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Stat Page : The Logs
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

First File: An Assortment of Tasks Empty First File: An Assortment of Tasks

Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:14 pm
Mission Details:

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Mac woke on his desk, the drool of last nights slumber spilling into the contents of the drink that had put him down there as opposed to the cold slab he called a bed. His head ringing from the night before, he thought to himself, damn, don't think that will be the last time I'll do something like that, but it will be the last time I'm doing it with this bottle, gazing towards the empty bottle of booze that decorated his desk. That case, I have to stop thinking of that case, always leads to this sort of thing. Mac would glance towards his front door, seeing one of those manila envelopes dropped through a the perfectly sized slit for it.

The slit was still swinging in the air like those flags countries like to wave, a sign that the sound of the thud had been what roused him. The parcel itself seemed overly stuffed, the two prongs forming a stylized V, prongs lightly sprung out, as opposed to the horizontal line segmented most people would expect to see. "Thank you, Vera," Mac would shout out his door, expecting his secretary wouldn't have gotten the chance to get to far, "Heavy duty today, huh" he would conclude.

Clacking every which way from ear to ear, Mac would hear the clopping of shoes coming to his office door, before hearing a knock and a familiar voice state plainly, "You better get to em if you want to stay afloat sinking yourself like that, got a bunch of low bar missions for you, help establish your report before being offered higher ranked stuff, I know its not much but its honest work," Vera would state.

"Very well, lets see what we got here," Mac would respond, grabbing the pressed out manila envelope, and retrieving the first dossier within, "Bah you got me helping granies with their grocieries, whats next, children falling down wells, cats stuck in trees," he would complain.

"It's work Mac, work you need," She snapped back

It was a fair point, one I had no response to, or at least not one I could come up with at the time, guess I better make the b line for the nursery home, Mac would think, and so he went, making his way to the address of the woman he was supposed to be assisting this afternoon. Mac would knock on the door of the old woman, Thelma was the given name in the dossier, and he'd greet her upon her opening the door. "Hiya, uh, Thelma was it, I have been commissioned by the village to help you today with you're shopping needs, now what can I do to help a young thing such as yourself?" Mac would state with a smile, albeit one that even a blind man could see through, "Oh you're too much," She would respond, before handing Mac over a list of miscelenious kitchen equipment she was in the market for. "This is? We should get it done in a heartbeat," Mac replied, and so they did, spending the day going here and there to pick up everything from matches and cooking oil to toasters, oddly enough a few of them, grease fryer, and a few non-stick pan. After all the items were picked up, the two returned to her house, and Mac got ready to start his next mission.

WC: 565

Mission Complete
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

First File: An Assortment of Tasks Empty Re: First File: An Assortment of Tasks

Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:28 am
Mission Details:

Mac retrieved the dossier from deep within his coat pocket, unfolding it again to pull at the next page, this time the assignment was something he knew all too well, paperwork. As much as he hated having this part of the job, he knew it was essential to the forward marching progress of the bureaucracy, that it made all of his work, all the work of every damn cog in every damn machine mean something, but that didn't change the fact is was a damn grind through and through, and one he was certainly not going to enjoy, but it didn't change that he was going to do it. Making his way back to the office from the house of the older woman, Thelma, after delivering her groceries. A simpler task than this new one but that didn't bother Mac.

Mac passed by Vera, their shadows crossing only a moment, a soft glance from Mac muted in an instant by Vera's cold glare in response, a quiet opening and closing to his door shut the two of them up for the time being. Mac made his way to the typewriter and started his assignment, an assessment on the weather patterns of the village hidden on the mist. Mac assumed it'd be a boring case file, thick mist and fog, storm veil keeps it rainy, but never rainy enough to cause any flooding, simple stuff he'd imagine you'd learn in elementary school around here that took him till 30 given his late arrival in the village. Attached with the mission file was certain information, studies, data analysis, opinion pieces, articles reporting on changes over time, and much more, it would be Mac's job to compile all this independent research into a meta-analysis document adding to the collective research on the change over time on the environment that the storm veil has had. This, to say the least, was out of Mac's wheelhouse, but it wasn't his first time in over his head on a job and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last damn time neither.

He started reading with the facts, the readings on what exactly was what, what the reality of the situation was. The reality pointed towards the storm veil project decreasing the total lower level accumulation, the total mist, and an increase in higher accumulation, meaning denser clouds and a more common chance of precipitation. This all tracks, but the meaning of this in terms of village culture seemed to have a different meaning as earlier sources. Apparently this upgrade was met with some skepticism at first, as well as some who presented other alternatives, scientists in the R&D department who's work was crucial to the creation of the storm veil, but as they were technically under these "failed" projects they received neither fame nor credit, and only got the shame attached with failure. Finishing the paper and research over some time, he decided to title it "The Storm Veil and Assossiated Failure's That Were Nothing But Needed."

WC: 502
TWC: 1,067
2nd mission Completed
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

First File: An Assortment of Tasks Empty Re: First File: An Assortment of Tasks

Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:33 am
Mission Details:
He had the research done in about two hours, then it was off to the next gig, from 4-5 pm he'd be set to do maintenance at the Kirigakure National Bank, a simple job like so many other he had on the docket today, in and out. Mac's tasks would be simple for the next hour he would be cleaning up the dirty books, checking the checks, and making sure all the locks were tight. Mac surveyed the huge doors to the vault at the center of the towering complex, that’d be the day, he thought to himself, looking at the huge container, don’t think I’d appreciate having a place like that all to my name, too much pressure, it’s got to be, I could have 2,000 ryo and I’d feel like it was burning a hole in my pocket and would do a better job burning that hole in my live, can only imagine how bad 2,000,000 ryo would go up, must be like thermite. Even with an iron will, no way that doesn’t burn through you faster than a farmer through corn. 

Mac finished up his interior sweep, making sure everything within the bank was in it’s right and orderly place, so with the interior all put in its right place, Mac did one last check in with the staff to guarantee his work with them was done in so far as he did the tasks inside to their satisfaction, and barring a few nags and minor complaints, they said he was good to go scout around the perimeter and report any suspicious actors or behavior to the front desk should he not prove capable of dispatching them himself. And so Mac was off, off to the outside, off to the rain, it was always raining, to go around and search for any conspicuous onlookers. 

It started with a figure just outside the front, they’d walk by, check out the available entrances, take a glance at all the shinobi scattered around serving as security, then continue down the street, only to turn their head, go down the street and about 3 minutes later come back around and repeat the same routine, Mac could tell it was the same person based on their yellow raincoat with purple polka dots, so he decided to confront them, see if he could get a good look at him for a detailed report.

Mac Approached the figure clad in yellow and purple, and got their attention with a strong “Hey you,” and to his surprise, who would turn around but the very same Thelma he had just helped earlier in the day with shopping was the suspicious figure that had caught his eye. “Oh, Thelma!” Mac exclaimed, “What are you doing around here?”

“Well… Mac, was it?” She would respond, Mac nodding to confirm, “I was looking for someone who could help me with banking, but all the shinobi around here look busy.”

“I can help you now Thelma,” Mac responded, “Was just about to finish up my shift anyway,” he would state, leading the old woman into the bank and assisting her with her errands before heading off to his next mission.

WC 533, TWC 1,600

Mission Complete
Stat Page : The Logs
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

First File: An Assortment of Tasks Empty Re: First File: An Assortment of Tasks

Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:40 pm
Mission Details:

Mac made his way outside of the bank, grimacing as he faced the rain before ducking below one of the public information kiosks to start searching again through his packet to pick out the next of his, what he had assumed would be, many missions, only to reveal a multiple page packet doubling the size of the previous papers all encapsulating one mission. This visual stunned Mac at first, assuming this meant that he was about to be in for one hell of a complicated and difficult task. Typical, wasn’t till the sun was far past set that he would have to do the serious work. Mac pulled the packet out from the folder, crumbling the envelope and tossing it away in the nearest trash bin, not like he was going to need the packet itself for when he turned all these missions in, and started reading the packet to see what this large duty would be.

Jesus christ, it’s that goddamned simple? Don’t see why you need thirty pages on this nonsense, Mac would think to himself, reading over the packet, this is all just information on all the sorts of different cuts of meat these dogs want, jesus. Guess fulfilling the mission means I got to go to a butchers and get this all sorted out but you’d think one could just make a list of meats to get, and a list of who gets what, don’t know why I gotta know what each of the dog’s favorite color is and what part of the human body they were trained to attack, but I suppose I should be especially be careful around those sensitive bits, would hate for chomper to get an extra bite with his meal as opposed to the bull testicles he normally consumes. 

Making his way to the butcher shop, Mac went over the distinguishing marks of the dogs he was to be feeding this evening, a no doubt ravenous band of mongrels starved from the day with minimal food, and a serious lack of protein. Arriving at the butcher shop, he would greet the meat man before beginning his order, “I’ll take a left leg from a lamb, the right from a horse, beef tongue-”  Mac would start, before the man behind the counter would cut him off, “Oh I know this order, trust me you aren’t the first person to be doing a dog run, hopefully you last longer than the last one, he didn’t turn out so great, but stay safe and you’ll be okay,” he would finish off plainly, handing over a bag of meat and a blank expression of, “Have a great day.”

Mac would finish off his day of missions by going to the kennels and start feeding each and every one of the dogs their prescribed meats, before turning into the mission centre to collect his rewards. Having collected the necessary ryo to continue his lifestyle, Mac would return to his home for the night, count his cash, and sleep for the next day of missions

WC: 508

TWC: 2,108
Mission Complete

Senses Beyond A Rank 2,108/2.5k
4k Ryo
20 AP
+21 Stats
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

First File: An Assortment of Tasks Empty Re: First File: An Assortment of Tasks

Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:40 pm
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