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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Ushering around the city (IO) Empty Ushering around the city (IO)

Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:24 pm
Tsume leaned against the gates to the palace, waiting and watching. Today was his first mission, so he wanted to do a good job to show his worth. The problem was how boring the job is, Tsume had the patience but Hakucho didn't, so the falcon stayed at home. Anyway, the mission was to make sure people knew where they needed to go. Tsume was waiting for his partner. It wasn't busy yet at the gate, it was early morning. The afternoon is the part that people worry about most. There would be a whole lot more people to arrive throughout the day. 

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Ushering around the city (IO) Empty Re: Ushering around the city (IO)

Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:57 pm
Today was going to be a simple day for Kotetsu. He had a mission to start things off. Nothing super serious, but it was a step in the direction he had wanted his career as a shinobi to take. His mission today would be to stand guard in front of the palace gates and make sure that people didn’t wander around that weren’t supposed to be there. Because he had a few missions under his belt, he was being assigned to assist a shinobi with their first mission. He had no problem helping out a fellow Hoshi-nin, it’s part of camraderie and building it. ‘I wonder who it is...’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he made his way out the door of his home. There weren’t many new Genin that Kotetsu was aware of, but that wasn’t surprising since he was fairly new as well.

Kotetsu makes his way over to the palace gates and beholds a familiar figure standing by the gates. “Hey there Tsume.”He says in greeting to the young shinobi from the Chokyoshi clan. “It’s good to see you again. Am I to assume this is your first mission that I’ll be assisting you with?” He asks with a smile. ‘At least it’s someone I know...’ Kotetsu thought to himself with a small sigh of relief. Kotetsu looks around for a few moments before asking Tsume, "Hey, where's Hachuko?" Referring to Tsume's winged companion. "I thought you two were almost always together."

WC: 245
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Ushering around the city (IO) Empty Re: Ushering around the city (IO)

Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:42 pm
Suddenly, Tsume heard the familiar voice. Kote. He greeted Tsume, the Chokyoshi greeted back. "Hi, Kotetsu." He waved. Thank goodness it's Kote. Tsume thought in relief. This would also give Tsume the chance to get to know Kot better. Kot then asked where Hakucho was. This made Tsume chuckle lightly. "He thought that it would be boring so he wanted to stay home and rest." Hakucho could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but Tsume still loved his best friend. 

The day went on normally. It wasn't blistering hot out like it would in the summer, but it was cold like winter yet. It was nice out. It was good and bad, it meant more people, but it wouldn't be uncomfortable doing the mission. One lady walked up to him and asked where the market was, so Tsume pointed to the directions to the market. Then a man asked where the best place to spend the night was. The Chokyoshi pointed the hotel nearest to the gates, he thanked the genin. Tsume just nodded back. This would go on for a while. The crowd wasn't huge, it was a nice decent size to not have such a problem controlling the crowd. 

It was becoming late afternoon, near the end of the shift. Tsume headed over to Kote's position. "Hey, after this, I think we should get some training done, just before nightfall." He invited. "Mission was super easy, so I still need a nice muscle strainer to get me to sleep." Tsume half-joked. He liked getting training before calling it a day but it wouldn't really help him sleep. Maybe Kote can help me find a nice wind style jutsu that could help with weapon combat, like chakra infusion. He waited for an answer. 
WC: 295
TWC: 398
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Ushering around the city (IO) Empty Re: Ushering around the city (IO)

Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:51 am
Tsume chuckled at what Kotetsu would assumed was his question. It definitely was from the response. ‘He figured the mission would be boring so he decided to stay home?’ Kotetsu thought to himself. That elicited a chuckle from Kotetsu as well. “That’s funny.” Kotetsu said to Tsume. “Good thing I’m here to back you up then.” He says with a grin.

Since Kotetsu was here more in an assistive capacity, he allowed Tsume to do the primary task involved in this mission; redirecting visitors and those who did not have business at the Palace. Kotetsu was there to make sure that should someone be a little more stubborn in their attempt to get past Tsume, he would have backup in case said individual was able to overpower Tsume. Thankfully, the day went by with no difficulty. There were several people that had stopped to ask for directions, all of which Tsume was able to re-direct with no issue at all. ‘Very easy day so far...’ Kotetsu thought to himself as the latest inquirer went off in the direction of the hotel. ‘I’d almost wish someone had given Tsume a hard time, it would have given me something to do. Oh well, ryo is ryo, regardless of how difficult or easy the mission was...’

As they neared the end of the shift, Tsume asked Kotetsu about training with him a little later today. ‘A little extra training definitely couldn’t hurt...’ Kotetsu thought to himself. “Certainly. I could definitely use some extra training.” He says to Tsume. With the shift basically over, Kotetsu nodded to Tsume. “I have a few errands to run. I’ll see you later today then.” He says with a wave. And with that, he heads off to the market district to pick up a few things for his family.


WC: 301
TWC: 546

500 Ryo
1 CD Post with Village Leader
546 WC towards Master of Winter (1991/2000)

Proof of progress for Master of Winter

Last edited by Kotetsu on Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Ushering around the city (IO) Empty Re: Ushering around the city (IO)

Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:30 pm
After Tsume asked Kote responded. He told Tsume that he had some errands but they could train later that day. The Chokyoshi smiled and nodded. "Sweet, Thanks, Kote." Tsume wasn't upset, he understood that people had to take care of themselves first. They both left the site at the same time. Kote headed to the market, Tsume headed to his home. Along the way, he was forming a wind arrow in his palm, a habit he picked up after he learned how to do it. The compressed wind chakra wasn't strong, but it would be helpful in the future once he could get a bow. 

Arriving at his home, he was greeted by an excited Hakucho. "Woah buddy, did you think I would die on my mission." He said at the falcon flew at his face and shrieked. "Don't worry about me, I can handle myself." He chuckles. "Anyway, I'm gonna wash up and eat, then we are going out the training field," Hakucho responded with a shriek of excitement. That made Tsume chuckle again.

500 Ryo
1 AP 
1 CD Post with village leader
Wind Release: Wind Arrow 500/500
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Ushering around the city (IO) Empty Re: Ushering around the city (IO)

Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:18 am
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