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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:17 pm
Now if he knew that this was a transformation technique he wouldve been fooled. Although the voice was unmistakeably sanae. One thing was certain A woman came down the stairs in the dead mans kimono and with a willpower from the moment he made his look of shock come from the subzero stair and atomousphere made from sanae's fury.

I- oh... dwah, hu, sa, oh no! Shes mad!

Were simply the thoughts as xubas eyes trailed the seemingly beeline that was not to him. Although he was not certain if she would wirl on him. The words from sanae even made the land of snow seem warm. As they were intended and meant to sting.

The family fued began as xuba listend to the stunned mother claim to come home his composure calm although his gaze on the three figures and the stroller. The hurtful words were done and xuba approached as the lady spoke her final words. Her stature was stoic like a statue. As her word was by her command.

"I will escourt them out sanae. I am sorry i did not know they were not allowed here."

Xuba stated as he knew that even touching her would prove unwise as a decision. He continued walking towards the couple and passed them opening the door. The light from the outside casted a long shadow of him as it enclipsed the man and woman. His voice soft, but strong as it resonated the final word.

"I will say this once... The lady of this house has spoken. Now if you may not cause her anymore distress. Leave and don't disturb her again."

Xuba stated as he stood by the door with a kind gester from the least of his actions. It was the most he could give to the mother, and the vrother of the dead man. For this it was in excusable and on a day like this of all. 

Their choice of words was unwise.... im sorry for failing you... princess sanae.

Deep down he felt sorry for opening the gate. For this wouldve been avoided.
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:49 am
Sanae approved.
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:24 pm
Sanae would now look at Xuba her eyes growing significantly softer. "How would you know, I have only just decided to do so." She would lean back against the wall to support her almost scrawny legs. She felt kind of dead and hollow inside and looked at the ceiling. Everything at her felt strange. Her body hurt a little and a slow pulse was rushing through her. While Xuba was tasked with getting rid of the annoying family.
"You can't just throw us out, this has been my home for more than thirteen years, I have a right to be here!", the woman protested against him shoving them out and her man would also protest since he had not only lived here but grown up. Still they might not be enough to escape Xuba or his watchful eyes so they were escorted out in front of the gate and left there to go about their day. Sanae would then slowly walk back into the living room and looked at the surprised lawyer: "I would not have suggested taking them all at once, that was terribly reckless. Didn't you read the instructions?" He would give a deep sigh and as she slowly sat down in front of him he would nod at her once more. "I am sorry I did not give it much thought, but I suppose I am now old enough to serve as head of the household." He would nod slightly and hand her some papers: "Those would need signing from you in recognition of you agreeing to your fathers will and taking over any gains and responsibilities from it."

She would take up a pen and nod: "He has left a great space and I will grow to fill it."

WC: 293
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:44 pm
Xubas eyes soften at sanae's voice and bowed slightly. Yet his attention turned towards the protesting man and woman as they protested.

"The home is a home, you lacked the decentcy to visit bth your husband and brother"

Xubas eyes flashed to the man and there was a hint of dissapointment in his eyes.

"The fact that your own daughter has been hurting for so much time, and you never showed the respect her father deserved, and earned. He watched over her alone. He taught her alone, he provided for her alone. This alone is what tells me you two will alone leave this place. Do not darken your shadows here again. I will help her as i helped her and suichiro. Take your time and reflect over the wounds you inflicted both on yourself and the ones you loved. There will be no greed here."

Xuba stated as he followed the two and opend the gate.

"Good bye"

He stated as he closed the gate and turned his back away from the gate.

Arriving back from the front he closed the door quietly and noted sanae looking a bit tired. Perhaps the transformation had taken more then she had prepared for?

"Sanae do you need something like water, or a hot towel"

He offered as he was still bewildered at the greed of the man and mother.
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Sun Jan 21, 2018 6:04 pm
Sanae had signed the documents and then looked slowly at Xuba. Her vision was kind of weak to be honest. Her body felt worn out worse than it had ever been before. Now remembering her father's drills she would call that easy and like a walk in the park picking daisies or something like that. Sadly she sighed in memory of what had been. Now her eyes cleared and blinked two times before she took a deep breath: "I am hungry, could you please make something light to eat? Not too much spices or to heavy. Fat and also things like beans and pies would be not so good. Maybe some carrots and potatoes that would be nice", she would recall things that would be easy to digest and give much needed energy. Her lawyer would nod agreeing to what she said. "And a lot of rest I'd suggest." Sanae would slowly nod at him. "I had enough trouble for today...", she would say shivering since her body had to put up with a lot of physical and also emotional or psychological stress.

WC: 183
TWC: 476
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:34 am
Xuba noted the exhuastion yet it was importatant for the here and now. He smiled softly as his grey hair now let loose into the long shoulder length mane he posessed. And spoke to sanae.

"Rest sanae. Ill be right back. Leave it to me ok?"

He stated as he took off the suit coat amid heading off towards the kitchen. He thought over what transpired yet his eyes were fixed on the goal straight ahead. His own demons could wait while he was here taking care of sanae.

Yeah you rest. That was unfair to you. Im sorry for that. I will not fail you again. I am only one man, but this one man will lift you up even if i fall.

Xuba thought as he thought on something light to cook as he folded his jacket and gazed outside. The sun was a dim red as evening drew as it brought xuba a small smile as he had just the idea what to do. 

It will not be some five star meal, but it will sooth the weary heart on the coldest nights, and the darkest times.

Xuba thought as he loosend his tie and approached the kitchen as he glanced around at the room quietly. A light meal was not always ramen, but something as esquiset, and just as reminding as the calls from the past. 

Xuba took to. Chopping some tomatos and searched for an onion to chop up. As he grabbed an large pot and tosed it on the stove, fishing in the cabinets for a bit of broth, and took some butter while at it. While the broth being chicken simmered a bit. He took to chopping the tomatos and dicing them into a container, picking out the seeds and placing them into another container as he prepared to grab a pinch of flour for a creamy taste. Only after he did this did he take to mashing and grinding the onion bits together adding some basil and a hint of salt to the mix. As he stirred and mixed together along with the juices for the tomato as he added small incliments of sugar and finally the melted butter and a thick cream. 

He stirred as the sun set over the horizon as the smell from the kitchen would sneak it's way to where sanae was the very hint of xubas mad work in the kitchen as he lightly grilled some chicken with potatos and some steamed carrots for softness.  for her on the side as xuba let the hot soup lay on low heat. Mixing oil, garlic, and just cooking it just right for the girl his project was done as fresh from the stove xuba set several pieces on her own plate, a plate for the lawyer and himself. He kept the pot hot so it was still hot and fresh for sanae as well. He with haste hurried to the table and with gentle hands placed the pot on the center while laying out the plates and bowls while serving the chicken and the soup. setting a side a bowl for the carrots and potato's mixed as a pair.

"It’ll be creamy but it shall keep you warm. A day like this requires one to take a step back. If there is anything wrong with it I can go make another batch of it for you."
Xuba stated with a bow and smiled at sanae getting a clear look at her.

“you look great sanae. We can go shopping if you would like in the morning?”
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:45 pm
She would go about her business while Xuba was in the kitchen. The documents then put in the families safe to keep them protected and the lawyer seen off. She asked him if he wanted to stay or not, but he seemed to have other stuff to still do. Some people had to work a lot even in the later hours. So she showed him out the door, with him saying that he would get out of the gate himself. She would watch him leave and only as he had left allow her body to tremble with the burden he could not really bear at this moment. It was so strange to feel so weak because she was lacking so much. But she would reclaim her body soon she was sure.
Slowly she made her way back to the living room where she sank to her knees leaning against the wall and closing her eyes until Xuba entered shortly after she had sat down looking up at him. Slowly taking a deep breath she would pull herself over to the table looking at what she had in front of her tempering with what to do. Slowly she would poke a finger into the soup and lick it afterwards. "I am sorry I cannot eat this right now, too much fat and spice my body can't take that right now I am sorry", she would bow lightly to her cook and then turn to the potatoes and carrots to eat some of them. After that she looked up at him again: "Not tomorrow, maybe in a week, maybe earlier, but for now I do not feel confident about showing my skeletal appearance out and any clothes I would buy now would be too slim for me to wear later when I have health weight again." She would look sorry to turn him down like that two times in a row, especially since he was only trying to help, but she could not allow anyone to see this.

WC: 336
TWC: 812
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:59 pm
xuba with respect  bowed although he worked hard he held his pride together at her words.a t least she ate the potatoes. So xuba kept that in mind. As he let her work quietly on the potatoes. the shopping was a safe suggestion. but like the soup was shot down. he understood it too as it was by her wish and will then it would be done. he left a bowl for the other man as he inclined him to eat it with a simple nodd. but then took the large pot still hot and the chicken 

"well then sane. ill save the soup for later so we can enjoy it for the week. of course it will make an amazing base for other things. i shall return with a more suitable bit. Don't you worry sanae. After all you helped me. So its my turn to help you... hey"

xuba stated with a kind smile and moved away the bowl of hot soup from her gently. noting her sorry look and and cupped her face softlly and smiling looking into her eyes a warm glow within them.

 " don't be sad princess. you will be come an amazing queen and you will do great. so for this moment sanae. order me and tel me what you need. ill get it for you ok?"

his other hand cupped the other side of her face as he admired her for a second noting that she was still despite the transformation the girl that healed his wounds as far as he knew. the moment passed and he softly spoke.

"When you are done with potatoes i will make some more if you wish. And of course more carrots as well. i will be back in a few minutes as I will put away some of this And ill make a very light salad for you. no onions, or rich stuff. just and light things like lettuce and your choice of three ingredients."

xuba spoke as he was getting ready to leave with the food
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:46 am
And there he went again totally over the top and far away. Was it just her current state of being or had he always been this carried away with everything he did and said? Now that she wanted to say less and less she seemed to see and mostly hear that he was talking more and more. So much more and over the top with the metaphors or where they? She  blinked a little at him and then sighed: "I am not worried about that and I am not sad about me being a skeleton as well. I am perfectly content with my current state of being and I know what to do, to get healthy again", she would yawn a little and cover her mouth while doing so. Another slow blink later she would say: "But I still appreciate everything you do, but I can't have you spoil me too much although you would not mind. I would mind becoming lazy. Especially at the fact that there will be more trouble from my mother probably. I will have to face them again which is annoying." She would rub her hand through her face and her eyes yawning again followed by a stretch.
He was already at a second take of potatoes or a salad: "Maybe for dinner, salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes that would be nice." A strange combination but the sweetness of the grapes did usually compliment a salad quite well. So now she would slowly get up: "Would you mind if I take a nap for a couple of hours I feel so old", she would say lightly joking as she rubbed along an aching back and got her hair out of her face again.

WC: 289
TWC: 1101
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grow with your tasks (p, Xuba)

Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:17 am
xuba Stopped gathering the plates as he gave sanae his undivided attention. Yet her declaration spoke that he should ease up a tad bit which in hindsight he could agree to overall. Although there was a fine medium between doing everything and nothing. That which he needed to find a sort of balance in a sense. Yet these balances were not at all easy to find.

Yeah i guess i could ease up a tiny bit.

xuba thought at her words. She was satisfied with herself which mattered the most, and would prefer to do things without being overwhelmed.

"understood sanae"

xuba would respond as he continued to listen quietly to her second bit and smiled.

"thank you sanae i try my hardest, but ill be right here  especially if your mother returns... once more i am sorry that i let them in."

he took a deep breath as he heard her speak on a salad with grapes, which although unusual it was not impossible and he was now thinking of ways to make the salad of tomato, cucumbers, and the grapes. perhaps split in half and mixed in with a very light dressing? the man's mind was on a creative spree as he smiled at her, and joked in rersponse.

" ya right, ya look a day past eighteen sanae."

he threw a playful wink at sanae and smiled.

"go rest and let me work on that dinner for you sanae. After all it was a long day, and a lot to consider now. But A nap will do you well and give you rest."

xuba stated with a kind smile. He offered the lady a hug as he would speak.

"come down for dinner when you feel ready ok?"
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