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Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max] Empty Re: Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max]

Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:30 pm
The secretary took the information and thanked the young lady. "You would be surprised how many people just stroll in here and head straight back to the Raikage's office." She would jot down some notes logging Kozue's information and then would send word back to the Raikage of the meeting waiting for him. Once that was done, the secretary would inform Kozue to go ahead back towards the office. 

Crawford sat at a chair in front of the office doors, facing the back of the chair and resting his arms on it while watching for anyone to approach the office. Seeing the young woman approach, the armed guard would stand up, "I take it you are Kozue. The little lord is waiting inside for you." And with that said he would open the door for the young lady and allow her entry into the office. 

Max would be sitting down at the desk that seemed far too large for the boy, stacks of paperwork to pour over sitting to his left. His attire was that of his formal Raikage robes, the hat sitting on the desk to his right. He would note  the entry of the young Jounin with a smile, "Greetings, Kozue. I am glad to see you. Please, take a seat." The boy would say, standing up and gesturing for the lady to sit in the open chair across from him. He would wait until she was seated before returning to his own.

"I am Max," he would say to the lady sitting across from him. Of course, she probably already knew this, but the boy was suddenly at a loss for words for some reason and wanted to introduce himself. "So, might I ask what brought you in to see me today?" His voice had a genuine softness and kindness behind every word. He would hope this meeting was a pleasant one, as he sought to speak one on one with all of his shinobi forces at some point. There was much to ask, but the boy would allow Kozue to speak her mind first.

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Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 500

Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max] Empty Re: Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max]

Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:32 am
Max would watch as Kozue sat down, the little lord then taking a seat after her. There was something about her… something that was throwing Max off. He was just about to begin to speak when she offered him a hug. Max hadn’t expected it, and it caught him a bit off guard. Most people didn’t see him as a normal child, one to be hugged and protected from the outside world. Most looked upon him with disgust before, and now that he had been Raikage people saw him as their leader even if they were a bit worried about his age.
“Yeah, I really could use a hug,” He would say with a nod. The young Raikage would then walk around the desk and outstretch his little arm for her embrace. It was a bit odd, to hug someone that you just met. Of course, Akihana hugged him the first time they met, and he ended up caring for her more than he could explain. Sometimes in this land of death and war something as simple as a hug could help remind us all that we were still human. While it may not be the ideal image of leadership, Akihana was a great queen and yet she still gave hugs to those that needed them.
Whether or not she followed through with her offer of a hug, Max would then return to his seat and ask “So how can I help you, Kozue? I admit I wasn’t entirely expecting you, but I am pretty glad you came. I have some things to ask you, but I will wait until you speak your mind about whatever it is you came here for.” Max would offer a kind, warmhearted smile at the young miss while waiting for her to speak.

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Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max] Empty Re: Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max]

Wed May 08, 2019 3:37 am
The hug was warm and soothing, something that helped ease him a great deal. His tension would melt away as the embrace helped him forget about his troubles, even if only for a mere moment.
Max would quietly listen as the lady relaxed and spoke of her troubles. Her manner of speech was a bit different from the norm, but Max could easily understand her meaning. “You come concerned that you would be judged harshly for your actions, I see. Know that I prefer to form my own opinions of people, and I am one to understand that people can change.” He of course knew that not all could, or more accurately, not all desired to do so.
“I seek to better understand my people. So,” He would say with a kind, soft smile across his face, “What specifically were you concerned with. I’ll admit that I have not gone over your file in detail as of yet, but I would love to hear what you have to say regarding the matter.” This was true, as Max had a great deal of work to do, and couldn’t get to every single file on his shinobi. “Based on what I do know, you are clearly a capable shinobi if you have climbed the ranks to Jounin status.” He would say, his words hiding nothing. Something about this lady brought ease to the mind of the young Raikage, but yet he couldn’t exactly place it.

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Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max] Empty Re: Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max]

Thu May 16, 2019 3:01 am
Max would listen, watching the young lady and her visual display of what her healing was capable of. There was a good deal of blood, but blood was something the boy had grown accustomed to at a very young age, his eyes would express his feelings of being impressed. While most medical specialists could do something similar, that didn't detract from the value of having another capable of rapidly healing at least their own wounds. 

"So you rush headfirst into danger. I can see how that would be... problematic for the pupils under you. If thrust into a bad position, many Genin would be lost and not know what to do. You don't have to worry much about your own injuries, but as a Jounin and a medical expert those that you do suffer won't be fatal and will heal rapidly. Genin just aren't equipped to handle those same levels of situations." Max would think back to his own Genin days, notably the attack on his team by Maku. None of them were prepared for such a fight, and they all nearly died for it. It may be best to keep her from being assigned a team...

"Someone of your skill can still be of great use, even if it is not mentoring the shinobi of tomorrow. There are plenty of missions and tasks that are best done without a team of Genin tagging along. High risk tasks are typically reserved for squads of Chuunin and Jounin. I can easily see you excelling in that sort of environment, where you don't have to keep as close an eye on those with you." Max would ponder for a moment what sorts of things these would be. There was the mission to Suna, but he couldn't send too many people without access to space and time ninjutsu. It would only increase the amount of risk and likelihood of casualty. 

"Depending on your medical capabilities, you can help in the efforts to revert those twisted by our former kage. Hato is currently trying to find a way to undo the transformation, though I am not sure such a thing is entirely possible." He would open his desk drawer, flipping to Hato's file and pulling it out. "She is also a medical shinobi. Perhaps she could learn a great deal from a capable Jounin like yourself." Max would slide the file over if asked for it, unsure if Kozue would be interested in more of a research role. 

"Of course, I also have intentions of testing the Genin and Chuunin here soon, and I have a task you could do in preparation for that, should you want to. I doubt it would be much trouble for you. Or you could simply beat the lower ranks into shape in preparation. How do any of these options sound?" Max would wait and see where the Senju would lean, if in any direction. She could of course desire to do something entirely different, in which case Max would gladly hear her out.

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Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max] Empty Re: Them Darn City Folk [IO,NK,Max]

Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:23 am
"I'm sure that you will do well. Check with Hato and see what progress she has made. That would likely be a good starting point." 

Max would nod, his head starting to pound. His vision was going blurry. Something was amiss, he just could be sure what at the moment. 

"I'm am sorry to cut this meeting short. I must rest my mind for a bit." Max would say, permitting Kozue to leave so that he may retire for the day. 


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