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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:24 am
When Terumi spoke about his home town, his expression tensed. Kari's eyes sharply peered into every action despite not understanding what was happening. When Terumi smiled she realized something was wrong. His smile that matched one of his happy expressions, felt empty, fake, even forced though that was pushing it. Though Kari would not respond, she would take note so she could inquire later if it came up to be more interesting. It was something she wished she could sketch for future references. After she allowed the boy to read her mind again like he was doing earlier, she opened her eyes and saw the smile glowing bright enough to blind anyone who stared too hard at it.

Kari's eyes were glued to his lips. Though she was pleased that the true expression she longed for returned to the boys face, she still lacked the understanding for its reason. It was baffling. Logically, she could link it to the return of the privilege, but what made a smile the correct response? Why did this blow away that other weird smile like expression? Kari started to turn away, unsure what to do but the boy said something that forced her to turn back around.

Not only did he inquiry about seeing her family, but he wanted to help her find a way out of her money issues. Kari's answers were simple, get stronger and work harder. Terumi's suggestion was the ultimate wild card. It was something she would never think of, not because it was a bad or crazy idea, but because she did not have many friends. the only friend she knew she had was the man that Terumi taught fire jutsu too and the only reason she knew that was because he said they were close friends after a day. It was weird and confusing because her father would say friendship is formed through the bonds and experience two people endure together. She could room with a stranger but why would a stranger want to room with a girl with money problems. Kari hesitated to decline the suggestion. It probably would not work, but there was no proof. Plus, she was tired of constantly working.

As with the first statement, it was something she planned on doing one day, but she just did not have the time. After a while it became a thought packed away with the other non-important thoughts. However, now she had no job for the week and a lot of free time. Only a unannounced visit now would excite her mother to no end and make it hell to go back. She would need a distraction, something that would keep the woman's attention long enough to blow pass the surprise period. If he was willing to help her improve her life situation, then maybe he could help her with something as small as that.

Kari turned around not wanting to look at the boy while she tried to work up a response. Her last one came out broken and confusing and triggered a distraction for Kari.
"I... I want to visit father and mother," Kari took a breath as she gave one more thought to the boy's suggestion, "I also wish to ease my living burden. I am interested in this roommate idea though I am unsure how applicable its uses would work for me. I... I don.. don't know many people who are accepting of me."

Satisfied with her response, she turned back to see the boy pick up a lizard and release it on the wall. It was another sign of how little Kari understood people. Why did he waste time helping the creature? It would not return praise, nor would it know how to be grateful. While she could pawn it as one of his character traits, it did not solve the mystery. After all, he did also decide to help Kari without accepting anything in return. It was illogical, not always bright, but interesting. It also made it more likely he would go along with her plan. Kari pulled out one of the coupons she carries with her, "Would you be willing to change about accepting my offering. It could benefit both of us?"

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:21 pm
Miyamoto felt her eyes study his movements as he helped the lizard then stood there for a moment. The silence was not awkward, but it was enough that Miyamoto decided it was time to end this part of the conversation when she finally spoke he decided otherwise. She was very quiet about it, but she revealed she wanted to visit her mother and father, as well as telling him that she wished to ease her living burden. It was sudden, but it gave Miyamoto a moment to breathe before opening his mouth as he was about to speak she went further, holding out that coupon from their earlier training experience.

"Yeah, I will take the coupon and we can both go visit your family, how does that sound?" Miyamoto said as he went back to her first statement.
"I will show you my place, I actually have a room open I guess since my grandpa passed away, its bigger than my room. You can come to stay the night and see if you want to stay there for a bit so you can save money and meet new people..." He blushed a little before finally clearing his throat.
"If you want that is. Also, we can head out in the morning as well, I can get us there faster through a friend I know. It will be fun, and I need to get out of the village anyway. What do you think?" Miyamoto asked as he finally laid it all out there in the open for her to decide. The ball was in her court.

Miyamoto then stared up at the sky as the orange streaks began to give way to weird black swatches as little by little the stars began to fill the night sky. It was peaceful here.

WC: 300/2385
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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:50 pm
Once again, Terumi's gift for breaking into the minds of others showed as he predicted what her plan was. He also agreed which saved Kari a lot of work. Kari nodded her head, agreeing with his suggestion. However, his next comment would prove to be even more entertaining. The boy offered to show Kari his home. With his grandfather's passing, he had an empty room at his home. This was followed by an offer to spend the night. Ultimately this was a sleep over, something Kari would have never dreamed of doing with another kid her age. To help convince her, he claimed she could save money and meet more people. One of those ideas were more appealing than the other, but none of them were deal breakers.

Terumi had the answers to everyone of Kari's problems though his face started turning red. This threw Kari off as the kid was fine just a moment ago. The last time she saw him turn red was when they left the lake after training on the hidden mist jutsu.
"Terumi-Sempai, are you okay?"
She wanted to reach out and feel his head, but his height made it too difficult, so she opted to just trust his judgement. After that, he suggested they leave early in the morning to go to the inn while adding that he had contacts that could make the trip quicker than walking. It was an optimal move in her eyes. Staying in the village any longer would be unproductive. That was unless she used this spare time for training. Still, training with her mother or with Terumi would have been more proficient and productive. This was especially true since she recently built her new puppet which was a huge improvement on her previous wolf puppet.
The sleepover suggestion would require some thought. Kari lowered her head wondering what her father would say. It was not good to rely heavily on others but she could not stay like this with such an opportunity presented in front of her. She moved her finger to her lip and bit down on the arch of her index finger as it arched. She did not have to make a final decision now. She could do the sleepover and at least get that experience. Then she could discuss it with her father. Life experience and more time to study Terumi was ultimately the logical choice.
Finally, Kari broke her silence, “If it is just for the night. Can you walk me home so I can change first?” Given all the crazy strong people she dealt with, she thought it best to have someone to walk with. There is safety in numbers. To make matters worse, she did not have her ninja tools or puppets and this outfit was hard to properly move in. Still, she was a ninja. Hopefully Terumi would not down her for it.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Mon Jun 18, 2018 12:45 pm
"I'm...I am fine." He said as he cleared his throat, the back and forth between them felt like flirting though Miyamoto knew very well that it was not. Miyamoto could tell that Kari had some other ideas in her head most likely in reference to what he had said and asked her. It was easier to take note of the surroundings as he waited for an answer, and not too long after though he got his answer as she asked him if he could accompany her to her house so she could change her clothes. Again, his face grew red, but he nodded his head in agreement as he motioned his arm out to show that he would let her lead the way as he soon scratched his left arm, it still took some getting used to since his mentor did what he did.

"Lead the way please Kari, I will make sure to be right behind you until it is my turn to lead." He said as he would follow her. The sun was beginning to actually dip below the tree lines now as old lanterns and lights began to turn on and have people light them.
"The village really is beautiful as the night begins to cover the area. It is pure and cold, the night washes away what the sun shinobi we work in the dark to preserve the light... it's almost poetic. I remember my mentor...he said that many of the most beautiful things also came out at night." He said in solemn admiration as he walked behind Kari as he soon went quiet.

As soon as Kari would let him know that they arrived he would stop at her door asking politely if she wanted for him to wait outside or to just come in. He was actually nervous now, more so than when he entered the Chuunin exams.

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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:31 pm
Once again, claimed he was okay despite clearing his throat. It was such a weird thing to do. Like she only seen boys do it and it just never made sense. This was given they did not have a fever. She seen plenty of sick people have a red face. Also, she seen people with sunburn have a red face. How could she forget sunburn. It was a terrible feeling to have, something she remember getting all to well. That was not important though, what was important was if Terumi would help her get home safely. Lucky for Kari, he would accept, asking her to lead the way. Kari gave him a quick bow, "Thank you." When she raised her head, she noticed the boy's face turning red again. Kari was just baffled. It was something he would ask her mother or better yet, her father. Her mother would probably make a big deal over it. Then again, it actually would be useful to hear her opinion.

Kari moved her hands into her sleeve and casually strolled down the street. For some reason, she caught herself walking at a slower pace which she would force herself to speed up. However, she would only catch herself after seeing Terumi catching up. Was she tired? Kari shook her head and rubbed her eyes hoping it would fix this issue with her body. As they walked, the lanterns would light the path, doing their best to illuminate the little bit of sidewalk they could before brief stretches of darkness raided the ground. The darkness was a ninja's best friend, but her mother mentioned it being a woman's nightmare. Not only could girl's not be seen, but they could not see around them. The first part made sense when you took into account how much attention her mother needed but the second point was well justified. Terumi made a different statement about the night, reflecting on it's beauty. Kari adjusted her eyes and saw a scene of light vs dark. She reached into her haori only to remember she did not have her notebook.

"I want to draw the night."
Kari lowered her head, trying to resist the urge to draw. It was painful having a feeling inside of you compelled to capture what you could not have. It was like starving and having food dangle just outside of your reach. She had to change her focus, maybe she could ask add to the conversation. Before she could work up the strength, she found herself in front of her apartment building.

The building itself was older though still well put together. In the little bit of light off of a old lantern, you could see the faded paint and the cracked sign, "Starlight Studio's." The building rose 8 stories into the the night sky. Most of the windows, had broken wooden doors though the screens and glass was in good order. a pathway lead into a open outdoor area on the first floor which acted as a indoor yard. A couple lanterns revealed some benches and a garden that surrounded the perimeter. In the back was what could be describe as a group of storage units and a closet like door. The door was 2 times bigger than a normal door due to the equipment inside. In the middle was a stairwell which led to the front entrance on the second floor. Kari would guide the boy up to her room up on the 3rd floor.

Then Terumi asked if Kari wanted him to wait in the hallway or come inside. Kari turned to him looking at his face for the first time since walking back. "Please come inside. Right now you are my guest. I hope I can make your short stay most comfortable." Kari then opened the door revealing a studio style apartment. As they walked in, she would request him to take off his shoes if he had not already done so.

It had one 2 rooms. A big open space that turned from a kitchen into a living space and a bathroom. As they walked into to the apartment, they would enter the kitchen and Everything that was metal was polished. A couple of glass cups rested in a dish rack to their left while a rice cooker and a portable stove rested on the counter. A medium size black refrigerator would sit at the end of the counter on the floor. The silver metal handle was polished. The white tile on the floor was glossed with a purple mat sitting in front of the sink. There were 4 cabinets above the sink, much to high for Kari to effectively reach but a white step stool rested in the front left hand corner of the room which gave the girl access to those spaces. The refrigerator had a few magnets on it to include a red heart, a pink square, a orange triangle, and a green circle. However there were no pictures. The only other decoration was The girl's name "Kari" as a purple magnet on the top of the fridge.  

The living space was a tatami mats with a pinkish purple circular rug resting in the middle of the floor. This mat was shifted so it left enough space for a small Japanese futon. A pink folded foam pad rested against the back wall under the window while the rolled up Japanese style futon was rolled up lying next to it. A small white fan rested in the back right corner of the room and a small dark blue kotatsu rested in the back left hand corner of the room. A black ceiling fan with 3 lights was the only light source outside of the bathroom and it rested where the kitchen met the living room. Kari had no photos or pictures hanging anywhere in the room. Also her sketchpad sat on the kotatsu.

On the right wall the bathroom and closet. The bathroom was small, holding a small sink, toilet, and shower maximizing the little bit of space provided. There was barely enough room for one person. Again, all the metal inside was polished and a pink toothbrush and purple towels decorated the space. The closet held most of the girl's clothes and a object wrapped in bandages which hid the shape of the object. It was big enough to hold a girl the size of Kari.

"Please make yourself at home. I have water and a cucumber in the fridge if you are hungry," Her dreary voice drone as if it was prerecorded announcement, "Please use the glass on the dish rack if you are thirsty." Kari then removed her skirt without warning the boy. She was wearing red boxer brief like underwear which was partly covered by her haori. Then she removed the haori, revealing her bandaged up chest which acted as a bra as well as a recovery method for her back injury from her fight with Cole, and folded them before placing them on the kotatsu. She did think about him being in the same room as her after she got undressed. The boy had seen her in her underwear before. If he made a comment about it, she would remind him of their training on the lake. Then she went into her closet and started going through clothes.

WC: 1225
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:25 pm
He heard her voice of thanks, it was sweet to his ears, but he just merely waved it off as no big deal as he walked behind her.  A few times he noted that he was gaining on her as she would then snap out of whatever she was thinking of at the time and speed up just enough to lead him as Miyamoto asked of her.  Then her next words as she made a motion to her inner sleeves, he understood them well as he caught up just a little bit more.  He felt himself wanting to talk to her more.

"The night can be drawn anytime, darkness is darkness...but the issue of what lies in the night is always the more fascinating part, it could be enemies, simple animals, people training...or even...a couple taking a stroll."  He would say as he sighed as they came to her building finally.  

"Starlight Studio..."  He said to himself as he followed her up to her door as he stated last time that he asked her whether or not she wanted him to wait outside or inside, but the answer came as she opened the door to her open studio.  It really was small and showed that she really did mostly have what was on her back.  He swallowed hard as he walked into her apartment, and when she told him to make himself at home and that she wanted him comfortable he went took his boots off and then went to a mat so he could take a seat.  Then he watched as Kari crossed the room in one fluid motion, his eyes were glued to her as he could not quite tell why.  Her invitation to have a glass of water or a cucumber was inviting, but he noded simply in thanks as she then began to strip down without warning him.  He looked away as his right nostril began to leak a little blood.  He coughed a little as he stood up.

"Yeah, I think some water will do me some good."  He would say as he crossed the room to the kitchen rather swiftly, still not making a noise.

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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:19 pm
As Terumi coughed Kari's eyes darted back beating her head to the turn but a quick follow up about getting water stopped Kari from turning around. She really hoped he was not sick. It would be disadvantages to bring a sick person on a trip, though it could distract her mother. No, for if Kari got sick, her mom would be stuck to her like glue which would limit her chances to see her father. Going through her closet, Kari debated if she should bring her mission clothes or casual clothes. The fact that they were not really leaving to train was the ultimate factor in picking out her white and plum Jacket, a dark purple shirt and a pair a purple shorts. She also packed a backpack for a couple day trip and walked out.

Terumi should have been able to find the water and the cup. Had he not, she would help him and wait for him to finish. Once he finished Kari would quickly wash the dish and put it back in the dish rack. Meanwhile Kari with her stuff by the door, would start to inquiry on the boy's cough.
"Your face turned red, and you coughed. Are you sure you are not sick?" Kari's dreary voice stated just loud enough for him to hear.
No matter how he responded they would still have to stop by his house. She was suppose to spend the night. Only then did she realize she probably needed 1 more thing. Kari moved back to grab her futon roll and blanket. She was really use to them so she thought she would need it. However if Terumi would mention having a bed for her already she would put them back. With that she was ready to head out and hopefully Terumi would be too.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:31 am
Miyamoto noticed her movement out of the corner of his eye as he did his best to clean the nosebleed and grab a glass of water before sighing to himself. This was the third wait the fourth time he had been in this situation with Kari. She either enjoyed this and was playing dumb...or she truly did not know that she was stirring feelings within Miyamoto. Either way he laid the glass down on the counter top just as she followed in and cleaned the cup behind him and then placed it back on the rack as it was before. A place for everything, and everything in its place. Then came her question as she looked like she was ready to go.

“I am not sick, I promise. However I have to ask...have...have you ever had a boyfriend or anything like that?” The question was weird of him to ask, but he had to know if she was just fucking with him. So he also activated the mind eye jutsu so he could see if she was lying.

Then as she would move to her bed area Miyamoto spoke up once more.
“I...I have a bed you can use at the house. You don’t have to sleep on the floor.” He said before reaching his right hand back and scratching his head.

Regardless of her answer to the boyfriend thing, Miyamoto would play it off like it was nothing before moving to the door as he was going to lead the way. Once in the hallway he would wait for Kari before finally leading the way back out into the street. It was about a twenty minute walk back home and the night was fully set in now as only restaurants and pubs were open and displaying everything for the world to see.

“Alright, follow me and we can get some rest.” He said though a bit awkwardly now as he smiled and led the way.

WC: 330/3,390
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The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:33 pm
Terumi asked a weird question. Did Kari have a boy friend. Well, obviously he was Kari's friend and there were like 1 other guy in the village who said they were friends with Kari. If this was coming from Cole, then Kari could understand but Terumi was different. He was much smarter and he could read her mind. The girl was silent unsure how to answer ultimately deciding to just answer the best way she know how. "Well I... Oh my futon," she remembered as she ran to grab her futon. However Terumi told her he had a bed with made sense. With all of that they started to head out and Terumi lead the way. Once outside, Kari remembered the question.

"Oh Sempai, I did not answer your question. Umm you are a boy and you are my friend." Her dreary voice was a little more clear than normal. She at least owed him a clear answer for forgetting, "Why do you ask? Did... did I so something wrong? Was my actions something unbecoming of a friend?" Kari lowered her head and started fiddling with her hair. She was not sure what she could have did wrong, but she always tried her best to be polite and curious to other civil people. Her father's lessons and speeches were numerous to the point where she could recite them all. Still, she had to have done something to spark him to ask this. Terumi was super smart after all and he could read minds.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Tsukami Inn (Private, NK, Ask for Invite)

Tue Jul 03, 2018 6:28 pm
"You dd not do anything wrong, Kari, just...had to ask for my own personal reasons.  I welcome the thought of being your friend and cherish it."  He said nervously as he walked beside her as they seemed to weave through the streets and alleys, taking shortcuts and paths less traveled, but with no disturbances, the entire time as Miyamoto remained quiet.  He did not bring up prior scenes where he had info of just yet.  Instead, he just came to the neighborhood near the edge of the village walls where the forests can easily be seen, the moon had an orange hue to it as a cold wind swept through the area.

As they arrived at his house, the lights were off and there was no instance of his mother being home, so he dug a set of keys from his inside pocket before opening the door and slipping off his boots as if they were shoes.  The house was warm and inviting as the darkness almost seemed welcome.  With a flip of a switch next to the door, however, the warm electrical glow of the lights flickered on as Miyamoto looked back to Kari and presented her his humble, yet lived in household that reflected a loving but distant family.

"Well this is it, come on in and I will show you around and to your room as well."  He said as he scratched the back of his head.

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