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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:47 pm
Seconds after reaching the tree, not even having time to take in the entirety of the scene, Shinoskay heard 'hm well join us good stranger don’t be afraid' spoken. He wasn't sure what to think of this as he first made an attempt at understanding why a kunai had just hit the ground somewhere just past the man... The boy hadn't heard any clang of metal but then he wasn't sure if kunai were suppose to make any such noise. These were ninja tools after all.

However, as the older Kuinochi emerged from the ground his eyes shifter to her and how she just seemed to rise like the ground was rising beneath her even though she was coming out of the ground. He had seen something like this in Iwa, often actually, but then it was still fascinating and bewildering none the less. His eyes widen as he watches from behind the tree that barely covered his small frame, only half his head, his fingers, and his leg from his thigh down showed but he was obviously very much unaware that his leg was showing as he seemed more focused on his upper body.

However, what she did next was something he most definitely had not seen before as she made to whip her hair, he noted how it seemed to be stiff or something, and then needles flew out of it. If they have jutsu like this then how strong must Kirigakure be for Konoha to have lost to them. If Konoha can just pop out, shoot needles, and then hide back in the earth then Kiri must be able to pull ninja right from the very ground... what strength the land of bloody mist must have.

His shock grew even greater as he glanced to where the needled hair struck... there, before the students eyes, so many needles just peppered into the same place like a porcupine or something.

Shinoskay started to try to count them however, just as quickly, he was drawn back to the two as they discussed with each other and continued their joint training as Love moved to reposition and strike the space again. Ten more, this time with more control and from two sides rather then just one whip of the hair. Was this her first time learning this jutsu? or is she new at it? how many others knew it?

So, maybe Konoha is making a point to learn guirilla tactics much like how Iwa uses but then if that village fell using it then why would Konoha think they can use such tactics to succeed? It was strange, but then he felt an open mind could possibly bring clarity to the situation.

"uh, sorry, I was curious..." Shinoskay says from behind his tree/'hiding'.

[wc 463]
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:41 am
For the major  part of this yen smiled approvingly as love preformed the jutsu close to flawlessly a small clap of applause from him as he nodded approvingly at her first try.
"Good work. You are not quite as there but trust me you can do much with this in question. Ah..."
Yen said as he observed love preforming the jutsu once more and here yen was impressed at the work that was done. it was impressive  and more less made it so that her work was really beginning to kick off with an marvelous bang. As chakra work was perhaps an incredible work out with the  work she was doing.
"Excellent! Excellent! love your doing a fine job here! Take a moment to rest and regain your bearings love. You are doing a fine job with your jutsu work, and making an huge impact for the arts of chakra control. Note that while it is a lot of work to focus your chakra you must maintain absolute concentration on its intent and purpose. Sure these techniques are sealess but even then these jutsu will and could prove pivotal in the future. Chakra is a part of you and you are a part of chakra. What you intend it to do it will do under reason and practice through seal work and understanding how the jutsu in question works."
yen stated to love as his attention turned towards the boy that attempted to hide behind a tree for either comedic or perhaps trying to practice their stealth. Regardless they were under his attention and his focus. As he maintained the aura and the two jutsu working in tandem his work out was now relatively simple in theory. Now his goal was to see where the limits were for this technique and determine the best action in improving its usage in question. Defensive in nature and rarely offensive yen addressed the boy with a smile. His voice ringing out in both kindness but command.
"So come out. I always have room to instruct more people on ways to improve in learning, and improving. So i have not met you yet name and rank please and stand front and center"
Yen instructed as he turned towards the boy’s location and smiled. It was good to have a nice willing subject. Ready for knowledge and to absorb knowledge in ever increasing manners and forms. He recalled the genin drays where he spent many hours on end in the library. Seeking to grow and better understand his arsenal of jutsu. Perhaps that was what made yen the jouninn he is now. Although not widely respected by many and scorned by most. His faith in his home was unwavering.  Even after kiri’s invasion. Only real change was his resolve to make sure he would bring the traitors of his home to justice and protect it.
We have fallen many times and rose up merely because of the will power that resides in us to returm to our feet after defeat. No need to fall flat on your stomachs and cry about it.
Yen thought as he awaited the individual to show themselves.



-70 yang art yang aura (counting last post)
-70 npdy of yin (counting last post)
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:17 pm
Love smiled slightly at the applause Yensung gave her. Being the rather humble person that she was it was a more embarrassing for her than it was encouraging. Love nodded to the comment he made about her first attempt, that was to see how she could manipulate the ionized hair. The second was to test accuracy and strength, she was well aware of the low number of hair senbon she was using. More would come after when she activated the jutsu and sent them flying immediately after but she didn't feel the need to explain that to him. Partially because she felt it would make her feel that she was being disrespectful but also because the man probably had already imagined that she would do that. Hearing such excitement in Yen's voice was a change from how she had been trained as a kid. Not that it was bad, it was just a new experience and made her realized that she had never truly trained with this man before.

"Thanks." She said in reply to his surplus of praise for the young Hyuuga. She hadn't planned on taking a break just yet but the man in his sage-like monologue on her state of training had suggested that she should. The girl took a moment to pause, taking in Yen and the poorly hidden boy, she was contemplating using the technique once more before taking a rest but ultimately decided that she would try again at full strength to see if it would make a difference. Especially because the kid had spoken up and after talking to her Yen had replied to the kid inviting him over. So Love would make her way over to Yen's side, her dojutsu still active as it barely drained her chakra and possibly to also intimidate the boy a bit, posed with each of her hands on each of her hips. She wondered how this guy would differ and compare to the other students and genin she had guided. So far he was resembling Atarashi with his lack of confidence in his voice. Love, like Yen, would await the boy's introduction patiently.

WC: 357

day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Wed Feb 21, 2018 4:08 pm
Seeing the two come to the unanimous decision that he would step out and join them caused Shinoskay's eyebrows furrow and slightly raise as he made effort to discern if they were upset or not, they had made no acknowledgement of his apology so he had no obvious way to gauge. A quick glance at the senbon littered tree made it obvious he walked into a training session but he only really intended to watch from a distance, had he gotten too close? 

"So come out. I always have room to instruct more people on ways to improve in learning, and improving. So i have not met you yet name and rank please and stand front and center"

Well, that verified the obvious of the training session... the young shinobi hopeful felt he had no choice at this point, however and so he scratched the back of his head and moved from behind the tree "heh," he spoke with his eyes squinted and a forced smile "sorry" he tried again to apologize for interrupting in what he thought would probably be another vain attempt to gauge the situation. 

Whether he got a reply or not, as soon as he was clear of the tree he would bow "I am Shinoskay, an orphan from one of the earlier destroyed villages and the recently annexed Sunagakure. Thank you for your time, sensei." he spoke with formal and honorific connotations. Uncertain what to do or where to go from here, he decided it would be best to remain bowed until further instructed. 

[259 wc]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:54 am
he is formal but still must be lax a bit.... hopefully
yen thought as he observed the student quietly and noted the nervous actions. Hands rubbing the back of his head and all.
"your welcome love"
yen stated cocking his head to the side for an instant. the academy student was... interesting per say. As the boy bowed his head yen had all but to wonder if the boy had a drive to charge towards his future or to remain a person that would be shackled to their uncertaincy. then again the boy was young so his guess would depend. All that mattered to yen was there was yet another fresh academy student to keep an eye on.
"it's fine you are free to do as you see fit at the moment... hm....what is your name student? yeah, but stand up and smile sure its training but we are always willing to assist at a moments notice. what do you seek?"
yen stated as he smiled his chakra maintained, and powerful in the grey aura as it hummed yen was keeping track of the percentage of his reserves in the meantime for it was rare he dipped so low in his chakra levels but then again it pleased him to no end. After all it was a proper work out to himself as he wished to see how far these techniques could take him. Then surpass them in the next batch of  unique techniques he had in mind. 
yes. that would be marvelous to surpass the current level I am at, and then surpass that. The time as a chuninn I worked on so many ideas. So many theories to maximize my durability and the very secrets that chakra hold, contains, and ultimately sets a shinobi above an normal working man. It drives us to kill, rob, snd ultimately grow in power and stature. Hell, through the sheer will of the mizukage and his experience he sent us to our knees. not even a thousand and one normal civilians can match it. not one bit. So now i shall simply gain more power for my home, for my people!... i need it. Even here im scorned so ill  be the very terror a person shall not face.. With all i know i shall put the traitors of our home to the cold dirt. this i promise. their blood will pool the very spot they stood. As for this academy student he will take my steed should i fail.. or will he turn out like orokana.... alas finding successors of my knowledge is close to impossible.
yen concluded as amid his thoughts he noted that so few were capable of lasting as long as he could. still their advantages in speed were noted as much in the meantime.
However that like many things are only temporary. ill shorten that disadvantage even more within due time. all in time. 
Yen thought as he glanced at love quietly and noted that in his enhanced state how easy it was for one simply faster than himself could simply close the distance, however in such a thought it was why he trained as he did. Driving himself to the limits of the known and unknown piorneering the unwritten path that was his fate.
I guess I have not changed as much since I was a geninn. Im still on the same path. Still sticking to my way of life.



-60 body of yin
-50 yang art yang aura
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Feb 22, 2018 10:38 am
The boy seemed rather poised like Kaiyono but still rough around the edges like Azaire. For now, Love would remain silent and let Yen continue to lead unless the boy addressed her specifically. There wasn't much either of them could do until the boy answered Yen's question and even then he might ask about something neither of them was proficient in. Looking at this kid he was so plain, even if he was an orphan he should at least try to make himself look presentable. It wasn't likely he'd get adopted by a ninja family but other non-shinobi clans or families might be looking for a new addition. Even if he preferred to be alone after being moved around so much he should at least give senpais a reason to want to take him under their wing. Being respectful and showing manners was all good and well but to Love, it seemed more like conditioning rather than him being himself. Maybe he'd loosen up after chatting with them some more. Although Yen might have already accepted him, as a do-over for Oro, they did have a few similarities. Whether this was true or not the young Hyuuga would discover after further examination of how the man treated this boy. She knew without a doubt that he would assist the boy in any training he asked for, so long as he was capable of such, so it wouldn't be long before she had an answer.

WC: 244
AP: -2 byakugan = 445

day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:18 pm
Perplexed by been asked as he answers, Shinoskay errors on the side of caution, he stands as he was instructed and in that moment he notices the strange veins and altered eyes of Love. Mouth slightly agape as he was about to perform another renunciation of his name, he was held in hesitation and shock over the sight for a moment before he caught himself and recomposed. 

The young boy cleared his throat, pressed his smile back into its place, then once more presented "Sensei, I am Shinoskay," a small bow this time, "I seek to find and shape my place in this chaotic world." The terms used for this last statement were much less formal and for a brief moment his smile hardened, but this was all again concealed as he bowed once more.

[wc 135 so little words but so much flavor?]
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Feb 22, 2018 2:53 pm
yen watched the boy as he seemed to try to comprehend his situation which was nothing much to be honest. Although this was the very thing that lead to konoha's fall. The lack of spine bothered him more then anything else. yet his eye did not revel this. his thoughts spoke otherwise as he observed the gawking.
what are these academy teachers teaching again? im watching the same actions as my own comrades who share the will of fire with me or at least had it to be honest. the boy cannot accept an diffrent force from himself if  he was to reach  a point of combat. what will he do should he ever get ambushed in the world? what if his team was in jeopardy? now i see where i went wrong... that will change in due time... give a student a toy that is meant for a tool, food for nurturing thus it instead becomes poison to ones responsibility because they belive themselves good.... yeah thats ending now.
Yen thought as the boy put his smile back on and cleared his throat his single eye behind the band of hair had the boy under his stage light as he gazed into the boy. Looking for the spine a konoha student should have. the carefree confidence in one’s own actions and stance. Yet his answer revealed the depths of more than some child. If he was going to improve there was going to be work done even if he had to break and reforge the student that spoke. his thoughts went to an illusion but instead he turned to his weapon being his words.
"Your place is here in the village of the falling leaves. We are from the eternally burning land of fire in which you stand on now this very ground. If you believe some other place is going to change that you will have to consider that we are still here. A flame that is spared will ravage the land and scorch the earth in its shearing blaze. yoour place is here in konoha. The chaotic world you seek to find a place of is not some place to fear, but take to our own interests’ shionoskay. You will do well to remember this. Even if it is your last thought when your hairs turn grey. You should do well to let that stick in your soul."
yen stated not like a dictionary but in powerful speech directed as a reminder to love and an enlightenment to shinoskay. The fact the boy did not have direction pained the aburame head to no avail. It was like the water from kiri all but drowned the future generation. Yet he was not going to be a flame that is snuffed out so easily.
"If you are to become a genin you should keep in mind that no matter what your duty and life is once you place the headband on. To the village. To your home. Even if you are in other lands. That flame in your heart belongs to home. This village. The people. The land. The sun. Some have forsaken it, and others have forgotten what it is for something as flat as power. Your loyalty to your home come way above something so petty. Your power is the head of the flames used to burn all to ash that dares to stand before our nation."
Yen stated with a finalit tone in his voice as he did not reveal nothing less then a passion to what he was saying yet hs tone was serious.
"Am i understood shinoskay?"
Yen stated as the aura shimmered pure and calm yet powerful as he maintained it and smiled at the student. He was certain that the student would understand that the gravity of a calamity never mattered. It was if you were loyal to your village despite the methods done to represent it fully and motives for home. Even when all of konoha would not listen his spark and loyalty for his home remained pure. Even as he stabbed sal and upheld his words to go ahead. It was for survivals of his home. Nothing more or less.
Howe easy the others forget their pride and their duty. Their promises to keep home safe. Not hand home over to some other village following their ways. The fact that our ancestors should’ve disowned all who would question such things. We bleed or die for home yet. Argh!
Yen thought as he dismissed the thoughtand sighed inwardly thinking to the future of his own. He was going to keep the flame alive as long as he could.
If only my ancestors would grant me strength. A village of clans and all clans seeking mutual agreement as one. a nation of countless generations for a common cause. Yet we all do not kneel and I will not forget. I will keep forging the brimstone even in my weak feeble hands.
Yens single eye glowed with a resolve few could dare to test. Still he was relaxed he trained even now to protect the village hidden in the leaves and his heart was hell bent on it. With his reserves hitting a little past half yen felt the familiar exhaustion closing in on the distant horizon. Still he studied his arura replaying the impact from love’s attacks. He knew he simply needed to make it stronger, or more durable if he so willed it.
If I am a wall I will not crumble nor fall, but I will stand and arise so my protective aura will remain as a wall of power. A wall of strength for the glory and honor of konoha. I will make this stronger. My only regret to training before they came. Was that I could not save my friend. But I will not fail again.
-60 body of yin
-50 yang aura
Princess Love
Princess Love
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day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:00 pm
Love grimaced at Yen's words, did he really have to call us falling leaves? His words were fierce but Love would not be shaken, she had grown used to his way of talking. The wise sage's words were like a nursery rhyme to the Hyuuga. Love smiled at the next line of words the man spun, they warmed her heart. That's what happened when any wielder of the Will of Fire spoke to another or even a shinobi from another village, they would also be able to feel their country's will rise when guided by the right person. Love was interested in how the boy would assimilate the huge load dropped into his heart and brain, but more than that she wanted to know what was going on in Yen's mind. Looking at him without turning her head or moving her eyes the red haired kunoichi focused on the man's natural aura. Look past the jutsu that made him look powerful. She wondered how blessed the raw thought process of this being was, unconstrued by lackluster words, his sage knowledge and understanding unparalleled. She breathed a stream of air, pondering if the idea of entering his mind without him knowing was possible.

WC: 202

day for a stroll (open) - Page 3 Empty Re: day for a stroll (open)

Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:49 pm
Yensung's words were indeed profound, they directly responded to what was spoken but were they true? Shinoskay couldn't help but hold to his skepticism, how many times had he been told where his place was now? how many times did he think he had a home, finally, just to find himself migrating once more. He wanted to believe what was spoken to him now, to take it in and feel it as passionately as it was spoken to him but how could he?
The words of the conquered, spoken from under the foot of another, brave but how much was blind foolishness and how much was truth?

Granted, he had chosen to try his luck in Konoha over the few other choices because it seemed the best of the options, sure one had superior technology but it was also so new that one couldnt help but fear its inexperience would allow for some other village to come in and take what it had. Then, of course, there is the village that explicitly pits its people against each other to die for a meager rank up and for minor leadership. It had its affect, granted, those shinobi would have the will and drive to kill their enemy and they could further refine their defenses by exposing each other's weaknesses but he did not want to end up fighting for his life in a village he wasnt born into. Konoha, however, was one of the oldest standing villages around, though perhaps their is a reason for this as has been seen by the way it was conquered but yet still stood.

The ninja before him, their defense was so great that the other ninja's attacks could not even fully challenge it as said attacks were instead reflected off and away. Was he an example of why, to stand so firm and true that none can fell you but then what good is it to be able to prevent an enemy from passing through you if they can just go around you to take or do what they want? Yen is even co-habitating in the same village as his conquerors now, why?

Difficult to accept or not, those last words still rang into his mind as he mused on to himself,

You should do well to let that stick in your soul
Truly and indeed powerful convictions.

It was what followed those words that struck the hardest, words that held even more power then the previous.

If you are to become a genin you should keep in mind that no matter what your duty and life is once you place the headband on. To the village. To your home. Even if you are in other lands. That flame in your heart belongs to home. This village. The people. The land. The sun. Some have forsaken it, and others have forgotten what it is for something as flat as power. Your loyalty to your home come way above something so petty. Your power is the head of the flames used to burn all to ash that dares to stand before our nation.

To dedicate ones self to something greater then themselves, to take this into ones self as the driving force behind their will and to be as the arms, legs, hands, eyes, body, and power of the village. To exist for that same village, it was a symbiotic duality... is that what it truly means to be a ninja? What does that mean for Kirigakure?

Another thought, then, occured, so if they have been conquered by Kiri, would that not mean they are now an extension of that village? Would this not mean that the Kiri ninja were acting with much the same idealism to expand upon and ehance the reach of their own?

Shinoskay's mind was buzzing with thoughts, sure most of them were often leading to a sense of pessimism but he was young. Where would these thoughts go, however, in the long run is what really mattered.

"I very much appreciate your words of guidance," Shinoskay entered into another small bow and remained in it as he spoke " I will make sure to reflect upon this instruction, sensei." He then raised once more "I do not know that I can confirm understanding at this time, though your words where clear and received."

At the very least, he felt that there was much to learn in this village and so long as Konoha stood then he would endeavor to learn while in it. He felt dedicated to his choice, he was already accepted into and learning at the academy so he would accept what comes and to do his best until he has come into greater maturity and understanding of the world.

[wc 675 reduced word count to not include main quote as a middle ground to a request]
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