite and retaliation. And I hope that you will find solace here; even if it’s just a little bit from the food that I feed you.” she would say, causing the Uzumaki to give a slight smile. It seemed that she didn’t understand one key thing about what she had seen… and that was that he felt no guilt whatsoever from what he had done. That had been what he had been alluding to earlier when he had said that she had seen everything… not only had she been forced to watch the horrendous acts that he had committed over the years… she had also been forced to feel the sheer lack of empathy or guilt that accompanied them. Or perhaps… perhaps she had understood that, and that was why she was not trying to convince him that he wasn’t a monster.

It mattered not though, what the half-blood was feeling right now was too strong for him to simply resist… not that he had actually planned on trying to resist it in the first place. After-all, lust was an emotion that he was quite familiar with, and compared to most emotions he actually found it rather easy to control.

“Screw the food, I want you” he would say simply, pushing himself up from his seated position and wrapping both of his arms around her lusciously curved form, both hands meeting on the small of the dress-clad woman's back. Should she do nothing to resist he would lower his head down to allow their lips to meet once more, although unlike their last kiss this one was filled with a mixture of lust and passion. From there… lets just say that the night proved to be rather eventful for both Kenshin and Izayumi. But for everyone aside from those two, everything seemed to simply fade to black.

WC: 748


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