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Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:05 pm
Following Yen's actions Love also picked up a rock and used the half tiger seal to make it transform into a cane. His mind was quiet as he had his work cut out for him in training this boy. This kid named Shinoskay, his face looked like it would crack any moment with that forced smile. Did he think that all his higher-ups wanted was an academy student that looked at them with stars in their eyes to boost their own egos? Channeling normal chakra through her hand that was holding the rock cane Love wondered if she could influence it otherwise and create a lightning bolt. The rock in her hand was lightweight and not very durable, it would also crumble if held too close to her body due to the Raiton Cape. Surely he wasn't that naive right? It was certainly a lot more plausible when the boy opened his mouth to speak and admitted his ignorance.

Just what had this kid been doing instead of training? He looked like he'd just hit puberty, maybe he'd been a slacker until he decided that he wanted to impress some little girl(s). Or that he wanted to be strong enough to fend for himself since he couldn't rely on family to protect him. Whatever the reason he was truly at the bottom of the barrel and it might truly take a village. As Yen spoke, giving the boy the basic rundown of chakra that is taught when you attend class at the academy, he mentioned moving faster and hitting harder. This, of course, got the wheels turning in Love's mind, she was thinking of a stronger Vaccum Palm but then heard the Aburame speak her name. She smirked, what was more shocking: getting struck by lightning or being paralyzed on touch? Yensung would never be able to suffer the latter effect of her skill in its base form but maybe one day she'd be strong enough to cause him damage.

For now, she would allow the male to remain in the lead of this conversation. The red head would use the chakra built up in her hand to launch the rock cane into the air. With a thrust of her palm, a cylinder of 25 centimeters in width and 15 inches in length would send the cane 30 meters farther than the normal 15 centimeter width, 6 inches long vacuum palm could. Impressive, she was also delighted that it didn't use much more chakra than the lesser version. The speed and power had also only gone up slightly but she didn't mind that everyone had their limits. The Hyuuga also felt that more chakra could be expended before she would need to cool down. Yes, this was definitely a superior technique however she would need to see how many rounds could be fired. The kunoichi would aim at a tree behind the group and attempt to break it.

The next two shots would be used on trees denser than the last to see just how powerful the jutsu really was. After analysis of the Four Sky Palms Love could feel the exhaust. How long had it been since she was this weak? Rhetorical but it had to be sometime after she stopped working on taijutsu and heavily studied other specialties. A few weeks or possibly months after receiving her headband she'd already grown without having done much of anything. Something like that is why she was a good choice to lead the clan, the ability to get a lot done in a short amount of time. Love wondered what else there was to learn although those thoughts conflicted with the unanswered cluster she'd extracted from Yen. Though it would likely be some time before she would have it solved so for the meantime the girl would be the onlooker while Yen trained the boy.

WC: 644
AP: -40 four sky palms; -45 for 3 additional shots = 278
*Clears throat*:

day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:08 pm
Loves assault on the tree was a little too intense for Shinoskay's liking and so his instinct took over and as the tools struck the tree near him, whether it was next to or behind him he couldn't quite tell nor did he look. He felt this confirmed his suspicions that at least she felt issue with him, his answers, and just in general he felt frightened and so though he watched her curious observation of the rock the moment it shot past and the bang of it against the tree sounded... his eyes shot open wide and then he turned and ran off.

[(been slowed down lately because of school so yen asked me to find an exit out) exit]
Claim 3,500+(only using 3500 tho) +17 stats, Claim Incomplete dance of a hundred puppets 2000/2000... if this is denied, my contingency request... Chakra suppression cause I am not looking to clod up the thread. Claim Fuinjutsu lock500/500 []Fuinjutsu break[/url]500/500 Generic Sealing Technique500/500

Last edited by Shinoskay on Sat Mar 31, 2018 5:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:44 pm
(Inner seals are basically something only naoki can teach or the charecters that were listed for inner seals. Second you do not meet the bonus requirements for it (it requires a 50 in chakra stat at least and also the ninjutsu spec in which you only have puppetry as your only specialty.)

As for incomplete preformance. That you can gain.)

Yen possibly made the boy bored of his elemental explanation. Or so it was clear as the boy seemed frightend of loves showcase of her abilities. So much that he fled like a deer. 

Hm well he did run in on two people much higher ranking then himself..... ah it shall be fine. Inspiration comes after a good nights sleep.

Yen thought as he smiled and shrugged. 

"Their eyes always grow big with inspiration when they have the oppertunity to learn, but then again flee when they realize the nature of a technique.... however, fear cannot make one flee facing a technique. But it is only day one for him. Soon he will have hundreds of days under his belt for experience to look back onto. It will truely be liberating for the one known as shinoskay."

Yen chuckled softly. There was a bit of a bitter sound to it as he let out a sigh of hidden frustration. He never enjoyed holding back so much. Yet he had to. Always had to. It was the most he could do to keep talking and hope eventually someone would listen. Yet sa's words haunted him still.

"Perhaps one day he will understand the pain of harboring such a heavy burden as responsibility. Maybe then he would understand a bit of the pain... but i would rather see our future shinobi avoid such things as that. It is the most smwe can do love. Teach and hope lessons stick in. Mistakes we cannot rewrite, nor action rewound. But in the end we are here today, and we will see tomarrow."

Yen stated as he smiled at love and looked down clupping his hands.

"I have a dawn to see tomarrow. The beautiful faces of my children. Perhaps this is what makes a clan  tick. The fact that each day you see the future go on with each new face. You watch a baby become a boy, the baby girl grow to a girl, boys to men, and girls to women. The very secret to peace love. Lies in the joy of watching these things happen."

Yen then looked up at love with a still kind smile his single eye gaze was brimming with a glowing flame perhaps much greater then love perhaps has seen many times. The joy of being a shinobi, a father, a teacher, and one who held someone dear and close. With the pain in his heart still mixed amid it. The fear that he held. The rage. There was an seemingly imeasureable ammount of pride and gratitude within the man.

"We may walk a road that many call a death sentence, but we walk it proud for moments like that. The moments that you reflect on for strength in the most daunting of times. What do you think?"

Yen asked the girl before him.

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Ryo : 23750

day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:43 pm
Approved of exit and Incomplete Performance, as well as the assumed E ranked versions of lock/seal, and the generic sealing tech. Shino, buddy, you gotta list how many words are goin to what for future reference, aight?
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:33 pm
Instead of focusing on Yen the boy was watching as Love shot her rock cane into the air. His eyes were as wide as melons and after hearing the sound of trees snapping resounding in his ears the boy was scared shitless. This chump wants to be a ninja? She thought to herself when just seconds later, as if they wouldn't be able to stop him or catch him, Shinoskay ran. Love let out a short breath, a "heh". Turning to Yen as he spoke up about the scene Love replied to him, "I haven't seen that since I was an academy student and it was rare then." The girl smiled as Yen chuckled but she could tell that there was something that wasn't being let out. Love shrugged as she folded her arms across her chest. "Responsibility doesn't have to be a painful burden. As much as we want to keep the kids safe and happy you can't be a real shinobi without knowing pain..." Her words trailed as the Aburame looked down at his hands.

Looking at Yen as he spoke again Love didn't know what to say. He could be right but her biological clock wasn't at all ticking. "It's possible" She finally said when he was looking at her again. The glowing flame in his eye, she had seen it before but it was somehow different. Likely because the man she saw it in was her father and she'd never considered him her equal unlike the man standing before her now. Love nodded to the proposition the male asked for her opinion on. She could tell that his heart was heavy and that there were undealt with emotions that he needed to get off of his chest but at this time she was far too exhausted to be the shoulder and ear he needed. Looking at their surroundings with a stretch and a sigh Love began to gather the broken trees, "I'm gonna take these to the lumber mill and call it a day." She would tell the jounin and disappear leaving a trail of sparks before he had a chance to offer his assistance. By the time she would make it back from the mill it would be dinner time and she planned to be on time for it tonight.

The last thing he would hear was, "Catch you later." The Hyuuga needed some time to officially process everything that she had learned from reading his mind. She also needed to figure out a non-creepy way of admitting what she had done along with formulating questions that weren't too invasive. Although how much deeper could she get into the man, without learning his deepest fears and darkest memories? However she had a feeling that he might be willing to share some of those with someone willing to listen, it was always better to vent. "Damnit!" She said with a clench of her jaw. She couldn't leave just yet, it was like some unforeseen force was compelling her to go back and collect more words. So the red head activated her lightning javelin jutsu to get to the mill even faster than normal. Once that task was complete she rushed back to the area she'd just left without deactivating the jutsu, she'd traveled a long way but Yen wasn't that fast so she would likely be able to catch up to him. "Yen!" She would call out to him when she'd spotted the male. "I'm sorry, I had to come back. There are some unexplained things that I learned while you were talking to that boy." She started.

"I hope you don't get mad at me but I used a jutsu to read your mind." She paused to catch her breath and let the male process what she'd said. If he did become angry then she would just leave him alone for some time, unless he reached out to her before she figured she'd given him enough time. Although Yen was a pretty sensible person Love had no idea how this would go however she was hoping for the best. The girl didn't know enough about him to try and piece things together herself and she knew that'd she'd spend all night thinking about his memories if she didn't get some kind of answer. Nothing worse than a tired ninja on the job, or a tried anyone on the job for that matter.

WC: 737
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:12 pm
Love seemed exhuasted. Perhaps her technique truely did take a heavy toll on her. Then again yen thought to the last time he pressed his chakra so far. It was a long while ago. Still he understood the girl. She had csomemore things to do so he was fine with it. 

"Its fine im around"

He woulsd adress as she sped off. Yen now was alone and hence the time he sat there in thought. The fact that it was the same village yet not the same. The uncertaincy in the air. The hidden fear and shame behind smiles plastered in all too convincing bits. It was not the same. Yet it was home to yen. In end he was merely a mortal in the flesh.

Awknowledgement of the self is the only way to move from here.

He thought as he quietly sat there. Perhaps he was what others hated in a sense. Actions often were never approved, but the shinobi path was a path of both blood of the innocent, and the guilty. Even of ones own. 

Some people forget this one fact. The trees are red for both trespassors, and the owners. It is a world of violence, because like war. It is only temporarily stayed.... we are meant to fight. A father kills a man that hits his son, the son of the father killed kills the father defending his child. Dominos that are placed in front of the wave will still be knocked down. Our walls, our belifs stained. Enemies merely glare at us without knowing nor caring... because the world is ran by not a cycle of violence, but pure greed and gluttony. Hidden in smiles, and hidden by daggers...

Yen thought as he was still sitting before the same spot  as later love came rushing back. The sun was nearing its decent as she approached.

"Back so soon?" 

Yen stated as he simply got up and brushed off his cloak. Her request of him being angry was simply waved off although her next statement was not very bothersome as he continued to brush off his cloak and looked up at love.

" reading a mind is not the wisest thing to do.... it is like if i read yours and then told you. Still Very well then. What did you learn?"

Yen simply stated as he finished brushing off his cloak till suitable. The mind was dangerous as he knew. There were some things that were not to be tampered with, and some things one did not need to know nor learn. After all the mind of a person learning stuff was full of judgement, and never knowing a full truth nor motive. One has to live that induviduals life in order to understand... however it was impossible. To take ones soul and simply be them. Know what they know.

"Memories are merely the past. Unless you can see the future. And know their future thoughts. The mere fact is that ones life is full of choices made."

Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:11 pm
The red head gave the Aburame an awkward smile before admitting what she had done. "Obviously it was on purpose but I didn't actually expect anything to happen. My eye just started to shake on its own like it was weaving hand seals." She said with a sigh before going on. "Everything you thought about... I could see it as it happened, I was reliving your memories." She wanted to confess how awesome that had been but held on to it for the sake of not upsetting him. "The questions born from them are why I returned." She added. Immediately jumping into one of the heavier topics or at least a sensitive one Love said, "Why didn't you actually try to fight for Hokage spot?" She would keep the idea she came up with earlier to herself so that it wouldn't seem as though she'd made assumptions about the male. "Also how big is the Aburame clan currently? You guys are rather had to spot." She said with a sincere smile. The first few minutes of observing the male's mind had been fairly uncomplicated so there wasn't much for the Hyuuga to question. Going back through her feelings of the previous memories Love didn't want to bring up the first flashback of the village gate gathering or the death of his mentor. Talking about Hotaru and how their relationship rapidly developed was also futile so she would be forced to move on to his disfigurement. However, she would give the male time to reply to the earlier questions first.

Looking at the ground in front of their feet before looking up at the male's one eye Love thought of how to ask this. "You once had a Sharingan, why did you get rid of it?" She had no need or want to discuss Viper and his half-blooded children thus leaving the final accumulation of questions rather small. It was weird since it had been so much information and the flashbacks were littered with emotions. She supposed that she'd managed to answer the majority of her inquiries on her own. So now as she waited for Yen to respond his words would be closer. Hopefully, the male would be able to also find some for himself. The girl also hoped that her questions didn't make things worse for Yensung. Even if he tried to hide it she would see the truth, even if that required her to dive into his mind again. Though she was confident that he would be completely honest and open with her since she was doing the same.

WC: 431
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:26 pm
So she went there. Yen smiled softly. He understood her curiousity upon literally gazing into his memories. Hell he had a brief flash back for a moment of silence till she adressed her point of return.  Why? Why did he not  fight back against risako. Why did he not truely try? Why did he accept being beaten down as opposed to fighting back. He was slow but he had tools. The thought to the fight had yen take a steady breath as he knew. But love deserved the truth.

"I lost salzem.... the whole world may hate me for my sin... he was dear to me... my best freind... the only one should i seek vengence makr risako akara may hate my guts. Hell i stabbed sal and by voice took the lead.... but in heart i lost more then i could bargin for. I care more for risako then most people. She is not my kage, but even if my guts are hated.... she is my freind. Now it is only me and her.... but i would see no reason to fight back.  Some fights you must take a defeat, you must swallow your pride. You must make hard choices... dangerous gambles. But if i fought back... the outcome wouldve just been worse then anyone could imagine. I rarely fight back. I dont want to cause bloodshed. I only want peace.... but i told sal in suna despite my peaceful heart... i must be a warrior when it calls for it. I must act for not the sake of a person, but my land... my home, my nation. We still were swept by the waves... but if we have refused like it would've been if i did not make the hard choice... we wouldve all been killed.... men like him. If anything... the beating would've just appeased his hunger for suffering....  men like him would rather see you kneel and bleed... then stand and fight. So i took what i needed. I did not want the kage seat.... perhaps later ill want it.. but there should only be risako now. Raise her status to the man that attempted to wash us away... some one had to do it love.... so it was my chance to not only test her rage, but sate the mizukage as well."

Yen stated as he turned towards her quietly and took a breath. He would not reveal such a thing normally, but it was nothing. After all ninjas were great actors, even to quell a beast to beliving prey is dead. Or so forth. Just to decisively strike. That is the way.

"The mizukage seek only to sate the murmmer of war in their souls. They fight for the thrill, and would not break your bones... to break your soul. Turn an ideology against you. Make your sheild your blade, and blade your death.. that is the ruthless art of the shinobi.... the true art of a killer... but you must stay strong.... so i gave her the one thing i need not fight for. The seat... but in it i told her the truth. She will never understand this however, i expected it and accepted it. I do not plead or beg. For i am an shinobi. An aburame moreso. I am a pillar of my home, my clan been here before the village, and will be here well beyond that.... it is how it always shall be."

Yen stated as  he spoke grimly.

"Aburame are not numerous... we are quiet and peacekeepers... unlike many clans we do not trifel with a showmanship of pride, but we  serve our roles quietly... few understand this, as it will take risa a long time to understand this.... but we will not reveal our secrets. Just know if pushed... the fields of food and bountiful harvest will fall. Trees will rot, and livestock will die of famine.... understand our rage is to not be tested."

He said it with a matter of fact sort of term. Still he was not being frightful, just informative to love at the moment.

Then her subject went to the sharingan it was something he did not miss nor need.

"It was to be returned to the earth with its deceased weilder. A promise kept to the princess of the uchiha... i still must keep my other promise to her... also i could never look in my childrens eyes knowing that anothers eye is there. I accepted my stance... powerful eye? Yes, not as strong as yours mind you, but in hands of another, it is not needed. "

Yen stated with  a reassuring nodd. He was contentvwith one eye by now. Although anytime he could just make amother. It was a testament to his honor."

Yen stated as he smiled at her. He truely did not need it.

"No one can follow a guy like me... even if it was for the good of the village. Still i will only watch right now... see how risako does.... learn from it like i did with each other kage i served under. Find the peices. And remain quiet. In time my disire may rise up. But i forsee that not comming for a long while. For right now i will merely watch and observe. Wonder what risako has in mind for the future. I cannot see it. But trial and error serves the greatest instructor."

Wc: 900
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:40 am
Love stood perfectly still and quiet as Yen spoke. The kunoichi understood the words but god Yen sounded like such a hired gun. His hatred for the Mizukage was so abundant it nearly felt as though the two should be kept a certain distance from each other at all times. It was quite concerning yet surely a responsible man such as himself would be able to hold his tongue even despite his declaration to be the downfall of the blue haired male. Nonetheless, it was rather sweet the way Yen now acted as some hidden guardian for Risako. Love was almost in agreement with his statement of that girl not being her kage however she had yet to meet the girl so the verdict was still out on that as of now. Love sighed as the long and very detailed answer to her first question had been completed. "You are so right." Those were the only words to leave her mouth in reply, she didn't want to seem naive but could that man truly be as bad as Yen described? He even went so far as to speak on all Mizukage having the same persona, which wasn't a far stretch seeing as village leaders are meant to be the best example of what their village stands for.

Be that as it may the Leaf and the Mist have been picking at each other since the creation of the nations. Of course, they started it but this has nothing to do with that and everything with them coming back to settle the score. As much as this particular loss stung it would be wise for Risako to treat their circumstance as an alliance instead of Konoha having a strict and overbearing parent breathing down their neck. It's extremely unhealthy for the two lands to continue with this back and forth nonsense, it's also very childish for two villages that bear the title of "Great Shinobi Nation". The only way for it to end is if they truly do work into an alliance because if Konoha continues being treated as the junior that isn't allowed to speak up a rebellion will happen. There are far too many people that are still angry that will go against the kage's wishes or even worse usurp the title. Ugh, the thought of that was enough to make Love shiver though she retained her statue pose. An unruly rebellion with or without kage concent would lead to far more casualties than they sustained in this battle.

Love was adverse to calling it a war as in their time of piece Konoha had gotten lazy and it wasn't at all a fair fight. Not to mention one of their own, Kotsuzui, had been taken. Whether he actually had a choice in the matter or not the male was expected to serve Xyxer as any other Kiri ninja. She was unaware of just how much information Kots held but if the Mizukage found favor in him then surely the blue haired male would fill in the gaps. Should this be the case in the event of a rebellion he'd likely be sacrificed similarly to Salzem. But enough dwelling on what if's and probabilities there were other answers the girl needed to be listening for. Such as the status of the Aburame clan, Love would nod as Yen stated the obvious about them. As daunting as his particularly calm words were Love knew that what he said was fact.

It is said that for every human on this planet there are over two hundred million insects. The Hyuuga wasn't aware of whether or not they were able to influence normal ones or just the ones specific to their clan, due to her lack of experience with the members, but regardless that was more than enough to do severe damage. Especially since the clansmen are able to force the insects to reproduce and they already hold a considerable amount within their bodies. The red head took a breath as the short male moved on to her final question about the Sharingan. Not as strong as mine? Yes, the Byakugan held great power but the Sharingan was an ever-evolving eye. Even in its three tomoe state, it's strong enough to hold its own against the all-seeing white eye. Interesting. She thought to herself as Yen carried on.

Although the girl had figured this would be a taboo subject Yen seemed rather ok with talking about it and even more fine with no longer having the eye or any eye in the socket for that matter. Love was once again nodding as Yen spoke, this little session seemed to do some good. So this is where the official end of their day together would be, Love would thank her senpai for his time and head home. After that conversation being a few minutes late was worth it.

WC: 815 [Exit]
TWC: 11,748
Claiming: 116 AP; 130 words to protection of 64 palms; Shadow Clone; Needle Hell; Hiding Like a Mole; Eye Mind Reading; Rock Cane; Four Sky Palms

Using the 50% discount but here's the math:
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 5 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:35 am
she agreed. which he never showed it, but it meant more to him then she would know. The fact that the truth of many of his choices were often for the better of the village and even if questionable. Non would understand such a hard burden to carry as to be one painted a color when in reality your actions are clean.
Even the puppets with strings require effort to move and manipulate. In the end they will keep moving dispite ones wishes to say no. You do your things in life because they are meant to be done to the full ends of your belief. Mine is konoha. I will grab my vengeance soon. I don’t care for redemption to the heavens. My seat will be taken one day, but that day will not come until I will it. Still I wander these thoughts… At least someone acknowledges that I did the right thing… At least someone cares. I faithfully keep my home safe just to watch the village all but throw away their pride and dignity to people walking up to my village… no different from suna. Could’ve been by himself… they would’ve knelt… but I would rather swallowed a kunai then knelt for a men like the mizukage and that maku…. The world is full of various individuals. Many powerful… but foolish all the same. They run amid a world full of danger and expect one’s self to remain on the bowed head to expose neck to a blade and a risk… that will be an terrible reason to. Their feats are numerous, but their flesh is still flesh. Capable of being severed by both blade, flame, and bones crushed by earth.
Yen thought as love seemingly satisfied with her answers he with respect nodded to love and she went on her way. Yen however remained quietly for a moment as the lights in the street went on. He glanced at the sunset glow for a moment. Knowing fully well they were still lucky to see it. The fact that the future required even more luck, or even a miracle to keep the moving going through a breath of the warm air.  Thus with a bit of relief he had a hopeful heart then things were going to be fine at the end of the day. Which was what truly mattered.  With a cheerful whistle yen headed off home.
Twc: 11,829
7,500/7,500 for mastery of (sealess)
1300 for mastery of (sealess)
2k/ 7,500 for (-25% from max stats. Was 10k)
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