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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) Empty day for a stroll (open)

Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:00 pm
Power only is a figment of what we wish to hold, and our desire of dominance and pure control. We only know it by the name we have only given it. Greed, and gluttonous hungers are like the pangs of a starved man. When Weak we grow. Taking power in like the very air we breathe. When we lose power, we scrap for every morsel we can get pour hands on…. So it’s the very fate of all humans….

Yen thought as he woke up his lone eye meeting the orange blaze of the rising sun in the east. It was dawn, and so it was time to rise up for the day. A few hours later he was dressed and had his children fed and dressed and ready for the day. A kiss on each child’s forehead as a minute of thought went through his mind momentarily as he headed out the door.

Well two years ago I would’ve never had a child…. Well I would’ve appeared much younger at that time. Age, time. And circumstances changes a man. Seems like life has many different plans at hand and work… So if it was up to me I would return to my roots. Momentarily. For just a minute. When things were not a screen of deception and lies. However, that is not reality… only wistful thinking.

Yen thought as he headed towards the center of the village. His footsteps traveling down the path from the densely filled forest area of the aburame preserve. The morning sun was nearing mid-day as yen arrived from the northern part of the village no blue cloak on today and a discarded straw hat. Instead he wandered the street quietly as he took a more low profile for the day. 

Wearing his black shirt with cuffs which hid his jouninn flak jacket. His shoulder length slick hair now down as part of it covered the eyepatch as he also wore some dark blue pants to compliment the black shirt. Hands behind his back yen quietly walked through the crowd to a more quiet area of town. As he slowly walked through the crowd blending in with the crowd making his walking similar to that of the civilians. After some time yen simply leaned against a  tree in thought.

Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:43 am
The crowd passed by the aburame as he quietly leaned against the tree in thought. He needed more power to quietly amass within him as one thing. His thoughts only seemed as of late bent on laying low and sort of remaining generic in a sense. His speech at the clash with konoha and kiri was only words lacked of both heart and merit. Yet he hardly had what he would consider the “drive” for such an ambitious goal.  Instead as yen thought leaning against the tree very little has truly changed. Only a sliver of a heartbeat being called action was done. Although that was all that was required to change the flow of the konoha mindset.
With that yen continued to wander around momentarily till he found himself a quiet wooded area in the village. The tree’s fluttered with life of chirping birds and wild life. At least things like a world full of life was respectable. The hard thing for the shinobi life was to simply accept that despite a black and white world. One must appreciate the freedom of the nature’s animals. As even the animals strife with the fight of life and death on the daily.
Sad when people assume that you play a role and it’s believed. It is even more depressing when the very back of the village bends like a willow. Eventually these things will come to pass. We are no different from the birds and the hunters of the wild. Left in the blank of the world we still strive for our own end of survival. Each village and person so I can accept it I guess.
Yen thought as he inhaled and exhaled a bit. An exhausted sigh from the fact that ones world changes like the very hands of a clock. The instant cannot be grasped nor relived once again, and eternity nudges an inch forward.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:19 pm
While casually walking through the town Love thought she spotted a familiar looking person. It had been a while since she'd last seen him but she was sure of it, the man she saw was none other than Yensung. He was missing a few items of his usual outfit but Love could pick out that old young man from anywhere. As she tried to make her way through the crowd it seemed intent on keeping them apart, luckily Yen had stopped walking to lean against a tree. He must have a lot on his mind, not that she knew him that well, Yen didn't seem like the kind of guy who would stop in the middle of nowhere like that. Was there nothing for him to do today? She wondered while closing the gap between them. However, before she could get any words out the small man was on the move again, until he found his new resting place Love would simply trail him.

She wondered if he was so out of it that he didn't even notice her. "Hey, there stranger." She called out to him, making her presence known while stealing his previous pose against a new tree. Hopefully, her more adult looking physiology didn't hinder his ability to recognize her. Aside from her four inch growth spurt, new hairdo and clothes, she was almost still the same.

WC: 230
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:31 pm
the thought process of yen did get interrupted as he was too occupied to pay as much attention to his chakra sensory as much unless the individual was close to his level of course. still her voice came to be as it snapped him free from his thoughts. yen glanced over at the voice and smiled. she grew but it was definally love.

"ah love how ya been doing? and have you seen orokana as of late?"

yen  asked as if anyone has seen his aloof student which was reported missing it would be her. He hardly changed as much as his growth stopped at the age of sic. still he was exhuasted as the recent event. 

"where did you go love when... they came here?"
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:32 pm
Love smiled and waved to the man when he smiled at her. "I've been relatively good considering." She told him subtly as the recent events were still rather fresh. When it came to talking about that boy Love folded her arms across her chest in her usual fashion. "I haven't seen that idiot since the end of the Jounin Exams. He was supposed to help me find the Bears of Mount Treeshroud so that I could sign their summoning contract but disappeared right when we made it to the cave linking our world to theirs." She huffed her breath. "When I had accomplished my task all of us had left and the new leaders of Suna were in conference with the visitor from Kumo." His next question bled in well to the rest of her story. "It took quite a while for me to get back, that had been my first time out of the village. After falling asleep in the desert I awoke in the home of a tailor, along with shelter from the cold desert night he gave me new clothes and food as well." She lifted her arms straight out to her sides in a lazy display of the man's work.

"After pointing me in the right direction I immediately rushed home..." Her voice began to trail as this was the point where she would possibly be seen as a coward. "I saw a giant gamma radiated reject dinosaur fish outside of the gates and froze... I fully planned on join the fight when it broke out but then there were these students. They had escaped and didn't know what to do, so along with them and a few genin we went to River Country where Michi, the tailor, lives." She took a breath not wanting to monologue. "They also wanted to join in but I couldn't let them do that. I did train them as they asked but we didn't return until I got word that the fighting had stopped and the village and it's people still stood." She began to walk around, she didn't expect her first meeting with a friend upon her return to get this deep so quickly.

WC: 365
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:46 pm
love confirmed to xuba that oro was indeed last seen by her in suna which made his eyes narrow slightly. 
"i see.. he has been reported missing love... and you know what that means right? we will have to eliminate him... but knowing him trickery is his suit...after all he was trained by me. deception is to be expected so we will have to for the sake of konoha bring him down dead."
yen stated as he continued to listen to the rest of love's account.  Bringing him back to the dark day. still it weighed on his mind as love gave her account on her actions that occurred at hans. her explanation made yens face fall slightly and he knew her response was genuine although the question was to remain.
"you could've checked sooner, but it is understandable. you did your duty as expected so im glad. we had it rough to be honest... still we are here."
yen stated with a heavy sigh as he was still frustrated. With all that transpires in such events he wondered for the future. Perhaps if he had more power indeed things would’ve been different.
Perhaps….i need more strength. New techniques or to master my fundamentals athid will be problematic in the future we were unprepared…but I will not be next time… I swear.
Yen thought as he took a breath and spoke.
“I lost my clostest friend. We had to take our own pride and stuff it down our throats bit by bit. Inch by inch. We couldn’t have been more naïve. They out classed us both in combat and then we knelt like slaves to a master. That will not happen again. I still cannot forgive myself for my actions. Hence I still shake as I stabbed him in the gut. Perhaps it was to make his own sacrifice impact more… it would be what I would expect more or less for myself. But…. My fate is not that….”
Yens voice trailed off at those words as he took a breath and looked at love.
“you have grown love.”

Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:40 pm
Love nodded at Yen's words, as much as it would pain her to lose another person she considered a friend she would do what was needed. She watched as his facial expressions changed when she continued her story. Hearing him say that he was glad soothed her conscience a bit. Swallowing a small gulp of saliva that had built up Love replied to that comment. "To be honest I was afraid of what I might see..." Hearing his frustrated sigh she clenched her jaw slightly as she stood still. There was a moment of silence before Yen began speaking again, she looked up from the ground to him. A short journey for her eyes yet longer than the last time she would've done it as this man was still as tall as he was when pretending to be Yae Ney but she was not.

His closest friend... Love said in her mind. It hurt knowing that she'd never get to see or talk to him again but she couldn't imagine what it must feel like for someone who had years of memories with him. "I heard..." She started. "I'm sorry that you all had to do that...but I am proud of him. He was brave enough to seal his fate so that other's could go on." When Yen's eyes met her own she didn't know what they would say but could and would handle it. However, the words that came out would caress Love like a gentle kiss from a loving parent. She could feel her face getting warm, she would likely be glowing if the blush could be seen through her tan skin. She simply returned his compliment with a smile.

WC: 282
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:57 pm
yen smiled at her slight flush it was comforting to see it as it was the first time since outside official work he had seen a proper smile.
even in raw deals there still lies a moment of respite and tranquility. 
yen thought as he for a moment seemed more human then love have perhaps seen him unless he is with his wife and children. the instant was gone and he was back to being the stoic fellow he was perhaps she saw it the depths of the individual that stood between illusion, and reality and even the unknown. 
"what do you plan to do with the showing of what has transpired thus far love? as a chuninn of your rank you played an essential part in keeping the less experienced safe. Have you taken to training and improving yourself? i am curious to see how it has gone so far? Have you wished to seek any guidance of any kind for the moment being. For myself well I have steadily improved as necessary taking the defeat as an motivational means"
yen addressed as he smiled at her warm,ly it was good to have someone that would listen for but a moment.

Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:28 pm
"Oh" Said the expression on her face when Yen asked another question. Love rubbed the back of her head with her dominant hand. It was a question to be expected but caught the girl off guard as she was soaking up the purity of Yen's smile. It was brief but all the while made her feel just a bit closer to her peer. "In my time away I haven't been much use to myself. I only dedicated a few hours to my personal training although I'm always striving to improve myself." She said in a reassuring tone that actually sounded a bit childish to her after hearing it out loud. "I have not but I am willing to take notes of anyone willing to give instruction. Although the boys did boost my morale." Gazing at the smile across the man's mouth this moment felt normal. We needed to get back to this, all of us, as a village. Love's return smile would turn out to be an airy laugh as she imagined what they would look like to a passerby, luckily there were none. She shook her head gently for him to disregard her outburst and continue on with the course of this conversation.

WC: 204
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:14 pm
Well it was of no surprise to him she did not dedicate as much time to herself. At that rate it would be easy to fall behind and hence be at an disadvantage like they were.

Yeah that will not happen again on my watch....

Yen thought as he chuckled at loves out burst. A lively setting for a moment was nessary as it was the grand reminder they were all alive and well. 

Something we should be greatful for... o
Say at least.

Yen thought as he approached her and leaned up against the tree  and gave a kind smile.

"Well your gonna have to concentrate to get to where we will have to take down oro. However now we shall see. You are proficient in the hand to hand arts yes. Plus hold a sound knowledge of illusions. All which are good. Plus you hold the clan eyes of the hyuuga. Lets say this then. There is always room for improvement. So how will you disire to improve love?"

Yen asked as he had already set to working on a few of his own techniques. Now perhaps a fundemental would do for himself. Which served as an good reminder to himself.

Yeah but for which technique...

Yen thought as he awaited loves awnser.

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