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Stat Page : Daemon
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:15 pm
James walks the streets of Hoshigakure, though at the moment it was more of his other version of himself walking around. He like to refer to this version of himself as Kaos, for the madness made him unpredictable, and he felt as if chaos perfectly describe the way he felt. Of course, even though Kaos was the one walking around, and muttering random things to himself, it had been James who actively decided to go on a walk. He felt as if a walk through Hoshigakure would clear his head. Thus far all the walk has done is make him walk in a huge circle. If you count the fact that as soon as he saw his family home, he turned right back around, and went back the way he came. As he continued on his walk, the fresh air began to clear his head. A few more minutes of walking around, and Kaos began to stop muttering to himself. His body began to visibly relax, and James continue his walk around the village.  He just realized that even though he's been there for awhile now, he never really explored the village of Hoshigakure. He began to take in the sites, as he continued to walk relax.  His strides become serious, as if he was walking to see someone important, but his face had the carefree look of someone who was just enjoying his walk.  Occassionally, he would glance around in random directions, as if trying to catch all the sites in at once, but really he was being attentive to his surroundings. He didn't want to awkwardly run into his parents in the middle of the street. It was bad enough having to avoid his old home, but turning around, or crossing the street to avoid his parents seem kind of overkill.
He continues his walk through the streets, wondering what else he'll see today.

[wc 316]
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:47 am
The splendor of hoshi on the glowing desert. In day it was a moment of respite in the desert conntry, but at night as it was. It was a glowing jewel. With the dimming lights of civilians as the moonlight being the few scources of light at night. Illuminating the  brilliant marble white walls in a errie glow.

As a child xuba was too young to fully appreciate the  glamore of the city in full. Yet he left the then town before the shinobi world included itself. Nowva grown man. Yet his twin brother xabi had the splendor. As on this moonlit night the twins were walking side by side. Not conjoined as to not cuase suspicion to the locals.

"ah tatsuma brother. Observe that obseratory. The merry and oldest part of the castle. Among it the astrologers casted their gaze to the heavens. Where from up there you can see  the stars spread out unlike any other site"

Xabi exclaimed as xuba slowly nodded gazing up at the place. He had never had the oppertunity to travel into the palace. But then again it was best to distance from the folly of kings and queens. 

"Hm well this alone is an nice view. Night life is quiet diffrent here."

Xuba spoke with a smile as he passed a boy looking afound as if looking bewildered. Perhaps a newcommer
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:21 pm
James continues walking the streets, taking in the sights and sounds of Hoshigakure. He moves throughout the city, observing everything around him. At first, he paid only attention to the buildings, but he started looking at the people, and realized they were looking back towards him, glaring angrily at him. He was confused for a second, then realized what it was. He moved away from the flow of the crowd, ducking into an alley first. His mood soured a little, as he decided what he wanted to do about the problem. He quickly decided to just untie and hide his headband. He untied his headband from around his head, and tied it to his belt, adjusting it to be on  the left side of his body.
"No need to cause open hostility towards me. I know relations between civilians and shinobis are not the best right now, and me walking around, openly with my headband on my forehead might not be the best choice right now." James thinks to himself. He begins to walk outside, pausing right before exiting the alleyway to adjust his coat to cover up his headband more, making certain that they only way to see the headband was to be face to face with someone. He scurried away from where he saw the angry glances, taking a few quick turns to put the distance between himself. He paused long enough after each turn to make certain no one was following him. He continued along as soon as he was certain no one was behind him.
Exploring the modest distract he was use to, he expanded his exploration, the time eating away, the sun moving to set, and after making a few detours, he ended up in an area where he had never been before. He could tell that the area was probably classified as the richer part of town. Although he was from a modest neighborhood, or had been now that he no longer lived with his family. Typically, now he bounced around from place to place, not wanting to stay in place too long for his family to find him. Sometimes, he would head outside of the city, and camp under the stars. Nature relaxed him and his madness. He enjoyed the sounds that nature made, and he almost preferred animals over humans. He enjoyed the aesthetics of some of the buildings. He made one last turn, and stopped.
"Amazing." James said, as he viewed the castle. His mood brighten instantly, glad that he was able to see the castle. His eyes wander around the building, falling upon the observatory. "Oh, I bet seeing the stars from there would be amazing."
His face turn to bewilderment as he tried to puzzle out how to legally enter the castle, and go into the observatory. He continued thinking about this dilemma, ignoring the sounds and people around him. He did not even know they were there until two people walk close enough for him to hear what they said. Shocked out of his thoughts, he realized that nighttime had descended upon the streets of Hoshigakure.
Curious about the people near him, he looked towards the two people, and see twins walking up near him. Completely looking identical. He almost did a double take just to make sure he did not have double vision or something, but decide they were really twins. He turns towards them, and smiles. 
"I agree completely. This observatory is amazing, and I imagine it would be great to see the stars from there. Also, the castle is a nice view too. Sorry to barge into your conversation though." James says to the twins. He tries to begin seeing if there was any different characteristics between the two. He did notice that one seems to speak more formal then the other, though one had only spoken briefly. He carefully waited to see if he could decipher more differences while waiting to hear them speak again. 

[word count 661]
[twc 977]
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:13 am
A random voice came  barging in on the brothers conversation. Where as xabi more less faltered mid sentence.

"Ah- oh i totally agree"

The brother was soft spoken by that case, but xuba merely blinked once.  It was a reflex of his that he developed from snapping the neck of an induvidual that tries to approach unannounced. He had mastered it of course. For the sake of hoshi.

"Yes the city has changed considerbly. Before shinobi life it was merely the castle and small city ptovences... but this was before you came to be."

Xuba said. His voice was soft but had a bit behind it, perhaps a tone of weariness, or an edge of experience. Possibly the combination of bold confidence. Still xuba continued to talk with a small grin.

"So what made you wander about on this fine night? I am tatsuma"

Xuba stated with a bow. While xabi spoke up softly.

"Indeed, it is splended tonight, unseasonably warm. I am xabi"

Xabi stated warmly as he offered his hand in a universal handshake.
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:35 pm
James shook the proffered hand of Xabi, and says, "I am James Terumi. Nice to meet both of you."
He would shake for an appropriate of amount of time, before putting his hand back towards his side. He then would do his own bow towards the other twin Tatsuma after Tatsuma had straightened himself, and after straightening himself he would states "I was in the mood to clear my head. I got to walking around this city, and realized I had never fully explored the city. Thus a few minutes of wishing to clear my head turned into a few hours of exploring the city."
He would gesture towards the castle and say, "Have either of you had the chance to explore the castle? Up close the building must be breathtaking."
He then asks, "So why are you two wandering the streets so late? Tic for tat I would say, I answered you and I would like an answer in return, if you two don't mind."

[word count 166]
[twc 1143]
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:46 am
He made a solid point. Hoshi was vast and marvelous to the eye even in the distance.

"To put it simple. Yes. Each evening we walk among the city. It is defintley a sight to behold. But we never explored the castle. More then not i would say it is,wise to go through such things. Civilians may assume that the shinobi are assaulting the royals. Imagine the uproar"

Xabi said as,xuba merely nodded in agreement. But his,eyes were studying the castle quietly for a moment. It was nice, but the queens chambers were awfully dark at times.

"But sometimes diffrent is good"

Xuba stated as he glanced at the two.

"You would think that the world remains the same, but well diffrent villages have diffrent customs. Eventually the rule of a few may be the rule of many."
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:08 pm
James listens to the twin's responses.  He begins to note the differences in the two.  Xabi seemed to be more willing to talk at length while Tatsuma is more to the point.  Xabi also was formal and flowery with his speech. He grins at the mention of shinobi.
"Ah, so you two are shinobi? If so, I myself, have recently graduated from the Ninja Academy and have joined the ranks of Hoshi genin."
If they respond in the affirmative, he would say, "Pleasure to make your acquantince then, fellow shinobi."
If they respond in the negative, he would say, "Oh my bad. I must of interpreted what you said wrong."
Either way, he would turn back to the castle, once    again marveling at the impressive site. He then turns his head up towards the sky, taking in the sight of the stars dazzling in the sky.

[146  wc]
[Twc 1289]
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:57 pm
the boy was apparently a shinobi, but granted he possibly learned the stint of the stigma behind the nature of the role by now in the city limits.

"yeah we are shinobi, xabi sort of picking up his practice now. While i have been a geninn in hoshi for awhile"

xuba replied as he would not delve much further of his many adventures through his lifetime thus far. But with that xabi simply smiled and nodded his head a bit.

"it is not as easy? but you will get it in due time."

xabi's reply was surprisingly short and to the point. It was easy to distinguish the two overall, but as one would learn in time. Each twin in fact pulled off each other in the core. As such the two merely were not As diffrent as it seems. But they knew better then to simply go and show off their abilities.

"once upon a time. Hoshi here was merely a castle. We sorta grew up in that time. Only to see that the shinobi force grew considerbly fast. Although this was a recent development. The time before that I was a traveling man. While xabi remained here. You learn a bit on the roads. The fact that it is not as diffrent as it is here. Every person you meet has an ambition, and some just do not make it."

xuba stated plainly as he studied.

"it only makes you truly appreciate what you have now in front of you. You should cherish such a time. You never know what the future holds for you"
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 5000

Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK) Empty Re: Stroll through Hoshi (open, NK)

Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:11 am
James would listen intently as the two spoke. He bit back a look of surprise as the two seemed to flop roles. Xabi spoke to the point and Xuba actually went and explained himself.
"Weird, it seems as if they can change how the speak on a whim. Oh well, does not bother me one bit. Ohh, wonder if they can teach me anything." James thinks to himself.
"So since you both are genin, and I am a new genin, do you think you two can train me in some jutsu? I do not have very many right now, and would like to learn as much as I can. Plus I have a feeling that we could work together on some missions as a team or something if we learn how each other operates, if you two would like a third member to go on missions." James says, somewhat fast, but still clear on his intentions.
"However, if you guys are too busy to train, or do not want a third member for missions, that is fine. It was nice to talk to both of you. Hopefully, we will see each other around." James says. He would walk away if they answered in the negative, but brighten up if they said yes, and say, "When can we train?"

[twc 1507]
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