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Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:38 pm
Mission Details:

Isamu was surprised by the set of tasks set before him. Through his link with his creator, the artificial man had been informed that he was to report to an orphanage, that they needed help preparing food and cutting down some trees. The second job didn't sound too troubling, Isamu believed he was perhaps strong enough to cut a tree down now, but he had yet to cook anything himself. He didn't even know of any recipes, only ever having eaten some dried food provided by his creator or something prepared by a kind villager in his short travels through Moon Country.

Fortunately, it didn't seem that Isamu would be performing these missions alone. He would be joined by his sister as well as a couple of others who had been assisting the locals lately. Isamu was happy to be reunited with the young girl who had walked out of the portal with him into this world, he had been worried about her ever since she'd been captured by the monstrous-looking bandit folk who seemed be have swarmed the ruins of Tengakure. He wasn't sure who the others would be, but the creator informed Isamu that people would likely be getting put into groups of up to four when taking jobs now.

Isamu left the adoption center with his creator's dog following him, Lady no longer needed a leash to stay with Isamu after he had spent some time with the owner of the place being trained to care for the animal properly. The middle-aged-looking man and the dog walked at a brisk pace as they made their way to the orphanage, planning to meet the other members of the group there.

As Isamu walked he used his telepathic link with Hasumi to get updates on her as well, making sure that she knew where to go and that she was doing alright after having escaped the ruins. The artificial man was glad that his sister seemed to be doing alright, and found himself in a good mood as he arrived at the large building.

Isamu and the dog Lady made their way into the building, finding themselves greeted by several children and staff. The children quickly flocked to Lady, trying to pet the small dog as she quickly ran behind Isamu's legs to hide. The children seemed disappointed as Isamu informed them they'd have to wait for the dog to warm up to them before they could pet her, but thankfully they seemed to be quite respectful and didn't continue to pursue Lady.

The staff didn't seem too excited that Isamu had brought his dog with him but decided that as long as she didn't get into anything they'd be alright. Being quickly ushered into the kitchen Isamu found himself put to work. Thankfully it seemed several cooks from local restaurants had come to the kitchen to help prepare food as well so the artificial man didn't find himself preparing anything too impressive. He managed to assist in making Grilled cheese sandwiches at first, finding that simple and easy to do. He attempted to venture out from that and help with other things but unfortunately, he found himself making too many mistakes to be helpful. He had hoped that like most tasks he'd be able to look into his creator's memory link and find an experience to guide him but in this area, it seemed there wasn't much to find.

Isamu was informed he'd made plenty of food after an hour or so and then went out to help cut down the trees that were becoming overgrown. Thankfully some of the locals were willing to help with this task as well and had even gotten together rope and axes for them to use. Either a local or one of the others who'd been tasked with the job would climb up the tree and fasten the rope around the trunk far up so that several people could attempt to pull the tree to the side slightly as it fell. Isamu wasn't entirely sure about the merit of this idea, but he wasn't an experienced lumberjack so he chose not the say anything.

Isamu was given an axe and told to chop the tree on a side that would hopefully cause it to collapse away from the orphanage. As he hacked away at the base of the tree he heard some of the locals joking that the reason so much food was made was so that they could get the kids out of the orphanage in case they messed up. Isamu noticed a bunch of kids running around and eating food a bit of a ways away, it seemed that the food had been taken outside shortly after Isamu had left.

Eventually, Isamu managed to cut the tree down, and thankfully it fell away from the orphanage instead of crashing through the building. Whether or not the men pulling on the tree with a rope as it fell had been helping or just needlessly putting themselves in danger, Isamu still wasn't sure.

As he finished up Isamu found a well and drew some water to clean himself up with a little bit, getting a cloth wet and trying to wipe down some of the sweat from his face. As he finished up he went to find his sister and check up on her as well as make sure the others who had been hired were doing alright at the tasks assigned to them. If they ended up needing any help with cooking or cutting down a different tree then Isamu would do his best to help.

As the members of the group finished their tasks Isamu felt happy about a job well done, glad that he was able to help the young children of this country he'd been born into. While he stood there, happy with himself, he and the others were approached by an innkeeper who had helped with the cooking. The man quickly explained that he saw how well the group handled the trees and felt that they were all fairly capable individuals. He hoped that perhaps they could help him deal with a rowdy bunch of patrons that had been causing issues at his establishment lately. There had been a few fights recently, and it was starting to impact the man's reputation. He then specifically said that he wanted one particular man, easily identifiable by his white hair, to be beaten to show the group a lesson. Whether or not the others got the same treatment didn't matter to the innkeeper, but he wanted the white-haired man to be dragged out of the establishment and feel sore at work the next day.

Isamu felt that there was something personal in the targeting of the particular white-haired man but chose not to ask about the situation. Instead, he sent a telepathic message to his creator, who informed Isamu that so long as he got paid and no one was killed it sounded like a decent job to take. Deciding to take his creator's word for it Isamu began to negotiate pay with the innkeeper. Initially, the man wanted to pay for the service as a single job, but the artificial man felt that the targeting of the white-haired man in particular warranted additional payment.

The innkeeper eventually relented and Isamu was glad that he managed to secure more payment for their group. With Lady still following close to him the middle-aged-looking man began to travel towards the inn with his sister and whoever else traveled with them. Thankfully Lady was a smart dog and had remained either close to Isamu or off to the side during the previous job they had just completed. The dog hadn't gotten close to being hit by a fallen tree or anything, and Isamu was thankful that his creator hadn't gotten an unruly animal that constantly caused him issues.

Isamu wondered how he should go about handling the white-haired man as he and his companions made their way to the nearby village. While Isamu felt that his body had gotten strong he felt he had little basis as to what the average strength of a human was. Could they all move quickly, and simply choose not to like his creator and now himself, or was that something special? And if that level of ability was special, how much so? Isamu had been led to believe that those sent to assist him and his sister were capable people as well, but he had no clue if any of the individuals they were interacting with now had any sort of powers.

Isamu tried to look into his memory link with his creator to find useful techniques, but fortunately, he found few that would be useful to him. His creator was mostly a healer, as far as he was aware, and while he had performed ninjutsu in the past his knowledge of it had waned over the years. Isamu wished he could access some of those older memories but for now, they seemed to be beyond him.

It was about midday when the artificial man and his companions reached the inn. Isamu was a bit worried at first, thinking that they'd have to wait until the evening for the drunkards to show up, but as they drew close the sound of poorly performed music and loud crashing noises would greet them.

Isamu entered the inn after taking a deep breath, his piercing blue eyes quickly scanning the room and picking out a white-haired individual. Grabbing a finished plate from a nearby abandoned table, Isamu flung it like a Frisby at the man's head to test his reflexes and see if he was a threat. As the Frisby flung from his left hand he picked up a fork and knife with his right, preparing to toss those to if the man suddenly burst into high-speed movement. That didn't happen however, and Isamu washed with a bit of surprise as the plate smashed into the man's head and broke into pieces, the man stumbling and falling to the ground as he was concussed.

The man's friends quickly jumped out of their seats and looked towards the source of the thrown plate, some fumbling due to their drunken state. Isamu stood tall and stared them down, hoping to intimidate them in case they happened to be powerful. "The Innkeeper says you all need to fuck off and go home, and if he wakes up you need to let him know he's banned."

As Isamu finished speaking the white-haired man groaned and attempted to get back to his feet, the white hair on the back of his head starting to get stained red as he began to bleed a bit. Some of the other men began to help him get up, and he slowly turned to face Isamu and the others as he tried to focus his vision on them. "Fuck you, you cowardly piece of shit. Gonna try and take me out from behind, let's see what you've got."

The white-haired man was slow to advance but his friends weren't. They quickly rushed toward Isamu and his companions, and a fight quickly broke out within the bar. Isamu did his best to occupy as many of the drunkards as possible, making sure to disengage from whoever he was fighting and helping Hasumi if she needed it. He'd do the same if his other companions needed help as well, but if they proved capable he would stick to beating up the individuals in front of him using quick jabs and making sure to maneuver away from them.

Eventually, the rowdy group of individuals would be beaten and subdued. Isamu only used his fists so he didn't leave any lasting damage besides the blow to the head of the white-haired man, but as he'd been specifically targeted Isamu felt he'd been correct to do that.

Isamu found another well to clean himself from as he let Hasumi and the others deal with payment for this job, making sure he didn't smell like a sweaty mess. His robes were a bit damp but he supposed he'd have to find time to clean them soon.

As he finished getting clean he came back to find that they had another job. The innkeeper had a business associate who needed help delivering some products and needed the wagon guarded just in case the monstrous bandits appeared. They hadn't been spotted anywhere along the route the wagon was taking but the man didn't want to take any chances.

Isamu decided that the job didn't sound too difficult, and if there were bandits in this part of the country he was sure his creator would want to hear about it. He accepted and had Lady hop into the wagon as he and whoever else accepted made their way down the road.

Thankfully this journey proved to be fairly peaceful, with no signs of bandit activity cropping up at all. Isamu found himself enjoying the tranquil landscape of Moon country as they made their way through a couple of small settlements, spending most of the day guarding the merchant's wares as he made deals. As they traveled people asked about the bandits and if any had been seen nearby, informing Isamu and his companions of what they knew as well. It seemed there had been some sightings but they hadn't been substantiated yet, so there was an air of worry in many of the places they traveled through. Eventually, however, they would reach their destination and Isamu helped unload the products into the warehouse where they were being dropped off. It didn't take too long for him to finish the task, and the artificial man found it to be early in the evening by the time he was done.

Getting himself cleaned up once more he'd then find Hasumi before looking for a place to stay within this settlement he'd never visited before. He'd have to make sure the place had 2 beds and was friendly with dogs. He, his sister, and Lady would say goodbye to their other companions and head off.




Mission Rewards
10,000 Ryo, 50 AP

WC Claims
23 points into speed
Augmentation for 2,000
Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden 354/1,000 for second mastery, going for no handseals

Modified Totals
Total Stats: 133+23=156
Speed: 50+23=73
Ryo: 6,000+10,000=16,000
Bonus AP: 130+50=180

Last edited by Isamu Hayato on Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:19 pm
Hasumi felt much better after having spent some time away from those ruins she'd been created in. The outfit she was wearing wasn't ideal to her tastes, a sundress that made her less likely to get overheated in the tropical climate, but she had to admit she wasn't sweating as badly as she had while wearing her baggy clothes. She'd had to learn to adjust to the climate of this area and the clothes she'd need to wear but felt it would take her some time.

The young teenager walked down a dirt path towards some orphanage her brother and creator had told her about. The people there needed assistance and were willing to pay, so she figured she might as well do what she could to help. She was more excited to be reunited with her brother than anything. She hadn't known how to feel about the quiet middle-aged-looking man when they had first been born but had come to respect and admire him after he had attempted to rescue her from the ruins of Tengakure. She wasn't sure if she would ever be able to call her creator father but she knew that Isamu was her brother.

Hasumi arrived at the orphanage sometime after Isamu but quickly found herself in the same kitchen. Some of the women on the staff were appalled to hear that Hasu had no experience with cooking and took the time to teach Hasumi some basic things. Some of them watched over Hasumi as they handed her a knife and had her try and chop up ingredients, informing her of all the ways she was messing up and doing their best to help her start doing it the right way. Hasumi found herself a bit irritated with the experience, especially when she noticed that Isamu kept getting sent to do easy tasks whenever he screwed up.

Some of the cooks tried to get Hasumi to stay when Isamu left to go cut down the trees outside but Hasu said she was going to do that job too, and ushered Lady to follow her as she went to go after her brother. Even though Lady hadn't been trained with Hasumi at all the dog quickly followed the young girl outside.

When she got outside Hasumi realized this job was going to be a bit difficult for her. She didn't know any techniques yet and she wasn't strong enough to wield an axe. Noticing that a bunch of people were planning on trying to pull the tree away from the orphanage as it fell she opted to join up with that group and help them. As Isamu finished cutting down the tree Hasu and some others pulled it slightly to the side to make sure it was completely clear of the orphanage. Not even the branches scraped the walls of the building as the looming tree fell over. Hasumi wondered how dangerous that was, figuring that the tree could have at the very least caused serious injury to her and some of the others pulling at it if it had ended up falling directly towards them. More than likely it would have killed them.

When the innkeeper approached about dealing with a rowdy bunch Hasumi had to admit she wasn't too excited about it. She didn't think she was that good in a fight and didn't think that most people would find her intimidating. However, it seemed like Isamu was more than willing to accept the task. He didn't even seem to question why the white-haired man needed to be beaten but not the others, which did bother Hasumi somewhat. She made sure to send a mental message berating him, but Isamu seemed to ignore it as he instead negotiated for higher pay for the group.

As her brother finished his negotiations Hasumi decided to ask the innkeeper why the white-haired man needed to be hurt. She expected him to be reluctant to hand out information like he had been with Isamu, but he quickly began informing Hasumi about his issues. He told her that his wife had cheated on him with the white-haired man and he needed some form of vengeance. He looked at Hasu with sad eyes as he explained the nature of the affair and how the white-haired man and his crew taunt him every day while forcing the innkeeper to serve them.

Hasu felt bad for the innkeeper for what had happened to him but wasn't sure if that made her okay with beating up the white-haired man and his friends. She supposed it would be something she would better understand with time, as currently, she didn't have much of a basis to work off except for limited memories from her creator.

Hasumi followed Isamu and Lady down the road and towards the next job. If they were joined by others she would attempt to make small talk with them and try to learn who they were. She'd introduce herself as just Hasumi, and explain that she was a captive of the bandits in Tengakure that recently managed to escape.

Once they arrived at the inn Hasumi noticed her brother take a deep breath before entering. She emulated him, taking a deep breath herself in an attempt to steel her nerves and help her calm down. She didn't think it worked though as she still felt anxious as she stepped into the inn. She noticed that her brother didn't seem to be fazed at all however, and watched as he picked up a plate and perfectly flung it towards the man who seemed to be the target. Hasumi watched as the man was taken down, flinching slightly at the sight.

For a moment it seemed like Isamu had taken the man down with a single hit, but he slowly got up as his friends all stood and got ready for a fight. Hasumi looked around the inn as things became more tense, hoping that she wouldn't be getting herself into too much trouble here.

Believing that her physical blows would be useless Hasumi opted to try and use a technique against the white-haired man and a large man next to him. She did 3 hand seals at 20 speed and jumped atop one of the tables of the inn, getting the targets to look towards him before she activated the technique. To everyone else, it would seem as though Hasumi and the men were having some sort of strange staring contest, but to the two men, it seemed as if the entire inn had erupted into a flower garden. They stood there in awe until either Isamu or one of the other companions approached and attacked them, upon which point the white-haired man found himself moving incredibly slow and completely unable to block any blows coming his way.

With that task done Hasumi thought that they'd be finished for the day, but she soon found out from Isamu that there'd be one last job. The young girl sighed as she hopped into the wagon with Lady, deciding that she would likely rest in the wagon for the entire journey instead of walking and getting herself tired.

As they traveled Hasumi leaned against the rails of the wagon, resting her head on her arms and looking out towards the tropical landscape of Moon as they went from village to village. While the temperature was a lot Hasumi had to admit that the country was beautiful, and perhaps if she could get used to wearing dresses and things like that then she'd come to like the country more.

As they arrived at their destination Hasumi proved to be little help moving the products into the warehouse, only able to move the lightest things compared to the other companions. After they finished the job she followed her brother and Lady into the village to try and find accommodations.




Mission Rewards
10,000 Ryo, 50 AP
Doubled due to Beloved Presence

WC Claims
13 Vigor
Mastering Genjutsu Release for no hand seals, 250 words
Mastering Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden for half hand seals, 1,000 words

Modified Totals
Bonus AP: 120+50+50=220
Total Stats:135+13=148
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:35 pm
So much time has been spent navigating the wilds of the island. In recent days, he has become more reckless, getting ever closer to the ruins of Tengakure. He had been getting closer to a few of their hives, small openings in the earth within the forest that were filled with the bandits, some of them misshapen and malformed, resembling that of different animals in a sick sort of way. He didn't care much for their lives, so whenever he would see a few that were out in the open, then he would use that time to exterminate them, and sneak away. He didn't care if he killed enough of them, the only thing he cared for was instilling a sense of fear within their pathetic souls.

He had been asked by Ren to go to the orphanage to help them with a few tasks that needed done, and if there were any others within the orphanage that needed help, to provide it. He hated the idea of helping the orphanage. Mainly because it wasn't hunting down bandits, which was the only thing that truly brought him joy. But of course, he was trying to get ever closer to his true target Junko, trying to get her guard down, so he would use this as another opportunity to simply get a little closer. The snake knows when to strike, and the fox has his cunning. Luckily for Kitsu, he felt he was a mixture of them both.

He walked through the forests, in a set of fresh clothes. Ren told him that he wouldn't be allowed to enter with his usual blood-covered attire, so he had to change and wash up. He wasn't sure why the sight of blood was such an off putting thing to people, it was a natural thing, blood. But regardless he was told to change, so he did.

When he arrived at the orphanage, there were two others that were standing and waiting for him. He also saw that his fellow clone, Sakoshi was getting there at the same time as he was. "Wonderful." He would think to himself sarcastically. He was going to have to deal with others as well as the job at hand and it was certainly not something he was particularly fond of. But he grinned and he would dedicate himself to bearing it all the same, no matter the obstacles that now lie in his way.

The two that were standing there already seemed an odd pair, one even had a dog with them. He would shrug and give a feint wave hello to them, and asked if they were to enter now or wait. When they began heading into the building, he would follow. They were flocked by a bunch of children and staff. The dog would hide behind its owner's legs, and Kitsu could understand the pull to do so. He would barely smile at the children, and he would greet the staff asking what jobs they needed done.

He didn't care for children, liked the dog far more than any of these bags of flesh that scambled around before him. The staff was quick to give them work, which Kitsu appreciated. They followed the staff members to the kitchen, where they were tasked with cooking. Kitsu saw the process that was being done, and he began to follow the process to the T. He would assemble the sandwiches, butter the bread and slap it on the griddle. After a few minutes, he would flip the sandwiches over to the other side, and he would see that they were done.

He continued this process until the food was all cooked. There was more food than what they needed, or so he thought. So when no one was looking, he grabbed a sandwich for himself and ate it quickly as to not get caught. He would then be led out of the kitchen and into the courtyard to start cutting down some trees that had begun to grow too much for them to deem them worthy of life, or something to that effect, he would be lying if he would say that he was listening to every word that they would be saying to him.

They gave him an axe, and some rope and then told him to head on out and start cutting down the trees. He hated this job, it was bad enough that they had to cut down the original trees that were here far before this stupid orphanage was, but now he was having to cut down the very trees that were trying to reclaim a place that was theirs to begin with. But. He needed to help his goal of getting closer to Junko, the ultimate plan of the spirits, so that seemed to be more important than the lives of these beautiful trees.

For an hour or so, they would murder the beautiful trees and be led to the next task, which was a little more entertaining to his ears. A local innkeeper would speak on the fact that he was having troubles dealing with his own problems, taking the form of a rowdy bunch of patrons that needed some dealing with. Kitsu would ask if they needed to be killed, to which the innkeeper's face would flush with terror. He would say no, and Kitsu would smile and bow slightly and accept the job anyway.

The group would arrive at around midday to the inn that was in question. They would quickly find the very individuals that needed dealt with, the white-haired man in particular. This "Isamu" man, he had learned the name in passing but through direct communication, decided to go all out on the improvised weapon plan. But Kitsu had a different plan. He summoned an arrow from a trick pocket, flung his bow around him in one fluid motion, and he fired a good clean shot directly through his ear, ripping it off in the same motion. The arrow would travel through the man's ear and puncture into the man behind him's leg. He would quickly do the same thing to his other ear, and he would watch as the white-haried man would quickly go into shock.

The others would begin to rush out of their seat, but Kitsu would simply pull another arrow from his trick pocket, but this time it would be three. He would smile and speak with a cheerful disposition. "Good afternoon guys. Bleeding from the ear can be stopped and it will be very likely that he will live. But," He would lower his bow to aim at their genitals, "If I am to take out each of your testicles, then you'd die far before I would let anyone heal your wounds. Truth be told. I would rather watch you bleed out on the floor, crying for your god or whatever to save you, but that won't happen. Instead, you'll die a slow and painful death and the last thing you'll see is me prying the eyes from your sockets as I laugh at your meaningless lives. So truly if you want to live through that and throw away what's left of your dignity to the hands of a simple archer, then please, give me a reason to simply loose these arrows."

His smile would widen, and his eyes would be filled with a blood-curdling joy as he watched them contemplate their actions. The group would be subdued and they would leave with their leader in tow. Kitsu would stop them, requesting his arrow back from the man's leg, to which he would oblige. Kitsu would thank them all for their cooperation as they walked away.

Now Kitsu thought he was done for the day, but of course it couldn't have been so easy. Instead, the innkeeper came back to the group and had asked them to watch over a wagon of goods as it went through the landscape of Moon country to a neighboring town. Kitsu would groan as he truly didn't want to, nor did he care. But he would oblige the request after gathering his arrows.

The last job that they had to perform was simple, and there was no real issues in the way. They didn't have to deal with any bandits along the routes, and the rowdy patrons that they had dispatched weren't stupid enough to try for retribution, unfortunately. Kitsu would simply sit on the wagon, and he would contemplate the death of Junko some more. He had picture how he was going to do it. She always seemed to have people with her, so a simple getaway would be difficult. But the worst of it all, would be that damned Ren. That fucker had his chakra signature and a means to teleport to him whenever he would choose. So if he tried a quick getaway, then he would get found in a second. He was going to have to be sly, he was going to have to be cunning. But knew the time would come to him soon.

The wagon arrived at its destination, and he would hop off. He would wave to the others, but he wouldn't bother with words between them. He simply walked off with Sakoshi in tow. He wasn't entirely sure just what any of what he did today really proved. The jobs were pointless and he had to spend hours of his day killing innocent trees. But he was happy that he at least got to torture some rowdy patrons. The thought of the man in shock did bring him and Sakoshi some laughs, and a memory that he would hold dear.

WC: 1611
TWC: 1611

Completion of 5 D rank missions
+20k Ryo
+100 AP

WC Claims:
+1500 towards Block (complete)
+32 AP
+111 towards mastering Imitation Black Hole (111/2500) Mastering for half hand seals

Total AP production = 132 AP
Current Bonus AP once this is approved = 704
Bonus AP after this thread is approved = 836

Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:42 pm
Sakoshi wasn't sure just what he was wanted to do. He couldn't do a whole bunch right now. He was nothing more than a simple villager at this point. But regardless, Ren still wanted him to go meet his fellow clone at the orphanage to help with whatever tasks they may have. He had been practicing with his telepathy seal. The first and only seal he really knew how to operate at this point. He had applied it to a few of the other villagers over by Junko's house, mostly whatever women he felt the desire to be able to speak with whenever he felt like.

There wasn't much that he truly cared about, but he did care about children. They were going to make the next generation and all that. So he decided that he was going to accept the call for him to join with Kitsu and whoever else decided to join them on their mission. There was lots to do and he was on his way to begin doing those things, he guessed. The morning would start with the request, but it would continue with Sakoshi kind of lounging and lazing about. He would wander the village's streets for a just a little while before heading over to the orphanage.

He began walking through the village streets to head to the orphanage, and a thought struck him as he walked. The idea of Kitsu helping a bunch of kids, it just didn't sit right. It made him laugh at the mere thought of Kitsu doing something like reading them a story or something. There was just soemthing about the guy that screamed that he hated kids, and pretty much anything else jolly and worthy of joy. But maybe this would open his eyes to children and the joy that they could be? Or maybe he'll end up eating one of them, either way it was worth it to watch.

Sakoshi would arrive at the orphanage, and he was seeing that he would arrive at the same time as Kitsu. He was shocked when he saw him not covered in the blood of his foes, so he figured he was forced to change by Ren, or maybe Junko. There was a strange infatuation he had with Junko. Whenever he would be around her, Sakoshi could feel a strange sense coming from Kitsu, almost as if he was hunting her. But he decided to pay it no mind for the time being.

The other two that seemed to be waiting for him were fine, one had a dog. It was pretty cool. Sakoshi figured that petting the dog was out of the question, so he just decided to nod and wave hi to those that were standing there waiting for what seemed like them. Sakoshi would greet the other members of their little squad, and they would all enter the orphanage. Sakoshi had his eyes planted completely on Kitsu, knowing that this would be hilarious and when they entered, he was not disappointed.

Kitsu's face was priceless as the children began to swarm their location, seeming to be excited about the dog that was in their midst. The dog would cower behind the owner, which made sense to him. He couldn't get his eyes off of Kitsu. He would laugh every time his body would move because he looked to be in physical pain just at the mere sight of the children surrounding him. They would all be guided into the kitchen where they would begin taking care of the first task that they had planned for them, which was making sandwiches for the children.

Sakoshi had no objections to this, but he could tell that Kitsu was hating his life at the moment, which only made Sakoshi's enjoyment that much more serene. He would gladly have them walk the group over to the kitchen, and he put himself in charge of assembling the sandwiches. One by one, he would start buttering the bread, putting it on the griddle for his fellow clone Kitsu, who would proceed to glare at him. But he was too busy completely enjoying his hatred to care about the side eye he was getting.

For a while, he would continue this process until the job was done, meaning that all of the sandwiches were made and the children were able to eat their meals. He would begin following the staff out of the kitchen and towards their next task, when he would glance back to Kitsu, who was currently devouring a sandwich for the kids. Sakoshi would shake his head, then proceed to laugh at his selfishness. They would all be guided out of the orphanage and into the courtyard where there were some trees that were overgrown and causing a bit of an issue for the safety of the children.

He would accept the axe that he was given, but he did inform them that he would be very poor at the process of using his strength or speed to actually make a difference. So he offered instead that he would belong to the group that would work the wood splitter to cut the wood down into usable firewood for the orphanage's fireplaces that they had within the building. He was given the go ahead for his plan, so he would go over to the wood splitter, load it and start splitting it with the wedge that was attached to it.

This would continue for a couple of hours, but when they were finished, he was hoping that the day's jobs were done. It was nearing noon, and he was getting tired from all this work that he was doing. But his hopes for the sweet release from this job were dashed when he heard one of the men who had helped with the cutting of the trees that their help was also needed for a job dealing with some rather rowdy and rambunctious patrons in his inn. He guessed that they were causing some damage to the inn and being an overall problem.

The story seemed a bit odd when the innkeeper wanted them to focus on the white-haired individual. But of course, in his usual fashion, he ignored it and just carried on with his life. He would follow the group to the inn that was in question. On the way there, he tried to talk with the two he had never met. He knew that Kitsu wasn't much for conversation, but he had hoped that these two would be different. If they would be amenable to the conversation, then they would have a pleasant talk about various topics ranging from the weather to anything philosophical or poetic.

Also while they were walking, Sakoshi tried to communicate with the other three how they were going to handle the individuals. The two strangers seemed to have an idea of how they wanted to handle the situatoin, talking about intimidation and the like, but Kitsu didn't say a word. He just simply had an evil smile across his face, with his entire body radiating this sense of being sinister and maliciousness. Sakoshi was more excited than anything to just see how he was going to handle the situation.

When they opened the door. Two things happened at once, one of the strangers had thrown a plate like a frisbee at the white haired man, but immediately after the plate would make contact, two arrows, one right after another would make contact with the man's ears, ripping them off completely. Sakoshi didn't even need to turn around to know who had fired off the perfectly placed shots. The man's screams tore through the air around them, before his body would go into shock and he would just begin to grunt uncontrollably. The men that surrounded the white haired guy would leap from their chairs, but would immediately stop when they saw Kitsu draw the next three arrows.

Kitsu would say Kitsu things, which ultimately caused the poor patrons to cower and take their friend out of the establishment. Sakoshi would laugh at the entire situation, finding it somewhat humorous at the idea of the man now living the rest of it with no ears. "Kitsu, you're a bastard." He would joke. Kitsu would look to Sakoshi, "You're right." He would say in a rather neutral tone. Sakoshi would shrug and nod his head before the innkeeper would enter the building. He would walk up to them and thank them for the work that was done.

Sakoshi would bow to the man and tell him it was no problem, and apologized for the pools of blood on the floor. The man would then ask them to complete one more job for them today. Sakoshi would groan, not wanting to be doing anything else. But he was told that they were wanted to watch over a wagon that was supposed to be going to a neighboring town. It was exactly the type of job that Sakoshi didn't want to do, but he would do it anyway.

He would hop on the wagon, and he would try to make the most of it by watching the landscapes that they would be passing. Luckily for them, or in the case that they were with Kitsu, luckily for the bandits they didn't come across anyone hostile throughout the trip. It seemed to carry on just fine and there wasn't any issues with the delivery either. They had arrived at their destination with the wagon intact, delivered the goods, and they were on to the next town. The travel to the next town seemed to pass by even slower than the travel to the first town, meaning he was just bored as can be throughout the trip, but thankfully it would be over somewhat soon. He would hop off the wagon and say goodbye to the two strangers before he began walking with Kitsu back to Junko's home.

The sun was beginning to set and it looked like they were going to be walking in the dark. This wasn't a problem, but it did mean that pretty much his entire day was sucked out of him by these jobs. He moaned about it for a moment, then he got over it as they arrived at Junko's home and he went to sleep.

WC: 1722
TWC: 1722

Completion of 5 D rank missions
+20k ryo
+100 AP

WC claims:
+17 Chakra
+1724 towards Barrier Seal (1724/2500)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:51 pm
Isamu Hayato wrote:[spoiler=Mission Details]


Mission Rewards
10,000 Ryo, 50 AP

WC Claims
23 points into speed
Augmentation for 2,000
Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden 354/1,000 for second mastery, going for no handseals

Modified Totals
Total Stats: 133+23=156
Speed: 50+23=73
Ryo: 6,000+10,000=16,000
Bonus AP: 130+50=180
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:52 pm
Hasumi Hayato wrote:



Mission Rewards
10,000 Ryo, 50 AP
Doubled due to Beloved Presence

WC Claims
13 Vigor
Mastering Genjutsu Release for no hand seals, 250 words
Mastering Demonic Illusion: Flower Garden for half hand seals, 1,000 words

Modified Totals
Bonus AP: 120+50+50=220
Total Stats:135+13=148
Approved (The ryo would be 20,000 due to beloved presence not 10,000 for future reference you are approved to add the 20,000)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:53 pm
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 1611
TWC: 1611

Completion of 5 D rank missions
+20k Ryo
+100 AP

WC Claims:
+1500 towards Block (complete)
+32 AP
+111 towards mastering Imitation Black Hole (111/2500) Mastering for half hand seals

Total AP production = 132 AP
Current Bonus AP once this is approved = 704
Bonus AP after this thread is approved = 836

Approved (Make sure to mention why the rewards are being doubled, I know its because of Beloved presence but it will make future approvals easier)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Odd Jobs for Odd Folk Empty Re: Odd Jobs for Odd Folk

Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:54 pm
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 1722
TWC: 1722

Completion of 5 D rank missions
+20k ryo
+100 AP

WC claims:
+17 Chakra
+1724 towards Barrier Seal (1724/2500)
Approved (Same as above with mentioning why the stuff is being doubled, Also please add your stat page to your profile when you get a chance. Thank you)
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